blob: 6b2e7495cc6c79dc30dc82da23a23ad9a9665097 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- RefCountState.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "arc-sequence-opts"
#include "RefCountState.h"
#include "RCStateTransition.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace swift;
// Lattice State Merging
static inline BottomUpRefCountState::LatticeState
MergeBottomUpLatticeStates(BottomUpRefCountState::LatticeState L1,
BottomUpRefCountState::LatticeState L2) {
using LatticeState = BottomUpRefCountState::LatticeState;
// If both states equal, return the first.
if (L1 == L2)
return L1;
// If either are none, return None.
if (L1 == LatticeState::None || L2 == LatticeState::None)
return LatticeState::None;
// Canonicalize.
if (unsigned(L1) > unsigned(L2))
std::swap(L1, L2);
// Choose the side further along in the sequence.
if ((L1 == LatticeState::Decremented || L1 == LatticeState::MightBeUsed) ||
(L2 == LatticeState::MightBeUsed ||
L2 == LatticeState::MightBeDecremented))
return L2;
// Otherwise, we don't know what happened, be conservative and return none.
return LatticeState::None;
static inline TopDownRefCountState::LatticeState
MergeTopDownLatticeStates(TopDownRefCountState::LatticeState L1,
TopDownRefCountState::LatticeState L2) {
using LatticeState = TopDownRefCountState::LatticeState;
// If both states equal, return the first.
if (L1 == L2)
return L1;
// If either are none, return None.
if (L1 == LatticeState::None || L2 == LatticeState::None)
return LatticeState::None;
// Canonicalize.
if (unsigned(L1) > unsigned(L2))
std::swap(L1, L2);
// Choose the side further along in the sequence.
if ((L1 == LatticeState::Incremented ||
L1 == LatticeState::MightBeDecremented) ||
(L2 == LatticeState::MightBeDecremented ||
L2 == LatticeState::MightBeUsed))
return L2;
// Otherwise, we don't know what happened, return none.
return LatticeState::None;
// Bottom Up Ref Count State
/// Initializes/reinitialized the state for I. If we reinitialize we return
/// true.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::initWithMutatorInst(
ImmutablePointerSet<SILInstruction> *I,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCFI) {
assert(I->size() == 1);
SILInstruction *Inst = *I->begin();
assert((isa<StrongReleaseInst>(Inst) || isa<ReleaseValueInst>(Inst)) &&
"strong_release and release_value are only supported.");
(void) Inst;
bool NestingDetected = SuperTy::initWithMutatorInst(I, RCFI);
// If we know that there is another decrement on the same pointer that has
// not been matched up to an increment, then the pointer must have a
// reference count of at least 2 before this decrement. This implies it is
// known safe.
KnownSafe = NestingDetected;
// If we saw a non arc user that will keep this value alive, set known safe
// since we will not move non-arc instructions.
KnownSafe |= FoundNonARCUser;
// Set our lattice state to be decremented.
LatState = LatticeState::Decremented;
return NestingDetected;
/// Return true if we *might* remove this instruction.
/// This is a conservative query given the information we know, so as we
/// perform the dataflow it may change value.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::mightRemoveMutators() {
if (LatState == LatticeState::None)
return false;
// We will not remove mutators if we have a might be decremented value that
// is not known safe.
return isCodeMotionSafe() || isKnownSafe();
/// Uninitialize the current state.
void BottomUpRefCountState::clear() {
// If we cannot conservatively prove that the given RefCountState will not
// be removed, be conservative and clear the transition state, so we do not
// propagate KnownSafety forward.
if (mightRemoveMutators())
Transition = RCStateTransition();
LatState = LatticeState::None;
/// If advance the state's sequence appropriately for a decrement. If we do
/// advance return true. Otherwise return false.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::isRefCountStateModified() const {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::Decremented:
return true;
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled TermKind in switch.");
/// Returns true if given the current lattice state, do we care if the value
/// we are tracking is decremented.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::valueCanBeDecrementedGivenLatticeState() const {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return true;
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::Decremented:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// If advance the state's sequence appropriately for a decrement. If we do
/// advance return true. Otherwise return false.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::handleDecrement() {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
LatState = LatticeState::MightBeDecremented;
return true;
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::Decremented:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Returns true if given the current lattice state, do we care if the value we
/// are tracking is used.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::valueCanBeUsedGivenLatticeState() const {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::Decremented:
return true;
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Given the current lattice state, if we have seen a use, advance the
/// lattice state. Return true if we do so and false otherwise.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::handleUser() {
assert(valueCanBeUsedGivenLatticeState() &&
"Must be able to be used at this point of the lattice.");
// Advance the sequence...
