blob: 1e851075f971970a7ebabdb4d2bf06bcc04f936f [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GlobalARCSequenceDataflow.cpp - ARC Sequence Dataflow Analysis ---===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "arc-sequence-opts"
#include "GlobalARCSequenceDataflow.h"
#include "ARCBBState.h"
#include "ARCSequenceOptUtils.h"
#include "RCStateTransitionVisitors.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ARCAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/PostOrderAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/RCIdentityAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILSuccessor.h"
#include "swift/SIL/CFG.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace swift;
// Utilities
namespace {
using ARCBBState = ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::ARCBBState;
using ARCBBStateInfo = ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::ARCBBStateInfo;
using ARCBBStateInfoHandle = ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::ARCBBStateInfoHandle;
} // end anonymous namespace
// Top Down Dataflow
/// Analyze a single BB for refcount inc/dec instructions.
/// If anything was found it will be added to DecToIncStateMap.
/// NestingDetected will be set to indicate that the block needs to be
/// reanalyzed if code motion occurs.
bool ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::processBBTopDown(ARCBBState &BBState) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << ">>>> Top Down!\n");
SILBasicBlock &BB = BBState.getBB();
bool NestingDetected = false;
TopDownDataflowRCStateVisitor<ARCBBState> DataflowVisitor(
RCIA, BBState, DecToIncStateMap, SetFactory);
// If the current BB is the entry BB, initialize a state corresponding to each
// of its owned parameters. This enables us to know that if we see a retain
// before any decrements that the retain is known safe.
// We do not handle guaranteed parameters here since those are handled in the
// code in GlobalARCPairingAnalysis. This is because even if we don't do
// anything, we will still pair the retain, releases and then the guaranteed
// parameter will ensure it is known safe to remove them.
if (BB.isEntry()) {
auto Args = BB.getArguments();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Args.size(); i != e; ++i) {
std::function<bool(SILInstruction *)> checkIfRefCountInstIsMatched =
[&DecToIncStateMap = DecToIncStateMap](SILInstruction *Inst) {
assert(isa<StrongReleaseInst>(Inst) || isa<ReleaseValueInst>(Inst));
return DecToIncStateMap.find(Inst) != DecToIncStateMap.end();
// For each instruction I in BB...
for (auto &I : BB) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "VISITING:\n " << I);
auto Result = DataflowVisitor.visit(&I);
// If this instruction can have no further effects on another instructions,
// continue. This happens for instance if we have cleared all of the state
// we are tracking.
if (Result.Kind == RCStateTransitionDataflowResultKind::NoEffects)
// Make sure that we propagate out whether or not nesting was detected.
NestingDetected |= Result.NestingDetected;
// This SILValue may be null if we were unable to find a specific RCIdentity
// that the instruction "visits".
SILValue CurrentRC = Result.RCIdentity;
// For all other [(SILValue, TopDownState)] we are tracking...
for (auto &OtherState : BBState.getTopDownStates()) {
// If the other state's value is blotted, skip it.
if (!OtherState.hasValue())
// If we visited an increment or decrement successfully (and thus Op is
// set), if this is the state for this operand, skip it. We already
// processed it.
if (CurrentRC && OtherState->first == CurrentRC)
OtherState->second.updateForSameLoopInst(&I, AA);
&I, OtherState->first, checkIfRefCountInstIsMatched, RCIA, AA);
return NestingDetected;
void ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::mergePredecessors(
ARCBBStateInfoHandle &DataHandle) {
bool HasAtLeastOnePred = false;
SILBasicBlock *BB = DataHandle.getBB();
ARCBBState &BBState = DataHandle.getState();
// For each successor of BB...
for (SILBasicBlock *PredBB : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
// Try to look up the data handle for it. If we don't have any such state,
// then the predecessor must be unreachable from the entrance and thus is
// uninteresting to us.
auto PredDataHandle = getTopDownBBState(PredBB);
if (!PredDataHandle)
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Merging Pred: " << PredDataHandle->getID()
<< "\n");
// If the predecessor is the head of a backedge in our traversal, clear any
// state we are tracking now and clear the state of the basic block. There
// is some sort of control flow here that we do not understand.
if (PredDataHandle->isBackedge(BB)) {
ARCBBState &PredBBState = PredDataHandle->getState();
// If we found the state but the state is for a trap BB, skip it. Trap BBs
// leak all reference counts and do not reference semantic objects
// in any manner.
