blob: a35bb306e10cf33885f64e04db23f93680d6ed2d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Formatting.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericParamList.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeRepr.h"
#include "swift/IDE/SourceEntityWalker.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/Frontend.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/IDE/Indenting.h"
#include "swift/Subsystems.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace ide;
namespace {
using StringBuilder = llvm::SmallString<64>;
static bool isOnSameLine(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R) {
return Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, L) ==
Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, R);
static void widenOrSet(SourceRange &First, SourceRange Second) {
if (Second.isInvalid())
if (First.isValid()) {
} else {
First = Second;
/// \returns true if \c Loc is the location of the first non-comment token on
/// its line.
static bool isFirstTokenOnLine(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
SourceLoc LineStart = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, Loc);
CommentRetentionMode SkipComments = CommentRetentionMode::None;
Token First = Lexer::getTokenAtLocation(SM, LineStart, SkipComments);
return First.getLoc() == Loc;
/// \returns the location of the first non-whitespace character on the line
/// containing \c Loc.
static SourceLoc
getLocForContentStartOnSameLine(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
SourceLoc LineStart = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, Loc);
StringRef Indentation = Lexer::getIndentationForLine(SM, LineStart);
return LineStart.getAdvancedLoc(Indentation.size());
/// \returns true if the line at \c Loc is either empty or only contains whitespace
static bool isLineAtLocEmpty(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
SourceLoc LineStart = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, Loc);
SourceLoc Next = Lexer::getTokenAtLocation(SM, LineStart, CommentRetentionMode::ReturnAsTokens).getLoc();
return Next.isInvalid() || !isOnSameLine(SM, Loc, Next);
/// \returns the first token after the token at \c Loc.
static Optional<Token>
getTokenAfter(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc, bool SkipComments = true) {
CommentRetentionMode Mode = SkipComments
? CommentRetentionMode::None
: CommentRetentionMode::ReturnAsTokens;
assert(Lexer::getTokenAtLocation(SM, Loc, Mode).getLoc() == Loc);
SourceLoc End = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, Loc);
Token Next = Lexer::getTokenAtLocation(SM, End, Mode);
if (Next.getKind() == tok::NUM_TOKENS)
return None;
return Next;
/// \returns the last token of the given kind in the open range between \c From
/// and \c To.
static Optional<Token>
getLastTokenOfKindInOpenRange(SourceManager &SM, tok Kind,
SourceLoc From, SourceLoc To) {
Optional<Token> Match;
while (auto Next = getTokenAfter(SM, From)) {
if (!Next || !SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Next->getLoc(), To))
if (Next->getKind() == Kind)
Match = Next;
From = Next->getLoc();
return Match;
/// \returns true if the token at \c Loc is one of the given \c Kinds.
static bool locIsKind(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc, ArrayRef<tok> Kinds) {
Token Tok = Lexer::getTokenAtLocation(SM, Loc);
return Tok.getLoc() == Loc &&
std::find(Kinds.begin(), Kinds.end(), Tok.getKind()) != Kinds.end();
/// \returns the given \c Loc if there is a token at that location that is one
/// of the given \c Kinds and an invalid \c SourceLocation otherwise.
static SourceLoc getLocIfKind(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
ArrayRef<tok> Kinds) {
if (!locIsKind(SM, Loc, Kinds))
return SourceLoc();
return Loc;
/// \returns the given \c Loc if there is a token at that location that is
/// spelled with the given \c Text and an invalid \c SourceLocation otherwise.
static SourceLoc
getLocIfTokenTextMatches(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc, StringRef Text) {
Token Tok = Lexer::getTokenAtLocation(SM, Loc);
if (Tok.getLoc() != Loc || Tok.getKind() == tok::NUM_TOKENS ||
Tok.getRawText() != Text)
return SourceLoc();
return Loc;
/// \returns true if the given \c VarDecl has grouping accessor braces containing
/// one or more explicit accessors.
static bool hasExplicitAccessors(VarDecl *VD) {
auto Getter = VD->getParsedAccessor(AccessorKind::Get);
SourceRange Braces = VD->getBracesRange();
return Braces.isValid() && (!Getter ||
static ClosureExpr *findTrailingClosureFromArgument(Expr *arg) {
if (auto TC = dyn_cast_or_null<ClosureExpr>(arg))
return TC;
if (auto TCL = dyn_cast_or_null<CaptureListExpr>(arg))
return TCL->getClosureBody();
return nullptr;
static size_t calcVisibleWhitespacePrefix(StringRef Line,
CodeFormatOptions Options) {
size_t Indent = 0;
for (auto Char : Line) {
if (Char == '\t') {
Indent += Options.TabWidth;
} else if (Char == ' ' || Char == '\v' || Char == '\f') {
} else {
return Indent;
/// An indentation context of the target location
struct IndentContext {
enum ContextKind { Exact, LineStart };
/// The location to indent relative to.
SourceLoc ContextLoc;
/// Indicates whether to indent relative to the extact column of ContextLoc
/// (Exact) or to the start of the content of the line it appears on (LineStart).
ContextKind Kind;
/// The number of levels to indent by.
unsigned IndentLevel;
IndentContext(SourceLoc Context, bool AddsIndent,
ContextKind Kind = LineStart)
: ContextLoc(Context), Kind(Kind), IndentLevel(AddsIndent ? 1 : 0) {
/// A helper class used to optionally override the ContextLoc and Kind of an
/// IndentContext.
class ContextOverride {
struct Override {
/// The overriding ContextLoc.
SourceLoc ContextLoc;
/// The overriding Kind.
IndentContext::ContextKind Kind;
/// The location after which this override takes effect.
SourceLoc ApplicableFrom;
/// The current override, if set.
Optional<Override> Value;
/// Clears this override.
void clear() { Value = None; }
/// Sets this override to make an IndentContext indent relative to the exact
/// column of AlignLoc if the IndentContext's ContextLoc is >= AlignLoc and
/// on the same line.
void setExact(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc AlignLoc) {
Value = {AlignLoc, IndentContext::Exact, AlignLoc};
/// Sets this override to propagate the given ContextLoc and Kind along to any
/// IndentContext with a ContextLoc >= L and on the same line. If this
/// override's existing value applies to the provided ContextLoc, its
/// ContextLoc and Kind are propagated instead.
