blob: 3162c361ae070afa13ef182b70bad066909c1eee [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ColdBlockInfo.cpp - Fast/slow path analysis for the SIL CFG ------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ColdBlockInfo.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/DominanceAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/AST/SemanticAttrs.h"
using namespace swift;
/// Peek through an extract of Bool.value.
static SILValue getCondition(SILValue C) {
if (auto *SEI = dyn_cast<StructExtractInst>(C)) {
if (auto *Struct = dyn_cast<StructInst>(SEI->getOperand()))
return Struct->getFieldValue(SEI->getField());
return SEI->getOperand();
return C;
/// \return a BranchHint if this call is a builtin branch hint.
ColdBlockInfo::BranchHint ColdBlockInfo::getBranchHint(SILValue Cond,
int recursionDepth) {
// Handle the fully inlined Builtin.
if (auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(Cond)) {
if (BI->getIntrinsicInfo().ID == llvm::Intrinsic::expect) {
// peek through an extract of Bool.value.
SILValue ExpectedValue = getCondition(BI->getArguments()[1]);
if (auto *Literal = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(ExpectedValue)) {
return (Literal->getValue() == 0)
? BranchHint::LikelyFalse : BranchHint::LikelyTrue;
return BranchHint::None;
if (auto *Arg = dyn_cast<SILArgument>(Cond)) {
llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<SILBasicBlock *, SILValue>, 4> InValues;
if (!Arg->getIncomingPhiValues(InValues))
return BranchHint::None;
if (recursionDepth > RecursionDepthLimit)
return BranchHint::None;
BranchHint Hint = BranchHint::None;
// Check all predecessor values which come from non-cold blocks.
for (auto Pair : InValues) {
if (isCold(Pair.first, recursionDepth + 1))
auto *IL = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Pair.second);
if (!IL)
return BranchHint::None;
// Check if we have a consistent value for all non-cold predecessors.
if (IL->getValue().getBoolValue()) {
if (Hint == BranchHint::LikelyFalse)
return BranchHint::None;
Hint = BranchHint::LikelyTrue;
} else {
if (Hint == BranchHint::LikelyTrue)
return BranchHint::None;
Hint = BranchHint::LikelyFalse;
return Hint;
// Handle the @semantic functions used for branch hints.
auto AI = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(Cond);
if (!AI)
return BranchHint::None;
if (auto *F = AI->getReferencedFunctionOrNull()) {
if (F->hasSemanticsAttrs()) {
// fastpath/slowpath attrs are untested because the inliner luckily
// inlines them before the downstream calls.
if (F->hasSemanticsAttr(semantics::SLOWPATH))
return BranchHint::LikelyFalse;
else if (F->hasSemanticsAttr(semantics::FASTPATH))
return BranchHint::LikelyTrue;
return BranchHint::None;
/// \return true if the CFG edge FromBB->ToBB is directly gated by a _slowPath
/// branch hint.
bool ColdBlockInfo::isSlowPath(const SILBasicBlock *FromBB,
const SILBasicBlock *ToBB,
int recursionDepth) {
auto *CBI = dyn_cast<CondBranchInst>(FromBB->getTerminator());
if (!CBI)
return false;
SILValue C = getCondition(CBI->getCondition());
BranchHint hint = getBranchHint(C, recursionDepth);
if (hint == BranchHint::None)
return false;
const SILBasicBlock *ColdTarget =
(hint == BranchHint::LikelyTrue) ? CBI->getFalseBB() : CBI->getTrueBB();
return ToBB == ColdTarget;
/// \return true if the given block is dominated by a _slowPath branch hint.
/// Cache all blocks visited to avoid introducing quadratic behavior.
bool ColdBlockInfo::isCold(const SILBasicBlock *BB, int recursionDepth) {
auto I = ColdBlockMap.find(BB);
if (I != ColdBlockMap.end())
return I->second;
typedef llvm::DomTreeNodeBase<SILBasicBlock> DomTreeNode;
DominanceInfo *DT = DA->get(const_cast<SILFunction*>(BB->getParent()));
DomTreeNode *Node = DT->getNode(const_cast<SILBasicBlock*>(BB));
// Always consider unreachable code cold.
if (!Node)
return true;
std::vector<const SILBasicBlock*> DomChain;
bool IsCold = false;
Node = Node->getIDom();
while (Node) {
if (isSlowPath(Node->getBlock(), DomChain.back(), recursionDepth)) {
IsCold = true;
auto I = ColdBlockMap.find(Node->getBlock());
if (I != ColdBlockMap.end()) {
IsCold = I->second;
Node = Node->getIDom();
for (auto *ChainBB : DomChain)
ColdBlockMap[ChainBB] = IsCold;
return IsCold;