blob: 5de6cb3560e1a570032f20b84177b4cd6c35e2f4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILCombiner.h ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// A port of LLVM's InstCombiner to SIL. Its main purpose is for performing
// small combining operations/peepholes at the SIL level. It additionally
// performs dead code elimination when it initially adds instructions to the
// work queue in order to reduce compile time by not visiting trivially dead
// instructions.
#include "swift/SIL/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstructionWorklist.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ClassHierarchyAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ProtocolConformanceAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/CastOptimizer.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/Existential.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/InstOptUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace swift {
class AliasAnalysis;
/// This is a class which maintains the state of the combiner and simplifies
/// many operations such as removing/adding instructions and syncing them with
/// the worklist.
class SILCombiner :
public SILInstructionVisitor<SILCombiner, SILInstruction *> {
AliasAnalysis *AA;
DominanceAnalysis *DA;
/// Determine the set of types a protocol conforms to in whole-module
/// compilation mode.
ProtocolConformanceAnalysis *PCA;
/// Class hierarchy analysis needed to confirm no derived classes of a sole
/// conforming class.
ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA;
/// Worklist containing all of the instructions primed for simplification.
SmallSILInstructionWorklist<256> Worklist;
/// A cache of "dead end blocks" through which all paths it is known that the
/// program will terminate. This means that we are allowed to leak
/// objects.
DeadEndBlocks deadEndBlocks;
/// Variable to track if the SILCombiner made any changes.
bool MadeChange;
/// If set to true then the optimizer is free to erase cond_fail instructions.
bool RemoveCondFails;
/// Set to true if some alloc/dealloc_stack instruction are inserted and at
/// the end of the run stack nesting needs to be corrected.
bool invalidatedStackNesting = false;
/// The current iteration of the SILCombine.
unsigned Iteration;
/// Builder used to insert instructions.
SILBuilder &Builder;
/// Cast optimizer
CastOptimizer CastOpt;
SILCombiner(SILOptFunctionBuilder &FuncBuilder, SILBuilder &B,
AliasAnalysis *AA, DominanceAnalysis *DA,
ProtocolConformanceAnalysis *PCA, ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA,
bool removeCondFails)
: AA(AA), DA(DA), PCA(PCA), CHA(CHA), Worklist("SC"),
deadEndBlocks(&B.getFunction()), MadeChange(false),
RemoveCondFails(removeCondFails), Iteration(0), Builder(B),
FuncBuilder, nullptr /*SILBuilderContext*/,
/* ReplaceValueUsesAction */
[&](SILValue Original, SILValue Replacement) {
replaceValueUsesWith(Original, Replacement);
/* ReplaceInstUsesAction */
[&](SingleValueInstruction *I, ValueBase *V) {
replaceInstUsesWith(*I, V);
/* EraseAction */
[&](SILInstruction *I) { eraseInstFromFunction(*I); }) {}
bool runOnFunction(SILFunction &F);
void clear() {
Iteration = 0;
MadeChange = false;
/// A "syntactic" high level function that combines our insertPt with the main
/// builder's builder context.
/// Since this is syntactic and we assume that our caller is passing in a
/// lambda that if we inline will be eliminated, we mark this function always
/// inline.
/// What is nice about this formulation is it enables one to really concisely
/// create a SILBuilder that uses the SILCombiner's builder context but at a
/// different use point. Example:
/// SILBuilderWithScope builder(insertPt);
/// builder.createInst1(insertPt->getLoc(), ...);
/// builder.createInst2(insertPt->getLoc(), ...);
/// builder.createInst3(insertPt->getLoc(), ...);
/// auto *finalValue = builder.createInst4(insertPt->getLoc(), ...);
/// Thats a lot of typing! Instead, using this API, one can write:
/// auto *finalValue = withBuilder(insertPt, [&](auto &b, auto l) {
/// b.createInst1(l, ...);
/// b.createInst2(l, ...);
/// b.createInst3(l, ...);
/// return b.createInst4(l, ...);
/// });
/// Since this is meant to be just be syntactic, we always inline this method.
