blob: 32cfcce18a3447c9671ae78043fe14f771dfbbca [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ValueTracking.cpp - SIL Value Tracking Analysis ------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-value-tracking"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "swift/SIL/InstructionUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/PatternMatch.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/SimplifyInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/InstOptUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::PatternMatch;
bool swift::isExclusiveArgument(SILValue V) {
auto *Arg = dyn_cast<SILFunctionArgument>(V);
if (!Arg)
return false;
SILArgumentConvention Conv = Arg->getArgumentConvention();
return Conv.isExclusiveIndirectParameter();
/// Check if the parameter \V is based on a local object, e.g. it is an
/// allocation instruction or a struct/tuple constructed from the local objects.
/// Returns a found local object. If a local object was not found, returns an
/// empty SILValue.
static bool isLocalObject(SILValue Obj) {
// Set of values to be checked for their locality.
SmallVector<SILValue, 8> WorkList;
// Set of processed values.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILValue, 8> Processed;
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
auto V = WorkList.pop_back_val();
if (!V)
return false;
if (Processed.count(V))
// It should be a local object.
V = getUnderlyingObject(V);
if (isa<AllocationInst>(V))
if (isa<StructInst>(V) || isa<TupleInst>(V) || isa<EnumInst>(V)) {
// A compound value is local, if all of its components are local.
for (auto &Op : cast<SingleValueInstruction>(V)->getAllOperands()) {
if (auto *Arg = dyn_cast<SILPhiArgument>(V)) {
// A BB argument is local if all of its
// incoming values are local.
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> IncomingValues;
if (Arg->getSingleTerminatorOperands(IncomingValues)) {
for (auto InValue : IncomingValues) {
// Everything else is considered to be non-local.
return false;
return true;
bool swift::pointsToLocalObject(SILValue V) {
return isLocalObject(getUnderlyingObject(V));
/// Check if the value \p Value is known to be zero, non-zero or unknown.
IsZeroKind swift::isZeroValue(SILValue Value) {
// Inspect integer literals.
if (auto *L = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Value)) {
if (!L->getValue())
return IsZeroKind::Zero;
return IsZeroKind::NotZero;
// Inspect Structs.
switch (Value->getKind()) {
// Bitcast of zero is zero.
case ValueKind::UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst:
// Extracting from a zero class returns a zero.
case ValueKind::StructExtractInst:
return isZeroValue(cast<SingleValueInstruction>(Value)->getOperand(0));
// Inspect casts.
if (auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(Value)) {
switch (BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID) {
case BuiltinValueKind::IntToPtr:
case BuiltinValueKind::PtrToInt:
case BuiltinValueKind::ZExt:
return isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[0]);
case BuiltinValueKind::UDiv:
case BuiltinValueKind::SDiv: {
if (IsZeroKind::Zero == isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[0]))
return IsZeroKind::Zero;
return IsZeroKind::Unknown;
case BuiltinValueKind::Mul:
case BuiltinValueKind::SMulOver:
case BuiltinValueKind::UMulOver: {
IsZeroKind LHS = isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[0]);
IsZeroKind RHS = isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[1]);
if (LHS == IsZeroKind::Zero || RHS == IsZeroKind::Zero)
return IsZeroKind::Zero;
return IsZeroKind::Unknown;
return IsZeroKind::Unknown;
// Handle results of XXX_with_overflow arithmetic.
if (auto *T = dyn_cast<TupleExtractInst>(Value)) {
// Make sure we are extracting the number value and not
// the overflow flag.
if (T->getFieldIndex() != 0)
return IsZeroKind::Unknown;
auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(T->getOperand());
if (!BI)
return IsZeroKind::Unknown;
return isZeroValue(BI);
//Inspect allocations and pointer literals.
if (isa<StringLiteralInst>(Value) ||
isa<AllocationInst>(Value) ||
return IsZeroKind::NotZero;
return IsZeroKind::Unknown;
/// Check if the sign bit of the value \p V is known to be:
/// set (true), not set (false) or unknown (None).
Optional<bool> swift::computeSignBit(SILValue V) {
SILValue Value = V;
while (true) {
ValueBase *Def = Value;
// Inspect integer literals.
if (auto *L = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Def)) {
if (L->getValue().isNonNegative())
return false;
return true;
switch (Def->getKind()) {
// Bitcast of non-negative is non-negative
case ValueKind::UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst:
Value = cast<UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst>(Def)->getOperand();
if (auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(Def)) {
switch (BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID) {
// Sizeof always returns non-negative results.
case BuiltinValueKind::Sizeof:
return false;
// Strideof always returns non-negative results.
case BuiltinValueKind::Strideof:
return false;
// Alignof always returns non-negative results.
case BuiltinValueKind::Alignof:
return false;
// Both operands to AND must have the top bit set for V to.
case BuiltinValueKind::And: {
// Compute the sign bit of the LHS and RHS.
auto Left = computeSignBit(BI->getArguments()[0]);
auto Right = computeSignBit(BI->getArguments()[1]);
// We don't know either's sign bit so we can't
// say anything about the result.