// TODO: I think this is a copy paste error, since we a trap BB should have
// an unreachable at its end. See if this can be removed.
if (PredBBState.isTrapBB())
if (HasAtLeastOnePred) {
HasAtLeastOnePred = true;
bool ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::processTopDown() {
bool NestingDetected = false;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "<<<< Processing Top Down! >>>>\n");
// For each BB in our reverse post order...
for (auto *BB : POA->get(&F)->getReversePostOrder()) {
// We should always have a value here.
auto BBDataHandle = getTopDownBBState(BB).getValue();
// This will always succeed since we have an entry for each BB in our RPOT.
// TODO: When data handles are introduced, print that instead. This code
// should not be touching BBIDs directly.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Processing BB#: " << BBDataHandle.getID()
<< "\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Merging Predecessors!\n");
// Then perform the basic block optimization.
NestingDetected |= processBBTopDown(BBDataHandle.getState());
return NestingDetected;
// Bottom Up Dataflow
/// Analyze a single BB for refcount inc/dec instructions.
/// If anything was found it will be added to DecToIncStateMap.
/// NestingDetected will be set to indicate that the block needs to be
/// reanalyzed if code motion occurs.
/// An epilogue release is a release that post dominates all other uses of a
/// pointer in a function that implies that the pointer is alive up to that
/// point. We "freeze" (i.e. do not attempt to remove or move) such releases if
/// FreezeOwnedArgEpilogueReleases is set. This is useful since in certain cases
/// due to dataflow issues, we cannot properly propagate the last use
/// information. Instead we run an extra iteration of the ARC optimizer with
/// this enabled in a side table so the information gets propagated everywhere in
/// the CFG.
bool ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::processBBBottomUp(
ARCBBState &BBState, bool FreezeOwnedArgEpilogueReleases) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << ">>>> Bottom Up!\n");
SILBasicBlock &BB = BBState.getBB();
bool NestingDetected = false;
BottomUpDataflowRCStateVisitor<ARCBBState> DataflowVisitor(
RCIA, EAFI, BBState, FreezeOwnedArgEpilogueReleases, IncToDecStateMap,
std::function<bool(SILInstruction *)> checkIfRefCountInstIsMatched =
[&IncToDecStateMap = IncToDecStateMap](SILInstruction *Inst) {
assert(isa<StrongRetainInst>(Inst) || isa<RetainValueInst>(Inst));
return IncToDecStateMap.find(Inst) != IncToDecStateMap.end();
auto II = BB.rbegin();
if (!isARCSignificantTerminator(&cast<TermInst>(*II))) {
// For each instruction I in BB visited in reverse...
for (auto IE = BB.rend(); II != IE;) {
SILInstruction &I = *II;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "VISITING:\n " << I);
auto Result = DataflowVisitor.visit(&I);
// If this instruction can have no further effects on another instructions,
// continue. This happens for instance if we have cleared all of the state
// we are tracking.
if (Result.Kind == RCStateTransitionDataflowResultKind::NoEffects)
// Make sure that we propagate out whether or not nesting was detected.
NestingDetected |= Result.NestingDetected;
// This SILValue may be null if we were unable to find a specific RCIdentity
// that the instruction "visits".
SILValue CurrentRC = Result.RCIdentity;
// For all other (reference counted value, ref count state) we are
// tracking...
for (auto &OtherState : BBState.getBottomupStates()) {
// If the other state's value is blotted, skip it.
if (!OtherState.hasValue())
// If this is the state associated with the instruction that we are
// currently visiting, bail.
if (CurrentRC && OtherState->first == CurrentRC)
OtherState->second.updateForSameLoopInst(&I, AA);
&I, OtherState->first, checkIfRefCountInstIsMatched, RCIA, AA);
return NestingDetected;
mergeSuccessors(ARCBBStateInfoHandle &DataHandle) {
SILBasicBlock *BB = DataHandle.getBB();
ARCBBState &BBState = DataHandle.getState();
// For each successor of BB...