SingleValueInstruction *
withBuilder(SILInstruction *insertPt,
llvm::function_ref<SingleValueInstruction * (SILBuilder &, SILLocation)> visitor) {
SILBuilderWithScope builder(insertPt, Builder);
return visitor(builder, insertPt->getLoc());
// Insert the instruction New before instruction Old in Old's parent BB. Add
// New to the worklist.
SILInstruction *insertNewInstBefore(SILInstruction *New,
SILInstruction &Old) {
return Worklist.insertNewInstBefore(New, Old);
// This method is to be used when an instruction is found to be dead,
// replaceable with another preexisting expression. Here we add all uses of I
// to the worklist, replace all uses of I with the new value, then return I,
// so that the combiner will know that I was modified.
void replaceInstUsesWith(SingleValueInstruction &I, ValueBase *V) {
return Worklist.replaceInstUsesWith(I, V);
// This method is to be used when a value is found to be dead,
// replaceable with another preexisting expression. Here we add all
// uses of oldValue to the worklist, replace all uses of oldValue
// with newValue.
void replaceValueUsesWith(SILValue oldValue, SILValue newValue) {
Worklist.replaceValueUsesWith(oldValue, newValue);
void replaceInstUsesPairwiseWith(SILInstruction *oldI, SILInstruction *newI) {
Worklist.replaceInstUsesPairwiseWith(oldI, newI);
// Some instructions can never be "trivially dead" due to side effects or
// producing a void value. In those cases, since we cannot rely on
// SILCombines trivially dead instruction DCE in order to delete the
// instruction, visit methods should use this method to delete the given
// instruction and upon completion of their peephole return the value returned
// by this method.
SILInstruction *eraseInstFromFunction(SILInstruction &I,
SILBasicBlock::iterator &InstIter,
bool AddOperandsToWorklist = true) {
Worklist.eraseInstFromFunction(I, InstIter, AddOperandsToWorklist);
MadeChange = true;
// Dummy return, so the caller doesn't need to explicitly return nullptr.
return nullptr;
// Erases \p inst and all of its users, recursively.
// The caller has to make sure that all users are removable (e.g. dead).
void eraseInstIncludingUsers(SILInstruction *inst);
SILInstruction *eraseInstFromFunction(SILInstruction &I,
bool AddOperandsToWorklist = true) {
SILBasicBlock::iterator nullIter;
return eraseInstFromFunction(I, nullIter, AddOperandsToWorklist);
void addInitialGroup(ArrayRef<SILInstruction *> List) {
/// Base visitor that does not do anything.
SILInstruction *visitSILInstruction(SILInstruction *I) { return nullptr; }
/// Instruction visitors.
SILInstruction *visitReleaseValueInst(ReleaseValueInst *DI);
SILInstruction *visitRetainValueInst(RetainValueInst *CI);
SILInstruction *visitPartialApplyInst(PartialApplyInst *AI);
SILInstruction *visitApplyInst(ApplyInst *AI);
SILInstruction *visitBeginApplyInst(BeginApplyInst *BAI);
SILInstruction *visitTryApplyInst(TryApplyInst *AI);
SILInstruction *optimizeStringObject(BuiltinInst *BI);
SILInstruction *visitBuiltinInst(BuiltinInst *BI);
SILInstruction *visitCondFailInst(CondFailInst *CFI);
SILInstruction *visitStrongRetainInst(StrongRetainInst *SRI);
SILInstruction *visitRefToRawPointerInst(RefToRawPointerInst *RRPI);
SILInstruction *visitUpcastInst(UpcastInst *UCI);
SILInstruction *optimizeLoadFromStringLiteral(LoadInst *LI);
SILInstruction *visitLoadInst(LoadInst *LI);
