blob: b34975836c92f70f21277ae5d3268f1758f8b347 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IDETypeChecking.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/AST/ASTDemangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTPrinter.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Attr.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericSignature.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceFile.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/Sema/IDETypeChecking.h"
#include "swift/Sema/IDETypeCheckingRequests.h"
#include "swift/IDE/SourceEntityWalker.h"
#include "swift/IDE/IDERequests.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
using namespace swift;
static bool shouldPrintAsFavorable(const Decl *D, const PrintOptions &Options) {
if (!Options.TransformContext ||
!isa<ExtensionDecl>(D->getDeclContext()) ||
return true;
auto DC = Options.TransformContext->getDeclContext();
auto BaseTy = Options.TransformContext->getBaseType();
const auto *FD = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(D);
if (!FD)
return true;
// Don't check overload choices for accessor decls.
if (isa<AccessorDecl>(FD))
return true;
ResolvedMemberResult Result =
resolveValueMember(*DC, BaseTy, FD->getEffectiveFullName());
return !(Result.hasBestOverload() && Result.getBestOverload() != D);
class ModulePrinterPrintableChecker: public ShouldPrintChecker {
bool shouldPrint(const Decl *D, const PrintOptions &Options) override {
if (!shouldPrintAsFavorable(D, Options))
return false;
return ShouldPrintChecker::shouldPrint(D, Options);
PrintOptions PrintOptions::printModuleInterface() {
PrintOptions result = printInterface();
result.CurrentPrintabilityChecker.reset(new ModulePrinterPrintableChecker());
return result;
PrintOptions PrintOptions::printTypeInterface(Type T) {
PrintOptions result = printModuleInterface();
result.PrintExtensionFromConformingProtocols = true;
result.TransformContext = TypeTransformContext(T);
result.printExtensionContentAsMembers = [T](const ExtensionDecl *ED) {
return isExtensionApplied(
T->getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal()->getDeclContext(), T, ED);
result.CurrentPrintabilityChecker.reset(new ModulePrinterPrintableChecker());
return result;
PrintOptions PrintOptions::printDocInterface() {
PrintOptions result = PrintOptions::printModuleInterface();
result.PrintAccess = false;
result.SkipUnavailable = false;
result.ArgAndParamPrinting =
result.PrintDocumentationComments = false;
result.PrintRegularClangComments = false;
result.PrintFunctionRepresentationAttrs =
return result;
struct SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer::Implementation {
static bool isMemberFavored(const NominalTypeDecl* Target, const Decl* D) {
DeclContext* DC = Target->getInnermostDeclContext();
Type BaseTy = Target->getDeclaredTypeInContext();
const auto *FD = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(D);
if (!FD)
return true;
ResolvedMemberResult Result = resolveValueMember(*DC, BaseTy,
return !(Result.hasBestOverload() && Result.getBestOverload() != D);
static bool isExtensionFavored(const NominalTypeDecl* Target,
const ExtensionDecl *ED) {
return std::find_if(ED->getMembers().begin(), ED->getMembers().end(),
[&](DeclIterator It) {
return isMemberFavored(Target, *It);}) != ED->getMembers().end();
struct SynthesizedExtensionInfo {
ExtensionDecl *Ext = nullptr;
bool IsSynthesized;
ExtensionDecl *EnablingExt = nullptr;
operator bool() const { return Ext; }
SynthesizedExtensionInfo(bool IsSynthesized = false,
ExtensionDecl *EnablingExt = nullptr)
: IsSynthesized(IsSynthesized), EnablingExt(EnablingExt) {}
bool operator< (const SynthesizedExtensionInfo& Rhs) const {
// Synthesized are always after actual ones.
if (IsSynthesized != Rhs.IsSynthesized)
return !IsSynthesized;
// If not from the same file, sort by file name.
if (auto LFile = Ext->getSourceFileName()) {
if (auto RFile = Rhs.Ext->getSourceFileName()) {
int Result = LFile.getValue().compare(RFile.getValue());
if (Result != 0)
return Result < 0;
// Otherwise, sort by source order.