/// This propagation is necessary for cases like the trailing closure of 'bar'
/// in the example below. It's direct ContextLoc is 'bar', but we want
/// it to be 'foo' (the ContextLoc of its parent tuple expression):
/// \code
/// foo(a: 1,
/// b: 2)(45, bar(c: 1,
/// d: 2) {
/// fatalError()
/// })
/// \endcode
SourceLoc propagateContext(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
IndentContext::ContextKind Kind,
SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R) {
// If the range ends on the same line as it starts, we know up front that
// no child range can span multiple lines, so there's no need to propagate
// ContextLoc via this override.
if (R.isValid() && isOnSameLine(SM, L, R))
return ContextLoc;
// Similarly if the ContextLoc and L are on the same line, there's no need
// to propagate. Overrides applicable to ContextLoc will already apply
// to child ranges on the same line as L.
if (isOnSameLine(SM, ContextLoc, L))
return ContextLoc;
applyIfNeeded(SM, ContextLoc, Kind);
Value = {ContextLoc, Kind, L};
return ContextLoc;
/// Applies the overriding ContextLoc and Kind to the given IndentContext if it
/// starts after ApplicableFrom and on the same line.
void applyIfNeeded(SourceManager &SM, IndentContext &Ctx) {
// Exactly aligned indent contexts should always set a matching exact
// alignment context override so child braces/parens/brackets are indented
// correctly. If the given innermost indent context is Exact and the
// override doesn't match its Kind and ContextLoc, something is wrong.
assert((Ctx.Kind != IndentContext::Exact ||
(Value && Value->Kind == IndentContext::Exact &&
Value->ContextLoc == Ctx.ContextLoc)) &&
"didn't set override ctx when exact innermost context was set?");
applyIfNeeded(SM, Ctx.ContextLoc, Ctx.Kind);
/// Applies the overriding ContextLoc and Kind to the given Override if its
/// ContextLoc starts after ApplicableFrom and on the same line.
void applyIfNeeded(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc &ContextLoc,
IndentContext::ContextKind &Kind) {
if (!isApplicableTo(SM, ContextLoc))
ContextLoc = Value->ContextLoc;
Kind = Value->Kind;
bool isApplicableTo(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) const {
return Value && isOnSameLine(SM, Loc, Value->ApplicableFrom) &&
!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Loc, Value->ApplicableFrom);
class FormatContext {
SourceManager &SM;
Optional<IndentContext> InnermostCtx;
bool InDocCommentBlock;
bool InCommentLine;
FormatContext(SourceManager &SM,
Optional<IndentContext> IndentCtx,
bool InDocCommentBlock = false,
bool InCommentLine = false)
:SM(SM), InnermostCtx(IndentCtx), InDocCommentBlock(InDocCommentBlock),
InCommentLine(InCommentLine) { }
bool IsInDocCommentBlock() {
return InDocCommentBlock;
bool IsInCommentLine() {
return InCommentLine;
void padToExactColumn(StringBuilder &Builder,
const CodeFormatOptions &FmtOptions) {
assert(isExact() && "Context is not exact?");
SourceLoc AlignLoc = InnermostCtx->ContextLoc;
CharSourceRange Range(SM, Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, AlignLoc),
unsigned SpaceLength = 0;
unsigned TabLength = 0;
// Calculating space length
for (auto C: Range.str())
SpaceLength += C == '\t' ? FmtOptions.TabWidth : 1;
SpaceLength += InnermostCtx->IndentLevel * FmtOptions.TabWidth;
// If we're indenting past the exact column, round down to the next tab.
if (InnermostCtx->IndentLevel)
SpaceLength -= SpaceLength % FmtOptions.TabWidth;
// If we are using tabs, calculating the number of tabs and spaces we need
// to insert.
if (FmtOptions.UseTabs) {
TabLength = SpaceLength / FmtOptions.TabWidth;
SpaceLength = SpaceLength % FmtOptions.TabWidth;
Builder.append(TabLength, '\t');
Builder.append(SpaceLength, ' ');
bool isExact() {
return InnermostCtx.hasValue() &&
InnermostCtx->Kind == IndentContext::Exact;
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> indentLineAndColumn() {
if (InnermostCtx)
return SM.getPresumedLineAndColumnForLoc(InnermostCtx->ContextLoc);
return std::make_pair(0, 0);
bool shouldAddIndentForLine() const {
return InnermostCtx.hasValue() && InnermostCtx->IndentLevel > 0;
unsigned numIndentLevels() const {
if (InnermostCtx)
return InnermostCtx->IndentLevel;
return 0;
/// Recursively strips any trailing arguments, subscripts, generic
/// specializations, or optional bindings from the given expression.
static Expr *getContextExprOf(SourceManager &SM, Expr *E) {
if (auto *USE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedSpecializeExpr>(E)) {
if (auto *Sub = USE->getSubExpr())
return getContextExprOf(SM, Sub);
} else if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E)) {
if (auto *Fn = CE->getFn())
return getContextExprOf(SM, Fn);
} else if (auto *SE = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(E)) {
if (auto *B = SE->getBase())
return getContextExprOf(SM, B);
} else if (auto *OBE = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(E)) {
if (auto *B = OBE->getSubExpr())
return getContextExprOf(SM, B);
} else if (auto *PUE = dyn_cast<PostfixUnaryExpr>(E)) {
if (auto *B = PUE->getArg())
return getContextExprOf(SM, B);
return E;
/// Finds the ContextLoc to use for the argument of the given SubscriptExpr,
/// ApplyExpr, or UnresolvedSpecializeExpr. This is needed as the ContextLoc to
/// align their arguments with (including trailing closures) may be neither the
/// start or end of their function or base expression, as in the SubscriptExpr
/// in the example below, where 'select' is the desired ContextLoc to use.
/// \code
/// Base()
/// .select(x: 10
/// y: 20)[10] {
/// print($0)
/// }
/// .count
/// \endcode
static SourceLoc getContextLocForArgs(SourceManager &SM, Expr *E) {
assert(isa<SubscriptExpr>(E) || isa<CallExpr>(E) || isa<UnresolvedSpecializeExpr>(E));
Expr *Base = getContextExprOf(SM, E);
if (auto *UDE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(Base))
return UDE->getDotLoc();
if (auto *UDRE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDeclRefExpr>(Base))
return UDRE->getLoc();
return Base->getStartLoc();
/// This is a helper class intended to report every pair of matching parens,
/// braces, angle brackets, and square brackets in a given AST node, along with their ContextLoc.
class RangeWalker: protected ASTWalker {
SourceManager &SM;
explicit RangeWalker(SourceManager &SM) : SM(SM) {}
/// Called for every range bounded by a pair of parens, braces, square
/// brackets, or angle brackets.
