blob: 976ecc176d2a483e8cb5c2219b885e16e0db89b9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PullbackCloner.cpp - Pullback function generation ---*- C++ -*----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines a helper class for generating pullback functions for
// automatic differentiation.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "differentiation"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Differentiation/PullbackCloner.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/DifferentiableActivityAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Differentiation/ADContext.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Differentiation/AdjointValue.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Differentiation/DifferentiationInvoker.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Differentiation/LinearMapInfo.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Differentiation/Thunk.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Differentiation/VJPCloner.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/PropertyWrappers.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/SIL/InstructionUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeSubstCloner.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/SILOptFunctionBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
namespace swift {
class SILDifferentiabilityWitness;
class SILBasicBlock;
class SILFunction;
class SILInstruction;
namespace autodiff {
class ADContext;
class VJPCloner;
/// The implementation class for `PullbackCloner`.
/// The implementation class is a `SILInstructionVisitor`. Effectively, it acts
/// as a `SILCloner` that visits basic blocks in post-order and that visits
/// instructions per basic block in reverse order. This visitation order is
/// necessary for generating pullback functions, whose control flow graph is
/// ~a transposed version of the original function's control flow graph.
class PullbackCloner::Implementation final
: public SILInstructionVisitor<PullbackCloner::Implementation> {
explicit Implementation(VJPCloner &vjpCloner);
/// The parent VJP cloner.
VJPCloner &vjpCloner;
/// Dominance info for the original function.
DominanceInfo *domInfo = nullptr;
/// Post-dominance info for the original function.
PostDominanceInfo *postDomInfo = nullptr;
/// Post-order info for the original function.
PostOrderFunctionInfo *postOrderInfo = nullptr;
/// Mapping from original basic blocks to corresponding pullback basic blocks.
/// Pullback basic blocks always have the predecessor as the single argument.
llvm::DenseMap<SILBasicBlock *, SILBasicBlock *> pullbackBBMap;
/// Mapping from original basic blocks and original values to corresponding
/// adjoint values.
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<SILBasicBlock *, SILValue>, AdjointValue> valueMap;
/// Mapping from original basic blocks and original values to corresponding
/// adjoint buffers.
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<SILBasicBlock *, SILValue>, SILValue> bufferMap;
/// Mapping from pullback struct field declarations to pullback struct
/// elements destructured from the linear map basic block argument. In the
/// beginning of each pullback basic block, the block's pullback struct is
/// destructured into individual elements stored here.
llvm::DenseMap<VarDecl *, SILValue> pullbackStructElements;
/// Mapping from original basic blocks and successor basic blocks to
/// corresponding pullback trampoline basic blocks. Trampoline basic blocks
/// take additional arguments in addition to the predecessor enum argument.
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<SILBasicBlock *, SILBasicBlock *>, SILBasicBlock *>
/// Mapping from original basic blocks to dominated active values.
llvm::DenseMap<SILBasicBlock *, SmallVector<SILValue, 8>> activeValues;
/// Mapping from original basic blocks and original active values to
/// corresponding pullback block arguments.
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<SILBasicBlock *, SILValue>, SILArgument *>
/// Mapping from original basic blocks to local temporary values to be cleaned
/// up. This is populated when pullback emission is run on one basic block and
/// cleaned before processing another basic block.
llvm::DenseMap<SILBasicBlock *, SmallSetVector<SILValue, 64>>
/// The main builder.
SILBuilder builder;
/// An auxiliary local allocation builder.
SILBuilder localAllocBuilder;
/// Stack buffers allocated for storing local adjoint values.
SmallVector<AllocStackInst *, 64> functionLocalAllocations;
/// A set used to remember local allocations that were destroyed.
llvm::SmallDenseSet<SILValue> destroyedLocalAllocations;
/// The seed arguments of the pullback function.
SmallVector<SILArgument *, 4> seeds;
/// The `AutoDiffLinearMapContext` object, if any.
SILValue contextValue = nullptr;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator allocator;
bool errorOccurred = false;
ADContext &getContext() const { return vjpCloner.getContext(); }
SILModule &getModule() const { return getContext().getModule(); }
ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return getPullback().getASTContext(); }
SILFunction &getOriginal() const { return vjpCloner.getOriginal(); }
SILDifferentiabilityWitness *getWitness() const {
return vjpCloner.getWitness();
DifferentiationInvoker getInvoker() const { return vjpCloner.getInvoker(); }
LinearMapInfo &getPullbackInfo() const { return vjpCloner.getPullbackInfo(); }
AutoDiffConfig getConfig() const { return vjpCloner.getConfig(); }
const DifferentiableActivityInfo &getActivityInfo() const {
return vjpCloner.getActivityInfo();
// Pullback struct mapping
void initializePullbackStructElements(SILBasicBlock *origBB,
SILInstructionResultArray values) {
auto *pbStructDecl = getPullbackInfo().getLinearMapStruct(origBB);
assert(pbStructDecl->getStoredProperties().size() == values.size() &&
"The number of pullback struct fields must equal the number of "
"pullback struct element values");
for (auto pair : llvm::zip(pbStructDecl->getStoredProperties(), values)) {
assert(std::get<1>(pair).getOwnershipKind() !=
OwnershipKind::Guaranteed &&
"Pullback struct elements must be @owned");
auto insertion =
pullbackStructElements.insert({std::get<0>(pair), std::get<1>(pair)});
assert(insertion.second && "A pullback struct element already exists!");
/// Returns the pullback struct element value corresponding to the given
/// original block and pullback struct field.
SILValue getPullbackStructElement(SILBasicBlock *origBB, VarDecl *field) {
assert(getPullbackInfo().getLinearMapStruct(origBB) ==
assert(pullbackStructElements.count(field) &&
"Pullback struct element for this field does not exist!");
return pullbackStructElements.lookup(field);
// Type transformer
/// Get the type lowering for the given AST type.
const Lowering::TypeLowering &getTypeLowering(Type type) {
auto pbGenSig =
Lowering::AbstractionPattern pattern(pbGenSig,
return getPullback().getTypeLowering(pattern, type);
/// Remap any archetypes into the current function's context.
SILType remapType(SILType ty) {
if (ty.hasArchetype())
ty = ty.mapTypeOutOfContext();
auto remappedType = ty.getASTType()->getCanonicalType(
auto remappedSILType =
SILType::getPrimitiveType(remappedType, ty.getCategory());
return getPullback().mapTypeIntoContext(remappedSILType);
Optional<TangentSpace> getTangentSpace(CanType type) {
// Use witness generic signature to remap types.
if (auto witnessGenSig = getWitness()->getDerivativeGenericSignature())
type = witnessGenSig->getCanonicalTypeInContext(type);
return type->getAutoDiffTangentSpace(
/// Returns the tangent value category of the given value.
SILValueCategory getTangentValueCategory(SILValue v) {
// Tangent value category table:
// Let $L be a loadable type and $*A be an address-only type.
// Original type | Tangent type loadable? | Tangent value category and type
// --------------|------------------------|--------------------------------
// $L | loadable | object, $L' (no mismatch)
// $*A | loadable | address, $*L' (create a buffer)
// $L | address-only | address, $*A' (no alternative)
// $*A | address-only | address, $*A' (no alternative)
// TODO(SR-13077): Make "tangent value category" depend solely on whether
// the tangent type is loadable or address-only.
// For loadable tangent types, using symbolic adjoint values instead of
// concrete adjoint buffers is more efficient.
// Quick check: if the value has an address type, the tangent value category
// is currently always "address".
if (v->getType().isAddress())
return SILValueCategory::Address;
// If the value has an object type and the tangent type is not address-only,
// then the tangent value category is "object".
auto tanSpace = getTangentSpace(remapType(v->getType()).getASTType());
auto tanASTType = tanSpace->getCanonicalType();
if (v->getType().isObject() && getTypeLowering(tanASTType).isLoadable())
return SILValueCategory::Object;
// Otherwise, the tangent value category is "address".
return SILValueCategory::Address;
/// Assuming the given type conforms to `Differentiable` after remapping,
/// returns the associated tangent space type.
SILType getRemappedTangentType(SILType type) {
return SILType::getPrimitiveType(
/// Substitutes all replacement types of the given substitution map using the
/// pullback function's substitution map.
SubstitutionMap remapSubstitutionMap(SubstitutionMap substMap) {
return substMap.subst(getPullback().getForwardingSubstitutionMap());
// Temporary value management
/// Record a temporary value for cleanup before its block's terminator.
SILValue recordTemporary(SILValue value) {
assert(value->getFunction() == &getPullback());
auto inserted = blockTemporaries[value->getParentBlock()].insert(value);
LLVM_DEBUG(getADDebugStream() << "Recorded temporary " << value);
assert(inserted && "Temporary already recorded?");
return value;
/// Clean up all temporary values for the given pullback block.
void cleanUpTemporariesForBlock(SILBasicBlock *bb, SILLocation loc) {
assert(bb->getParent() == &getPullback());
LLVM_DEBUG(getADDebugStream() << "Cleaning up temporaries for pullback bb"
<< bb->getDebugID() << '\n');
for (auto temp : blockTemporaries[bb])
builder.emitDestroyValueOperation(loc, temp);
// Adjoint value factory methods
AdjointValue makeZeroAdjointValue(SILType type) {
return AdjointValue::createZero(allocator, remapType(type));
AdjointValue makeConcreteAdjointValue(SILValue value) {
return AdjointValue::createConcrete(allocator, value);
template <typename EltRange>
AdjointValue makeAggregateAdjointValue(SILType type, EltRange elements) {
AdjointValue *buf = reinterpret_cast<AdjointValue *>(allocator.Allocate(
elements.size() * sizeof(AdjointValue), alignof(AdjointValue)));
MutableArrayRef<AdjointValue> elementsCopy(buf, elements.size());
std::uninitialized_copy(elements.begin(), elements.end(),
return AdjointValue::createAggregate(allocator, remapType(type),
// Adjoint value materialization
/// Materializes an adjoint value. The type of the given adjoint value must be
/// loadable.
SILValue materializeAdjointDirect(AdjointValue val, SILLocation loc) {
<< "Materializing adjoint for " << val << '\n');
switch (val.getKind()) {
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
return recordTemporary(emitZeroDirect(val.getType().getASTType(), loc));
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate: {
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> elements;
for (auto i : range(val.getNumAggregateElements())) {
auto eltVal = materializeAdjointDirect(val.getAggregateElement(i), loc);
elements.push_back(builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, eltVal));
if (val.getType().is<TupleType>())
return recordTemporary(
builder.createTuple(loc, val.getType(), elements));
return recordTemporary(
builder.createStruct(loc, val.getType(), elements));
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete:
return val.getConcreteValue();
llvm_unreachable("unhandled adjoint value kind!");
/// Materializes an adjoint value indirectly to a SIL buffer.
void materializeAdjointIndirect(AdjointValue val, SILValue destAddress,
SILLocation loc) {
switch (val.getKind()) {
/// If adjoint value is a symbolic zero, emit a call to
/// ``.
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
emitZeroIndirect(val.getSwiftType(), destAddress, loc);
/// If adjoint value is a symbolic aggregate (tuple or struct), recursively
/// materialize materialize the symbolic tuple or struct, filling the
/// buffer.
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate: {
if (auto *tupTy = val.getSwiftType()->getAs<TupleType>()) {
for (auto idx : range(val.getNumAggregateElements())) {
auto eltTy = SILType::getPrimitiveAddressType(
auto *eltBuf =
builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, destAddress, idx, eltTy);
materializeAdjointIndirect(val.getAggregateElement(idx), eltBuf, loc);
} else if (auto *structDecl =
val.getSwiftType()->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
auto fieldIt = structDecl->getStoredProperties().begin();
for (unsigned i = 0; fieldIt != structDecl->getStoredProperties().end();
++fieldIt, ++i) {
auto eltBuf =
builder.createStructElementAddr(loc, destAddress, *fieldIt);
materializeAdjointIndirect(val.getAggregateElement(i), eltBuf, loc);
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Not an aggregate type");
/// If adjoint value is concrete, it is already materialized. Store it in
/// the destination address.
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete:
auto concreteVal = val.getConcreteValue();
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, concreteVal, destAddress,
// Helpers for adjoint value materialization
/// Emits a zero value into the given address by calling
/// ``. The given type must conform to
/// `AdditiveArithmetic`.
void emitZeroIndirect(CanType type, SILValue address, SILLocation loc) {
auto tangentSpace = getTangentSpace(type);
assert(tangentSpace && "No tangent space for this type");
switch (tangentSpace->getKind()) {
case TangentSpace::Kind::TangentVector:
emitZeroIntoBuffer(builder, type, address, loc);
case TangentSpace::Kind::Tuple: {
auto tupleType = tangentSpace->getTuple();
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> zeroElements;
for (unsigned i : range(tupleType->getNumElements())) {
auto eltAddr = builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, address, i);
eltAddr, loc);
/// Emits a zero value by calling ``. The given type
/// must conform to `AdditiveArithmetic` and be loadable in SIL.
SILValue emitZeroDirect(CanType type, SILLocation loc) {
auto silType = getModule().Types.getLoweredLoadableType(
type, TypeExpansionContext::minimal(), getModule());
auto *alloc = builder.createAllocStack(loc, silType);
emitZeroIndirect(type, alloc, loc);
auto zeroValue = builder.emitLoadValueOperation(
loc, alloc, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take);
builder.createDeallocStack(loc, alloc);
return zeroValue;
// Adjoint value mapping
/// Returns true if the given value in the original function has a
/// corresponding adjoint value.
bool hasAdjointValue(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue) const {
assert(origBB->getParent() == &getOriginal());
return valueMap.count({origBB, originalValue});
/// Initializes the adjoint value for the original value. Asserts that the
/// original value does not already have an adjoint value.
void setAdjointValue(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue,
AdjointValue adjointValue) {
<< "Setting adjoint value for " << originalValue);
assert(origBB->getParent() == &getOriginal());
assert(getTangentValueCategory(originalValue) == SILValueCategory::Object);
assert(originalValue->getFunction() == &getOriginal());
// The adjoint value must be in the tangent space.
assert(adjointValue.getType() ==
auto insertion =
valueMap.try_emplace({origBB, originalValue}, adjointValue);
<< "The new adjoint value, replacing the existing one, is: "
<< insertion.first->getSecond());
if (!insertion.second)
insertion.first->getSecond() = adjointValue;
/// Returns the adjoint value for a value in the original function.