if (auto LeftOrder = Ext->getSourceOrder()) {
if (auto RightOrder = Rhs.Ext->getSourceOrder()) {
return LeftOrder.getValue() < RightOrder.getValue();
return false;
struct ExtensionMergeInfo {
struct Requirement {
Type First;
Type Second;
RequirementKind Kind;
CanType CanFirst;
CanType CanSecond;
bool operator< (const Requirement& Rhs) const {
if (Kind != Rhs.Kind)
return Kind < Rhs.Kind;
else if (CanFirst != Rhs.CanFirst)
return CanFirst < Rhs.CanFirst;
return CanSecond < Rhs.CanSecond;
bool operator== (const Requirement& Rhs) const {
return (!(*this < Rhs)) && (!(Rhs < *this));
bool Unmergable;
unsigned InheritsCount;
std::set<Requirement> Requirements;
void addRequirement(GenericSignature GenericSig,
Type First, Type Second, RequirementKind Kind) {
CanType CanFirst = GenericSig->getCanonicalTypeInContext(First);
CanType CanSecond;
if (Second) CanSecond = GenericSig->getCanonicalTypeInContext(Second);
Requirements.insert({First, Second, Kind, CanFirst, CanSecond});
bool operator== (const ExtensionMergeInfo& Another) const {
// Trivially unmergeable.
if (Unmergable || Another.Unmergable)
return false;
if (InheritsCount != 0 || Another.InheritsCount != 0)
return false;
return Requirements == Another.Requirements;
bool isMergeableWithTypeDef() {
return !Unmergable && InheritsCount == 0 && Requirements.empty();
using ExtensionInfoMap =
llvm::MapVector<ExtensionDecl *, SynthesizedExtensionInfo>;
using ExtensionMergeInfoMap =
llvm::MapVector<ExtensionDecl *, ExtensionMergeInfo>;
struct ExtensionMergeGroup {
unsigned RequirementsCount;
unsigned InheritanceCount;
MergeGroupKind Kind;
std::vector<SynthesizedExtensionInfo*> Members;
ExtensionMergeGroup(SynthesizedExtensionInfo *Info,
unsigned RequirementsCount,
unsigned InheritanceCount,
bool MergeableWithType) :
Kind(MergeableWithType ? MergeGroupKind::MergeableWithTypeDef :
MergeGroupKind::UnmergeableWithTypeDef) {
void removeUnfavored(const NominalTypeDecl *Target) {
Members.erase(std::remove_if(Members.begin(), Members.end(),
[&](SynthesizedExtensionInfo *Info){
return !isExtensionFavored(Target, Info->Ext);}), Members.end());
void sortMembers() {
std::sort(Members.begin(), Members.end(),
[](SynthesizedExtensionInfo *LHS, SynthesizedExtensionInfo *RHS) {
return (*LHS) < (*RHS);
bool operator< (const ExtensionMergeGroup& Rhs) const {
if (RequirementsCount == Rhs.RequirementsCount)
return InheritanceCount < Rhs.InheritanceCount;
return RequirementsCount < Rhs.RequirementsCount;
using MergeGroupVector = std::vector<ExtensionMergeGroup>;
NominalTypeDecl *Target;
Type BaseType;
DeclContext *DC;
bool IncludeUnconditional;
PrintOptions Options;
MergeGroupVector AllGroups;
std::unique_ptr<ExtensionInfoMap> InfoMap;
Implementation(NominalTypeDecl *Target,
bool IncludeUnconditional,
PrintOptions Options):
Options(Options), AllGroups(MergeGroupVector()),
InfoMap(collectSynthesizedExtensionInfo(AllGroups)) {}
unsigned countInherits(ExtensionDecl *ED) {
SmallVector<TypeLoc, 4> Results;
getInheritedForPrinting(ED, Options, Results);
return Results.size();
std::pair<SynthesizedExtensionInfo, ExtensionMergeInfo>
isApplicable(ExtensionDecl *Ext, bool IsSynthesized,
ExtensionDecl *EnablingExt, NormalProtocolConformance *Conf) {
SynthesizedExtensionInfo Result(IsSynthesized, EnablingExt);
ExtensionMergeInfo MergeInfo;
MergeInfo.Unmergable = !Ext->getRawComment().isEmpty() || // With comments
Ext->getAttrs().hasAttribute<AvailableAttr>(); // With @available
MergeInfo.InheritsCount = countInherits(Ext);
// There's (up to) two extensions here: the extension with the items that we
// might be merging, plus the "enabling extension", which is the route
// through which \c Ext itself applies, e.g. extension SomeProtocol {}
// extension SomeType: SomeProtocol where T: SomeProtocol {}. The former is
// Ext and the latter is EnablingExt/Conf. Either of these can be
// conditional in ways that need to be considered when merging.