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::Decremented:
LatState = LatticeState::MightBeUsed;
return true;
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::None:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Returns true if given the current lattice state, do we care if the value
/// we are tracking is used.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::
valueCanBeGuaranteedUsedGivenLatticeState() const {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
return false;
case LatticeState::Decremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Given the current lattice state, if we have seen a use, advance the
/// lattice state. Return true if we do so and false otherwise.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::handleGuaranteedUser() {
assert(valueCanBeGuaranteedUsedGivenLatticeState() &&
"Must be able to be used at this point of the lattice.");
// Advance the sequence...
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::Decremented: {
LatState = LatticeState::MightBeDecremented;
return true;
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
LatState = LatticeState::MightBeDecremented;
return true;
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::None:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
// Returns true if the passed in ref count inst matches the ref count inst
// we are tracking. This handles generically retains/release.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::isRefCountInstMatchedToTrackedInstruction(
SILInstruction *RefCountInst) {
// If we are not tracking any state transitions bail.
if (!Transition.isValid())
return false;
// Otherwise, ask the transition state if this instruction causes a
// transition that can be matched with the transition in order to eliminate
// the transition.
if (!Transition.matchingInst(RefCountInst))
return false;
return handleRefCountInstMatch();
/// We have a matching ref count inst. Return true if we advance the sequence
/// and false otherwise.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::handleRefCountInstMatch() {
// Otherwise modify the state appropriately in preparation for removing the
// increment, decrement pair.
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::None:
return false;
case LatticeState::Decremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
bool BottomUpRefCountState::merge(const BottomUpRefCountState &Other) {
auto NewState = MergeBottomUpLatticeStates(LatState, Other.LatState);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Performing BottomUp Merge.\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Left: " << LatState << "; Right: "
<< Other.LatState << "; Result: " << NewState <<"\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " V: ";
if (hasRCRoot())
llvm::dbgs() << "\n";
llvm::dbgs() << " OtherV: ";
if (Other.hasRCRoot())
llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
LatState = NewState;
KnownSafe &= Other.KnownSafe;
FoundNonARCUser &= Other.FoundNonARCUser;
// If we're doing a merge on a path that's previously seen a partial merge,
// conservatively drop the sequence, to avoid doing partial RR elimination. If
// the branch predicates for the two merge differ, mixing them is unsafe since
// they are not control dependent.
// TODO: Add support for working around control dependence issues.
if (LatState == BottomUpRefCountState::LatticeState::None) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found LatticeState::None. "
"Clearing State!\n");
return false;
if (!Transition.isValid() || !Other.Transition.isValid() ||
!Transition.merge(Other.Transition)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Failed merge!\n");
return false;
return true;
// Check if PotentialGuaranteedUser can use the reference count associated with
// the value we are tracking. If so advance the state's sequence appropriately
// and return true. Otherwise return false.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::handlePotentialGuaranteedUser(
SILInstruction *PotentialGuaranteedUser, AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking a ref count, just return false.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
return false;
// If at the current lattice state, we don't care if the value we are
// tracking can be decremented or used, just return false.
// This causes us to only perform alias queries when we are at a lattice
// state where the alias queries will actually be used.
if (!valueCanBeGuaranteedUsedGivenLatticeState())
return false;
// If we can prove that Other cannot use the pointer we are tracking,
// return...
if (!mayGuaranteedUseValue(PotentialGuaranteedUser, getRCRoot(), AA))
return false;
// If we can prove that the pointer we are tracking cannot be decremented,
// return. On return, BottomUpRefCountState::handlePotentialUser can correctly
// handle transition of refcount state. It transitions from a Decrement
// refcount state to a MighBeUsed refcount state
if (!mayDecrementRefCount(PotentialGuaranteedUser, getRCRoot(), AA)) {
return false;
// Instructions that we do not recognize (and thus will not move) and that
// *must* use RCIdentity, implies we are always known safe as long as meet
// over all path constraints are satisfied.