/// This method first tries to find an existing entry in the adjoint value
/// mapping. If no entry exists, creates a zero adjoint value.
AdjointValue getAdjointValue(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue) {
assert(origBB->getParent() == &getOriginal());
assert(getTangentValueCategory(originalValue) == SILValueCategory::Object);
assert(originalValue->getFunction() == &getOriginal());
auto insertion = valueMap.try_emplace(
{origBB, originalValue},
auto it = insertion.first;
return it->getSecond();
/// Adds `newAdjointValue` to the adjoint value for `originalValue` and sets
/// the sum as the new adjoint value.
void addAdjointValue(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue,
AdjointValue newAdjointValue, SILLocation loc) {
assert(origBB->getParent() == &getOriginal());
assert(originalValue->getFunction() == &getOriginal());
<< "Adding adjoint value for " << originalValue);
// The adjoint value must be in the tangent space.
assert(newAdjointValue.getType() ==
auto insertion =
valueMap.try_emplace({origBB, originalValue}, newAdjointValue);
auto inserted = insertion.second;
if (inserted)
// If adjoint already exists, accumulate the adjoint onto the existing
// adjoint.
auto it = insertion.first;
auto existingValue = it->getSecond();
auto adjVal = accumulateAdjointsDirect(existingValue, newAdjointValue, loc);
// If the original value is the `Array` result of an
// `array.uninitialized_intrinsic` application, accumulate adjoint buffers
// for the array element addresses.
accumulateArrayLiteralElementAddressAdjoints(origBB, originalValue, adjVal,
setAdjointValue(origBB, originalValue, adjVal);
/// Get the pullback block argument corresponding to the given original block
/// and active value.
SILArgument *getActiveValuePullbackBlockArgument(SILBasicBlock *origBB,
SILValue activeValue) {
assert(getTangentValueCategory(activeValue) == SILValueCategory::Object);
assert(origBB->getParent() == &getOriginal());
auto pullbackBBArg =
activeValuePullbackBBArgumentMap[{origBB, activeValue}];
assert(pullbackBBArg->getParent() == getPullbackBlock(origBB));
return pullbackBBArg;
// Adjoint value accumulation
/// Given two adjoint values, accumulates them and returns their sum.
AdjointValue accumulateAdjointsDirect(AdjointValue lhs, AdjointValue rhs,
SILLocation loc);
/// Generates code returning `result = lhs + rhs`.
/// Given two materialized adjoint values, accumulates them and returns their
/// sum. The adjoint values must have a loadable type.
SILValue accumulateDirect(SILValue lhs, SILValue rhs, SILLocation loc);
/// Generates code for `resultAddress = lhsAddress + rhsAddress`.
/// Given two addresses with the same `AdditiveArithmetic`-conforming type,
/// accumulates them into a result address using `AdditiveArithmetic.+`.
void accumulateIndirect(SILValue resultAddress, SILValue lhsAddress,
SILValue rhsAddress, SILLocation loc);
/// Generates code for `lhsDestAddress += rhsAddress`.
/// Given two addresses with the same `AdditiveArithmetic`-conforming type,
/// accumulates the rhs into the lhs using `AdditiveArithmetic.+=`.
void accumulateIndirect(SILValue lhsDestAddress, SILValue rhsAddress,
SILLocation loc);
// Adjoint buffer mapping
/// If the given original value is an address projection, returns a
/// corresponding adjoint projection to be used as its adjoint buffer.
/// Helper function for `getAdjointBuffer`.
SILValue getAdjointProjection(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue);
/// Returns the adjoint buffer for the original value.
/// This method first tries to find an existing entry in the adjoint buffer
/// mapping. If no entry exists, creates a zero adjoint buffer.
SILValue getAdjointBuffer(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue) {
assert(getTangentValueCategory(originalValue) == SILValueCategory::Address);
assert(originalValue->getFunction() == &getOriginal());
auto insertion = bufferMap.try_emplace({origBB, originalValue}, SILValue());
if (!insertion.second) // not inserted
return insertion.first->getSecond();
// If the original buffer is a projection, return a corresponding projection
// into the adjoint buffer.
if (auto adjProj = getAdjointProjection(origBB, originalValue))
return (bufferMap[{origBB, originalValue}] = adjProj);
auto bufType = getRemappedTangentType(originalValue->getType());
// Set insertion point for local allocation builder: before the last local
// allocation, or at the start of the pullback function's entry if no local
// allocations exist yet.
auto *newBuf = createFunctionLocalAllocation(
bufType, RegularLocation::getAutoGeneratedLocation());
// Temporarily change global builder insertion point and emit zero into the
// local allocation.
auto insertionPoint = builder.getInsertionBB();
emitZeroIndirect(bufType.getASTType(), newBuf, newBuf->getLoc());
return (insertion.first->getSecond() = newBuf);
/// Initializes the adjoint buffer for the original value. Asserts that the
/// original value does not already have an adjoint buffer.
void setAdjointBuffer(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue,
SILValue adjointBuffer) {
assert(getTangentValueCategory(originalValue) == SILValueCategory::Address);
auto insertion =
bufferMap.try_emplace({origBB, originalValue}, adjointBuffer);
assert(insertion.second && "Adjoint buffer already exists");
/// Accumulates `rhsAddress` into the adjoint buffer corresponding to the
/// original value.
void addToAdjointBuffer(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue,
SILValue rhsAddress, SILLocation loc) {
assert(getTangentValueCategory(originalValue) ==
SILValueCategory::Address &&
assert(originalValue->getFunction() == &getOriginal());
assert(rhsAddress->getFunction() == &getPullback());
auto adjointBuffer = getAdjointBuffer(origBB, originalValue);
accumulateIndirect(adjointBuffer, rhsAddress, loc);
/// Returns a next insertion point for creating a local allocation: either
/// before the previous local allocation, or at the start of the pullback
/// entry if no local allocations exist.
/// Helper for `createFunctionLocalAllocation`.
SILBasicBlock::iterator getNextFunctionLocalAllocationInsertionPoint() {
// If there are no local allocations, insert at the pullback entry start.
if (functionLocalAllocations.empty())
return getPullback().getEntryBlock()->begin();
// Otherwise, insert before the last local allocation. Inserting before
// rather than after ensures that allocation and zero initialization
// instructions are grouped together.
auto lastLocalAlloc = functionLocalAllocations.back();
return lastLocalAlloc->getDefiningInstruction()->getIterator();
/// Creates and returns a local allocation with the given type.
/// Local allocations are created uninitialized in the pullback entry and
/// deallocated in the pullback exit. All local allocations not in
/// `destroyedLocalAllocations` are also destroyed in the pullback exit.
/// Helper for `getAdjointBuffer`.
AllocStackInst *createFunctionLocalAllocation(SILType type, SILLocation loc) {
// Set insertion point for local allocation builder: before the last local
// allocation, or at the start of the pullback function's entry if no local
// allocations exist yet.
// Create and return local allocation.
auto *alloc = localAllocBuilder.createAllocStack(loc, type);
return alloc;
// Optional differentiation
/// Given a `wrappedAdjoint` value of type `T.TangentVector`, creates an
/// `Optional<T>.TangentVector` value from it and adds it to the adjoint value
/// of `optionalValue`.
/// `wrappedAdjoint` may be an object or address value, both cases are
/// handled.
void accumulateAdjointForOptional(SILBasicBlock *bb, SILValue optionalValue,
SILValue wrappedAdjoint);
// Array literal initialization differentiation
/// Given the adjoint value of an array initialized from an
/// `array.uninitialized_intrinsic` application and an array element index,
/// returns an `alloc_stack` containing the adjoint value of the array element
/// at the given index by applying `Array.TangentVector.subscript`.
AllocStackInst *getArrayAdjointElementBuffer(SILValue arrayAdjoint,
int eltIndex, SILLocation loc);
/// Given the adjoint value of an array initialized from an
/// `array.uninitialized_intrinsic` application, accumulates the adjoint
/// value's elements into the adjoint buffers of its element addresses.
void accumulateArrayLiteralElementAddressAdjoints(
SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalValue,
AdjointValue arrayAdjointValue, SILLocation loc);
// CFG mapping
SILBasicBlock *getPullbackBlock(SILBasicBlock *originalBlock) {
return pullbackBBMap.lookup(originalBlock);
SILBasicBlock *getPullbackTrampolineBlock(SILBasicBlock *originalBlock,
SILBasicBlock *successorBlock) {
return pullbackTrampolineBBMap.lookup({originalBlock, successorBlock});
// Debugging utilities
void printAdjointValueMapping() {
// Group original/adjoint values by basic block.
llvm::DenseMap<SILBasicBlock *, llvm::DenseMap<SILValue, AdjointValue>> tmp;
for (auto pair : valueMap) {
auto origPair = pair.first;
auto *origBB = origPair.first;
auto origValue = origPair.second;
auto adjValue = pair.second;
tmp[origBB].insert({origValue, adjValue});
// Print original/adjoint values per basic block.
auto &s = getADDebugStream() << "Adjoint value mapping:\n";
for (auto &origBB : getOriginal()) {
if (!pullbackBBMap.count(&origBB))
auto bbValueMap = tmp[&origBB];
s << "bb" << origBB.getDebugID();
s << " (size " << bbValueMap.size() << "):\n";
for (auto valuePair : bbValueMap) {
auto origValue = valuePair.first;
auto adjValue = valuePair.second;
s << "ORIG: " << origValue;
s << "ADJ: " << adjValue << '\n';
s << '\n';
void printAdjointBufferMapping() {
// Group original/adjoint buffers by basic block.
llvm::DenseMap<SILBasicBlock *, llvm::DenseMap<SILValue, SILValue>> tmp;
for (auto pair : bufferMap) {
auto origPair = pair.first;
auto *origBB = origPair.first;
auto origBuf = origPair.second;
auto adjBuf = pair.second;
tmp[origBB][origBuf] = adjBuf;
// Print original/adjoint buffers per basic block.
auto &s = getADDebugStream() << "Adjoint buffer mapping:\n";
for (auto &origBB : getOriginal()) {
if (!pullbackBBMap.count(&origBB))
auto bbBufferMap = tmp[&origBB];
s << "bb" << origBB.getDebugID();
s << " (size " << bbBufferMap.size() << "):\n";
for (auto valuePair : bbBufferMap) {
auto origBuf = valuePair.first;
auto adjBuf = valuePair.second;
s << "ORIG: " << origBuf;
s << "ADJ: " << adjBuf << '\n';
s << '\n';
// Entry point
/// Performs pullback generation on the empty pullback function. Returns true
/// if any error occurs.
bool run();
/// Performs pullback generation on the empty pullback function, given that
/// the original function is a "semantic member accessor".
/// "Semantic member accessors" are attached to member properties that have a
/// corresponding tangent stored property in the parent `TangentVector` type.
/// These accessors have special-case pullback generation based on their
/// semantic behavior.
/// Returns true if any error occurs.
bool runForSemanticMemberAccessor();
bool runForSemanticMemberGetter();
bool runForSemanticMemberSetter();
/// If original result is non-varied, it will always have a zero derivative.
/// Skip full pullback generation and simply emit zero derivatives for wrt
/// parameters.
void emitZeroDerivativesForNonvariedResult(SILValue origNonvariedResult);
/// Public helper so that our users can get the underlying newly created
/// function.
SILFunction &getPullback() const { return vjpCloner.getPullback(); }
using TrampolineBlockSet = SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 4>;
/// Determines the pullback successor block for a given original block and one
/// of its predecessors. When a trampoline block is necessary, emits code into
/// the trampoline block to trampoline the original block's active value's
/// adjoint values.
/// Populates `pullbackTrampolineBlockMap`, which maps active values' adjoint
/// values to the pullback successor blocks in which they are used. This
/// allows us to release those values in pullback successor blocks that do not
/// use them.
SILBasicBlock *
buildPullbackSuccessor(SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILBasicBlock *origPredBB,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<SILValue, TrampolineBlockSet>
/// Emits pullback code in the corresponding pullback block.
void visitSILBasicBlock(SILBasicBlock *bb);
void visit(SILInstruction *inst) {
if (errorOccurred)
<< "PullbackCloner visited:\n[ORIG]" << *inst);
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto beforeInsertion = std::prev(builder.getInsertionPoint());
auto &s = llvm::dbgs() << "[ADJ] Emitted in pullback:\n";
auto afterInsertion = builder.getInsertionPoint();
for (auto it = ++beforeInsertion; it != afterInsertion; ++it)
s << *it;
/// Fallback instruction visitor for unhandled instructions.
/// Emit a general non-differentiability diagnostic.
void visitSILInstruction(SILInstruction *inst) {
<< "Unhandled instruction in PullbackCloner: " << *inst);
inst, getInvoker(), diag::autodiff_expression_not_differentiable_note);
errorOccurred = true;
/// Handle `apply` instruction.
/// Original: (y0, y1, ...) = apply @fn (x0, x1, ...)
/// Adjoint: (adj[x0], adj[x1], ...) += apply @fn_pullback (adj[y0], ...)
void visitApplyInst(ApplyInst *ai) {
// Skip `array.uninitialized_intrinsic` applications, which have special
// `store` and `copy_addr` support.
if (ArraySemanticsCall(ai, semantics::ARRAY_UNINITIALIZED_INTRINSIC))
auto loc = ai->getLoc();
auto *bb = ai->getParent();
// Handle `array.finalize_intrinsic` applications.