auto conformanceIsConditional =
Conf && !Conf->getConditionalRequirements().empty();
if (!Ext->isConstrainedExtension() && !conformanceIsConditional) {
if (IncludeUnconditional)
Result.Ext = Ext;
return {Result, MergeInfo};
auto handleRequirements = [&](SubstitutionMap subMap,
GenericSignature GenericSig,
ExtensionDecl *OwningExt,
ArrayRef<Requirement> Reqs) {
ProtocolDecl *BaseProto = OwningExt->getInnermostDeclContext()
for (auto Req : Reqs) {
auto Kind = Req.getKind();
// FIXME: Could do something here
if (Kind == RequirementKind::Layout)
Type First = Req.getFirstType();
Type Second = Req.getSecondType();
// Skip protocol's Self : <Protocol> requirement.
if (BaseProto &&
Req.getKind() == RequirementKind::Conformance &&
First->isEqual(BaseProto->getSelfInterfaceType()) &&
Second->getAnyNominal() == BaseProto)
if (!BaseType->isExistentialType()) {
First = First.subst(subMap);
Second = Second.subst(subMap);
if (First->hasError() || Second->hasError()) {
// Substitution with interface type bases can only fail
// if a concrete type fails to conform to a protocol.
// In this case, just give up on the extension altogether.
return true;
switch (Kind) {
case RequirementKind::Conformance: {
auto *M = DC->getParentModule();
auto *Proto = Second->castTo<ProtocolType>()->getDecl();
if (!First->isTypeParameter() && !First->is<ArchetypeType>() &&
M->conformsToProtocol(First, Proto).isInvalid())
return true;
if (M->conformsToProtocol(First, Proto).isInvalid())
MergeInfo.addRequirement(GenericSig, First, Second, Kind);
case RequirementKind::Superclass:
if (!Second->isBindableToSuperclassOf(First)) {
return true;
} else if (!Second->isExactSuperclassOf(Second)) {
MergeInfo.addRequirement(GenericSig, First, Second, Kind);
case RequirementKind::SameType:
if (!First->isBindableTo(Second) &&
!Second->isBindableTo(First)) {
return true;
} else if (!First->isEqual(Second)) {
MergeInfo.addRequirement(GenericSig, First, Second, Kind);
case RequirementKind::Layout:
llvm_unreachable("Handled above");
return false;
auto *M = DC->getParentModule();
if (Ext->isConstrainedExtension()) {
// Get the substitutions from the generic signature of
// the extension to the interface types of the base type's
// declaration.