/// \returns true to continue walking.
virtual bool handleRange(SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R, SourceLoc ContextLoc) = 0;
/// Called for ranges that have a separate ContextLoc but no bounding tokens.
virtual void handleImplicitRange(SourceRange Range, SourceLoc ContextLoc) = 0;
bool handleBraces(SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R, SourceLoc ContextLoc) {
L = getLocIfKind(SM, L, tok::l_brace);
R = getLocIfKind(SM, R, tok::r_brace);
return L.isInvalid() || handleRange(L, R, ContextLoc);
bool handleBraces(SourceRange Braces, SourceLoc ContextLoc) {
return handleBraces(Braces.Start, Braces.End, ContextLoc);
bool handleParens(SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R, SourceLoc ContextLoc) {
L = getLocIfKind(SM, L, tok::l_paren);
R = getLocIfKind(SM, R, tok::r_paren);
return L.isInvalid() || handleRange(L, R, ContextLoc);
bool handleSquares(SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R, SourceLoc ContextLoc) {
L = getLocIfKind(SM, L, tok::l_square);
R = getLocIfKind(SM, R, tok::r_square);
return L.isInvalid() || handleRange(L, R, ContextLoc);
bool handleAngles(SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R, SourceLoc ContextLoc) {
L = getLocIfTokenTextMatches(SM, L, "<");
R = getLocIfTokenTextMatches(SM, R, ">");
return L.isInvalid() || handleRange(L, R, ContextLoc);
bool handleBraceStmt(Stmt *S, SourceLoc ContextLoc) {
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast_or_null<BraceStmt>(S))
return handleBraces({BS->getLBraceLoc(), BS->getRBraceLoc()}, ContextLoc);
return true;
bool walkCustomAttributes(Decl *D) {
// CustomAttrs of non-param VarDecls are handled when this method is called
// on their containing PatternBindingDecls (below).
if (isa<VarDecl>(D) && !isa<ParamDecl>(D))
return true;
if (auto *PBD = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(D)) {
if (auto *SingleVar = PBD->getSingleVar()) {
D = SingleVar;
} else {
return true;
for (auto *customAttr : D->getAttrs().getAttributes<CustomAttr, true>()) {
if (auto *Repr = customAttr->getTypeRepr()) {
if (!Repr->walk(*this))
return false;
if (auto *Arg = customAttr->getArg()) {
if (!Arg->walk(*this))
return false;
return true;
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override {
bool Continue = true, Stop = false;
if (!walkCustomAttributes(D))
return Stop;
if (D->isImplicit())
return Continue;
// Walk into inactive config regions.
if (auto *ICD = dyn_cast<IfConfigDecl>(D)) {
for (auto Clause : ICD->getClauses()) {
for (auto Member : Clause.Elements)
return false;
SourceLoc ContextLoc = D->getStartLoc();
if (auto *GC = D->getAsGenericContext()) {
// Asking for generic parameters on decls where they are computed, rather
// than explicitly defined will trigger an assertion when semantic queries
// and name lookup are disabled.
bool SafeToAskForGenerics = !isa<ExtensionDecl>(D) &&
if (SafeToAskForGenerics) {
if (auto *GP = GC->getParsedGenericParams()) {
if (!handleAngles(GP->getLAngleLoc(), GP->getRAngleLoc(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
if (auto *NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(D)) {
if (!handleBraces(NTD->getBraces(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *ED = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(D)) {
if (!handleBraces(ED->getBraces(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D)) {
if (!handleBraces(VD->getBracesRange(), VD->getNameLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(D) || isa<SubscriptDecl>(D)) {
if (isa<SubscriptDecl>(D)) {
if (!handleBraces(cast<SubscriptDecl>(D)->getBracesRange(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
auto *PL = getParameterList(cast<ValueDecl>(D));
if (!handleParens(PL->getLParenLoc(), PL->getRParenLoc(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *PGD = dyn_cast<PrecedenceGroupDecl>(D)) {
SourceRange Braces(PGD->getLBraceLoc(), PGD->getRBraceLoc());
if (!handleBraces(Braces, ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *PDD = dyn_cast<PoundDiagnosticDecl>(D)) {
// TODO: add paren locations to PoundDiagnosticDecl
return Continue;
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
std::pair<bool, Stmt*> Continue = {true, S}, Stop = {false, nullptr};
if (S->isImplicit())
return Continue;
if (auto *LCS = dyn_cast<LabeledConditionalStmt>(S)) {
for (auto &Elem: LCS->getCond()) {
if (Elem.getKind() == StmtConditionElement::CK_Availability) {
PoundAvailableInfo *PA = Elem.getAvailability();
if (!handleParens(PA->getLParenLoc(), PA->getRParenLoc(),
return Stop;
SourceLoc ContextLoc = S->getStartLoc();
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(S)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(BS, ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *IS = dyn_cast<IfStmt>(S)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(IS->getThenStmt(), IS->getIfLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *GS = dyn_cast<GuardStmt>(S)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(GS->getBody(), GS->getGuardLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *FS = dyn_cast<ForEachStmt>(S)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(FS->getBody(), FS->getForLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *SS = dyn_cast<SwitchStmt>(S)) {
SourceRange Braces(SS->getLBraceLoc(), SS->getRBraceLoc());
if (!handleBraces(Braces, SS->getSwitchLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *DS = dyn_cast<DoStmt>(S)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(DS->getBody(), DS->getDoLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *DCS = dyn_cast<DoCatchStmt>(S)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(DCS->getBody(), DCS->getDoLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (isa<CaseStmt>(S) &&
cast<CaseStmt>(S)->getParentKind() == CaseParentKind::DoCatch) {
auto CS = cast<CaseStmt>(S);
if (!handleBraceStmt(CS->getBody(), CS->getLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *RWS = dyn_cast<RepeatWhileStmt>(S)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(RWS->getBody(), RWS->getRepeatLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *WS = dyn_cast<WhileStmt>(S)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(WS->getBody(), WS->getWhileLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *PAS = dyn_cast<PoundAssertStmt>(S)) {
// TODO: add paren locations to PoundAssertStmt
return Continue;
std::pair<bool, Expr*> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
std::pair<bool, Expr*> Stop = {false, nullptr}, Continue = {true, E};
// Walk through error expressions.