// `array.finalize_intrinsic` semantically behaves like an identity
// function.
if (ArraySemanticsCall(ai, semantics::ARRAY_FINALIZE_INTRINSIC)) {
assert(ai->getNumArguments() == 1 &&
"Expected intrinsic to have one operand");
// Accumulate result's adjoint into argument's adjoint.
auto adjResult = getAdjointValue(bb, ai);
auto origArg = ai->getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults().front();
addAdjointValue(bb, origArg, adjResult, loc);
// Replace a call to a function with a call to its pullback.
auto &nestedApplyInfo = getContext().getNestedApplyInfo();
auto applyInfoLookup = nestedApplyInfo.find(ai);
// If no `NestedApplyInfo` was found, then this task doesn't need to be
// differentiated.
if (applyInfoLookup == nestedApplyInfo.end()) {
// Must not be active.
assert(!getActivityInfo().isActive(ai, getConfig()));
auto applyInfo = applyInfoLookup->getSecond();
// Get the pullback.
auto *field = getPullbackInfo().lookUpLinearMapDecl(ai);
auto pullback = getPullbackStructElement(ai->getParent(), field);
// Get the original result of the `apply` instruction.
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> origDirectResults;
forEachApplyDirectResult(ai, [&](SILValue directResult) {
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> origAllResults;
collectAllActualResultsInTypeOrder(ai, origDirectResults, origAllResults);
// Append `inout` arguments after original results.
for (auto paramIdx : applyInfo.config.parameterIndices->getIndices()) {
auto paramInfo = ai->getSubstCalleeConv().getParamInfoForSILArg(
ai->getNumIndirectResults() + paramIdx);
if (!paramInfo.isIndirectMutating())
// Get callee pullback arguments.
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> args;
// Handle callee pullback indirect results.
// Create local allocations for these and destroy them after the call.
auto pullbackType =
auto actualPullbackType = applyInfo.originalPullbackType
? *applyInfo.originalPullbackType
: pullbackType;
actualPullbackType = actualPullbackType->getUnsubstitutedType(getModule());
SmallVector<AllocStackInst *, 4> pullbackIndirectResults;
for (auto indRes : actualPullbackType->getIndirectFormalResults()) {
auto *alloc = builder.createAllocStack(
loc, remapType(indRes.getSILStorageInterfaceType()));
// Collect callee pullback formal arguments.
for (auto resultIndex : applyInfo.config.resultIndices->getIndices()) {
assert(resultIndex < origAllResults.size());
auto origResult = origAllResults[resultIndex];
// Get the seed (i.e. adjoint value of the original result).
SILValue seed;
switch (getTangentValueCategory(origResult)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object:
seed = materializeAdjointDirect(getAdjointValue(bb, origResult), loc);
case SILValueCategory::Address:
seed = getAdjointBuffer(bb, origResult);
// If callee pullback was reabstracted in VJP, reabstract callee pullback.
if (applyInfo.originalPullbackType) {
SILOptFunctionBuilder fb(getContext().getTransform());
pullback = reabstractFunction(
builder, fb, loc, pullback, *applyInfo.originalPullbackType,
[this](SubstitutionMap subs) -> SubstitutionMap {
return this->remapSubstitutionMap(subs);
// Call the callee pullback.
auto *pullbackCall = builder.createApply(loc, pullback, SubstitutionMap(),
args, /*isNonThrowing*/ false);
builder.emitDestroyValueOperation(loc, pullback);
// Extract all results from `pullbackCall`.
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> dirResults;
extractAllElements(pullbackCall, builder, dirResults);
// Get all results in type-defined order.
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> allResults;
collectAllActualResultsInTypeOrder(pullbackCall, dirResults, allResults);
auto &s = getADDebugStream();
s << "All results of the nested pullback call:\n";
llvm::for_each(allResults, [&](SILValue v) { s << v; });
// Accumulate adjoints for original differentiation parameters.
auto allResultsIt = allResults.begin();
for (unsigned i : applyInfo.config.parameterIndices->getIndices()) {
auto origArg = ai->getArgument(ai->getNumIndirectResults() + i);
// Skip adjoint accumulation for `inout` arguments.
auto paramInfo = ai->getSubstCalleeConv().getParamInfoForSILArg(
ai->getNumIndirectResults() + i);
if (paramInfo.isIndirectMutating())
auto tan = *allResultsIt++;
if (tan->getType().isAddress()) {
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, origArg, tan, loc);
} else {
if (origArg->getType().isAddress()) {
auto *tmpBuf = builder.createAllocStack(loc, tan->getType());
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, tan, tmpBuf,
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, origArg, tmpBuf, loc);
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(loc, tmpBuf);
builder.createDeallocStack(loc, tmpBuf);
} else {
addAdjointValue(bb, origArg, makeConcreteAdjointValue(tan), loc);
// Destroy unused pullback direct results. Needed for pullback results from
// VJPs extracted from `@differentiable` function callees, where the
// `@differentiable` function's differentiation parameter indices are a
// superset of the active `apply` parameter indices.
while (allResultsIt != allResults.end()) {
auto unusedPullbackDirectResult = *allResultsIt++;
if (unusedPullbackDirectResult->getType().isAddress())
builder.emitDestroyValueOperation(loc, unusedPullbackDirectResult);
// Destroy and deallocate pullback indirect results.
for (auto *alloc : llvm::reverse(pullbackIndirectResults)) {
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(loc, alloc);
builder.createDeallocStack(loc, alloc);
void visitBeginApplyInst(BeginApplyInst *bai) {
// Diagnose `begin_apply` instructions.
// Coroutine differentiation is not yet supported.
bai, getInvoker(), diag::autodiff_coroutines_not_supported);
errorOccurred = true;
/// Handle `struct` instruction.
/// Original: y = struct (x0, x1, x2, ...)
/// Adjoint: adj[x0] += struct_extract adj[y], #x0
/// adj[x1] += struct_extract adj[y], #x1
/// adj[x2] += struct_extract adj[y], #x2
/// ...
void visitStructInst(StructInst *si) {
auto *bb = si->getParent();
auto loc = si->getLoc();
auto *structDecl = si->getStructDecl();
switch (getTangentValueCategory(si)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto av = getAdjointValue(bb, si);
switch (av.getKind()) {
case AdjointValueKind::Zero: {
for (auto *field : structDecl->getStoredProperties()) {
auto fv = si->getFieldValue(field);
bb, fv,
makeZeroAdjointValue(getRemappedTangentType(fv->getType())), loc);
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete: {
auto adjStruct = materializeAdjointDirect(std::move(av), loc);
auto *dti = builder.createDestructureStruct(si->getLoc(), adjStruct);
// Find the struct `TangentVector` type.
auto structTy = remapType(si->getType()).getASTType();
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto tangentVectorTy = getTangentSpace(structTy)->getCanonicalType();
// Accumulate adjoints for the fields of the `struct` operand.
unsigned fieldIndex = 0;
for (auto it = structDecl->getStoredProperties().begin();
it != structDecl->getStoredProperties().end();
++it, ++fieldIndex) {
VarDecl *field = *it;
if (field->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NoDerivativeAttr>())
// Find the corresponding field in the tangent space.
auto *tanField = getTangentStoredProperty(
getContext(), field, structTy, loc, getInvoker());
if (!tanField) {
errorOccurred = true;
auto tanElt = dti->getResult(fieldIndex);
addAdjointValue(bb, si->getFieldValue(field),
makeConcreteAdjointValue(tanElt), si->getLoc());
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate: {
// Note: All user-called initializations go through the calls to the
// initializer, and synthesized initializers only have one level of
// struct formation which will not result into any aggregate adjoint
// valeus.
"Aggregate adjoint values should not occur for `struct` "
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, si);
// Find the struct `TangentVector` type.
auto structTy = remapType(si->getType()).getASTType();
// Accumulate adjoints for the fields of the `struct` operand.
unsigned fieldIndex = 0;
for (auto it = structDecl->getStoredProperties().begin();
it != structDecl->getStoredProperties().end(); ++it, ++fieldIndex) {
VarDecl *field = *it;
if (field->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NoDerivativeAttr>())
// Find the corresponding field in the tangent space.
auto *tanField = getTangentStoredProperty(getContext(), field, structTy,
loc, getInvoker());
if (!tanField) {
errorOccurred = true;
auto *adjFieldBuf =
builder.createStructElementAddr(loc, adjBuf, tanField);
auto fieldValue = si->getFieldValue(field);
switch (getTangentValueCategory(fieldValue)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adjField = builder.emitLoadValueOperation(
loc, adjFieldBuf, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Copy);
addAdjointValue(bb, fieldValue, makeConcreteAdjointValue(adjField),
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, fieldValue, adjFieldBuf, loc);
} break;
/// Handle `struct_extract` instruction.
/// Original: y = struct_extract x, #field
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += struct (0, ..., #field': adj[y], ..., 0)
/// ^~~~~~~
/// field in tangent space corresponding to #field
void visitStructExtractInst(StructExtractInst *sei) {
auto *bb = sei->getParent();
auto loc = getValidLocation(sei);
// Find the corresponding field in the tangent space.
auto structTy = remapType(sei->getOperand()->getType()).getASTType();
auto *tanField =
getTangentStoredProperty(getContext(), sei, structTy, getInvoker());
// Check the `struct_extract` operand's value tangent category.
switch (getTangentValueCategory(sei->getOperand())) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto tangentVectorTy = getTangentSpace(structTy)->getCanonicalType();
auto *tangentVectorDecl =
auto tangentVectorSILTy =
assert(tanField && "Invalid projections should have been diagnosed");
// Accumulate adjoint for the `struct_extract` operand.
auto av = getAdjointValue(bb, sei);
switch (av.getKind()) {
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
addAdjointValue(bb, sei->getOperand(),
makeZeroAdjointValue(tangentVectorSILTy), loc);
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete:
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate: {
SmallVector<AdjointValue, 8> eltVals;
for (auto *field : tangentVectorDecl->getStoredProperties()) {
if (field == tanField) {
} else {
auto substMap = tangentVectorTy->getMemberSubstitutionMap(
field->getModuleContext(), field);
auto fieldTy = field->getType().subst(substMap);
auto fieldSILTy = getTypeLowering(fieldTy).getLoweredType();
addAdjointValue(bb, sei->getOperand(),
makeAggregateAdjointValue(tangentVectorSILTy, eltVals),
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjBase = getAdjointBuffer(bb, sei->getOperand());
auto *adjBaseElt =
builder.createStructElementAddr(loc, adjBase, tanField);
// Check the `struct_extract`'s value tangent category.
switch (getTangentValueCategory(sei)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adjElt = getAdjointValue(bb, sei);
auto concreteAdjElt = materializeAdjointDirect(adjElt, loc);
auto concreteAdjEltCopy =
builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, concreteAdjElt);
auto *alloc = builder.createAllocStack(loc, adjElt.getType());
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, concreteAdjEltCopy, alloc,
accumulateIndirect(adjBaseElt, alloc, loc);
builder.createDestroyAddr(loc, alloc);
builder.createDeallocStack(loc, alloc);
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjElt = getAdjointBuffer(bb, sei);
accumulateIndirect(adjBaseElt, adjElt, loc);
/// Handle `ref_element_addr` instruction.
/// Original: y = ref_element_addr x, <n>
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += struct (0, ..., #field': adj[y], ..., 0)
/// ^~~~~~~
/// field in tangent space corresponding to #field
void visitRefElementAddrInst(RefElementAddrInst *reai) {
auto *bb = reai->getParent();
auto loc = reai->getLoc();
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, reai);
auto classOperand = reai->getOperand();
auto classType = remapType(reai->getOperand()->getType()).getASTType();
auto *tanField =
getTangentStoredProperty(getContext(), reai, classType, getInvoker());
assert(tanField && "Invalid projections should have been diagnosed");
switch (getTangentValueCategory(classOperand)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto classTy = remapType(classOperand->getType()).getASTType();
auto tangentVectorTy = getTangentSpace(classTy)->getCanonicalType();
auto tangentVectorSILTy =
auto *tangentVectorDecl =
// Accumulate adjoint for the `ref_element_addr` operand.
SmallVector<AdjointValue, 8> eltVals;
for (auto *field : tangentVectorDecl->getStoredProperties()) {
if (field == tanField) {
auto adjElt = builder.emitLoadValueOperation(
reai->getLoc(), adjBuf, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Copy);
} else {
auto substMap = tangentVectorTy->getMemberSubstitutionMap(
field->getModuleContext(), field);
auto fieldTy = field->getType().subst(substMap);
auto fieldSILTy = getTypeLowering(fieldTy).getLoweredType();
addAdjointValue(bb, classOperand,
makeAggregateAdjointValue(tangentVectorSILTy, eltVals),
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjBufClass = getAdjointBuffer(bb, classOperand);
auto adjBufElt =
builder.createStructElementAddr(loc, adjBufClass, tanField);
accumulateIndirect(adjBufElt, adjBuf, loc);
/// Handle `tuple` instruction.
/// Original: y = tuple (x0, x1, x2, ...)