SubstitutionMap subMap;
if (!BaseType->isExistentialType()) {
if (auto *NTD = Ext->getExtendedNominal())
subMap = BaseType->getContextSubstitutionMap(M, NTD);
assert(Ext->getGenericSignature() && "No generic signature.");
auto GenericSig = Ext->getGenericSignature();
if (handleRequirements(subMap, GenericSig, Ext, GenericSig->getRequirements()))
return {Result, MergeInfo};
if (Conf) {
SubstitutionMap subMap;
if (!BaseType->isExistentialType()) {
if (auto *NTD = EnablingExt->getExtendedNominal())
subMap = BaseType->getContextSubstitutionMap(M, NTD);
if (handleRequirements(subMap,
return {Result, MergeInfo};
Result.Ext = Ext;
return {Result, MergeInfo};
void populateMergeGroup(ExtensionInfoMap &InfoMap,
ExtensionMergeInfoMap &MergeInfoMap,
MergeGroupVector &Results,
bool AllowMergeWithDefBody) {
for (auto &Pair : InfoMap) {
ExtensionDecl *ED = Pair.first;
ExtensionMergeInfo &MergeInfo = MergeInfoMap[ED];
SynthesizedExtensionInfo &ExtInfo = InfoMap[ED];
auto Found = std::find_if(Results.begin(), Results.end(),
[&](ExtensionMergeGroup &Group) {
return MergeInfo == MergeInfoMap[Group.Members.front()->Ext];
if (Found == Results.end()) {
AllowMergeWithDefBody && MergeInfo.isMergeableWithTypeDef()});
} else {
collectSynthesizedExtensionInfoForProtocol(MergeGroupVector &AllGroups) {
std::unique_ptr<ExtensionInfoMap> InfoMap(new ExtensionInfoMap());
ExtensionMergeInfoMap MergeInfoMap;
for (auto *E : Target->getExtensions()) {
if (!Options.shouldPrint(E))
auto Pair = isApplicable(E, /*Synthesized*/ false,
/*EnablingExt*/ nullptr,
/*Conf*/ nullptr);
if (Pair.first) {
InfoMap->insert({E, Pair.first});
MergeInfoMap.insert({E, Pair.second});
populateMergeGroup(*InfoMap, MergeInfoMap, AllGroups,
std::sort(AllGroups.begin(), AllGroups.end());
for (auto &Group : AllGroups) {
return InfoMap;
static bool isEnumRawType(const Decl* D, TypeLoc TL) {
assert (TL.getType());
if (auto ED = dyn_cast<EnumDecl>(D)) {
return ED->hasRawType() && ED->getRawType()->isEqual(TL.getType());
return false;
collectSynthesizedExtensionInfo(MergeGroupVector &AllGroups) {
if (isa<ProtocolDecl>(Target)) {
return collectSynthesizedExtensionInfoForProtocol(AllGroups);
std::unique_ptr<ExtensionInfoMap> InfoMap(new ExtensionInfoMap());
ExtensionMergeInfoMap MergeInfoMap;
std::vector<NominalTypeDecl*> Unhandled;
auto handleExtension = [&](ExtensionDecl *E, bool Synthesized,
ExtensionDecl *EnablingE,
NormalProtocolConformance *Conf) {
PrintOptions AdjustedOpts = Options;
if (Synthesized) {
// Members from underscored system protocols should still appear as
// members of the target type, even if the protocols themselves are not
// printed.
AdjustedOpts.SkipUnderscoredStdlibProtocols = false;
if (AdjustedOpts.shouldPrint(E)) {
auto Pair = isApplicable(E, Synthesized, EnablingE, Conf);
if (Pair.first) {
InfoMap->insert({E, Pair.first});
MergeInfoMap.insert({E, Pair.second});
// We want to visit the protocols of any normal conformances we see, but
// we have to avoid doing this to self-conformances or we can end up with
// a cycle. Otherwise this is cycle-proof on valid code.
// We also want to ignore inherited conformances. Members from these will
// be included in the class they were inherited from.
auto addConformance = [&](ProtocolConformance *Conf) {
if (isa<InheritedProtocolConformance>(Conf))
auto RootConf = Conf->getRootConformance();
if (isa<NormalProtocolConformance>(RootConf))
for (auto *Conf : Target->getLocalConformances()) {
while (!Unhandled.empty()) {
NominalTypeDecl* Back = Unhandled.back();
for (ExtensionDecl *E : Back->getExtensions()) {
handleExtension(E, true, nullptr, nullptr);
for (auto *Conf : Back->getLocalConformances()) {
// Merge with actual extensions.