if (auto *EE = dyn_cast<ErrorExpr>(E)) {
if (auto *OE = EE->getOriginalExpr()) {
llvm::SaveAndRestore<ASTWalker::ParentTy>(Parent, EE);
return Continue;
if (E->isImplicit())
return Continue;
SourceLoc ContextLoc = E->getStartLoc();
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(E)) {
SourceLoc L = getLocIfKind(SM, PE->getLParenLoc(),
{tok::l_paren, tok::l_square});
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, PE->getRParenLoc(),
{tok::r_paren, tok::r_square});
if (L.isValid() && !handleRange(L, R, ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(E)) {
SourceLoc L = getLocIfKind(SM, TE->getLParenLoc(),
{tok::l_paren, tok::l_square});
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, TE->getRParenLoc(),
{tok::r_paren, tok::r_square});
if (L.isValid() && !handleRange(L, R, ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<CollectionExpr>(E)) {
if (!handleSquares(CE->getLBracketLoc(), CE->getRBracketLoc(),
return Stop;
} else if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E)) {
if (!handleBraceStmt(CE->getBody(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
SourceRange Capture = CE->getBracketRange();
if (!handleSquares(Capture.Start, Capture.End, Capture.Start))
return Stop;
if (auto *PL = CE->getParameters()) {
if (!handleParens(PL->getLParenLoc(), PL->getRParenLoc(),
return Stop;
} else if (auto *USE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedSpecializeExpr>(E)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = getContextLocForArgs(SM, E);
if (!handleAngles(USE->getLAngleLoc(), USE->getRAngleLoc(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (isa<CallExpr>(E) || isa<SubscriptExpr>(E)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = getContextLocForArgs(SM, E);
Expr *Arg;
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E)) {
Arg = CE->getArg();
} else {
Arg = cast<SubscriptExpr>(E)->getIndex();
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast_or_null<ParenExpr>(Arg)) {
if (isa<SubscriptExpr>(E)) {
if (!handleSquares(PE->getLParenLoc(), PE->getRParenLoc(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else {
if (!handleParens(PE->getLParenLoc(), PE->getRParenLoc(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
if (PE->hasTrailingClosure()) {
if (auto CE = findTrailingClosureFromArgument(PE->getSubExpr()))
if (!handleBraceStmt(CE->getBody(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *TE = dyn_cast_or_null<TupleExpr>(Arg)) {
if (isa<SubscriptExpr>(E)) {
if (!handleSquares(TE->getLParenLoc(), TE->getRParenLoc(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
} else {
if (!handleParens(TE->getLParenLoc(), TE->getRParenLoc(), ContextLoc))
return Stop;
if (TE->hasAnyTrailingClosures()) {
SourceRange Range(TE->getTrailingElements().front()->getStartLoc(),
handleImplicitRange(Range, ContextLoc);
return Continue;
std::pair<bool, Pattern*> walkToPatternPre(Pattern *P) override {
std::pair<bool, Pattern*> Continue = {true, P}, Stop = {false, nullptr};
if (P->isImplicit())
return Continue;
if (isa<TuplePattern>(P) || isa<ParenPattern>(P)) {
if (!handleParens(P->getStartLoc(), P->getEndLoc(), P->getStartLoc()))
return Stop;
return Continue;
bool walkToTypeReprPre(TypeRepr *T) override {
bool Continue = true, Stop = false;
if (auto *TT = dyn_cast<TupleTypeRepr>(T)) {
SourceRange Parens = TT->getParens();
if (!handleParens(Parens.Start, Parens.End, Parens.Start))
return Stop;
} else if (isa<ArrayTypeRepr>(T) || isa<DictionaryTypeRepr>(T)) {
if (!handleSquares(T->getStartLoc(), T->getEndLoc(), T->getStartLoc()))
return Stop;
} else if (auto *GI = dyn_cast<GenericIdentTypeRepr>(T)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = GI->getNameLoc().getBaseNameLoc();
SourceRange Brackets = GI->getAngleBrackets();
if (!handleAngles(Brackets.Start, Brackets.End, ContextLoc))
return Stop;
return Continue;
bool shouldWalkIntoGenericParams() override { return true; }
/// Indicates whether a range is an open or closed range.
enum class RangeKind {Closed, Open};
/// A helper class that determines whether a given node, or subrage of a node
/// should indent or not when it spans multiple lines.
class OutdentChecker: protected RangeWalker {
SourceRange CheckRange; ///< The source range to consider.
RangeKind CheckRangeKind; ///< Whether \c CheckRange is open or closed.
bool IsOutdenting = false; ///< Tracks whether a seen range prevents indenting.
llvm::DenseMap<SourceLoc, ContextOverride> LineStartToOverride;
explicit OutdentChecker(SourceManager &SM,
SourceRange CheckRange, RangeKind CheckRangeKind)
: RangeWalker(SM), CheckRange(CheckRange), CheckRangeKind(CheckRangeKind) {
void handleImplicitRange(SourceRange Range, SourceLoc ContextLoc) override {
assert(Range.isValid() && ContextLoc.isValid());
// Ignore ranges outside of the open/closed check range.
if (!isInCheckRange(Range.Start, Range.End))
propagateContextLocs(ContextLoc, Range.Start, Range.End);
bool handleRange(SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R, SourceLoc ContextLoc) override {
assert(L.isValid() && ContextLoc.isValid());
// Ignore parens/braces/brackets outside of the open/closed check range.
if (!isInCheckRange(L, R))
return true;
// The CheckRange is made outdenting by any parens/braces/brackets with:
// 1) a ContextLoc starts on the same line as the start of CheckRange, and
// 2) either:
// a) an R token that starts its containing line, or
// b) an L token that isn't the ContextLoc and starts its containing line.
// E.g. for an open CheckRange covering the contents of an array literal
// with various line bresk positions:
// // This doesn't outdent because:
// [ // The array brackets are outside the open CheckRange so ignored.
// (1, (2, 3)), // both parens fail conditions 1 and 2.
// (4, (5, 6)) // both parens fail conditions 1 and 2.
// ]
// // This doesn't outdent because:
// [(1, (2, 3)), // both parens fail condition 2.
// ( // these parens fail condition 1.
// 4, (5, 6) // these parens fail conditions 1 and 2.
// )]
// This outdents because:
// [( // These parens meet conditions 1 and 2a.
// 1, (2, 3)
// ), (
// 4, (5, 6)
// )]
// This outdents because:
// [(1, ( // The inner parens meet conditions 1 and 2a.
// 2, 3
// ), (4, (5, 6)]
// This outdents because:
// [(1, (2, 3), ( // The inner parens meet conditions 1 and 2a.
// 4, (5, 6)
// )]
// For a closed CheckRange covering the variable declaration below:
// This doesn't outdent because:
// var x = foo(1) { // The parens and braces fail condition 2
// return 42 }
// This outdents because:
// var x = foo(1) { // These braces meet conditions 1 and 2a.
// return 42
// }
// This outdents because:
// var x = foo(1)
// { // These braces meet conditions 1 and 2b (their ContextLoc is 'foo').