if (isRCStateTransitionUnknown(PotentialGuaranteedUser))
if (mustUseValue(PotentialGuaranteedUser, getRCRoot(), AA))
FoundNonARCUser = true;
// Otherwise, update the ref count state given the guaranteed user.
return handleGuaranteedUser();
/// Check if PotentialDecrement can decrement the reference count associated
/// with the value we are tracking. If so advance the state's sequence
/// appropriately and return true. Otherwise return false.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::handlePotentialDecrement(
SILInstruction *PotentialDecrement, AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking a ref count, just return false.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
return false;
// If at the current lattice state, we don't care if the value we are
// tracking can be decremented, just return false.
// This causes us to only perform alias queries when we are at a lattice
// state where the alias queries will actually be used.
if (!valueCanBeDecrementedGivenLatticeState())
return false;
// If we can prove that Other cannot use the pointer we are tracking,
// return...
if (!mayDecrementRefCount(PotentialDecrement, getRCRoot(), AA))
return false;
// Otherwise, allow the CRTP substruct to update itself given we have a
// potential decrement.
return handleDecrement();
// Check if PotentialUser could be a use of the reference counted value that
// requires user to be alive. If so advance the state's sequence
// appropriately and return true. Otherwise return false.
bool BottomUpRefCountState::handlePotentialUser(SILInstruction *PotentialUser,
AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking a ref count, just return false.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
return false;
// If at the current lattice state, we don't care if the value we are
// tracking can be used, just return false.
// This causes us to only perform alias queries when we are at a lattice
// state where the alias queries will actually be used.
if (!valueCanBeUsedGivenLatticeState())
return false;
if (!mayHaveSymmetricInterference(PotentialUser, getRCRoot(), AA))
return false;
// Instructions that we do not recognize (and thus will not move) and that
// *must* use RCIdentity, implies we are always known safe as long as meet
// over all path constraints are satisfied.
if (isRCStateTransitionUnknown(PotentialUser))
if (mustUseValue(PotentialUser, getRCRoot(), AA))
FoundNonARCUser = true;
return handleUser();
void BottomUpRefCountState::updateForSameLoopInst(SILInstruction *I,
AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If this state is not tracking anything, there is nothing to update.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
// Check if the instruction we are visiting could potentially use our
// instruction in a way that requires us to guarantee the lifetime of the
// pointer up to this point. This has the effect of performing a use and a
// decrement.
if (handlePotentialGuaranteedUser(I, AA)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found Potential Guaranteed Use:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// Check if the instruction we are visiting could potentially decrement
// the reference counted value we are tracking... in a manner that could
// cause us to change states. If we do change states continue...
if (handlePotentialDecrement(I, AA)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found Potential Decrement:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// Otherwise check if the reference counted value we are tracking
// could be used by the given instruction.
if (!handlePotentialUser(I, AA))
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found Potential Use:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// Remove "KnownSafe" on the BottomUpRefCountState. If we find another unmatched
// retain instruction with a different aliasing RCIdentity or the same
// RCIdentity in the child region in the loop case.
void BottomUpRefCountState::checkAndResetKnownSafety(
SILInstruction *I, SILValue VisitedRC,
std::function<bool(SILInstruction *)> checkIfRefCountInstIsMatched,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA, AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If the RefCountState was not marked "KnownSafe", there is nothing to do.
if (!isKnownSafe())
assert(Transition.getKind() == RCStateTransitionKind::StrongDecrement);
// We only care about retain instructions that can potentially pair with a
// previously visited release.
if (!(isa<StrongRetainInst>(I) || isa<RetainValueInst>(I)))
SILValue VisitingRC = RCIA->getRCIdentityRoot(I->getOperand(0));
// If the visiting retain instruction was not already pair with a release
// instruction, return.
if (checkIfRefCountInstIsMatched(I))
// If the VisitingRC and VisitedRC do not alias, they cannot be incorrectly
// paired.
if (AA->isNoAlias(VisitingRC, VisitedRC))
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Clearing KnownSafe for: ");
// This function is conservative enough that the flow sensitive nature of
// loop summarized instructions does not matter.