for (auto *EnablingE : Target->getExtensions()) {
handleExtension(EnablingE, false, nullptr, nullptr);
for (auto *Conf : EnablingE->getLocalConformances()) {
auto NormalConf =
if (!NormalConf) continue;
for (auto E : NormalConf->getProtocol()->getExtensions())
handleExtension(E, true, EnablingE, NormalConf);
populateMergeGroup(*InfoMap, MergeInfoMap, AllGroups,
std::sort(AllGroups.begin(), AllGroups.end());
for (auto &Group : AllGroups) {
AllGroups.erase(std::remove_if(AllGroups.begin(), AllGroups.end(),
[](ExtensionMergeGroup &Group) { return Group.Members.empty(); }),
return InfoMap;
SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer(NominalTypeDecl *Target,
PrintOptions Options,
bool IncludeUnconditional):
Impl(*(new Implementation(Target, IncludeUnconditional, Options))) {}
SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer::~SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer() {delete &Impl;}
bool SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer::
isInSynthesizedExtension(const ValueDecl *VD) {
if (auto Ext = dyn_cast_or_null<ExtensionDecl>(VD->getDeclContext()->
getInnermostTypeContext())) {
return Impl.InfoMap->count(Ext) != 0 &&
return false;
void SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer::
forEachExtensionMergeGroup(MergeGroupKind Kind, ExtensionGroupOperation Fn) {
for (auto &Group : Impl.AllGroups) {
if (Kind != MergeGroupKind::All) {
if (Kind != Group.Kind)
std::vector<ExtensionInfo> GroupContent;
for (auto &Member : Group.Members) {
{Member->Ext, Member->EnablingExt, Member->IsSynthesized});
bool SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer::
hasMergeGroup(MergeGroupKind Kind) {
for (auto &Group : Impl.AllGroups) {
if (Kind == MergeGroupKind::All)
return true;
if (Kind == Group.Kind)
return true;
return false;
void swift::
collectDefaultImplementationForProtocolMembers(ProtocolDecl *PD,
llvm::SmallDenseMap<ValueDecl*, ValueDecl*> &DefaultMap) {
auto HandleMembers = [&](DeclRange Members) {
for (Decl *D : Members) {
auto *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D);
// Skip non-value decl.
if (!VD)
// Skip decls with empty names, e.g. setter/getters for properties.
if (VD->getBaseName().empty())
for (auto *Default: PD->lookupDirect(VD->getName())) {
if (Default->getDeclContext()->getExtendedProtocolDecl() == PD) {
DefaultMap.insert({Default, VD});
// Collect the default implementations for the members in this given protocol.
// Collect the default implementations for the members in the inherited
// protocols.
for (auto *IP : PD->getInheritedProtocols())
/// This walker will traverse the AST and report types for every expression.
class ExpressionTypeCollector: public SourceEntityWalker {
ModuleDecl &Module;
SourceManager &SM;
unsigned int BufferId;
std::vector<ExpressionTypeInfo> &Results;
// This is to where we print all types.
llvm::raw_ostream &OS;
// Map from a printed type to the offset in OS where the type starts.
llvm::StringMap<uint32_t> TypeOffsets;
// This keeps track of whether we have a type reported for a given
// [offset, length].
llvm::DenseMap<unsigned, llvm::DenseSet<unsigned>> AllPrintedTypes;
// When non empty, we only print expression types that conform to any of
// these protocols.
llvm::MapVector<ProtocolDecl*, StringRef> &InterestedProtocols;
// Specified by the client whether we should canonicalize types before printing
const bool CanonicalType;
bool shouldReport(unsigned Offset, unsigned Length, Expr *E,
std::vector<StringRef> &Conformances) {
// We shouldn't report null types.
if (E->getType().isNull())
return false;
// If we have already reported types for this source range, we shouldn't
// report again. This makes sure we always report the outtermost type of
// several overlapping expressions.
auto &Bucket = AllPrintedTypes[Offset];
if (Bucket.find(Length) != Bucket.end())
return false;
// We print every expression if the interested protocols are empty.
if (InterestedProtocols.empty())
return true;
// Collecting protocols conformed by this expressions that are in the list.
for (auto Proto: InterestedProtocols) {
if (Module.conformsToProtocol(E->getType(), Proto.first)) {
// We only print the type of the expression if it conforms to any of the
// interested protocols.
return !Conformances.empty();
// Find an existing offset in the type buffer otherwise print the type to
// the buffer.