/// Adjoint: (adj[x0], adj[x1], adj[x2], ...) += destructure_tuple adj[y]
/// ^~~
/// excluding non-differentiable elements
void visitTupleInst(TupleInst *ti) {
auto *bb = ti->getParent();
auto loc = ti->getLoc();
switch (getTangentValueCategory(ti)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto av = getAdjointValue(bb, ti);
switch (av.getKind()) {
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
for (auto elt : ti->getElements()) {
if (!getTangentSpace(elt->getType().getASTType()))
bb, elt,
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete: {
auto adjVal = av.getConcreteValue();
auto adjValCopy = builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, adjVal);
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> adjElts;
if (!adjVal->getType().getAs<TupleType>()) {
} else {
auto *dti = builder.createDestructureTuple(loc, adjValCopy);
for (auto adjElt : dti->getResults())
adjElts.append(dti->getResults().begin(), dti->getResults().end());
// Accumulate adjoints for `tuple` operands, skipping the
// non-`Differentiable` ones.
unsigned adjIndex = 0;
for (auto i : range(ti->getNumOperands())) {
if (!getTangentSpace(ti->getOperand(i)->getType().getASTType()))
auto adjElt = adjElts[adjIndex++];
addAdjointValue(bb, ti->getOperand(i),
makeConcreteAdjointValue(adjElt), loc);
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate:
unsigned adjIndex = 0;
for (auto i : range(ti->getElements().size())) {
if (!getTangentSpace(ti->getElement(i)->getType().getASTType()))
addAdjointValue(bb, ti->getElement(i),
av.getAggregateElement(adjIndex++), loc);
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, ti);
// Accumulate adjoints for `tuple` operands, skipping the
// non-`Differentiable` ones.
unsigned adjIndex = 0;
for (auto i : range(ti->getNumOperands())) {
if (!getTangentSpace(ti->getOperand(i)->getType().getASTType()))
auto adjBufElt =
builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, adjBuf, adjIndex++);
auto adjElt = getAdjointBuffer(bb, ti->getOperand(i));
accumulateIndirect(adjElt, adjBufElt, loc);
/// Handle `tuple_extract` instruction.
/// Original: y = tuple_extract x, <n>
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += tuple (0, 0, ..., adj[y], ..., 0, 0)
/// ^~~~~~
/// n'-th element, where n' is tuple tangent space
/// index corresponding to n
void visitTupleExtractInst(TupleExtractInst *tei) {
auto *bb = tei->getParent();
auto tupleTanTy = getRemappedTangentType(tei->getOperand()->getType());
auto av = getAdjointValue(bb, tei);
switch (av.getKind()) {
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
addAdjointValue(bb, tei->getOperand(), makeZeroAdjointValue(tupleTanTy),
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate:
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete: {
auto tupleTy = tei->getTupleType();
auto tupleTanTupleTy = tupleTanTy.getAs<TupleType>();
if (!tupleTanTupleTy) {
addAdjointValue(bb, tei->getOperand(), av, tei->getLoc());
SmallVector<AdjointValue, 8> elements;
unsigned adjIdx = 0;
for (unsigned i : range(tupleTy->getNumElements())) {
if (!getTangentSpace(
if (tei->getFieldIndex() == i)
if (elements.size() == 1) {
addAdjointValue(bb, tei->getOperand(), elements.front(), tei->getLoc());
addAdjointValue(bb, tei->getOperand(),
makeAggregateAdjointValue(tupleTanTy, elements),
/// Handle `destructure_tuple` instruction.
/// Original: (y0, ..., yn) = destructure_tuple x
/// Adjoint: adj[x].0 += adj[y0]
/// ...
/// adj[x].n += adj[yn]
void visitDestructureTupleInst(DestructureTupleInst *dti) {
auto *bb = dti->getParent();
auto loc = dti->getLoc();
auto tupleTanTy = getRemappedTangentType(dti->getOperand()->getType());
// Check the `destructure_tuple` operand's value tangent category.
switch (getTangentValueCategory(dti->getOperand())) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
SmallVector<AdjointValue, 8> adjValues;
for (auto origElt : dti->getResults()) {
// Skip non-`Differentiable` tuple elements.
if (!getTangentSpace(remapType(origElt->getType()).getASTType()))
adjValues.push_back(getAdjointValue(bb, origElt));
// Handle tuple tangent type.
// Add adjoints for every tuple element that has a tangent space.
if (<TupleType>()) {
assert(adjValues.size() > 1);
addAdjointValue(bb, dti->getOperand(),
makeAggregateAdjointValue(tupleTanTy, adjValues), loc);
// Handle non-tuple tangent type.
// Add adjoint for the single tuple element that has a tangent space.
else {
assert(adjValues.size() == 1);
addAdjointValue(bb, dti->getOperand(), adjValues.front(), loc);
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, dti->getOperand());
unsigned adjIndex = 0;
for (auto origElt : dti->getResults()) {
// Skip non-`Differentiable` tuple elements.
if (!getTangentSpace(remapType(origElt->getType()).getASTType()))
// Handle tuple tangent type.
// Add adjoints for every tuple element that has a tangent space.
if (<TupleType>()) {
auto adjEltBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, origElt);
auto adjBufElt =
builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, adjBuf, adjIndex);
accumulateIndirect(adjBufElt, adjEltBuf, loc);
// Handle non-tuple tangent type.
// Add adjoint for the single tuple element that has a tangent space.
else {
auto adjEltBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, origElt);
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, dti->getOperand(), adjEltBuf, loc);
/// Handle `load` or `load_borrow` instruction
/// Original: y = load/load_borrow x
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += adj[y]
void visitLoadOperation(SingleValueInstruction *inst) {
assert(isa<LoadInst>(inst) || isa<LoadBorrowInst>(inst));
auto *bb = inst->getParent();
auto loc = inst->getLoc();
switch (getTangentValueCategory(inst)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adjVal = materializeAdjointDirect(getAdjointValue(bb, inst), loc);
// Allocate a local buffer and store the adjoint value. This buffer will
// be used for accumulation into the adjoint buffer.
auto adjBuf = builder.createAllocStack(loc, adjVal->getType(), SILDebugVariable());
auto copy = builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, adjVal);
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, copy, adjBuf,
// Accumulate the adjoint value in the local buffer into the adjoint
// buffer.
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, inst->getOperand(0), adjBuf, loc);
builder.emitDestroyAddr(loc, adjBuf);
builder.createDeallocStack(loc, adjBuf);
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, inst);
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, inst->getOperand(0), adjBuf, loc);
void visitLoadInst(LoadInst *li) { visitLoadOperation(li); }
void visitLoadBorrowInst(LoadBorrowInst *lbi) { visitLoadOperation(lbi); }
/// Handle `store` or `store_borrow` instruction.
/// Original: store/store_borrow x to y
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += load adj[y]; adj[y] = 0
void visitStoreOperation(SILBasicBlock *bb, SILLocation loc, SILValue origSrc,
SILValue origDest) {
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, origDest);
switch (getTangentValueCategory(origSrc)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adjVal = builder.emitLoadValueOperation(
loc, adjBuf, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take);
addAdjointValue(bb, origSrc, makeConcreteAdjointValue(adjVal), loc);
emitZeroIndirect(adjBuf->getType().getASTType(), adjBuf, loc);
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, origSrc, adjBuf, loc);
builder.emitDestroyAddr(loc, adjBuf);
emitZeroIndirect(adjBuf->getType().getASTType(), adjBuf, loc);
void visitStoreInst(StoreInst *si) {
visitStoreOperation(si->getParent(), si->getLoc(), si->getSrc(),
void visitStoreBorrowInst(StoreBorrowInst *sbi) {
visitStoreOperation(sbi->getParent(), sbi->getLoc(), sbi->getSrc(),
/// Handle `copy_addr` instruction.
/// Original: copy_addr x to y
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += adj[y]; adj[y] = 0
void visitCopyAddrInst(CopyAddrInst *cai) {
auto *bb = cai->getParent();
auto adjDest = getAdjointBuffer(bb, cai->getDest());
auto destType = remapType(adjDest->getType());
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, cai->getSrc(), adjDest, cai->getLoc());
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(cai->getLoc(), adjDest);
emitZeroIndirect(destType.getASTType(), adjDest, cai->getLoc());
/// Handle `copy_value` instruction.
/// Original: y = copy_value x
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += adj[y]
void visitCopyValueInst(CopyValueInst *cvi) {
auto *bb = cvi->getParent();
switch (getTangentValueCategory(cvi)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adj = getAdjointValue(bb, cvi);
addAdjointValue(bb, cvi->getOperand(), adj, cvi->getLoc());
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjDest = getAdjointBuffer(bb, cvi);
auto destType = remapType(adjDest->getType());
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, cvi->getOperand(), adjDest, cvi->getLoc());
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(cvi->getLoc(), adjDest);
emitZeroIndirect(destType.getASTType(), adjDest, cvi->getLoc());
/// Handle `begin_borrow` instruction.
/// Original: y = begin_borrow x
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += adj[y]
void visitBeginBorrowInst(BeginBorrowInst *bbi) {
auto *bb = bbi->getParent();
switch (getTangentValueCategory(bbi)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adj = getAdjointValue(bb, bbi);
addAdjointValue(bb, bbi->getOperand(), adj, bbi->getLoc());
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjDest = getAdjointBuffer(bb, bbi);
auto destType = remapType(adjDest->getType());
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, bbi->getOperand(), adjDest, bbi->getLoc());
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(bbi->getLoc(), adjDest);
emitZeroIndirect(destType.getASTType(), adjDest, bbi->getLoc());
/// Handle `begin_access` instruction.
/// Original: y = begin_access x
/// Adjoint: nothing
void visitBeginAccessInst(BeginAccessInst *bai) {
// Check for non-differentiable writes.
if (bai->getAccessKind() == SILAccessKind::Modify) {
if (isa<GlobalAddrInst>(bai->getSource())) {
bai, getInvoker(),
errorOccurred = true;
if (isa<ProjectBoxInst>(bai->getSource())) {
bai, getInvoker(),
errorOccurred = true;
/// Handle `unconditional_checked_cast_addr` instruction.
/// Original: y = unconditional_checked_cast_addr x
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += unconditional_checked_cast_addr adj[y]
void visitUnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst(
UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst *uccai) {
auto *bb = uccai->getParent();
auto adjDest = getAdjointBuffer(bb, uccai->getDest());
auto adjSrc = getAdjointBuffer(bb, uccai->getSrc());
auto destType = remapType(adjDest->getType());
auto castBuf = builder.createAllocStack(uccai->getLoc(), adjSrc->getType());
uccai->getLoc(), adjDest, adjDest->getType().getASTType(), castBuf,
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, uccai->getSrc(), castBuf, uccai->getLoc());
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(uccai->getLoc(), castBuf);
builder.createDeallocStack(uccai->getLoc(), castBuf);
emitZeroIndirect(destType.getASTType(), adjDest, uccai->getLoc());
/// Handle `unchecked_ref_cast` instruction.
/// Original: y = unchecked_ref_cast x
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += adj[y]
/// (assuming adj[x] and adj[y] have the same type)
void visitUncheckedRefCastInst(UncheckedRefCastInst *urci) {
auto *bb = urci->getParent();
assert(getRemappedTangentType(urci->getOperand()->getType()) ==
getRemappedTangentType(urci->getType()) &&
"Operand/result must have the same `TangentVector` type");
switch (getTangentValueCategory(urci)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adj = getAdjointValue(bb, urci);
addAdjointValue(bb, urci->getOperand(), adj, urci->getLoc());
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjDest = getAdjointBuffer(bb, urci);
auto destType = remapType(adjDest->getType());
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, urci->getOperand(), adjDest, urci->getLoc());
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(urci->getLoc(), adjDest);
emitZeroIndirect(destType.getASTType(), adjDest, urci->getLoc());
/// Handle `upcast` instruction.
/// Original: y = upcast x
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += adj[y]
/// (assuming adj[x] and adj[y] have the same type)
void visitUpcastInst(UpcastInst *ui) {
auto *bb = ui->getParent();
assert(getRemappedTangentType(ui->getOperand()->getType()) ==
getRemappedTangentType(ui->getType()) &&
"Operand/result must have the same `TangentVector` type");
switch (getTangentValueCategory(ui)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adj = getAdjointValue(bb, ui);
addAdjointValue(bb, ui->getOperand(), adj, ui->getLoc());
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjDest = getAdjointBuffer(bb, ui);
auto destType = remapType(adjDest->getType());
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, ui->getOperand(), adjDest, ui->getLoc());
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(ui->getLoc(), adjDest);
emitZeroIndirect(destType.getASTType(), adjDest, ui->getLoc());
/// Handle `unchecked_take_enum_data_addr` instruction.
/// Currently, only `Optional`-typed operands are supported.
/// Original: y = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr x : $*Enum, #Enum.Case
/// Adjoint: adj[x] += $Enum.TangentVector(adj[y])
visitUncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst(UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst *utedai) {
auto *bb = utedai->getParent();
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, utedai);
auto enumTy = utedai->getOperand()->getType();
auto *optionalEnumDecl = getASTContext().getOptionalDecl();
// Only `Optional`-typed operands are supported for now. Diagnose all other
// enum operand types.
if (enumTy.getASTType().getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() != optionalEnumDecl) {
<< "Unhandled instruction in PullbackCloner: " << *utedai);
utedai, getInvoker(),
errorOccurred = true;
accumulateAdjointForOptional(bb, utedai->getOperand(), adjBuf);
#define NOT_DIFFERENTIABLE(INST, DIAG) void visit##INST##Inst(INST##Inst *inst);
#define NO_ADJOINT(INST) \
void visit##INST##Inst(INST##Inst *inst) {}
// Terminators.
// Address projections.
// Array literal initialization address projections.
// Memory allocation/access.
// Debugging/reference counting instructions.
// Value ownership.
PullbackCloner::Implementation::Implementation(VJPCloner &vjpCloner)
: vjpCloner(vjpCloner), builder(getPullback()),
localAllocBuilder(getPullback()) {
// Get dominance and post-order info for the original function.
auto &passManager = getContext().getPassManager();
auto *domAnalysis = passManager.getAnalysis<DominanceAnalysis>();
auto *postDomAnalysis = passManager.getAnalysis<PostDominanceAnalysis>();
auto *postOrderAnalysis = passManager.getAnalysis<PostOrderAnalysis>();
auto *original = &vjpCloner.getOriginal();
domInfo = domAnalysis->get(original);
postDomInfo = postDomAnalysis->get(original);
postOrderInfo = postOrderAnalysis->get(original);
PullbackCloner::PullbackCloner(VJPCloner &vjpCloner)
: impl(*new Implementation(vjpCloner)) {}
PullbackCloner::~PullbackCloner() { delete &impl; }
// Entry point
bool PullbackCloner::run() {
bool foundError =;
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (!foundError)
return foundError;
bool PullbackCloner::Implementation::run() {
PrettyStackTraceSILFunction trace("generating pullback for", &getOriginal());
auto &original = getOriginal();
auto &pullback = getPullback();
auto pbLoc = getPullback().getLocation();
LLVM_DEBUG(getADDebugStream() << "Running PullbackCloner on\n" << original);
auto origExitIt = original.findReturnBB();
assert(origExitIt != original.end() &&
"Functions without returns must have been diagnosed");
auto *origExit = &*origExitIt;
// Collect original formal results.