void BottomUpRefCountState::updateForDifferentLoopInst(SILInstruction *I,
AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking anything, bail.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
if (valueCanBeGuaranteedUsedGivenLatticeState()) {
// Any instruction that may need guaranteed use or may decrement the
// refcount will turn off CodeMotionSafety
if (mayGuaranteedUseValue(I, getRCRoot(), AA) ||
mayDecrementRefCount(I, getRCRoot(), AA)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found potential guaranteed use:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// We can just handle potential users normally, since if we handle the user we
// already saw a decrement implying that we will treat this like a guaranteed
// use.
if (!handlePotentialUser(I, AA))
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found Potential Use:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// Top Down Ref Count State
/// Initializes/reinitialized the state for I. If we reinitialize we return
/// true.
bool TopDownRefCountState::initWithMutatorInst(
ImmutablePointerSet<SILInstruction> *I,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCFI) {
assert(I->size() == 1);
SILInstruction *Inst = *I->begin();
assert((isa<StrongRetainInst>(Inst) || isa<RetainValueInst>(Inst)) &&
"strong_retain and retain_value are only supported.");
bool NestingDetected = SuperTy::initWithMutatorInst(I, RCFI);
// This retain is known safe if the operand we are tracking was already
// known incremented previously. This occurs when you have nested
// increments.
KnownSafe = isRefCountStateModified();
// Set our lattice state to be incremented.
LatState = LatticeState::Incremented;
return NestingDetected;
/// Initialize this ref count state with the @owned Arg at +1.
void TopDownRefCountState::initWithArg(SILFunctionArgument *Arg) {
LatState = LatticeState::Incremented;
Transition = RCStateTransition(Arg);
assert(Transition.getKind() == RCStateTransitionKind::StrongEntrance &&
"Expected a strong entrance here");
RCRoot = Arg;
KnownSafe = false;
/// Initialize this RefCountState with an instruction which introduces a new
/// ref count at +1.
void TopDownRefCountState::initWithEntranceInst(
ImmutablePointerSet<SILInstruction> *I, SILValue RCIdentity) {
LatState = LatticeState::Incremented;
Transition = RCStateTransition(I);
assert(Transition.getKind() == RCStateTransitionKind::StrongEntrance &&
"Expected a strong entrance here");
RCRoot = RCIdentity;
KnownSafe = false;
/// Uninitialize the current state.
void TopDownRefCountState::clear() {
Transition = RCStateTransition();
LatState = LatticeState::None;
/// Can we guarantee that the given reference counted value has been modified?
bool TopDownRefCountState::isRefCountStateModified() const {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::Incremented:
return true;
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Returns true if given the current lattice state, do we care if the value
/// we are tracking is decremented.
bool TopDownRefCountState::valueCanBeDecrementedGivenLatticeState() const {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::Incremented:
return true;
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// If advance the state's sequence appropriately for a decrement. If we do
/// advance return true. Otherwise return false.
bool TopDownRefCountState::handleDecrement() {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::Incremented:
LatState = LatticeState::MightBeDecremented;
return true;
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Returns true if given the current lattice state, do we care if the value
/// we are tracking is used.
bool TopDownRefCountState::valueCanBeUsedGivenLatticeState() const {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
return true;
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::Incremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Given the current lattice state, if we have seen a use, advance the
/// lattice state. Return true if we do so and false otherwise.
bool TopDownRefCountState::handleUser() {
assert(valueCanBeUsedGivenLatticeState() &&
"Must be able to be used at this point of the lattice.");
// Otherwise advance the sequence...
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
LatState = LatticeState::MightBeUsed;
return true;
case LatticeState::Incremented:
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Returns true if given the current lattice state, do we care if the value
/// we are tracking is used.
valueCanBeGuaranteedUsedGivenLatticeState() const {
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::None:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return false;
case LatticeState::Incremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
/// Given the current lattice state, if we have seen a use, advance the
/// lattice state. Return true if we do so and false otherwise.
bool TopDownRefCountState::handleGuaranteedUser() {
assert(valueCanBeGuaranteedUsedGivenLatticeState() &&
"Must be able to be used at this point of the lattice.");
// Advance the sequence...