std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> getTypeOffsets(StringRef PrintedType) {
auto It = TypeOffsets.find(PrintedType);
if (It == TypeOffsets.end()) {
TypeOffsets[PrintedType] = OS.tell();
OS << PrintedType << '\0';
return {TypeOffsets[PrintedType], PrintedType.size()};
ExpressionTypeCollector(SourceFile &SF,
llvm::MapVector<ProtocolDecl*, StringRef> &InterestedProtocols,
std::vector<ExpressionTypeInfo> &Results,
bool CanonicalType,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS): Module(*SF.getParentModule()),
Results(Results), OS(OS),
CanonicalType(CanonicalType) {}
bool walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (E->getSourceRange().isInvalid())
return true;
CharSourceRange Range =
Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(SM, E->getSourceRange());
unsigned Offset = SM.getLocOffsetInBuffer(Range.getStart(), BufferId);
unsigned Length = Range.getByteLength();
std::vector<StringRef> Conformances;
if (!shouldReport(Offset, Length, E, Conformances))
return true;
// Print the type to a temporary buffer.
SmallString<64> Buffer;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Buffer);
auto Ty = E->getType()->getRValueType();
if (CanonicalType) {
} else {
auto Ty = getTypeOffsets(Buffer.str());
// Add the type information to the result list.
Results.push_back({Offset, Length, Ty.first, Ty.second, {}});
// Adding all protocol names to the result.
for(auto Con: Conformances) {
auto Ty = getTypeOffsets(Con);
Results.back().protocols.push_back({Ty.first, Ty.second});
// Keep track of that we have a type reported for this range.
return true;
ProtocolDecl* swift::resolveProtocolName(DeclContext *dc, StringRef name) {
return evaluateOrDefault(dc->getASTContext().evaluator,
ResolveProtocolNameRequest(ProtocolNameOwner(dc, name)),
swift::collectExpressionType(SourceFile &SF,
ArrayRef<const char *> ExpectedProtocols,
std::vector<ExpressionTypeInfo> &Scratch,
bool CanonicalType,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
llvm::MapVector<ProtocolDecl*, StringRef> InterestedProtocols;
for (auto Name: ExpectedProtocols) {
if (auto *pd = resolveProtocolName(&SF, Name)) {
InterestedProtocols.insert({pd, Name});
} else {
return {};
ExpressionTypeCollector Walker(SF, InterestedProtocols, Scratch,
CanonicalType, OS);
return Scratch;
ArrayRef<ValueDecl*> swift::
canDeclProvideDefaultImplementationFor(ValueDecl* VD) {
return evaluateOrDefault(VD->getASTContext().evaluator,
ArrayRef<ValueDecl*> swift::
collectAllOverriddenDecls(ValueDecl *VD, bool IncludeProtocolRequirements,
bool Transitive) {
return evaluateOrDefault(VD->getASTContext().evaluator,
IncludeProtocolRequirements, Transitive)), ArrayRef<ValueDecl*>());
bool swift::isExtensionApplied(const DeclContext *DC, Type BaseTy,
const ExtensionDecl *ED) {
return evaluateOrDefault(DC->getASTContext().evaluator,
IsDeclApplicableRequest(DeclApplicabilityOwner(DC, BaseTy, ED)), false);
bool swift::isMemberDeclApplied(const DeclContext *DC, Type BaseTy,
const ValueDecl *VD) {
return evaluateOrDefault(DC->getASTContext().evaluator,
IsDeclApplicableRequest(DeclApplicabilityOwner(DC, BaseTy, VD)), false);
bool swift::isConvertibleTo(Type T1, Type T2, bool openArchetypes,
DeclContext &DC) {
return evaluateOrDefault(DC.getASTContext().evaluator,
TypeRelationCheckRequest(TypeRelationCheckInput(&DC, T1, T2,
TypeRelation::ConvertTo, openArchetypes)), false);
Type swift::getRootTypeOfKeypathDynamicMember(SubscriptDecl *SD) {
return evaluateOrDefault(SD->getASTContext().evaluator,
RootTypeOfKeypathDynamicMemberRequest{SD}, Type());
Type swift::getResultTypeOfKeypathDynamicMember(SubscriptDecl *SD) {
return evaluateOrDefault(SD->getASTContext().evaluator,
RootAndResultTypeOfKeypathDynamicMemberRequest{SD}, TypePair()).