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> origFormalResults;
collectAllFormalResultsInTypeOrder(original, origFormalResults);
for (auto resultIndex : getConfig().resultIndices->getIndices()) {
auto origResult = origFormalResults[resultIndex];
// If original result is non-varied, it will always have a zero derivative.
// Skip full pullback generation and simply emit zero derivatives for wrt
// parameters.
// NOTE(TF-876): This shortcut is currently necessary for functions
// returning non-varied result with >1 basic block where some basic blocks
// have no dominated active values; control flow differentiation does not
// handle this case. See TF-876 for context.
if (!getActivityInfo().isVaried(origResult, getConfig().parameterIndices)) {
return false;
// Collect dominated active values in original basic blocks.
// Adjoint values of dominated active values are passed as pullback block
// arguments.
DominanceOrder domOrder(original.getEntryBlock(), domInfo);
// Keep track of visited values.
SmallPtrSet<SILValue, 8> visited;
while (auto *bb = domOrder.getNext()) {
auto &bbActiveValues = activeValues[bb];
// If the current block has an immediate dominator, append the immediate
// dominator block's active values to the current block's active values.
if (auto *domNode = domInfo->getNode(bb)->getIDom()) {
auto &domBBActiveValues = activeValues[domNode->getBlock()];
bbActiveValues.append(domBBActiveValues.begin(), domBBActiveValues.end());
// If `v` is active and has not been visited, records it as an active value
// in the original basic block.
// For active values unsupported by differentiation, emits a diagnostic and
// returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
auto recordValueIfActive = [&](SILValue v) -> bool {
// If value is not active, skip.
if (!getActivityInfo().isActive(v, getConfig()))
return false;
// If active value has already been visited, skip.
if (visited.count(v))
return false;
// Mark active value as visited.
// Diagnose unsupported active values.
auto type = v->getType();
// Do not emit remaining activity-related diagnostics for semantic member
// accessors, which have special-case pullback generation.
if (isSemanticMemberAccessor(&original))
return false;
// Diagnose active enum values. Differentiation of enum values requires
// special adjoint value handling and is not yet supported. Diagnose
// only the first active enum value to prevent too many diagnostics.
// Do not diagnose `Optional`-typed values, which will have special-case
// differentiation support.
if (auto *enumDecl = type.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum()) {
if (enumDecl != getContext().getASTContext().getOptionalDecl()) {
v, getInvoker(), diag::autodiff_enums_unsupported);
errorOccurred = true;
return true;
// Diagnose unsupported stored property projections.
if (isa<StructExtractInst>(v) || isa<RefElementAddrInst>(v) ||
isa<StructElementAddrInst>(v)) {
auto *inst = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(v);
assert(inst->getNumOperands() == 1);
auto baseType = remapType(inst->getOperand(0)->getType()).getASTType();
if (!getTangentStoredProperty(getContext(), inst, baseType,
getInvoker())) {
errorOccurred = true;
return true;
// Skip address projections.
// Address projections do not need their own adjoint buffers; they
// become projections into their adjoint base buffer.
if (Projection::isAddressProjection(v))
return false;
// Record active value.
return false;
// Record all active values in the basic block.
for (auto *arg : bb->getArguments())
if (recordValueIfActive(arg))
return true;
for (auto &inst : *bb) {
for (auto op : inst.getOperandValues())
if (recordValueIfActive(op))
return true;
for (auto result : inst.getResults())
if (recordValueIfActive(result))
return true;
// Create pullback blocks and arguments, visiting original blocks using BFS
// starting from the original exit block. Unvisited original basic blocks
// (e.g unreachable blocks) are not relevant for pullback generation and thus
// ignored.
// The original blocks in traversal order for pullback generation.
SmallVector<SILBasicBlock *, 8> originalBlocks;
// The set of visited original blocks.
SmallDenseSet<SILBasicBlock *, 8> visitedBlocks;
// Perform BFS from the original exit block.
std::deque<SILBasicBlock *> worklist = {};
while (!worklist.empty()) {
auto *BB = worklist.front();
for (auto *nextBB : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
if (!visitedBlocks.count(nextBB)) {
for (auto *origBB : originalBlocks) {
auto *pullbackBB = pullback.createBasicBlock();
pullbackBBMap.insert({origBB, pullbackBB});
auto pbStructLoweredType =
// If the BB is the original exit, then the pullback block that we just
// created must be the pullback function's entry. For the pullback entry,
// create entry arguments and continue to the next block.
if (origBB == origExit) {
// Obtain the context object, if any, and the top-level subcontext, i.e.
// the main pullback struct.
SILValue mainPullbackStruct;
if (getPullbackInfo().hasLoops()) {
// The last argument is the context object (`Builtin.NativeObject`).
contextValue = pullbackBB->getArguments().back();
assert(contextValue->getType() ==
// Load the pullback struct.
auto subcontextAddr = emitProjectTopLevelSubcontext(
builder, pbLoc, contextValue, pbStructLoweredType);
mainPullbackStruct = builder.createLoad(
pbLoc, subcontextAddr,
pbStructLoweredType.isTrivial(getPullback()) ?
LoadOwnershipQualifier::Trivial : LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take);
} else {
// Obtain and destructure pullback struct elements.
mainPullbackStruct = pullbackBB->getArguments().back();
assert(mainPullbackStruct->getType() == pbStructLoweredType);
auto *dsi = builder.createDestructureStruct(pbLoc, mainPullbackStruct);
initializePullbackStructElements(origBB, dsi->getResults());
// Get all active values in the original block.
// If the original block has no active values, continue.
auto &bbActiveValues = activeValues[origBB];
if (bbActiveValues.empty())
// Otherwise, if the original block has active values:
// - For each active buffer in the original block, allocate a new local
// buffer in the pullback entry. (All adjoint buffers are allocated in
// the pullback entry and deallocated in the pullback exit.)
// - For each active value in the original block, add adjoint value
// arguments to the pullback block.
for (auto activeValue : bbActiveValues) {
switch (getTangentValueCategory(activeValue)) {
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
// Allocate and zero initialize a new local buffer using
// `getAdjointBuffer`.
getAdjointBuffer(origBB, activeValue);
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
// Create and register pullback block argument for the active value.
auto *pullbackArg = pullbackBB->createPhiArgument(
activeValuePullbackBBArgumentMap[{origBB, activeValue}] = pullbackArg;
// Add a pullback struct argument.
auto *pbStructArg = pullbackBB->createPhiArgument(pbStructLoweredType,
// Destructure the pullback struct to get the elements.
auto *dsi = builder.createDestructureStruct(pbLoc, pbStructArg);
initializePullbackStructElements(origBB, dsi->getResults());
// - Create pullback trampoline blocks for each successor block of the
// original block. Pullback trampoline blocks only have a pullback
// struct argument. They branch from a pullback successor block to the
// pullback original block, passing adjoint values of active values.
for (auto *succBB : origBB->getSuccessorBlocks()) {
// Skip generating pullback block for original unreachable blocks.
if (!visitedBlocks.count(succBB))
auto *pullbackTrampolineBB = pullback.createBasicBlockBefore(pullbackBB);
pullbackTrampolineBBMap.insert({{origBB, succBB}, pullbackTrampolineBB});
// Get the enum element type (i.e. the pullback struct type). The enum
// element type may be boxed if the enum is indirect.
auto enumLoweredTy =
auto *enumEltDecl =
getPullbackInfo().lookUpBranchingTraceEnumElement(origBB, succBB);
auto enumEltType = remapType(enumLoweredTy.getEnumElementType(
enumEltDecl, getModule(), TypeExpansionContext::minimal()));
auto *pullbackEntry = pullback.getEntryBlock();
// The pullback function has type:
// `(seed0, seed1, ..., exit_pb_struct|context_obj) -> (d_arg0, ..., d_argn)`.
auto pbParamArgs = pullback.getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults();
assert(getConfig().resultIndices->getNumIndices() == pbParamArgs.size() - 1 &&
pbParamArgs.size() >= 2);
// Assign adjoints for original result.
unsigned seedIndex = 0;
for (auto resultIndex : getConfig().resultIndices->getIndices()) {
auto origResult = origFormalResults[resultIndex];
auto *seed = pbParamArgs[seedIndex];
if (seed->getType().isAddress()) {
// If the seed argument is an `inout` parameter, assign it directly as
// the adjoint buffer of the original result.
auto seedParamInfo =
if (seedParamInfo.isIndirectInOut()) {
setAdjointBuffer(origExit, origResult, seed);
// Otherwise, assign a copy of the seed argument as the adjoint buffer of
// the original result.
else {
auto *seedBufCopy =
createFunctionLocalAllocation(seed->getType(), pbLoc);
builder.createCopyAddr(pbLoc, seed, seedBufCopy, IsNotTake,
setAdjointBuffer(origExit, origResult, seedBufCopy);
<< "Assigned seed buffer " << *seedBufCopy
<< " as the adjoint of original indirect result "
<< origResult);
} else {
addAdjointValue(origExit, origResult, makeConcreteAdjointValue(seed),
<< "Assigned seed " << *seed
<< " as the adjoint of original result " << origResult);
// If the original function is an accessor with special-case pullback
// generation logic, do special-case generation.
if (isSemanticMemberAccessor(&original)) {
if (runForSemanticMemberAccessor())
return true;
// Otherwise, perform standard pullback generation.
// Visit original blocks blocks in post-order and perform differentiation
// in corresponding pullback blocks. If errors occurred, back out.
else {
for (auto *bb : originalBlocks) {
if (errorOccurred)
return true;
// Prepare and emit a `return` in the pullback exit block.
auto *origEntry = getOriginal().getEntryBlock();
auto *pbExit = getPullbackBlock(origEntry);
// This vector will contain all the materialized return elements.
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> retElts;
// This vector will contain all indirect parameter adjoint buffers.
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> indParamAdjoints;
auto conv = getOriginal().getConventions();
auto origParams = getOriginal().getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults();
// Materializes the return element corresponding to the parameter
// `parameterIndex` into the `retElts` vector.
auto addRetElt = [&](unsigned parameterIndex) -> void {
auto origParam = origParams[parameterIndex];
switch (getTangentValueCategory(origParam)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto pbVal = getAdjointValue(origEntry, origParam);
auto val = materializeAdjointDirect(pbVal, pbLoc);
auto newVal = builder.emitCopyValueOperation(pbLoc, val);
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(origEntry, origParam);
// Collect differentiation parameter adjoints.
for (auto i : getConfig().parameterIndices->getIndices()) {
// Skip `inout` parameters.
if (conv.getParameters()[i].isIndirectMutating())
// Copy them to adjoint indirect results.
assert(indParamAdjoints.size() == getPullback().getIndirectResults().size() &&
"Indirect parameter adjoint count mismatch");
for (auto pair : zip(indParamAdjoints, getPullback().getIndirectResults())) {
auto source = std::get<0>(pair);
auto *dest = std::get<1>(pair);
builder.createCopyAddr(pbLoc, source, dest, IsTake, IsInitialization);
// Prevent source buffer from being deallocated, since the underlying
// value is moved.
// Emit cleanups for all local values.
cleanUpTemporariesForBlock(pbExit, pbLoc);
// Deallocate local allocations.
for (auto alloc : functionLocalAllocations) {
// Assert that local allocations have at least one use.
// Buffers should not be allocated needlessly.
if (!destroyedLocalAllocations.count(alloc)) {
builder.emitDestroyAddrAndFold(pbLoc, alloc);
builder.createDeallocStack(pbLoc, alloc);
builder.createReturn(pbLoc, joinElements(retElts, builder, pbLoc));
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool leakFound = false;
// Ensure all temporaries have been cleaned up.
for (auto &bb : pullback) {
for (auto temp : blockTemporaries[&bb]) {
if (blockTemporaries[&bb].count(temp)) {
leakFound = true;
getADDebugStream() << "Found leaked temporary:\n" << temp;
// Ensure all local allocations have been cleaned up.
for (auto localAlloc : functionLocalAllocations) {
if (!destroyedLocalAllocations.count(localAlloc)) {
leakFound = true;
getADDebugStream() << "Found leaked local buffer:\n" << localAlloc;
assert(!leakFound && "Leaks found!");
<< "Generated pullback for " << original.getName() << ":\n"
<< pullback);
return errorOccurred;
void PullbackCloner::Implementation::emitZeroDerivativesForNonvariedResult(
SILValue origNonvariedResult) {
auto &pullback = getPullback();
auto pbLoc = getPullback().getLocation();
// TODO(TF-788): Re-enable non-varied result warning.
// Emit fixit if original non-varied result has a valid source location.
auto startLoc = origNonvariedResult.getLoc().getStartSourceLoc();
auto endLoc = origNonvariedResult.getLoc().getEndSourceLoc();
if (startLoc.isValid() && endLoc.isValid()) {
getContext().diagnose(startLoc, diag::autodiff_nonvaried_result_fixit)
.fixItInsert(startLoc, "withoutDerivative(at:")
.fixItInsertAfter(endLoc, ")");
LLVM_DEBUG(getADDebugStream() << getOriginal().getName()
<< " has non-varied result, returning zero"
" for all pullback results\n");
auto *pullbackEntry = pullback.createBasicBlock();
// Destroy all owned arguments.
for (auto *arg : pullbackEntry->getArguments())
if (arg->getOwnershipKind() == OwnershipKind::Owned)
builder.emitDestroyOperation(pbLoc, arg);
// Return zero for each result.
