blob: e348b7fbb46473bb9320801fd97cc5a9970b3605 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FunctionSignatureOpts.h --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDebugScope.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ARCAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/Analysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/CallerAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/RCIdentityAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/PassManager.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/InstOptUtils.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/SILOptFunctionBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/SpecializationMangler.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
namespace swift {
/// A structure that maintains all of the information about a specific
/// SILArgument that we are tracking.
struct ArgumentDescriptor {
/// The argument that we are tracking original data for.
SILFunctionArgument *Arg;
/// Parameter Info.
Optional<SILParameterInfo> PInfo;
/// The original index of this argument.
unsigned Index;
/// The original decl of this Argument.
const ValueDecl *Decl;
/// Was this parameter originally dead?
bool IsEntirelyDead;
/// Was this argument completely removed already?
/// TODO: Could we make ArgumentDescriptors just optional and once they have
/// been consumed no longer process them?
bool WasErased;
/// Should the argument be exploded ?
bool Explode;
/// This parameter is owned to guaranteed.
bool OwnedToGuaranteed;
/// Is this parameter an indirect result?
bool IsIndirectResult;
/// If non-empty, this is the set of releases in the return block of
/// the callee associated with this parameter if it is @owned. If it
/// is empty then we could not find any such releases.
TinyPtrVector<SILInstruction *> CalleeRelease;
/// The same as CalleeRelease, but the releases are post-dominated
/// by the throw block, if it is a function which has a throw block.
TinyPtrVector<SILInstruction *> CalleeReleaseInThrowBlock;
/// The projection tree of this arguments.
ProjectionTree ProjTree;
ArgumentDescriptor() = delete;
/// Initialize this argument descriptor with all information from A that we
/// use in our optimization.
/// *NOTE* We cache a lot of data from the argument and maintain a reference
/// to the original argument. The reason why we do this is to make sure we
/// have access to the original argument's state if we modify the argument
/// when optimizing.
SILFunctionArgument *A,
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<ProjectionTreeNode> &Allocator)
: Arg(A), PInfo(A->getKnownParameterInfo()), Index(A->getIndex()),
Decl(A->getDecl()), IsEntirelyDead(false), WasErased(false),
Explode(false), OwnedToGuaranteed(false),
IsIndirectResult(A->isIndirectResult()), CalleeRelease(),
ProjTree(A->getModule(), A->getType(), Allocator) {
if (!A->isIndirectResult()) {
PInfo = Arg->getKnownParameterInfo();
ArgumentDescriptor(const ArgumentDescriptor &) = delete;
ArgumentDescriptor(ArgumentDescriptor &&) = default;
ArgumentDescriptor &operator=(const ArgumentDescriptor &) = delete;
ArgumentDescriptor &operator=(ArgumentDescriptor &&) = default;
/// \returns true if this argument's convention is P.
bool hasConvention(SILArgumentConvention P) const {
return Arg->hasConvention(P);
/// Returns true if all function signature opt passes are able to process
/// this.
bool canOptimizeLiveArg() const {
if (Arg->getType().isObject()) {
return true;
// @in arguments of generic types can be processed.
if (Arg->getType().hasArchetype() &&
Arg->getType().isAddress() &&
(Arg->hasConvention(SILArgumentConvention::Indirect_In) ||
return true;
return false;
getTransformedOwnershipKind(SILType SubTy) {
if (IsEntirelyDead)
return None;
if (SubTy.isTrivial(*Arg->getFunction()))
return Optional<ValueOwnershipKind>(OwnershipKind::None);
if (OwnedToGuaranteed)
return Optional<ValueOwnershipKind>(OwnershipKind::Guaranteed);
return Arg->getOwnershipKind();
/// A structure that maintains all of the information about a specific
/// direct result that we are tracking.
struct ResultDescriptor {
/// The original parameter info of this argument.
SILResultInfo ResultInfo;
/// If non-null, this is the release in the return block of the callee, which
/// is associated with this parameter if it is @owned. If the parameter is not
/// @owned or we could not find such a release in the callee, this is null.
llvm::SmallSetVector<SILInstruction *, 1> CalleeRetain;
/// This is owned to guaranteed.
bool OwnedToGuaranteed;
/// Initialize this argument descriptor with all information from A that we
/// use in our optimization.
/// *NOTE* We cache a lot of data from the argument and maintain a reference
/// to the original argument. The reason why we do this is to make sure we
/// have access to the original argument's state if we modify the argument
/// when optimizing.
ResultDescriptor() {}
ResultDescriptor(SILResultInfo RI)
: ResultInfo(RI), CalleeRetain(), OwnedToGuaranteed(false) {}
ResultDescriptor(const ResultDescriptor &) = delete;
ResultDescriptor(ResultDescriptor &&) = default;
ResultDescriptor &operator=(const ResultDescriptor &) = delete;
ResultDescriptor &operator=(ResultDescriptor &&) = default;
/// \returns true if this argument's ParameterConvention is P.
bool hasConvention(ResultConvention R) const {
return ResultInfo.getConvention() == R;
struct FunctionSignatureTransformDescriptor {
/// The original function that we are analyzing/transforming.
SILFunction *OriginalFunction;
/// The new optimize function that we will create.
NullablePtr<SILFunction> OptimizedFunction;
/// A map from a pre-transformed argument to a post-transformed argument.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<int, int> &AIM;
/// Set to true if we are going to modify self during our transformation.