SILInstruction *visitIndexAddrInst(IndexAddrInst *IA);
bool optimizeStackAllocatedEnum(AllocStackInst *AS);
SILInstruction *visitAllocStackInst(AllocStackInst *AS);
SILInstruction *visitAllocRefInst(AllocRefInst *AR);
SILInstruction *visitSwitchEnumAddrInst(SwitchEnumAddrInst *SEAI);
SILInstruction *visitInjectEnumAddrInst(InjectEnumAddrInst *IEAI);
SILInstruction *visitPointerToAddressInst(PointerToAddressInst *PTAI);
SILInstruction *visitUncheckedAddrCastInst(UncheckedAddrCastInst *UADCI);
SILInstruction *visitUncheckedRefCastInst(UncheckedRefCastInst *URCI);
SILInstruction *visitEndCOWMutationInst(EndCOWMutationInst *URCI);
SILInstruction *visitUncheckedRefCastAddrInst(UncheckedRefCastAddrInst *URCI);
SILInstruction *visitBridgeObjectToRefInst(BridgeObjectToRefInst *BORI);
SILInstruction *visitUnconditionalCheckedCastInst(
UnconditionalCheckedCastInst *UCCI);
SILInstruction *
visitUnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst(UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst *UCCAI);
SILInstruction *visitRawPointerToRefInst(RawPointerToRefInst *RPTR);
SILInstruction *
visitUncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst(UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst *TEDAI);
SILInstruction *visitStrongReleaseInst(StrongReleaseInst *SRI);
SILInstruction *visitCondBranchInst(CondBranchInst *CBI);
SILInstruction *
visitUncheckedTrivialBitCastInst(UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst *UTBCI);
SILInstruction *
visitUncheckedBitwiseCastInst(UncheckedBitwiseCastInst *UBCI);
SILInstruction *visitSelectEnumInst(SelectEnumInst *EIT);
SILInstruction *visitSelectEnumAddrInst(SelectEnumAddrInst *EIT);
SILInstruction *visitAllocExistentialBoxInst(AllocExistentialBoxInst *S);
SILInstruction *visitThickToObjCMetatypeInst(ThickToObjCMetatypeInst *TTOCMI);
SILInstruction *visitObjCToThickMetatypeInst(ObjCToThickMetatypeInst *OCTTMI);
SILInstruction *visitTupleExtractInst(TupleExtractInst *TEI);
SILInstruction *visitFixLifetimeInst(FixLifetimeInst *FLI);
SILInstruction *visitSwitchValueInst(SwitchValueInst *SVI);
SILInstruction *
visitCheckedCastAddrBranchInst(CheckedCastAddrBranchInst *CCABI);
SILInstruction *
visitCheckedCastBranchInst(CheckedCastBranchInst *CBI);
SILInstruction *visitUnreachableInst(UnreachableInst *UI);
SILInstruction *visitAllocRefDynamicInst(AllocRefDynamicInst *ARDI);
SILInstruction *visitMarkDependenceInst(MarkDependenceInst *MDI);
SILInstruction *visitClassifyBridgeObjectInst(ClassifyBridgeObjectInst *CBOI);
SILInstruction *visitConvertFunctionInst(ConvertFunctionInst *CFI);
SILInstruction *
visitConvertEscapeToNoEscapeInst(ConvertEscapeToNoEscapeInst *Cvt);
/// Instruction visitor helpers.
SILInstruction *optimizeBuiltinCanBeObjCClass(BuiltinInst *AI);
// Optimize the "isConcrete" builtin.
SILInstruction *optimizeBuiltinIsConcrete(BuiltinInst *I);
SILInstruction *optimizeBuiltinCOWBufferForReading(BuiltinInst *BI);
// Optimize the "trunc_N1_M2" builtin. if N1 is a result of "zext_M1_*" and
// the following holds true: N1 > M1 and M2>= M1
SILInstruction *optimizeBuiltinTruncOrBitCast(BuiltinInst *I);
// Optimize the "zext_M2_M3" builtin. if M2 is a result of "zext_M1_M2"
SILInstruction *optimizeBuiltinZextOrBitCast(BuiltinInst *I);
// Optimize the "cmp_eq_XXX" builtin. If \p NegateResult is true then negate
// the result bit.