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::Incremented: {
LatState = LatticeState::MightBeUsed;
return true;
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
LatState = LatticeState::MightBeUsed;
return true;
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
case LatticeState::None:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
// Returns true if the passed in ref count inst matches the ref count inst
// we are tracking. This handles generically retains/release.
bool TopDownRefCountState::isRefCountInstMatchedToTrackedInstruction(
SILInstruction *RefCountInst) {
// If we are not tracking any state transitions bail.
if (!Transition.isValid())
return false;
// Otherwise, ask the transition state if this instruction causes a
// transition that can be matched with the transition in order to eliminate
// the transition.
if (!Transition.matchingInst(RefCountInst))
return false;
return handleRefCountInstMatch();
/// We have a matching ref count inst. Return true if we advance the sequence
/// and false otherwise.
bool TopDownRefCountState::handleRefCountInstMatch() {
// Otherwise modify the state appropriately in preparation for removing the
// increment, decrement pair.
switch (LatState) {
case LatticeState::None:
return false;
case LatticeState::Incremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
bool TopDownRefCountState::merge(const TopDownRefCountState &Other) {
auto NewState = MergeTopDownLatticeStates(LatState, Other.LatState);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Performing TopDown Merge.\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Left: " << LatState << "; Right: "
<< Other.LatState << "; Result: "
<< NewState << "\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " V: ";
if (hasRCRoot())
llvm::dbgs() << "\n";
llvm::dbgs() << " OtherV: ";
if (Other.hasRCRoot())
llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
LatState = NewState;
KnownSafe &= Other.KnownSafe;
// If we're doing a merge on a path that's previously seen a partial merge,
// conservatively drop the sequence, to avoid doing partial RR elimination. If
// the branch predicates for the two merge differ, mixing them is unsafe since
// they are not control dependent.
// TODO: Add support for determining control dependence.
if (LatState == TopDownRefCountState::LatticeState::None) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found LatticeState::None. "
"Clearing State!\n");
return false;
if (!Transition.isValid() || !Other.Transition.isValid() ||
!Transition.merge(Other.Transition)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Failed merge!\n");
return false;
return true;
// Check if PotentialGuaranteedUser can use the reference count associated with
// the value we are tracking. If so advance the state's sequence appropriately
// and return true. Otherwise return false.
bool TopDownRefCountState::handlePotentialGuaranteedUser(
SILInstruction *PotentialGuaranteedUser, AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking a ref count, just return false.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
return false;
// If at the current lattice state, we don't care if the value we are
// tracking can be decremented or used, just return false.
// This causes us to only perform alias queries when we are at a lattice
// state where the alias queries will actually be used.
if (!valueCanBeGuaranteedUsedGivenLatticeState())
return false;
// If we can prove that Other cannot use the pointer we are tracking,
// return...
if (!mayGuaranteedUseValue(PotentialGuaranteedUser, getRCRoot(), AA))
return false;
// If we can prove that the pointer we are tracking cannot be decremented,
// return. On return, TopDownRefCountState::handlePotentialUser can correctly
// handle transition of refcount state.
if (!mayDecrementRefCount(PotentialGuaranteedUser, getRCRoot(), AA)) {
return false;
// Otherwise, update our step given that we have a potential decrement.
return handleGuaranteedUser();
// Check if PotentialDecrement can decrement the reference count associated with
// the value we are tracking. If so advance the state's sequence appropriately
// and return true. Otherwise return false.
bool TopDownRefCountState::handlePotentialDecrement(
SILInstruction *PotentialDecrement, AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking a ref count, just return false.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
return false;
// If at the current lattice state, we don't care if the value we are
// tracking can be decremented, just return false.
// This causes us to only perform alias queries when we are at a lattice
// state where the alias queries will actually be used.
if (!valueCanBeDecrementedGivenLatticeState())
return false;
// If we can prove that Other cannot use the pointer we are tracking,
// return...
if (!mayDecrementRefCount(PotentialDecrement, getRCRoot(), AA))
return false;
// Otherwise, update our state given the potential decrement.
return handleDecrement();
// Check if PotentialUser could be a use of the reference counted value that
// requires user to be alive. If so advance the state's sequence appropriately
// and return true. Otherwise return false.
bool TopDownRefCountState::handlePotentialUser(SILInstruction *PotentialUser,
AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking a ref count, just return false.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
return false;
// If at the current lattice state, we don't care if the value we are
// tracking can be used, just return false.