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> directResults;
auto indirectResultIt = pullback.getIndirectResults().begin();
for (auto resultInfo : pullback.getLoweredFunctionType()->getResults()) {
auto resultType =
if (resultInfo.isFormalDirect())
directResults.push_back(emitZeroDirect(resultType, pbLoc));
emitZeroIndirect(resultType, *indirectResultIt++, pbLoc);
builder.createReturn(pbLoc, joinElements(directResults, builder, pbLoc));
<< "Generated pullback for " << getOriginal().getName() << ":\n"
<< pullback);
void PullbackCloner::Implementation::accumulateAdjointForOptional(
SILBasicBlock *bb, SILValue optionalValue, SILValue wrappedAdjoint) {
auto pbLoc = getPullback().getLocation();
// Handle `switch_enum` on `Optional`.
// `Optional<T>`
auto optionalTy = remapType(optionalValue->getType());
assert(optionalTy.getASTType().getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() ==
// `T`
auto wrappedType = optionalTy.getOptionalObjectType();
// `T.TangentVector`
auto wrappedTanType = remapType(wrappedAdjoint->getType());
// `Optional<T.TangentVector>`
auto optionalOfWrappedTanType = SILType::getOptionalType(wrappedTanType);
// `Optional<T>.TangentVector`
auto optionalTanTy = getRemappedTangentType(optionalTy);
auto *optionalTanDecl = optionalTanTy.getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal();
// Look up the `Optional<T>.TangentVector.init` declaration.
auto initLookup =
ConstructorDecl *constructorDecl = nullptr;
for (auto *candidate : initLookup) {
auto candidateModule = candidate->getModuleContext();
if (candidateModule->getName() ==
builder.getASTContext().Id_Differentiation ||
candidateModule->isStdlibModule()) {
assert(!constructorDecl && "Multiple `Optional.TangentVector.init`s");
constructorDecl = cast<ConstructorDecl>(candidate);
#ifdef NDEBUG
assert(constructorDecl && "No `Optional.TangentVector.init`");
// Allocate a local buffer for the `Optional` adjoint value.
auto *optTanAdjBuf = builder.createAllocStack(pbLoc, optionalTanTy);
// Find `Optional<T.TangentVector>.some` EnumElementDecl.
auto someEltDecl = builder.getASTContext().getOptionalSomeDecl();
// Initialize an `Optional<T.TangentVector>` buffer from `wrappedAdjoint` as
// the input for `Optional<T>.TangentVector.init`.
auto *optArgBuf = builder.createAllocStack(pbLoc, optionalOfWrappedTanType);
if (optionalOfWrappedTanType.isLoadableOrOpaque(builder.getFunction())) {
// %enum = enum $Optional<T.TangentVector>, #Optional.some!enumelt,
// %wrappedAdjoint : $T
auto *enumInst = builder.createEnum(pbLoc, wrappedAdjoint, someEltDecl,
// store %enum to %optArgBuf
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(pbLoc, enumInst, optArgBuf,
} else {
// %enumAddr = init_enum_data_addr %optArgBuf $Optional<T.TangentVector>,
// #Optional.some!enumelt
auto *enumAddr = builder.createInitEnumDataAddr(
pbLoc, optArgBuf, someEltDecl, wrappedTanType.getAddressType());
// copy_addr %wrappedAdjoint to [initialization] %enumAddr
builder.createCopyAddr(pbLoc, wrappedAdjoint, enumAddr, IsNotTake,
// inject_enum_addr %optArgBuf : $*Optional<T.TangentVector>,
// #Optional.some!enumelt
builder.createInjectEnumAddr(pbLoc, optArgBuf, someEltDecl);
// Apply `Optional<T>.TangentVector.init`.
SILOptFunctionBuilder fb(getContext().getTransform());
// %init_fn = function_ref @Optional<T>.TangentVector.init
auto *initFn = fb.getOrCreateFunction(pbLoc, SILDeclRef(constructorDecl),
auto *initFnRef = builder.createFunctionRef(pbLoc, initFn);
auto *diffProto =
auto *swiftModule = getModule().getSwiftModule();
auto diffConf =
swiftModule->lookupConformance(wrappedType.getASTType(), diffProto);
assert(!diffConf.isInvalid() && "Missing conformance to `Differentiable`");
auto subMap = SubstitutionMap::get(
ArrayRef<Type>(wrappedType.getASTType()), {diffConf});
// %metatype = metatype $Optional<T>.TangentVector.Type
auto metatypeType = CanMetatypeType::get(optionalTanTy.getASTType(),
auto metatypeSILType = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(metatypeType);
auto metatype = builder.createMetatype(pbLoc, metatypeSILType);
// apply %init_fn(%optTanAdjBuf, %optArgBuf, %metatype)
builder.createApply(pbLoc, initFnRef, subMap,
{optTanAdjBuf, optArgBuf, metatype});
builder.createDeallocStack(pbLoc, optArgBuf);
// Accumulate adjoint for the incoming `Optional` value.
addToAdjointBuffer(bb, optionalValue, optTanAdjBuf, pbLoc);
builder.emitDestroyAddr(pbLoc, optTanAdjBuf);
builder.createDeallocStack(pbLoc, optTanAdjBuf);
SILBasicBlock *PullbackCloner::Implementation::buildPullbackSuccessor(
SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILBasicBlock *origPredBB,
SmallDenseMap<SILValue, TrampolineBlockSet> &pullbackTrampolineBlockMap) {
// Get the pullback block and optional pullback trampoline block of the
// predecessor block.
auto *pullbackBB = getPullbackBlock(origPredBB);
auto *pullbackTrampolineBB = getPullbackTrampolineBlock(origPredBB, origBB);
// If the predecessor block does not have a corresponding pullback
// trampoline block, then the pullback successor is the pullback block.
if (!pullbackTrampolineBB)
return pullbackBB;
// Otherwise, the pullback successor is the pullback trampoline block,
// which branches to the pullback block and propagates adjoint values of
// active values.
assert(pullbackTrampolineBB->getNumArguments() == 1);
auto loc = origBB->getParent()->getLocation();
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> trampolineArguments;
// Propagate adjoint values/buffers of active values/buffers to
// predecessor blocks.
auto &predBBActiveValues = activeValues[origPredBB];
for (auto activeValue : predBBActiveValues) {
<< "Propagating adjoint of active value " << activeValue
<< " to predecessors' pullback blocks\n");
switch (getTangentValueCategory(activeValue)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto activeValueAdj = getAdjointValue(origBB, activeValue);
auto concreteActiveValueAdj =
materializeAdjointDirect(activeValueAdj, loc);
if (!pullbackTrampolineBlockMap.count(concreteActiveValueAdj)) {
concreteActiveValueAdj =
builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, concreteActiveValueAdj);
setAdjointValue(origBB, activeValue,
auto insertion = pullbackTrampolineBlockMap.try_emplace(
concreteActiveValueAdj, TrampolineBlockSet());
auto &blockSet = insertion.first->getSecond();
// If the pullback block does not yet have a registered adjoint
// value for the active value, set the adjoint value to the
// forwarded adjoint value argument.
// TODO: Hoist this logic out of loop over predecessor blocks to
// remove the `hasAdjointValue` check.
if (!hasAdjointValue(origPredBB, activeValue)) {
auto *pullbackBBArg =
getActiveValuePullbackBlockArgument(origPredBB, activeValue);
auto forwardedArgAdj = makeConcreteAdjointValue(pullbackBBArg);
setAdjointValue(origPredBB, activeValue, forwardedArgAdj);
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
// Propagate adjoint buffers using `copy_addr`.
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(origBB, activeValue);
auto predAdjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(origPredBB, activeValue);
builder.createCopyAddr(loc, adjBuf, predAdjBuf, IsNotTake,
// Propagate pullback struct argument.
SILBuilder pullbackTrampolineBBBuilder(pullbackTrampolineBB);
auto *pullbackTrampolineBBArg = pullbackTrampolineBB->getArguments().front();
if (vjpCloner.getLoopInfo()->getLoopFor(origPredBB)) {
assert(pullbackTrampolineBBArg->getType() ==
auto pbStructType =
auto predPbStructAddr = pullbackTrampolineBBBuilder.createPointerToAddress(
loc, pullbackTrampolineBBArg, pbStructType.getAddressType(),
/*isStrict*/ true);
auto predPbStructVal = pullbackTrampolineBBBuilder.createLoad(
loc, predPbStructAddr,
pbStructType.isTrivial(getPullback()) ?
LoadOwnershipQualifier::Trivial : LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take);
} else {
// Branch from pullback trampoline block to pullback block.
pullbackTrampolineBBBuilder.createBranch(loc, pullbackBB,
return pullbackTrampolineBB;
void PullbackCloner::Implementation::visitSILBasicBlock(SILBasicBlock *bb) {
auto pbLoc = getPullback().getLocation();
// Get the corresponding pullback basic block.
auto *pbBB = getPullbackBlock(bb);
auto &s = getADDebugStream()
<< "Original bb" + std::to_string(bb->getDebugID())
<< ": To differentiate or not to differentiate?\n";
for (auto &inst : llvm::reverse(*bb)) {
s << (getPullbackInfo().shouldDifferentiateInstruction(&inst) ? "[x] "
: "[ ] ")
<< inst;
// Visit each instruction in reverse order.
for (auto &inst : llvm::reverse(*bb)) {
if (!getPullbackInfo().shouldDifferentiateInstruction(&inst))
// Differentiate instruction.
if (errorOccurred)
// Emit a branching terminator for the block.
// If the original block is the original entry, then the pullback block is
// the pullback exit. This is handled specially in
// `PullbackCloner::Implementation::run()`, so we leave the block
// non-terminated.
if (bb->isEntry())
// Otherwise, add a `switch_enum` terminator for non-exit
// pullback blocks.
// 1. Get the pullback struct pullback block argument.
// 2. Extract the predecessor enum value from the pullback struct value.
auto *predEnum = getPullbackInfo().getBranchingTraceDecl(bb);
auto *predEnumField = getPullbackInfo().lookUpLinearMapStructEnumField(bb);
auto predEnumVal = getPullbackStructElement(bb, predEnumField);
// Propagate adjoint values from active basic block arguments to
// incoming values (predecessor terminator operands).
for (auto *bbArg : bb->getArguments()) {
if (!getActivityInfo().isActive(bbArg, getConfig()))
// Get predecessor terminator operands.
SmallVector<std::pair<SILBasicBlock *, SILValue>, 4> incomingValues;
// Returns true if the given terminator instruction is a `switch_enum` on
// an `Optional`-typed value. `switch_enum` instructions require
// special-case adjoint value propagation for the operand.
auto isSwitchEnumInstOnOptional =
[&ctx = getASTContext()](TermInst *termInst) {
if (!termInst)
return false;
if (auto *sei = dyn_cast<SwitchEnumInst>(termInst)) {
auto *optionalEnumDecl = ctx.getOptionalDecl();
auto operandTy = sei->getOperand()->getType();
return operandTy.getASTType().getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum() ==
return false;
// Check the tangent value category of the active basic block argument.
switch (getTangentValueCategory(bbArg)) {
// If argument has a loadable tangent value category: materialize adjoint
// value of the argument, create a copy, and set the copy as the adjoint
// value of incoming values.
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto bbArgAdj = getAdjointValue(bb, bbArg);
auto concreteBBArgAdj = materializeAdjointDirect(bbArgAdj, pbLoc);
auto concreteBBArgAdjCopy =
builder.emitCopyValueOperation(pbLoc, concreteBBArgAdj);
for (auto pair : incomingValues) {
auto *predBB = std::get<0>(pair);
auto incomingValue = std::get<1>(pair);
// Handle `switch_enum` on `Optional`.
auto termInst = bbArg->getSingleTerminator();
if (isSwitchEnumInstOnOptional(termInst)) {
accumulateAdjointForOptional(bb, incomingValue, concreteBBArgAdjCopy);
} else {
setAdjointValue(predBB, incomingValue,
// If argument has an address tangent value category: materialize adjoint
// value of the argument, create a copy, and set the copy as the adjoint
// value of incoming values.
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto bbArgAdjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(bb, bbArg);
for (auto pair : incomingValues) {
auto *predBB = std::get<0>(pair);
auto incomingValue = std::get<1>(pair);
// Handle `switch_enum` on `Optional`.
auto termInst = bbArg->getSingleTerminator();
if (isSwitchEnumInstOnOptional(termInst))
accumulateAdjointForOptional(bb, incomingValue, bbArgAdjBuf);
addToAdjointBuffer(predBB, incomingValue, bbArgAdjBuf, pbLoc);
// 3. Build the pullback successor cases for the `switch_enum`
// instruction. The pullback successors correspond to the predecessors
// of the current block.
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILBasicBlock *>, 4>
// A map from active values' adjoint values to the trampoline blocks that
// are using them.
SmallDenseMap<SILValue, TrampolineBlockSet> pullbackTrampolineBlockMap;
SmallVector<SILBasicBlock *, 8> pullbackSuccBBs;
for (auto *predBB : bb->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
auto *pullbackSuccBB =
buildPullbackSuccessor(bb, predBB, pullbackTrampolineBlockMap);
auto *enumEltDecl =
getPullbackInfo().lookUpBranchingTraceEnumElement(predBB, bb);
pullbackSuccessorCases.push_back({enumEltDecl, pullbackSuccBB});
// Values are trampolined by only a subset of pullback successor blocks.
