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//===--- RValue.h - Exploded RValue Representation --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// A storage structure for holding a destructured rvalue with an optional
/// cleanup(s).
/// Ownership of the rvalue can be "forwarded" to disable the associated
/// cleanup(s).
#include "ManagedValue.h"
#include "swift/Basic/NullablePtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace swift {
namespace Lowering {
class ArgumentSource;
class Initialization;
class Scope;
class SILGenFunction;
class TypeLowering;
class CleanupCloner;
/// An "exploded" SIL rvalue, in which tuple values are recursively
/// destructured.
/// In terms of implementation, an RValue is a collection of ManagedValues that
/// the RValue class allows to be worked with as if they were one tuple. This
/// allows for tuples to represent tuples without needing to canonicalize into
/// the actual tuple value.
/// Once constructed, RValues obey the following invariants:
/// 1. All non-trivially typed sub-ManagedValues must consistently have
/// cleanups. This is verified upon construction of an RValue.
/// 2. All sub-ManagedValues with non-trivial ValueOwnershipKind must have the
/// same ValueOwnershipKind. There is a subtle thing occuring here. Since all
/// addresses are viewed from an ownership perspective as having trivial
/// ownership, this causes the verification to ignore address only
/// values. Once we transition to opaque values, the verification will
/// proceed.
/// 3. All loadable sub-ManagedValues of an RValue must be of object
/// type. This means that if the lowered type of an RValue is loadable, then
/// the RValue's sub-parts must also be objects (i.e. not
/// addresses). Originally this was a hard invariant of RValue constructors,
/// but some parts of ArgEmission pass in addresses for loadable values. So
/// RValue loads them in the constructor.
/// FIXME(opaque_values): Update invariant #2 once address only types are no
/// longer emitted by SILGen.
/// *NOTE* In SILGen we don't try to explode structs, because doing so would
/// require considering resilience, a job we want to delegate to IRGen.
class RValue {
friend class swift::Lowering::Scope;
friend class swift::Lowering::ArgumentSource;
friend class swift::Lowering::CleanupCloner;
std::vector<ManagedValue> values;
CanType type;
unsigned elementsToBeAdded;
/// Flag value used to mark an rvalue as invalid.
/// The reasons why this can be true is:
/// 1. The RValue was consumed.
/// 2. The RValue was default-initialized.
/// 3. The RValue was emitted into an SGFContext initialization.
enum : unsigned {
Null = ~0U,
Used = Null - 1,
InContext = Used - 1,
bool isInSpecialState() const {
return elementsToBeAdded >= InContext;
// Don't copy.
RValue(const RValue &) = delete;
RValue &operator=(const RValue &) = delete;
void makeUsed() {
elementsToBeAdded = Used;
values = {};
/// Private constructor used by copy() and borrow().
RValue(SILGenFunction &SGF, std::vector<ManagedValue> &&values, CanType type,
unsigned elementsToBeAdded)
: values(std::move(values)), type(type),
elementsToBeAdded(elementsToBeAdded) {
/// Private constructor for RValue::extractElement and pre-exploded element
/// constructor.
/// If SGF is nullptr, this constructor assumes that it is passed a
/// pre-exploded set of ManagedValues that have already been verified as being
/// RValue compatible since they once made up an RValue. If SGF is non-null,
/// then we verify as well that all objects of loadable type are actually
/// loaded (i.e. are objects).
/// *NOTE* This constructor assumes that the constructed RValue is fully
/// formed and thus has elementsToBeAdded set to zero.
RValue(SILGenFunction *SGF, ArrayRef<ManagedValue> values, CanType type);
RValue(unsigned state) : elementsToBeAdded(state) {
RValue() : elementsToBeAdded(Null) {}
RValue(RValue &&rv) : values(std::move(rv.values)),
elementsToBeAdded(rv.elementsToBeAdded) {
assert((rv.isComplete() || rv.isInSpecialState())
&& "moving rvalue that wasn't complete?!");
rv.elementsToBeAdded = Used;
RValue &operator=(RValue &&rv) {
assert((isNull() || isUsed()) && "reassigning an valid rvalue?!");
assert((rv.isComplete() || rv.isInSpecialState())
&& "moving rvalue that wasn't complete?!");
values = std::move(rv.values);
type = rv.type;
elementsToBeAdded = rv.elementsToBeAdded;
rv.elementsToBeAdded = Used;
return *this;
/// Create an RValue from a single value. If the value is of tuple type, it
/// will be exploded.
/// \param expr - the expression which yielded this r-value; its type
/// will become the substituted formal type of this r-value
RValue(SILGenFunction &SGF, Expr *expr, ManagedValue v);
/// Create an RValue from a single value. If the value is of tuple type, it
/// will be exploded.
RValue(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation l, CanType type, ManagedValue v);
/// Create a complete RValue from a pre-exploded set of elements.
/// Since the RValue is assumed to be complete, no further values can be
/// added.