// This causes us to only perform alias queries when we are at a lattice
// state where the alias queries will actually be used.
if (!valueCanBeUsedGivenLatticeState())
return false;
if (!mayHaveSymmetricInterference(PotentialUser, getRCRoot(), AA))
return false;
return handleUser();
void TopDownRefCountState::updateForSameLoopInst(SILInstruction *I,
AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking anything, bail.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
// Check if the instruction we are visiting could potentially use our
// instruction in a way that requires us to guarantee the lifetime of the
// pointer up to this point. This has the effect of performing a use and a
// decrement.
if (handlePotentialGuaranteedUser(I, AA)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found Potential Guaranteed Use:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// Check if the instruction we are visiting could potentially decrement
// the reference counted value we are tracking in a manner that could
// cause us to change states. If we do change states continue...
if (handlePotentialDecrement(I, AA)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found Potential Decrement:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// Otherwise check if the reference counted value we are tracking
// could be used by the given instruction.
if (!handlePotentialUser(I, AA))
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found Potential Use:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// Remove "KnownSafe" on the TopDownRefCountState. If we find another unmatched
// release instruction with a different aliasing RCIdentity or the same
// RCIdentity in the child region in the loop case.
void TopDownRefCountState::checkAndResetKnownSafety(
SILInstruction *I, SILValue VisitedRC,
std::function<bool(SILInstruction *)> checkIfRefCountInstIsMatched,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA, AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If the RefCountState was not marked "KnownSafe", there is nothing to do.
if (!isKnownSafe())
assert(Transition.getKind() == RCStateTransitionKind::StrongIncrement);
// We only care about release instructions that can potentially pair with a
// previously visited retain.
if (!(isa<StrongReleaseInst>(I) || isa<ReleaseValueInst>(I)))
SILValue VisitingRC = RCIA->getRCIdentityRoot(I->getOperand(0));
// If the visiting release instruction was already pair with a retain
// instruction, return.
if (checkIfRefCountInstIsMatched(I))
// If the VisitingRC and VisitedRC do not alias, they cannot be incorrectly
// paired.
if (AA->isNoAlias(VisitingRC, VisitedRC))
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Clearing KnownSafe for: ");
// This function is conservative enough that the flow sensitive nature of
// loop summarized instructions does not matter.
void TopDownRefCountState::updateForDifferentLoopInst(SILInstruction *I,
AliasAnalysis *AA) {
// If we are not tracking anything, bail.
if (!isTrackingRefCount())
// Any instruction that may need guaranteed use or may decrement the
// refcount will turn off CodeMotionSafety
if (valueCanBeGuaranteedUsedGivenLatticeState()) {
if (mayGuaranteedUseValue(I, getRCRoot(), AA) ||
mayDecrementRefCount(I, getRCRoot(), AA)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found potential guaranteed use!\n");
if (!handlePotentialUser(I, AA))
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found Potential Use:\n "
<< getRCRoot());
// Printing Utilities
void BottomUpRefCountState::dump() {
llvm::dbgs() << LatState << " "
<< (isKnownSafe() ? "KnownSafe" : "NotKnownSafe") << " "
<< (isCodeMotionSafe() ? "CodeMotionSafe" : "NotCodeMotionSafe")
<< "\n";
llvm::dbgs() << "Matching Instructions:\n";
for (auto it : getInstructions()) {
void TopDownRefCountState::dump() {
llvm::dbgs() << LatState << " "
<< (isKnownSafe() ? "KnownSafe" : "NotKnownSafe") << " "
<< (isCodeMotionSafe() ? "CodeMotionSafe" : "NotCodeMotionSafe")
<< "\n";
llvm::dbgs() << "Matching Instructions:\n";
for (auto it : getInstructions()) {
namespace llvm {
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS,
BottomUpRefCountState::LatticeState S) {
using LatticeState = BottomUpRefCountState::LatticeState;
switch (S) {
case LatticeState::None:
return OS << "None";
case LatticeState::Decremented:
return OS << "Decremented";
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return OS << "MightBeUsed";
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
return OS << "MightBeDecremented";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
TopDownRefCountState::LatticeState S) {
using LatticeState = TopDownRefCountState::LatticeState;
switch (S) {
case LatticeState::None:
return OS << "None";
case LatticeState::Incremented:
return OS << "Incremented";
case LatticeState::MightBeUsed:
return OS << "MightBeUsed";
case LatticeState::MightBeDecremented:
return OS << "MightBeDecremented";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled LatticeState in switch.");
} // end namespace llvm