SILInstruction *optimizeBuiltinCompareEq(BuiltinInst *AI, bool NegateResult);
SILInstruction *optimizeApplyOfConvertFunctionInst(FullApplySite AI,
ConvertFunctionInst *CFI);
bool tryOptimizeKeypath(ApplyInst *AI);
bool tryOptimizeInoutKeypath(BeginApplyInst *AI);
bool tryOptimizeKeypathApplication(ApplyInst *AI, SILFunction *callee);
bool tryOptimizeKeypathOffsetOf(ApplyInst *AI, FuncDecl *calleeFn,
KeyPathInst *kp);
bool tryOptimizeKeypathKVCString(ApplyInst *AI, FuncDecl *calleeFn,
KeyPathInst *kp);
// Optimize concatenation of string literals.
// Constant-fold concatenation of string literals known at compile-time.
SILInstruction *optimizeConcatenationOfStringLiterals(ApplyInst *AI);
// Optimize an application of f_inverse(f(x)) -> x.
bool optimizeIdentityCastComposition(ApplyInst *FInverse,
StringRef FInverseName, StringRef FName);
InstModCallbacks getInstModCallbacks() {
return InstModCallbacks(
[this](SILInstruction *DeadInst) { eraseInstFromFunction(*DeadInst); },
[this](SILInstruction *NewInst) { Worklist.add(NewInst); },
[this](SILValue oldValue, SILValue newValue) {
replaceValueUsesWith(oldValue, newValue);
// Build concrete existential information using findInitExistential.
buildConcreteOpenedExistentialInfo(Operand &ArgOperand);
// Build concrete existential information using SoleConformingType.
buildConcreteOpenedExistentialInfoFromSoleConformingType(Operand &ArgOperand);
// Common utility function to build concrete existential information for all
// arguments of an apply instruction.
void buildConcreteOpenedExistentialInfos(
FullApplySite Apply,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<unsigned, ConcreteOpenedExistentialInfo> &COEIs,
SILBuilderContext &BuilderCtx,
SILOpenedArchetypesTracker &OpenedArchetypesTracker);
bool canReplaceArg(FullApplySite Apply, const OpenedArchetypeInfo &OAI,
const ConcreteExistentialInfo &CEI, unsigned ArgIdx);
SILValue canCastArg(FullApplySite Apply, const OpenedArchetypeInfo &OAI,
const ConcreteExistentialInfo &CEI, unsigned ArgIdx);
SILInstruction *createApplyWithConcreteType(
FullApplySite Apply,
const llvm::SmallDenseMap<unsigned, ConcreteOpenedExistentialInfo> &COEIs,
SILBuilderContext &BuilderCtx);
// Common utility function to replace the WitnessMethodInst using a
// BuilderCtx.
void replaceWitnessMethodInst(WitnessMethodInst *WMI,
SILBuilderContext &BuilderCtx,
CanType ConcreteType,
const ProtocolConformanceRef ConformanceRef);
SILInstruction *
propagateConcreteTypeOfInitExistential(FullApplySite Apply,
WitnessMethodInst *WMI);
SILInstruction *propagateConcreteTypeOfInitExistential(FullApplySite Apply);
/// Propagate concrete types from ProtocolConformanceAnalysis.
SILInstruction *propagateSoleConformingType(FullApplySite Apply,
WitnessMethodInst *WMI);
/// Perform one SILCombine iteration.
bool doOneIteration(SILFunction &F, unsigned Iteration);
/// Add reachable code to the worklist. Meant to be used when starting to
/// process a new function.
void addReachableCodeToWorklist(SILBasicBlock *BB);
typedef SmallVector<SILInstruction*, 4> UserListTy;
/// Returns a list of instructions that project or perform reference
/// counting operations on \p Value or on its uses.
/// \return return false if \p Value has other than ARC uses.
static bool recursivelyCollectARCUsers(UserListTy &Uses, ValueBase *Value);
/// Erases an apply instruction including all it's uses \p.
/// Inserts release/destroy instructions for all owner and in-parameters.
/// \return Returns true if successful.
bool eraseApply(FullApplySite FAS, const UserListTy &Users);
/// Returns true if the results of a try_apply are not used.
static bool isTryApplyResultNotUsed(UserListTy &AcceptedUses,
TryApplyInst *TAI);
} // end namespace swift