// Other successors blocks should destroy the value to balance the reference
// count.
for (auto pair : pullbackTrampolineBlockMap) {
auto value = pair.getFirst();
// The set of trampoline BBs that are users of `value`.
auto &userTrampolineBBSet = pair.getSecond();
// For each pullback successor block that does not trampoline the value,
// release the value.
for (auto *pullbackSuccBB : pullbackSuccBBs) {
if (userTrampolineBBSet.count(pullbackSuccBB))
SILBuilder builder(pullbackSuccBB->begin());
builder.emitDestroyValueOperation(pbLoc, value);
// Emit cleanups for all block-local temporaries.
cleanUpTemporariesForBlock(pbBB, pbLoc);
// Branch to pullback successor blocks.
assert(pullbackSuccessorCases.size() == predEnum->getNumElements());
builder.createSwitchEnum(pbLoc, predEnumVal, /*DefaultBB*/ nullptr,
// Member accessor pullback generation
bool PullbackCloner::Implementation::runForSemanticMemberAccessor() {
auto &original = getOriginal();
auto *accessor = cast<AccessorDecl>(original.getDeclContext()->getAsDecl());
switch (accessor->getAccessorKind()) {
case AccessorKind::Get:
return runForSemanticMemberGetter();
case AccessorKind::Set:
return runForSemanticMemberSetter();
// TODO(SR-12640): Support `modify` accessors.
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported accessor kind; inconsistent with "
bool PullbackCloner::Implementation::runForSemanticMemberGetter() {
auto &original = getOriginal();
auto &pullback = getPullback();
auto pbLoc = getPullback().getLocation();
auto *accessor = cast<AccessorDecl>(original.getDeclContext()->getAsDecl());
assert(accessor->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::Get);
auto *origEntry = original.getEntryBlock();
auto *pbEntry = pullback.getEntryBlock();
// Get getter argument and result values.
// Getter type: $(Self) -> Result
// Pullback type: $(Result', PB_Struct|Context) -> Self'
assert(original.getLoweredFunctionType()->getNumParameters() == 1);
assert(pullback.getLoweredFunctionType()->getNumParameters() == 2);
assert(pullback.getLoweredFunctionType()->getNumResults() == 1);
SILValue origSelf = original.getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults().front();
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> origFormalResults;
collectAllFormalResultsInTypeOrder(original, origFormalResults);
assert(getConfig().resultIndices->getNumIndices() == 1 &&
"Getter should have one semantic result");
auto origResult = origFormalResults[*getConfig().resultIndices->begin()];
auto tangentVectorSILTy = pullback.getConventions().getResults().front()
auto tangentVectorTy = tangentVectorSILTy.getASTType();
auto *tangentVectorDecl = tangentVectorTy->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
// Look up the corresponding field in the tangent space.
auto *origField = cast<VarDecl>(accessor->getStorage());
auto baseType = remapType(origSelf->getType()).getASTType();
auto *tanField = getTangentStoredProperty(getContext(), origField, baseType,
pbLoc, getInvoker());
if (!tanField) {
errorOccurred = true;
return true;
// Switch based on the base tangent struct's value category.
// TODO(TF-1255): Simplify using unified adjoint value data structure.
switch (getTangentValueCategory(origSelf)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adjResult = getAdjointValue(origEntry, origResult);
switch (adjResult.getKind()) {
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
addAdjointValue(origEntry, origSelf,
makeZeroAdjointValue(tangentVectorSILTy), pbLoc);
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete:
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate: {
SmallVector<AdjointValue, 8> eltVals;
for (auto *field : tangentVectorDecl->getStoredProperties()) {
if (field == tanField) {
} else {
auto substMap = tangentVectorTy->getMemberSubstitutionMap(
field->getModuleContext(), field);
auto fieldTy = field->getType().subst(substMap);
auto fieldSILTy = getTypeLowering(fieldTy).getLoweredType();
addAdjointValue(origEntry, origSelf,
makeAggregateAdjointValue(tangentVectorSILTy, eltVals),
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
assert(pullback.getIndirectResults().size() == 1);
auto pbIndRes = pullback.getIndirectResults().front();
auto *adjSelf = createFunctionLocalAllocation(
pbIndRes->getType().getObjectType(), pbLoc);
setAdjointBuffer(origEntry, origSelf, adjSelf);
for (auto *field : tangentVectorDecl->getStoredProperties()) {
auto *adjSelfElt = builder.createStructElementAddr(pbLoc, adjSelf, field);
if (field == tanField) {
// Switch based on the property's value category.
// TODO(TF-1255): Simplify using unified adjoint value data structure.
switch (getTangentValueCategory(origResult)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adjResult = getAdjointValue(origEntry, origResult);
auto adjResultValue = materializeAdjointDirect(adjResult, pbLoc);
auto adjResultValueCopy =
builder.emitCopyValueOperation(pbLoc, adjResultValue);
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(pbLoc, adjResultValueCopy, adjSelfElt,
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
auto adjResult = getAdjointBuffer(origEntry, origResult);
builder.createCopyAddr(pbLoc, adjResult, adjSelfElt, IsTake,
} else {
auto fieldType = pullback.mapTypeIntoContext(field->getInterfaceType())
emitZeroIndirect(fieldType, adjSelfElt, pbLoc);
return false;
bool PullbackCloner::Implementation::runForSemanticMemberSetter() {
auto &original = getOriginal();
auto &pullback = getPullback();
auto pbLoc = getPullback().getLocation();
auto *accessor = cast<AccessorDecl>(original.getDeclContext()->getAsDecl());
assert(accessor->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::Set);
auto *origEntry = original.getEntryBlock();
auto *pbEntry = pullback.getEntryBlock();
// Get setter argument values.
// Setter type: $(inout Self, Argument) -> ()
// Pullback type (wrt self): $(inout Self', PB_Struct) -> ()
// Pullback type (wrt both): $(inout Self', PB_Struct) -> Argument'
assert(original.getLoweredFunctionType()->getNumParameters() == 2);
assert(pullback.getLoweredFunctionType()->getNumParameters() == 2);
assert(pullback.getLoweredFunctionType()->getNumResults() == 0 ||
pullback.getLoweredFunctionType()->getNumResults() == 1);
SILValue origArg = original.getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults()[0];
SILValue origSelf = original.getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults()[1];
// Look up the corresponding field in the tangent space.
auto *origField = cast<VarDecl>(accessor->getStorage());
auto baseType = remapType(origSelf->getType()).getASTType();
auto *tanField = getTangentStoredProperty(getContext(), origField, baseType,
pbLoc, getInvoker());
if (!tanField) {
errorOccurred = true;
return true;
auto adjSelf = getAdjointBuffer(origEntry, origSelf);
auto *adjSelfElt = builder.createStructElementAddr(pbLoc, adjSelf, tanField);
// Switch based on the property's value category.
// TODO(TF-1255): Simplify using unified adjoint value data structure.
switch (origArg->getType().getCategory()) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
auto adjArg = builder.emitLoadValueOperation(pbLoc, adjSelfElt,
setAdjointValue(origEntry, origArg, makeConcreteAdjointValue(adjArg));
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
addToAdjointBuffer(origEntry, origArg, adjSelfElt, pbLoc);
builder.emitDestroyOperation(pbLoc, adjSelfElt);
emitZeroIndirect(adjSelfElt->getType().getASTType(), adjSelfElt, pbLoc);
return false;
// Adjoint buffer mapping
SILValue PullbackCloner::Implementation::getAdjointProjection(
SILBasicBlock *origBB, SILValue originalProjection) {
// Handle `struct_element_addr`.
// Adjoint projection: a `struct_element_addr` into the base adjoint buffer.
if (auto *seai = dyn_cast<StructElementAddrInst>(originalProjection)) {
assert(!seai->getField()->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NoDerivativeAttr>() &&
"`@noDerivative` struct projections should never be active");
auto adjSource = getAdjointBuffer(origBB, seai->getOperand());
auto structType = remapType(seai->getOperand()->getType()).getASTType();
auto *tanField =
getTangentStoredProperty(getContext(), seai, structType, getInvoker());
assert(tanField && "Invalid projections should have been diagnosed");
return builder.createStructElementAddr(seai->getLoc(), adjSource, tanField);
// Handle `tuple_element_addr`.
// Adjoint projection: a `tuple_element_addr` into the base adjoint buffer.
if (auto *teai = dyn_cast<TupleElementAddrInst>(originalProjection)) {
auto source = teai->getOperand();
auto adjSource = getAdjointBuffer(origBB, source);
if (!adjSource->getType().is<TupleType>())
return adjSource;
auto origTupleTy = source->getType().castTo<TupleType>();
unsigned adjIndex = 0;
for (unsigned i : range(teai->getFieldIndex())) {
if (getTangentSpace(
return builder.createTupleElementAddr(teai->getLoc(), adjSource, adjIndex);
// Handle `ref_element_addr`.
// Adjoint projection: a local allocation initialized with the corresponding
// field value from the class's base adjoint value.
if (auto *reai = dyn_cast<RefElementAddrInst>(originalProjection)) {
assert(!reai->getField()->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NoDerivativeAttr>() &&
"`@noDerivative` class projections should never be active");
auto loc = reai->getLoc();
// Get the class operand, stripping `begin_borrow`.
auto classOperand = stripBorrow(reai->getOperand());
auto classType = remapType(reai->getOperand()->getType()).getASTType();
auto *tanField =
getTangentStoredProperty(getContext(), reai->getField(), classType,
reai->getLoc(), getInvoker());
assert(tanField && "Invalid projections should have been diagnosed");
// Create a local allocation for the element adjoint buffer.
auto eltTanType = tanField->getValueInterfaceType()->getCanonicalType();
auto eltTanSILType =
auto *eltAdjBuffer = createFunctionLocalAllocation(eltTanSILType, loc);
// Check the class operand's `TangentVector` value category.
switch (getTangentValueCategory(classOperand)) {
case SILValueCategory::Object: {
// Get the class operand's adjoint value. Currently, it must be a
// `TangentVector` struct.
auto adjClass =
materializeAdjointDirect(getAdjointValue(origBB, classOperand), loc);
loc, adjClass, [&](SILValue borrowedAdjClass) {
// Initialize the element adjoint buffer with the base adjoint
// value.
auto *adjElt =
builder.createStructExtract(loc, borrowedAdjClass, tanField);
auto adjEltCopy = builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, adjElt);
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, adjEltCopy, eltAdjBuffer,
return eltAdjBuffer;
case SILValueCategory::Address: {
// Get the class operand's adjoint buffer. Currently, it must be a
// `TangentVector` struct.
auto adjClass = getAdjointBuffer(origBB, classOperand);
// Initialize the element adjoint buffer with the base adjoint buffer.
auto *adjElt = builder.createStructElementAddr(loc, adjClass, tanField);
builder.createCopyAddr(loc, adjElt, eltAdjBuffer, IsNotTake,
return eltAdjBuffer;
// Handle `begin_access`.
// Adjoint projection: the base adjoint buffer itself.
if (auto *bai = dyn_cast<BeginAccessInst>(originalProjection)) {
auto adjBase = getAdjointBuffer(origBB, bai->getOperand());
if (errorOccurred)
return (bufferMap[{origBB, originalProjection}] = SILValue());
// Return the base buffer's adjoint buffer.
return adjBase;
// Handle `array.uninitialized_intrinsic` application element addresses.
// Adjoint projection: a local allocation initialized by applying
// `Array.TangentVector.subscript` to the base array's adjoint value.
auto *ai =
auto *definingInst = dyn_cast_or_null<SingleValueInstruction>(
bool isAllocateUninitializedArrayIntrinsicElementAddress =
ai && definingInst &&
(isa<PointerToAddressInst>(definingInst) ||
if (isAllocateUninitializedArrayIntrinsicElementAddress) {
// Get the array element index of the result address.
int eltIndex = 0;
if (auto *iai = dyn_cast<IndexAddrInst>(definingInst)) {
auto *ili = cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(iai->getIndex());
eltIndex = ili->getValue().getLimitedValue();
// Get the array adjoint value.
SILValue arrayAdjoint;
assert(ai && "Expected `array.uninitialized_intrinsic` application");
for (auto use : ai->getUses()) {
auto *dti = dyn_cast<DestructureTupleInst>(use->getUser());
if (!dti)
assert(!arrayAdjoint && "Array adjoint already found");
// The first `destructure_tuple` result is the `Array` value.
auto arrayValue = dti->getResult(0);
arrayAdjoint = materializeAdjointDirect(
getAdjointValue(origBB, arrayValue), definingInst->getLoc());
assert(arrayAdjoint && "Array does not have adjoint value");
// Apply `Array.TangentVector.subscript` to get array element adjoint value.