// return 42
// }
// And for a closed CheckRange covering the call expression below:
// This doesn't outdent because:
// foo(1, // These parens fail condition 2.
// 2, 3) { return 42 } // These braces fail condition 1 and 2.
// This outdents because:
// foo(1, 2, 3)
// { // These braces meet conditions 1 and 2b (their ContextLoc is 'foo').
// return 42
// }
// The above conditions are not sufficient to handle cases like the below,
// which we would like to be considered outdenting:
// foo(a: 1,
// b: 2)[x: bar { // These braces fail condition 1.
// return 42
// }]
// To handle them, we propagate the ContextLoc of each parent range down to
// any child ranges that start on the same line as the parent. The braces
// above then 'inherit' the ContextLoc of their parent brackets ('foo'), and
// pass condition 1.
ContextLoc = propagateContextLocs(ContextLoc, L, R);
// Ignore parens/braces/brackets that fail Condition 1.
if (!isOnSameLine(SM, ContextLoc, CheckRange.Start))
return true;
// Ignore parens/braces/brackets that can't meet Condition 2.
if (R.isValid() && isOnSameLine(SM, ContextLoc, R))
return true;
// Check condition 2b.
if (ContextLoc != L && isFirstTokenOnLine(SM, L)) {
IsOutdenting = true;
} else if (R.isValid()) {
// Check condition 2a.
SourceLoc LineStart = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, R);
Token First = Lexer::getTokenAtLocation(SM, LineStart,
IsOutdenting |= First.getLoc() == R;
// We only need to continue checking if it's not already outdenting.
return !IsOutdenting;
SourceLoc propagateContextLocs(SourceLoc ContextLoc, SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R) {
bool HasSeparateContext = !isOnSameLine(SM, L, ContextLoc);
// Update ContextLoc for the currently active override on its line.
ContextOverride &Upstream = getOverrideForLineContaining(ContextLoc);
IndentContext::ContextKind Kind = IndentContext::LineStart;
Upstream.applyIfNeeded(SM, ContextLoc, Kind);
// If the original ContextLoc and L were on the same line, there's no need
// to propagate anything. Child ranges later on the same line will pick up
// whatever override we picked up above anyway, and if there wasn't
// one, their normal ContextLoc should already be correct.
if (!HasSeparateContext)
return ContextLoc;
// Set an override to propagate the context loc onto the line of L.
ContextOverride &Downstream = getOverrideForLineContaining(L);
ContextLoc = Downstream.propagateContext(SM, ContextLoc,
Kind, L, R);
return ContextLoc;
bool isInCheckRange(SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R) const {
switch (CheckRangeKind) {
case RangeKind::Open:
return SM.isBeforeInBuffer(CheckRange.Start, L) &&
(R.isInvalid() || SM.isBeforeInBuffer(R, CheckRange.End));
case RangeKind::Closed:
return !SM.isBeforeInBuffer(L, CheckRange.Start) &&
(R.isInvalid() || !SM.isBeforeInBuffer(CheckRange.End, R));
llvm_unreachable("invalid range kind");
/// Checks if a source range shouldn't indent when it crosses multiple lines.
/// \param SM
/// The SourceManager managing the given source range.
/// \param Range
/// The range to check.
/// \param WalkableParent
/// A parent AST node that when walked covers all relevant nodes in the
/// given source range.
/// \param RangeKind
/// Whether the given range to check is closed (the default) or open.
template <typename T>
static bool hasOutdent(SourceManager &SM, SourceRange Range, T *WalkableParent,
RangeKind RangeKind = RangeKind::Closed) {
if (isOnSameLine(SM, Range.Start, Range.End))
return false;
OutdentChecker Checker(SM, Range, RangeKind);
return Checker.IsOutdenting;
/// Checks if an AST node shouldn't indent when it crosses multiple lines.
/// \param SM
/// The SourceManager managing the given source range.
/// \param WalkableNode
/// The AST node to check.
/// \param RangeKind
/// Whether to check the source range of \c WalkableNode as a closed (the
/// default) or open range.
template <typename T>
static bool hasOutdent(SourceManager &SM, T *WalkableNode,
RangeKind RangeKind = RangeKind::Closed) {
return hasOutdent(SM, WalkableNode->getSourceRange(), WalkableNode,
ContextOverride &getOverrideForLineContaining(SourceLoc Loc) {
SourceLoc LineStart = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, Loc);
auto Ret = LineStartToOverride.insert({LineStart, ContextOverride()});
return Ret.first->getSecond();
/// Information about an indent target that immediately follows a node being walked by
/// a \c FormatWalker instance, or optionally, that follows a trailing comma
/// after such a node.
class TrailingInfo {
Optional<Token> TrailingToken;
TrailingInfo(Optional<Token> TrailingToken) : TrailingToken(TrailingToken) {}
/// Whether the trailing target is on an empty line.
bool isEmpty() const { return !TrailingToken.hasValue(); }
/// Whether the trailing target is a token with one of the given kinds.
bool hasKind(ArrayRef<tok> Kinds) const {
if (TrailingToken) {
tok Kind = TrailingToken->getKind();
return std::find(Kinds.begin(), Kinds.end(), Kind) != Kinds.end();
return false;
/// Checks if the target location immediately follows the provided \p EndLoc,
/// optionally allowing for a single comma in between.
static Optional<TrailingInfo>
find(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc EndLoc, SourceLoc TargetLoc,
bool LookPastTrailingComma = true) {
// If the target is before the end of the end token, it's not trailing.
SourceLoc TokenEndLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, EndLoc);
if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(TargetLoc, TokenEndLoc))
return None;
// If there is no next token, the target directly trails the end token.
auto Next = getTokenAfter(SM, EndLoc, /*SkipComments=*/false);
if (!Next)
return TrailingInfo {None};
// If the target is before or at the next token's locations, it directly
// trails the end token.
SourceLoc NextTokLoc = Next->getLoc();
if (NextTokLoc == TargetLoc)
return TrailingInfo {Next};
if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(TargetLoc, Next->getLoc()))
return TrailingInfo {None};
// The target does not directly trail the end token. If we should look past
// trailing commas, do so.
if (LookPastTrailingComma && Next->getKind() == tok::comma)
return find(SM, Next->getLoc(), TargetLoc, false);
return None;
/// A helper class for aligning list elements and their bounding tokens.
class ListAligner {
SourceManager &SM;
SourceLoc TargetLoc; ///< The indent location.
SourceLoc ContextLoc; ///< The owning indent context's location.
SourceLoc IntroducerLoc; ///< The opening token before the first list element.