/// TODO: Rename to willModifySelfArgument.
bool shouldModifySelfArgument;
/// Keep a "view" of precompiled information on arguments that we use
/// during our optimization.
MutableArrayRef<ArgumentDescriptor> ArgumentDescList;
/// Keep a "view" of precompiled information on the direct results that we
/// will use during our optimization.
MutableArrayRef<ResultDescriptor> ResultDescList;
/// Are we going to make a change to this function?
bool Changed;
/// Does this function only have direct callers. In such a case we know that
/// all thunks we create will be eliminated so we can be more aggressive.
bool hasOnlyDirectInModuleCallers;
/// Return a function name based on the current state of ArgumentDescList and
/// ResultDescList.
/// FIXME: Change this to take a SmallString as an out parameter?
std::string createOptimizedSILFunctionName();
/// Return a function type based on the current state of ArgumentDescList and
/// ResultDescList.
CanSILFunctionType createOptimizedSILFunctionType();
/// Compute the optimized function type based on the given argument
/// descriptor.
void computeOptimizedArgInterface(ArgumentDescriptor &A,
SmallVectorImpl<SILParameterInfo> &O);
/// Setup the thunk arguments based on the given argument descriptor info.
/// Every transformation must defines this interface. Default implementation
/// simply passes it through.
void addThunkArgument(ArgumentDescriptor &AD, SILBuilder &Builder,
SILBasicBlock *BB, SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &NewArgs);
/// Whether specializing the function will result in a thunk with the same
/// signature as the original function that calls through to the specialized
/// function.
/// Such a thunk is necessary if there is (or could be) code that calls the
/// function which we are unable to specialize to match the function's
/// specialization.
bool willSpecializationIntroduceThunk() {
return !hasOnlyDirectInModuleCallers ||
OriginalFunction->isPossiblyUsedExternally() ||
class FunctionSignatureTransform {
SILOptFunctionBuilder &FunctionBuilder;
/// A struct that contains all data that we use during our
/// transformation. This is an initial step towards splitting this struct into
/// multiple "transforms" that can be tested independently of each other.
FunctionSignatureTransformDescriptor TransformDescriptor;
/// The RC identity analysis we are using.
RCIdentityAnalysis *RCIA;
/// Post order analysis we are using.
EpilogueARCAnalysis *EA;
/// ----------------------------------------------------------///
/// Dead argument transformation. ///
/// ----------------------------------------------------------///
/// Find any dead argument opportunities.
bool DeadArgumentAnalyzeParameters();
/// Modify the current function so that later function signature analysis
/// are more effective.
void DeadArgumentTransformFunction();
/// Remove the dead argument once the new function is created.
void DeadArgumentFinalizeOptimizedFunction();
/// ----------------------------------------------------------///
/// Owned to guaranteed transformation. ///
/// ----------------------------------------------------------///
bool OwnedToGuaranteedAnalyzeResults();
bool OwnedToGuaranteedAnalyzeParameters();
/// Modify the current function so that later function signature analysis
/// are more effective.
void OwnedToGuaranteedTransformFunctionResults();
void OwnedToGuaranteedTransformFunctionParameters();
/// Find any owned to guaranteed opportunities.
bool OwnedToGuaranteedAnalyze();
/// Do the actual owned to guaranteed transformations.
void OwnedToGuaranteedTransform();
/// Set up epilogue work for the thunk result based in the given argument.
void OwnedToGuaranteedAddResultRelease(ResultDescriptor &RD,
SILBuilder &Builder, SILFunction *F);
/// Set up epilogue work for the thunk argument based in the given argument.
void OwnedToGuaranteedAddArgumentRelease(ArgumentDescriptor &AD,
SILBuilder &Builder, SILFunction *F);
/// Add the release for converted arguments and result.
void OwnedToGuaranteedFinalizeThunkFunction(SILBuilder &B, SILFunction *F);
/// ----------------------------------------------------------///
/// Argument explosion transformation. ///
/// ----------------------------------------------------------///
/// Find any argument explosion opportunities.
bool ArgumentExplosionAnalyzeParameters();
/// Explode the argument in the optimized function and replace the uses of
/// the original argument.
void ArgumentExplosionFinalizeOptimizedFunction();
/// Take ArgumentDescList and ResultDescList and create an optimized function
/// based on the current function we are analyzing. This also has the side
/// effect of turning the current function into a thunk.
void createFunctionSignatureOptimizedFunction();
/// Constructor.
SILOptFunctionBuilder &FunctionBuilder, SILFunction *F,
RCIdentityAnalysis *RCIA, EpilogueARCAnalysis *EA,
Mangle::FunctionSignatureSpecializationMangler &Mangler,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<int, int> &AIM,
llvm::SmallVector<ArgumentDescriptor, 4> &ADL,
llvm::SmallVector<ResultDescriptor, 4> &RDL,
bool hasOnlyDirectInModuleCallers)
: FunctionBuilder(FunctionBuilder),
TransformDescriptor{F, nullptr, AIM, false,
ADL, RDL, false, hasOnlyDirectInModuleCallers},
/// Return the optimized function.
SILFunction *getOptimizedFunction() {
return TransformDescriptor.OptimizedFunction.getPtrOrNull();
/// Run the optimization.
bool run(bool hasCaller);
/// Run dead argument elimination of partially applied functions.
/// After this optimization CapturePropagation can replace the partial_apply
/// by a direct reference to the specialized function.
bool removeDeadArgs(int minPartialAppliedArgs);
} // namespace swift