RValue(SILGenFunction &SGF, ArrayRef<ManagedValue> values, CanType type)
: RValue(&SGF, values, type) {}
/// Creates an invalid RValue object, in an "in-context" state.
static RValue forInContext() {
return RValue(InContext);
static unsigned getRValueSize(CanType substType);
static unsigned getRValueSize(AbstractionPattern origType, CanType substType);
/// Create an RValue to which values will be subsequently added using
/// addElement(), with the level of tuple expansion in the input specified
/// by the abstraction pattern. The RValue will not be complete until all
/// the elements have been added.
explicit RValue(AbstractionPattern pattern, CanType type);
/// Create an RValue to which values will be subsequently added using
/// addElement(). The RValue will not be complete until all the elements have
/// been added.
explicit RValue(CanType type);
/// Return true if the rvalue was null-initialized. The intention is so one
/// can trampoline RValue results using if statements, i.e.:
/// if (RValue rv = foo()) {
/// return rv;
/// }
operator bool() const & { return isComplete() || isInContext(); }
/// True if the rvalue has been completely initialized by adding all its
/// elements.
bool isComplete() const & { return elementsToBeAdded == 0; }
/// True if the rvalue was null-initialized.
bool isNull() const & { return elementsToBeAdded == Null; }
/// True if this rvalue has been used.
bool isUsed() const & { return elementsToBeAdded == Used; }
/// True if this rvalue was emitted into context.
bool isInContext() const & { return elementsToBeAdded == InContext; }
/// Add an element to the rvalue. The rvalue must not yet be complete.
void addElement(RValue &&element) &;
/// Add a ManagedValue element to the rvalue, exploding tuples if necessary.
/// The rvalue must not yet be complete.
void addElement(SILGenFunction &SGF, ManagedValue element,
CanType formalType, SILLocation l) &;
/// Forward an rvalue into a single value, imploding tuples if necessary.
SILValue forwardAsSingleValue(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation l) &&;
/// Forward an rvalue into a single value, imploding tuples if necessary, and
/// introducing a potential conversion from semantic type to storage type.
SILValue forwardAsSingleStorageValue(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILType storageType,
SILLocation l) &&;
/// Get the rvalue as a single value, imploding tuples if necessary.
ManagedValue getAsSingleValue(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation l) &&;
/// Get the rvalue as a single unmanaged value, imploding tuples if necessary.
/// The values must not require any cleanups.
SILValue getUnmanagedSingleValue(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation l) const &;
ManagedValue getScalarValue() && {
assert(!isa<TupleType>(type) && "getScalarValue of a tuple rvalue");
assert(values.size() == 1);
auto value = values[0];
return value;
/// Returns true if this is an rvalue that can be used safely as a +1 rvalue.
/// This returns true iff:
/// 1. All sub-values are trivially typed.
/// 2. There exists at least one non-trivial typed sub-value and all such
/// sub-values all have cleanups.
/// *NOTE* Due to 1. isPlusOne and isPlusZero both return true for rvalues
/// consisting of only trivial values.
bool isPlusOne(SILGenFunction &SGF) const &;
/// Returns true if this is an rvalue that can be used safely as a +0 rvalue.
/// Specifically, we return true if:
/// 1. All sub-values are trivially typed.
/// 2. At least 1 subvalue is non-trivial and all such non-trivial values do
/// not have a cleanup.
/// *NOTE* Due to 1. isPlusOne and isPlusZero both return true for rvalues
/// consisting of only trivial values.
bool isPlusZero(SILGenFunction &SGF) const &;
/// Use this rvalue to initialize an Initialization.
void forwardInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, Initialization *I) &&;
/// Copy this rvalue to initialize an Initialization without consuming the
/// rvalue.
void copyInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, Initialization *I) const&;
/// Assign this r-value into the destination.
void assignInto(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc, SILValue destAddr) &&;
/// Forward the exploded SILValues into a SmallVector.
void forwardAll(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &values) &&;
ManagedValue materialize(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc) &&;
/// Take the ManagedValues from this RValue into a SmallVector.
void getAll(SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &values) &&;
/// Store the unmanaged SILValues into a SmallVector. The values must not
/// require any cleanups.
void getAllUnmanaged(SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &values) const &;
/// Extract a single tuple element from the rvalue.
RValue extractElement(unsigned element) &&;
/// Extract the tuple elements from the rvalue.
void extractElements(SmallVectorImpl<RValue> &elements) &&;
CanType getType() const & { return type; }
/// Return the lowered type associated with the given CanType's type lowering.
SILType getLoweredType(SILGenFunction &SGF) const &;
/// Return the type lowering of RValue::getType().
const Lowering::TypeLowering &getTypeLowering(SILGenFunction &SGF) const &;
/// Return the lowered SILType that would be used to implode the given RValue
/// into 1 tuple value.
/// This means that if any sub-objects are address only, an address type will
/// be returned. Otherwise, an object will be returned. So this is a
/// convenient way to determine if an RValue needs an address.
SILType getLoweredImplodedTupleType(SILGenFunction &SGF) const &;
/// Emit an equivalent value with independent ownership.
RValue copy(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc) const &;
/// If this RValue is a +0 value, copy the RValue and return. Otherwise,
/// return std::move(*this);
RValue ensurePlusOne(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc) &&;
/// Borrow all subvalues of the rvalue.
RValue borrow(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILLocation loc) const &;
RValue copyForDiagnostics() const;
static bool areObviouslySameValue(SILValue lhs, SILValue rhs);
bool isObviouslyEqual(const RValue &rhs) const;
void dump() const;
void dump(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned indent = 0) const;
/// Verify RValue invariants.
/// This checks ownership invariants and also checks that all sub managed
/// values that are loadable are actually objects.
/// *NOTE* This is a no-op in non-assert builds.
void verify(SILGenFunction &SGF) const &;
} // end namespace Lowering
} // end namespace swift