SourceLoc CloseLoc; ///< The token that closes the list (optional).
bool CloseRequired; ///< Whether a closing token is expected.
bool AllowsTrailingSeparator; ///< Whether a final trailing comma is legal.
bool ElementExpected; ///<Whether at least one element is expected.
SourceLoc AlignLoc;
SourceLoc LastEndLoc;
bool HasOutdent = false;
bool BreakAlignment = false;
/// Don't column-align if any element starts on the same line as IntroducerLoc
/// but ends on a later line.
bool BreakAlignmentIfSpanning = false;
/// Constructs a new \c ListAligner for a list bounded by separate opening and
/// closing tokens, e.g. tuples, array literals, parameter lists, etc.
/// \param SM
/// The source manager to use.
/// \param TargetLoc
/// The indent target location.
/// \param ContextLoc
/// The location list items should indent relative to.
/// \param L
/// The location of the token before the first item in the list, e.g. '(',
/// or \c case.
/// \param R
/// The location of the closing token of the list, e.g. ')', if present.
/// \param AllowsTrailingSeparator
/// Whether a trailing comma is legal, or indicates an incomplete list.
ListAligner(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc TargetLoc, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
SourceLoc L, SourceLoc R, bool AllowsTrailingSeparator = false)
: SM(SM), TargetLoc(TargetLoc), ContextLoc(ContextLoc),
IntroducerLoc(L), CloseLoc(R), CloseRequired(true),
AllowsTrailingSeparator(AllowsTrailingSeparator), ElementExpected(true) {
assert(ContextLoc.isValid() && IntroducerLoc.isValid());
/// Constructs a new \c ListAligner for a list with only an introducing token,
/// e.g. enum case element lists, guard/if condition pattern lists, and
/// pattern binding declaration lists.
/// \param SM
/// The source manager to use.
/// \param TargetLoc
/// The indent target location.
/// \param ContextLoc
/// The location list items should indent relative to.
/// \param IntroducerLoc
/// The location of the token before the first item in the list, e.g. '(',
/// or \c case.
/// \param ElementExpected
/// Whether at least one item is expected. Currently not true of 'catch'
/// pattern lists only.
ListAligner(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc TargetLoc, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
SourceLoc IntroducerLoc, bool ElementExpected = true)
: SM(SM), TargetLoc(TargetLoc), ContextLoc(ContextLoc),
IntroducerLoc(IntroducerLoc), CloseLoc(SourceLoc()), CloseRequired(false),
AllowsTrailingSeparator(false), ElementExpected(ElementExpected) {
assert(ContextLoc.isValid() && IntroducerLoc.isValid());
/// Update the alignment for a list element.
/// \param Start
/// The start location of the element.
/// \param End
/// The end location of the element
/// \param WalkableParent
/// An AST node that is, or contains the element, and is walkable.
template <typename T>
void updateAlignment(SourceLoc Start, SourceLoc End, T *WalkableParent) {
updateAlignment(SourceRange(Start, End), WalkableParent);
/// Update the alignment for a list element.
/// \param Range
/// The source range of the element.
/// \param WalkableParent
/// An AST node that is, or contains the element, and is walkable.
template <typename T>
void updateAlignment(SourceRange Range, T *WalkableParent) {
LastEndLoc = Range.End;
if (isOnSameLine(SM, IntroducerLoc, Range.Start)) {
HasOutdent |= OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, Range, WalkableParent);
if (BreakAlignmentIfSpanning)
BreakAlignment |= !isOnSameLine(SM, IntroducerLoc, Range.End);
if (HasOutdent || !SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Range.Start, TargetLoc))
if (AlignLoc.isValid()) {
if (isOnSameLine(SM, Range.Start, AlignLoc) ||
!isFirstTokenOnLine(SM, Range.Start))
AlignLoc = getLocForContentStartOnSameLine(SM, Range.Start);
} else if (isOnSameLine(SM, IntroducerLoc, Range.Start)) {
AlignLoc = Range.Start;
/// Returns the list's IndentContext (if applicable to the TargetLoc) and sets
/// an exact alignment override if needed.
/// \note This should only be called after calling \c updateAlignment on every
/// element range.
/// \param Override
/// A ContextOverride object to set
getContextAndSetAlignment(ContextOverride &Override) {
// If the target is before the introducer token, or on it and it is also
// the context loc, the list shouldn't be an indent context.
if (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(TargetLoc, IntroducerLoc))
return None;
if (TargetLoc == IntroducerLoc && ContextLoc == IntroducerLoc)
return None;
// Get the end location of the (possibly incomplete) list.
bool HasTrailingComma = false;
SourceLoc End = getEffectiveEndLoc(HasTrailingComma);
// If the target is past the end of the list we may still be an indent
// context.
bool TargetIsTrailing = false;
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(TargetLoc, Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, End))) {
// If the close token is present, we're not.
if (CloseLoc.isValid())
return None;
// If there's no trailing comma and a close token isn't required, we're
// only a context if there no elements yet but at least one is expected,
// e.g. in an if condition list.
if (!HasTrailingComma && !CloseRequired &&
(LastEndLoc.isValid() || !ElementExpected))
return None;
// If the target isn't immediately trailing the end loc, we're not.
if (!TrailingInfo::find(SM, End, TargetLoc,
/*LookPastTrailingComma=*/!HasTrailingComma)) {
return None;
TargetIsTrailing = true;
bool ShouldIndent = shouldIndent(HasTrailingComma, TargetIsTrailing);
if (ShouldIndent && !BreakAlignment && AlignLoc.isValid()) {
return IndentContext {AlignLoc, false, IndentContext::Exact};
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, ShouldIndent};
/// Sets an exact alignment override for child indent contexts, if needed.
/// This should be called before returning an \c IndentContext for a subrange
/// of the list.
void setAlignmentIfNeeded(ContextOverride &Override) {
if (HasOutdent || BreakAlignment || AlignLoc.isInvalid())
Override.setExact(SM, AlignLoc);
bool shouldIndent(bool HasTrailingComma, bool TargetIsTrailing) const {
if (HasOutdent || TargetLoc == IntroducerLoc)
return false;
if (TargetLoc == CloseLoc)
return !AllowsTrailingSeparator && HasTrailingComma;
if (TargetIsTrailing) {
return CloseLoc.isInvalid() &&
((LastEndLoc.isInvalid() && ElementExpected) ||
return true;
SourceLoc getEffectiveEndLoc(bool &HasTrailingComma) const {
if (LastEndLoc.isInvalid())
return CloseLoc.isValid() ? CloseLoc : IntroducerLoc;
SourceLoc EffectiveEnd = LastEndLoc;
if (locIsKind(SM, LastEndLoc, tok::comma)) {
HasTrailingComma = true;
} else {
Optional<Token> AfterLast = getTokenAfter(SM, LastEndLoc);
if (AfterLast && AfterLast->is(tok::comma)) {
HasTrailingComma = true;
EffectiveEnd = AfterLast->getLoc();
if (CloseLoc.isValid())
return CloseLoc;
return EffectiveEnd;
/// Walks an AST Node to determine the \c FormatContext of the target indent location.