if (!Left && !Right) {
return None;
// Now we know that we were able to determine the sign bit
// for at least one of Left/Right. Canonicalize the determined
// sign bit on the left.
if (Right) {
std::swap(Left, Right);
// We know we must have at least one result and it must be on
// the Left. If Right is still not None, then get both values
// and AND them together.
if (Right) {
return Left.getValue() && Right.getValue();
// Now we know that Right is None and Left has a value. If
// Left's value is true, then we return None as the final
// sign bit depends on the unknown Right value.
if (Left.getValue()) {
return None;
// Otherwise, Left must be false and false AND'd with anything
// else yields false.
return false;
// At least one operand to OR must have the top bit set.
case BuiltinValueKind::Or: {
// Compute the sign bit of the LHS and RHS.
auto Left = computeSignBit(BI->getArguments()[0]);
auto Right = computeSignBit(BI->getArguments()[1]);
// We don't know either's sign bit so we can't
// say anything about the result.
if (!Left && !Right) {
return None;
// Now we know that we were able to determine the sign bit
// for at least one of Left/Right. Canonicalize the determined
// sign bit on the left.
if (Right) {
std::swap(Left, Right);
// We know we must have at least one result and it must be on
// the Left. If Right is still not None, then get both values
// and OR them together.
if (Right) {
return Left.getValue() || Right.getValue();
// Now we know that Right is None and Left has a value. If
// Left's value is false, then we return None as the final
// sign bit depends on the unknown Right value.
if (!Left.getValue()) {
return None;
// Otherwise, Left must be true and true OR'd with anything
// else yields true.
return true;
// Only one of the operands to XOR must have the top bit set.
case BuiltinValueKind::Xor: {
// Compute the sign bit of the LHS and RHS.
auto Left = computeSignBit(BI->getArguments()[0]);
auto Right = computeSignBit(BI->getArguments()[1]);
// If either Left or Right is unknown then we can't say
// anything about the sign of the final result since
// XOR does not short-circuit.
if (!Left || !Right) {
return None;
// Now we know that both Left and Right must have a value.
// For the sign of the final result to be set, only one
// of Left or Right should be true.
return Left.getValue() != Right.getValue();
case BuiltinValueKind::LShr: {
// If count is provably >= 1, then top bit is not set.
auto *ILShiftCount = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(BI->getArguments()[1]);
if (ILShiftCount) {
if (ILShiftCount->getValue().isStrictlyPositive()) {
return false;
// May be top bit is not set in the value being shifted.
Value = BI->getArguments()[0];
// Sign bit of the operand is promoted.
case BuiltinValueKind::SExt:
Value = BI->getArguments()[0];
// Source type is always smaller than the target type.
// Therefore the sign bit of a result is always 0.
case BuiltinValueKind::ZExt:
return false;
// Sign bit of the operand is promoted.
case BuiltinValueKind::SExtOrBitCast:
Value = BI->getArguments()[0];
// TODO: If source type size is smaller than the target type
// the result will be always false.
case BuiltinValueKind::ZExtOrBitCast:
Value = BI->getArguments()[0];
// Inspect casts.
case BuiltinValueKind::IntToPtr:
case BuiltinValueKind::PtrToInt:
Value = BI->getArguments()[0];
return None;
return None;
/// Check if a checked trunc instruction can overflow.
/// Returns false if it can be proven that no overflow can happen.
/// Otherwise returns true.
static bool checkTruncOverflow(BuiltinInst *BI) {
SILValue Left, Right;
if (match(BI, m_CheckedTrunc(m_And(m_SILValue(Left),
m_SILValue(Right))))) {
// [US]ToSCheckedTrunc(And(x, mask)) cannot overflow
// if mask has the following properties:
// Only the first (N-1) bits are allowed to be set, where N is the width
// of the trunc result type.
// [US]ToUCheckedTrunc(And(x, mask)) cannot overflow
// if mask has the following properties:
// Only the first N bits are allowed to be set, where N is the width
// of the trunc result type.
if (auto BITy = BI->getType().
getAs<BuiltinIntegerType>()) {
unsigned Width = BITy->getFixedWidth();
switch (BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID) {
case BuiltinValueKind::SToSCheckedTrunc:
case BuiltinValueKind::UToSCheckedTrunc:
// If it is a trunc to a signed value
// then sign bit should not be set to avoid overflows.
if (auto *ILLeft = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Left)) {
APInt Value = ILLeft->getValue();
if (Value.isIntN(Width)) {
return false;
if (auto *ILRight = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Right)) {
APInt Value = ILRight->getValue();
if (Value.isIntN(Width)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Check if execution of a given Apply instruction can result in overflows.
/// Returns true if an overflow can happen. Otherwise returns false.
bool swift::canOverflow(BuiltinInst *BI) {
if (simplifyOverflowBuiltinInstruction(BI) != SILValue())
return false;
if (!checkTruncOverflow(BI))
return false;
// Conservatively assume that an overflow can happen
return true;