auto *eltAdjBuffer =
getArrayAdjointElementBuffer(arrayAdjoint, eltIndex, ai->getLoc());
return eltAdjBuffer;
return SILValue();
// Adjoint value accumulation
AdjointValue PullbackCloner::Implementation::accumulateAdjointsDirect(
AdjointValue lhs, AdjointValue rhs, SILLocation loc) {
LLVM_DEBUG(getADDebugStream() << "Materializing adjoint directly.\nLHS: "
<< lhs << "\nRHS: " << rhs << '\n');
switch (lhs.getKind()) {
// x
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete: {
auto lhsVal = lhs.getConcreteValue();
switch (rhs.getKind()) {
// x + y
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete: {
auto rhsVal = rhs.getConcreteValue();
auto sum = recordTemporary(accumulateDirect(lhsVal, rhsVal, loc));
return makeConcreteAdjointValue(sum);
// x + 0 => x
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
return lhs;
// x + (y, z) => (x.0 + y, x.1 + z)
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate:
SmallVector<AdjointValue, 8> newElements;
auto lhsTy = lhsVal->getType().getASTType();
auto lhsValCopy = builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, lhsVal);
if (lhsTy->is<TupleType>()) {
auto elts = builder.createDestructureTuple(loc, lhsValCopy);
[this](SILValue result) { recordTemporary(result); });
for (auto i : indices(elts->getResults())) {
auto rhsElt = rhs.getAggregateElement(i);
makeConcreteAdjointValue(elts->getResult(i)), rhsElt, loc));
} else if (lhsTy->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
auto elts =
builder.createDestructureStruct(lhsVal.getLoc(), lhsValCopy);
[this](SILValue result) { recordTemporary(result); });
for (unsigned i : indices(elts->getResults())) {
auto rhsElt = rhs.getAggregateElement(i);
makeConcreteAdjointValue(elts->getResult(i)), rhsElt, loc));
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Not an aggregate type");
return makeAggregateAdjointValue(lhsVal->getType(), newElements);
// 0
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
// 0 + x => x
return rhs;
// (x, y)
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate:
switch (rhs.getKind()) {
// (x, y) + z => (z.0 + x, z.1 + y)
case AdjointValueKind::Concrete:
return accumulateAdjointsDirect(rhs, lhs, loc);
// x + 0 => x
case AdjointValueKind::Zero:
return lhs;
// (x, y) + (z, w) => (x + z, y + w)
case AdjointValueKind::Aggregate: {
SmallVector<AdjointValue, 8> newElements;
for (auto i : range(lhs.getNumAggregateElements()))
lhs.getAggregateElement(i), rhs.getAggregateElement(i), loc));
return makeAggregateAdjointValue(lhs.getType(), newElements);
llvm_unreachable("Invalid adjoint value kind"); // silences MSVC C4715
SILValue PullbackCloner::Implementation::accumulateDirect(SILValue lhs,
SILValue rhs,
SILLocation loc) {
LLVM_DEBUG(getADDebugStream() << "Emitting adjoint accumulation for lhs: "
<< lhs << " and rhs: " << rhs);
assert(lhs->getType() == rhs->getType() && "Adjoints must have equal types!");
assert(lhs->getType().isObject() && rhs->getType().isObject() &&
"Adjoint types must be both object types!");
auto adjointTy = lhs->getType();
auto adjointASTTy = adjointTy.getASTType();
auto tangentSpace = getTangentSpace(adjointASTTy);
auto lhsCopy = builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, lhs);
auto rhsCopy = builder.emitCopyValueOperation(loc, rhs);
assert(tangentSpace && "No tangent space for this type");
switch (tangentSpace->getKind()) {
case TangentSpace::Kind::TangentVector: {
// Allocate buffers for inputs and output.
auto *resultBuf = builder.createAllocStack(loc, adjointTy);
auto *lhsBuf = builder.createAllocStack(loc, adjointTy);
auto *rhsBuf = builder.createAllocStack(loc, adjointTy);
// Initialize input buffers.
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, lhsCopy, lhsBuf,
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(loc, rhsCopy, rhsBuf,
accumulateIndirect(resultBuf, lhsBuf, rhsBuf, loc);
builder.emitDestroyAddr(loc, lhsBuf);
builder.emitDestroyAddr(loc, rhsBuf);
// Deallocate input buffers.
builder.createDeallocStack(loc, rhsBuf);
builder.createDeallocStack(loc, lhsBuf);
auto val = builder.emitLoadValueOperation(loc, resultBuf,
// Deallocate result buffer.
builder.createDeallocStack(loc, resultBuf);
return val;
case TangentSpace::Kind::Tuple: {
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> adjElements;
auto lhsElts = builder.createDestructureTuple(loc, lhsCopy)->getResults();
auto rhsElts = builder.createDestructureTuple(loc, rhsCopy)->getResults();
for (auto zipped : llvm::zip(lhsElts, rhsElts))
accumulateDirect(std::get<0>(zipped), std::get<1>(zipped), loc));
return builder.createTuple(loc, adjointTy, adjElements);
llvm_unreachable("Invalid tangent space"); // silences MSVC C4715
void PullbackCloner::Implementation::accumulateIndirect(SILValue resultAddress,
SILValue lhsAddress,
SILValue rhsAddress,
SILLocation loc) {
assert(lhsAddress->getType() == rhsAddress->getType() &&
"Adjoint values must have same type!");
assert(lhsAddress->getType().isAddress() &&
rhsAddress->getType().isAddress() &&
"Adjoint values must both have address types!");
auto adjointTy = lhsAddress->getType();
auto adjointASTTy = adjointTy.getASTType();
auto *swiftMod = getModule().getSwiftModule();
auto tangentSpace = adjointASTTy->getAutoDiffTangentSpace(
assert(tangentSpace && "No tangent space for this type");
switch (tangentSpace->getKind()) {
case TangentSpace::Kind::TangentVector: {
auto *proto = getContext().getAdditiveArithmeticProtocol();
auto *combinerFuncDecl = getContext().getPlusDecl();
// Call the combiner function and return.
auto adjointParentModule =
? tangentSpace->getNominal()->getModuleContext()
: getModule().getSwiftModule();
auto confRef = adjointParentModule->lookupConformance(adjointASTTy, proto);
assert(!confRef.isInvalid() &&
"Missing conformance to `AdditiveArithmetic`");
SILDeclRef declRef(combinerFuncDecl, SILDeclRef::Kind::Func);
auto silFnTy = getContext().getTypeConverter().getConstantType(
TypeExpansionContext::minimal(), declRef);
// %0 = witness_method @+
auto witnessMethod = builder.createWitnessMethod(loc, adjointASTTy, confRef,
declRef, silFnTy);
auto subMap =
SubstitutionMap::getProtocolSubstitutions(proto, adjointASTTy, confRef);
// %1 = metatype $T.Type
auto metatypeType =
CanMetatypeType::get(adjointASTTy, MetatypeRepresentation::Thick);
auto metatypeSILType = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(metatypeType);
auto metatype = builder.createMetatype(loc, metatypeSILType);
// %2 = apply %0(%result, %new, %old, %1)
builder.createApply(loc, witnessMethod, subMap,
{resultAddress, rhsAddress, lhsAddress, metatype},
/*isNonThrowing*/ false);
builder.emitDestroyValueOperation(loc, witnessMethod);
case TangentSpace::Kind::Tuple: {
auto tupleType = tangentSpace->getTuple();
for (unsigned i : range(tupleType->getNumElements())) {
auto *destAddr = builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, resultAddress, i);
auto *eltAddrLHS = builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, lhsAddress, i);
auto *eltAddrRHS = builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, rhsAddress, i);
accumulateIndirect(destAddr, eltAddrLHS, eltAddrRHS, loc);
void PullbackCloner::Implementation::accumulateIndirect(SILValue lhsDestAddress,
SILValue rhsAddress,
SILLocation loc) {
assert(lhsDestAddress->getType().isAddress() &&
assert(lhsDestAddress->getFunction() == &getPullback());
assert(rhsAddress->getFunction() == &getPullback());
auto type = lhsDestAddress->getType();
auto astType = type.getASTType();
auto *swiftMod = getModule().getSwiftModule();
auto tangentSpace =
assert(tangentSpace && "No tangent space for this type");
switch (tangentSpace->getKind()) {
case TangentSpace::Kind::TangentVector: {
auto *proto = getContext().getAdditiveArithmeticProtocol();
auto *accumulatorFuncDecl = getContext().getPlusEqualDecl();
// Call the combiner function and return.
auto confRef = swiftMod->lookupConformance(astType, proto);
assert(!confRef.isInvalid() &&
"Missing conformance to `AdditiveArithmetic`");
SILDeclRef declRef(accumulatorFuncDecl, SILDeclRef::Kind::Func);
auto silFnTy = getContext().getTypeConverter().getConstantType(
TypeExpansionContext::minimal(), declRef);
// %0 = witness_method @+=
auto witnessMethod =
builder.createWitnessMethod(loc, astType, confRef, declRef, silFnTy);
auto subMap =
SubstitutionMap::getProtocolSubstitutions(proto, astType, confRef);
// %1 = metatype $T.Type
auto metatypeType =
CanMetatypeType::get(astType, MetatypeRepresentation::Thick);
auto metatypeSILType = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(metatypeType);
auto metatype = builder.createMetatype(loc, metatypeSILType);
// %2 = apply $0(%lhs, %rhs, %1)
builder.createApply(loc, witnessMethod, subMap,
{lhsDestAddress, rhsAddress, metatype},
/*isNonThrowing*/ false);
builder.emitDestroyValueOperation(loc, witnessMethod);
case TangentSpace::Kind::Tuple: {
auto tupleType = tangentSpace->getTuple();
for (unsigned i : range(tupleType->getNumElements())) {
auto *destAddr = builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, lhsDestAddress, i);
auto *eltAddrRHS = builder.createTupleElementAddr(loc, rhsAddress, i);
accumulateIndirect(destAddr, eltAddrRHS, loc);
// Array literal initialization differentiation
void PullbackCloner::Implementation::
accumulateArrayLiteralElementAddressAdjoints(SILBasicBlock *origBB,
SILValue originalValue,
AdjointValue arrayAdjointValue,
SILLocation loc) {
// Return if the original value is not the `Array` result of an
// `array.uninitialized_intrinsic` application.
auto *dti = dyn_cast_or_null<DestructureTupleInst>(
if (!dti)
if (!ArraySemanticsCall(dti->getOperand(),
if (originalValue != dti->getResult(0))
// Accumulate the array's adjoint value into the adjoint buffers of its
// element addresses: `pointer_to_address` and `index_addr` instructions.
<< "Accumulating adjoint value for array literal into element "
"address adjoint buffers"
<< originalValue);
auto arrayAdjoint = materializeAdjointDirect(arrayAdjointValue, loc);
for (auto use : dti->getResult(1)->getUses()) {
auto *ptai = dyn_cast<PointerToAddressInst>(use->getUser());
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(origBB, ptai);
auto *eltAdjBuf = getArrayAdjointElementBuffer(arrayAdjoint, 0, loc);
accumulateIndirect(adjBuf, eltAdjBuf, loc);
for (auto use : ptai->getUses()) {
if (auto *iai = dyn_cast<IndexAddrInst>(use->getUser())) {
auto *ili = cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(iai->getIndex());
auto eltIndex = ili->getValue().getLimitedValue();
auto adjBuf = getAdjointBuffer(origBB, iai);
auto *eltAdjBuf =
getArrayAdjointElementBuffer(arrayAdjoint, eltIndex, loc);
accumulateIndirect(adjBuf, eltAdjBuf, loc);
AllocStackInst *PullbackCloner::Implementation::getArrayAdjointElementBuffer(
SILValue arrayAdjoint, int eltIndex, SILLocation loc) {
auto &ctx = builder.getASTContext();
auto arrayTanType = cast<StructType>(arrayAdjoint->getType().getASTType());
auto arrayType = arrayTanType->getParent()->castTo<BoundGenericStructType>();
auto eltTanType = arrayType->getGenericArgs().front()->getCanonicalType();
auto eltTanSILType = remapType(SILType::getPrimitiveAddressType(eltTanType));
// Get `function_ref` and generic signature of
// `Array.TangentVector.subscript.getter`.
auto *arrayTanStructDecl = arrayTanType->getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
auto subscriptLookup =
SubscriptDecl *subscriptDecl = nullptr;
for (auto *candidate : subscriptLookup) {
auto candidateModule = candidate->getModuleContext();
if (candidateModule->getName() == ctx.Id_Differentiation ||
candidateModule->isStdlibModule()) {
assert(!subscriptDecl && "Multiple `Array.TangentVector.subscript`s");
subscriptDecl = cast<SubscriptDecl>(candidate);
#ifdef NDEBUG
assert(subscriptDecl && "No `Array.TangentVector.subscript`");
auto *subscriptGetterDecl =
assert(subscriptGetterDecl && "No `Array.TangentVector.subscript` getter");
SILOptFunctionBuilder fb(getContext().getTransform());
auto *subscriptGetterFn = fb.getOrCreateFunction(
loc, SILDeclRef(subscriptGetterDecl), NotForDefinition);
// %subscript_fn = function_ref @Array.TangentVector<T>.subscript.getter
auto *subscriptFnRef = builder.createFunctionRef(loc, subscriptGetterFn);
auto subscriptFnGenSig =
// Apply `Array.TangentVector.subscript.getter` to get array element adjoint
// buffer.
// %index_literal = integer_literal $Builtin.IntXX, <index>
auto builtinIntType =
auto *eltIndexLiteral =
builder.createIntegerLiteral(loc, builtinIntType, eltIndex);
auto intType = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(
// %index_int = struct $Int (%index_literal)
auto *eltIndexInt = builder.createStruct(loc, intType, {eltIndexLiteral});
auto *swiftModule = getModule().getSwiftModule();
auto *diffProto = ctx.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
auto diffConf = swiftModule->lookupConformance(eltTanType, diffProto);
assert(!diffConf.isInvalid() && "Missing conformance to `Differentiable`");
auto *addArithProto = ctx.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::AdditiveArithmetic);
auto addArithConf = swiftModule->lookupConformance(eltTanType, addArithProto);
assert(!addArithConf.isInvalid() &&
"Missing conformance to `AdditiveArithmetic`");
auto subMap = SubstitutionMap::get(subscriptFnGenSig, {eltTanType},
{addArithConf, diffConf});
// %elt_adj = alloc_stack $T.TangentVector
// Create and register a local allocation.
auto *eltAdjBuffer = createFunctionLocalAllocation(eltTanSILType, loc);
// Temporarily change global builder insertion point and emit zero into the
// local allocation.
auto insertionPoint = builder.getInsertionBB();
emitZeroIndirect(eltTanType, eltAdjBuffer, loc);
// Immediately destroy the emitted zero value.
// NOTE: It is not efficient to emit a zero value then immediately destroy
// it. However, it was the easiest way to to avoid "lifetime mismatch in
// predecessors" memory lifetime verification errors for control flow
// differentiation.
// Perhaps we can avoid emitting a zero value if local allocations are created
// per pullback bb instead of all in the pullback entry: TF-1075.
builder.emitDestroyOperation(loc, eltAdjBuffer);
// apply %subscript_fn<T.TangentVector>(%elt_adj, %index_int, %array_adj)
builder.createApply(loc, subscriptFnRef, subMap,
{eltAdjBuffer, eltIndexInt, arrayAdjoint});
return eltAdjBuffer;
} // end namespace autodiff
} // end namespace swift