/// It only walks into nodes whose source range overlaps, or immediately
/// precedes the target indent location.
class FormatWalker : public ASTWalker {
SourceFile &SF;
SourceManager &SM;
CodeFormatOptions &FmtOptions;
ArrayRef<Token> TokenList;
SourceLoc TargetLocation;
SourceLoc TargetLineLoc;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<void *, 16> NodesToSkip;
ArrayRef<Token>::iterator CurrentTokIt;
/// The innermost indent context of the target location.
Optional<IndentContext> InnermostCtx;
/// A conditionally applicable indent context override.
ContextOverride CtxOverride;
/// Whether the target location appears within a doc comment block.
bool InDocCommentBlock = false;
/// Whether the target location appears within a line comment.
bool InCommentLine = false;
/// The range of the string literal the target is inside of (if any, invalid otherwise).
CharSourceRange StringLiteralRange;
explicit FormatWalker(SourceFile &SF, SourceManager &SM, CodeFormatOptions &Options)
: SF(SF), SM(SM), FmtOptions(Options), TokenList(SF.getAllTokens()),
CurrentTokIt(TokenList.begin()) {}
/// Compute the \c FormatContext of the given source location.
/// \note The given location should point to the content start of its line.
FormatContext walkToLocation(SourceLoc Loc) {
InnermostCtx = None;
TargetLocation = Loc;
TargetLineLoc = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, TargetLocation);
InDocCommentBlock = InCommentLine = false;
StringLiteralRange = CharSourceRange();
CurrentTokIt = TokenList.begin();
if (InnermostCtx)
CtxOverride.applyIfNeeded(SM, *InnermostCtx);
if (StringLiteralRange.isValid()) {
assert(!InDocCommentBlock && !InCommentLine &&
"Target is in both a string and comment");
InnermostCtx = indentWithinStringLiteral();
} else {
assert(!InDocCommentBlock || !InCommentLine &&
"Target is in both a doc comment block and comment line");
return FormatContext(SM, InnermostCtx, InDocCommentBlock,
Optional<IndentContext> indentWithinStringLiteral() {
assert(StringLiteralRange.isValid() && "Target is not within a string literal");
// This isn't ideal since if the user types """""" and then an enter
// inside after, we won't indent the end quotes. But indenting the end
// quotes could lead to an error in the rest of the string, so best to
// avoid it entirely for now.
if (isOnSameLine(SM, TargetLineLoc, StringLiteralRange.getEnd()))
return IndentContext {TargetLocation, false, IndentContext::Exact};
// If there's contents before the end quotes then it's likely the quotes
// are actually the start quotes of the next string in the file. Pretend
// they don't exist so their indent doesn't affect the indenting.
SourceLoc EndLineContentLoc =
getLocForContentStartOnSameLine(SM, StringLiteralRange.getEnd());
bool HaveEndQuotes = CharSourceRange(SM, EndLineContentLoc,
if (!HaveEndQuotes) {
// Indent to the same indentation level as the first non-empty line
// before the target. If that line is the start line then either use
// the same indentation of the start quotes if they are on their own
// line, or an extra indentation otherwise.
// This will indent lines with content on it as well, which should be
// fine since it is quite unlikely anyone would format a range that
// includes an unterminated string.
SourceLoc AlignLoc = TargetLineLoc;
while (SM.isBeforeInBuffer(StringLiteralRange.getStart(), AlignLoc)) {
AlignLoc = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, AlignLoc.getAdvancedLoc(-1));
if (!isLineAtLocEmpty(SM, AlignLoc)) {
AlignLoc = getLocForContentStartOnSameLine(SM, AlignLoc);
if (isOnSameLine(SM, AlignLoc, StringLiteralRange.getStart())) {
SourceLoc StartLineContentLoc =
getLocForContentStartOnSameLine(SM, StringLiteralRange.getStart());
bool StartLineOnlyQuotes = CharSourceRange(SM, StartLineContentLoc,
if (!StartLineOnlyQuotes)
return IndentContext {StringLiteralRange.getStart(), true};
AlignLoc = StringLiteralRange.getStart();
return IndentContext {AlignLoc, false, IndentContext::Exact};
// If there are end quotes, only enforce a minimum indentation. We don't
// want to add any other indentation since that could add unintended
// whitespace to existing strings. Could change this if the full range
// was passed rather than a single line - in that case we *would* indent
// if the range was a single empty line.
CharSourceRange TargetIndentRange =
CharSourceRange(SM, Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, TargetLocation),
CharSourceRange EndIndentRange =
CharSourceRange(SM, Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(SM, EndLineContentLoc),
size_t TargetIndent =
calcVisibleWhitespacePrefix(TargetIndentRange.str(), FmtOptions);
size_t EndIndent =
calcVisibleWhitespacePrefix(EndIndentRange.str(), FmtOptions);
if (TargetIndent >= EndIndent)
return IndentContext {TargetLocation, false, IndentContext::Exact};
return IndentContext {EndLineContentLoc, false, IndentContext::Exact};
#pragma mark ASTWalker overrides and helpers
bool walkCustomAttributes(Decl *D) {
// CustomAttrs of non-param VarDecls are handled when this method is called
// on their containing PatternBindingDecls (below).
if (isa<VarDecl>(D) && !isa<ParamDecl>(D))
return true;
if (auto *PBD = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(D)) {
if (auto *SingleVar = PBD->getSingleVar()) {
D = SingleVar;
} else {
return true;
for (auto *customAttr : D->getAttrs().getAttributes<CustomAttr, true>()) {
if (auto *Repr = customAttr->getTypeRepr()) {
if (!Repr->walk(*this))
return false;
if (auto *Arg = customAttr->getArg()) {
if (!Arg->walk(*this))
return false;
return true;
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override {
if (!walkCustomAttributes(D))
return false;
auto Action = HandlePre(D, D->isImplicit());
if (Action.shouldGenerateIndentContext()) {
if (auto IndentCtx = getIndentContextFrom(D, Action.Trailing))
InnermostCtx = IndentCtx;
// Walk accessors via their pattern binding decl. They aren't walked via
// their VarDecls due to their non-overlapping range, so they'd be skipped
// otherwise.