ArrayRef<SILSuccessor> Succs = BB->getSuccessors();
bool HasAtLeastOneSucc = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Succs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// If it does not have a basic block associated with it...
auto *SuccBB = Succs[i].getBB();
// Skip it.
if (!SuccBB)
// If the BB is the head of a backedge in our traversal, we have
// hit a loop boundary. In that case, add any instructions we are
// tracking or instructions that we have seen to the banned
// instruction list. Clear the instructions we are tracking
// currently, but leave that we saw a release on them. In a post
// order, we know that all of a BB's successors will always be
// visited before the BB, implying we will know if conservatively
// we saw a release on the pointer going down all paths.
if (DataHandle.isBackedge(SuccBB)) {
// Otherwise, lookup the BBState associated with the successor and merge
// the successor in. We know this will always succeed.
auto SuccDataHandle = *getBottomUpBBState(SuccBB);
ARCBBState &SuccBBState = SuccDataHandle.getState();
if (SuccBBState.isTrapBB())
if (HasAtLeastOneSucc) {
HasAtLeastOneSucc = true;
bool ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::processBottomUp(
bool FreezeOwnedArgEpilogueReleases) {
bool NestingDetected = false;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "<<<< Processing Bottom Up! >>>>\n");
// For each BB in our post order...
for (auto *BB : POA->get(&F)->getPostOrder()) {
// Grab the BBState associated with it and set it to be the current BB.
auto BBDataHandle = *getBottomUpBBState(BB);
// This will always succeed since we have an entry for each BB in our post
// order.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Processing BB#: " << BBDataHandle.getID()
<< "\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Merging Successors!\n");
// Then perform the basic block optimization.
NestingDetected |= processBBBottomUp(BBDataHandle.getState(),
return NestingDetected;
// Top Level ARC Sequence Dataflow Evaluator
SILFunction &F, AliasAnalysis *AA, PostOrderAnalysis *POA,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA, EpilogueARCFunctionInfo *EAFI,
ProgramTerminationFunctionInfo *PTFI,
BlotMapVector<SILInstruction *, TopDownRefCountState> &DecToIncStateMap,
BlotMapVector<SILInstruction *, BottomUpRefCountState> &IncToDecStateMap)
DecToIncStateMap(DecToIncStateMap), IncToDecStateMap(IncToDecStateMap),
Allocator(), SetFactory(Allocator),
// We use a malloced pointer here so we don't need to expose
// ARCBBStateInfo in the header.
BBStateInfo(new ARCBBStateInfo(&F, POA, PTFI)) {}
bool ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::run(bool FreezeOwnedReleases) {
bool NestingDetected = processBottomUp(FreezeOwnedReleases);
NestingDetected |= processTopDown();
llvm::dbgs() << "*** Bottom-Up and Top-Down analysis results ***\n");
return NestingDetected;
void ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::dumpDataflowResults() {
llvm::dbgs() << "IncToDecStateMap:\n";
for (auto it : IncToDecStateMap) {
if (!it.hasValue())
auto instAndState = it.getValue();
llvm::dbgs() << "Increment: ";
llvm::dbgs() << "DecToIncStateMap:\n";
for (auto it : DecToIncStateMap) {
if (!it.hasValue())
auto instAndState = it.getValue();
llvm::dbgs() << "Decrement: ";
// We put the destructor here so we don't need to expose the type of
// BBStateInfo to the outside world.
ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::~ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator() = default;
void ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::clear() { BBStateInfo->clear(); }
ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::getBottomUpBBState(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
return BBStateInfo->getBottomUpBBHandle(BB);
ARCSequenceDataflowEvaluator::getTopDownBBState(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
return BBStateInfo->getTopDownBBHandle(BB);