if (auto *PBD = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(D)) {
if (Action.shouldVisitChildren()) {
for (auto I: range(PBD->getNumPatternEntries())) {
auto *P = PBD->getPattern(I);
if (!P)
bool Cancelled = false;
P->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *VD) {
if (Cancelled || VD->getBracesRange().isInvalid())
for (auto *AD : VD->getAllAccessors()) {
if (AD->walk(*this)) {
Cancelled = true;
// Walk into inactive config regions.
if (auto *ICD = dyn_cast<IfConfigDecl>(D)) {
if (Action.shouldVisitChildren()) {
for (auto Clause : ICD->getClauses()) {
for (auto Member : Clause.Elements)
return false;
return Action.shouldVisitChildren();
std::pair<bool, Stmt*> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
auto Action = HandlePre(S, S->isImplicit());
if (Action.shouldGenerateIndentContext()) {
if (auto IndentCtx = getIndentContextFrom(S, Action.Trailing))
InnermostCtx = IndentCtx;
return {Action.shouldVisitChildren(), S};
std::pair<bool, Expr*> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (E->getKind() == ExprKind::StringLiteral &&
SM.isBeforeInBuffer(E->getStartLoc(), TargetLocation) &&
Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, E->getEndLoc()))) {
StringLiteralRange = Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(SM, E->getSourceRange());
// Create a default indent context for all top-level expressions
if (isStatementListItem()) {
SourceRange Range = E->getSourceRange();
if (Range.isValid() && isTargetContext(Range)) {
InnermostCtx = IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, E)
auto Action = HandlePre(E, E->isImplicit());
if (Action.shouldGenerateIndentContext()) {
if (auto IndentCtx = getIndentContextFrom(E, Action.Trailing))
InnermostCtx = IndentCtx;
// Don't visit the child expressions of interpolated strings directly -
// visit only the argument of each appendInterpolation call instead, and
// set StringLiteralRange if needed for each segment.
if (auto *ISL = dyn_cast<InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr>(E)) {
if (Action.shouldVisitChildren()) {
llvm::SaveAndRestore<ASTWalker::ParentTy>(Parent, ISL);
SourceLoc PrevStringStart = ISL->getStartLoc();
[&](bool IsInterpolation, CallExpr *CE) {
if (auto *Arg = CE->getArg()) {
if (IsInterpolation) {
// Handle the preceeding string segment.
CharSourceRange StringRange(SM, PrevStringStart, CE->getStartLoc());
if (StringRange.contains(TargetLocation)) {
StringLiteralRange =
Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(SM, E->getSourceRange());
// Walk into the interpolation segment.
} else {
PrevStringStart = CE->getStartLoc();
// Handle the trailing string segment.
SourceLoc End = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, ISL->getStartLoc());
CharSourceRange StringRange(SM, PrevStringStart, End);
if (StringRange.contains(TargetLocation))
StringLiteralRange =
Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(SM, E->getSourceRange());
return {false, E};
// Walk through error expressions.
if (auto *EE = dyn_cast<ErrorExpr>(E)) {
if (Action.shouldVisitChildren()) {
if (auto *OE = EE->getOriginalExpr()) {
llvm::SaveAndRestore<ASTWalker::ParentTy>(Parent, EE);
return {false, E};
return {Action.shouldVisitChildren(), E};
std::pair<bool, Pattern *> walkToPatternPre(Pattern *P) override {
auto Action = HandlePre(P, P->isImplicit());
if (Action.shouldGenerateIndentContext()) {
if (auto IndentCtx = getIndentContextFrom(P, Action.Trailing))
InnermostCtx = IndentCtx;
return {Action.shouldVisitChildren(), P};
bool walkToTypeReprPre(TypeRepr *T) override {
auto Action = HandlePre(T, false);
if (Action.shouldGenerateIndentContext()) {
if (auto IndentCtx = getIndentContextFrom(T, Action.Trailing))
InnermostCtx = IndentCtx;
return Action.shouldVisitChildren();
bool walkToDeclPost(Decl *D) override { return HandlePost(D); }
bool walkToTypeReprPost(TypeRepr *T) override { return HandlePost(T); }
Stmt* walkToStmtPost(Stmt *S) override {
return HandlePost(S)? S : nullptr;
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *E) override {
return HandlePost(E) ? E : nullptr;
Pattern * walkToPatternPost(Pattern *P) override {
return HandlePost(P) ? P : nullptr;
bool shouldWalkIntoGenericParams() override { return true; }
#pragma mark Visitation helpers
struct VisitAction {
enum : unsigned { Skip, VisitChildren, GetContext } action;
Optional<TrailingInfo> Trailing;
bool shouldVisitChildren() const { return action >= VisitChildren; }
bool shouldGenerateIndentContext() const { return action >= GetContext; }
template <class T>
VisitAction HandlePre(T* Node, bool IsImplicit) {
SourceLoc Start = Node->getStartLoc(), End = Node->getEndLoc();
if (Start.isInvalid())
return {VisitAction::VisitChildren, None};
Optional<TrailingInfo> Trailing = TrailingInfo::find(SM, End, TargetLocation);
if (!isTargetContext(Start, End) && !Trailing)
return {VisitAction::Skip, None};
if (!NodesToSkip.count(Node) && !IsImplicit)
return {VisitAction::GetContext, Trailing};
return {VisitAction::VisitChildren, Trailing};
template <typename T>
bool HandlePost(T* Node) {
return !SM.isBeforeInBuffer(TargetLocation, Node->getStartLoc());
void scanTokensUntil(SourceLoc Loc) {
if (InDocCommentBlock || InCommentLine || StringLiteralRange.isValid())
for (auto Invalid = Loc.isInvalid(); CurrentTokIt != TokenList.end() &&
(Invalid || SM.isBeforeInBuffer(CurrentTokIt->getLoc(), Loc));
++CurrentTokIt) {
if (CurrentTokIt->getKind() == tok::comment) {
CharSourceRange CommentRange = CurrentTokIt->getRange();
SourceLoc StartLineLoc = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(
SM, CommentRange.getStart());
SourceLoc EndLineLoc = Lexer::getLocForStartOfLine(
SM, CommentRange.getEnd());
auto TokenStr = CurrentTokIt->getRange().str();
InDocCommentBlock |= SM.isBeforeInBuffer(StartLineLoc, TargetLineLoc) && !SM.isBeforeInBuffer(EndLineLoc, TargetLineLoc) &&
InCommentLine |= StartLineLoc == TargetLineLoc &&
} else if (CurrentTokIt->getKind() == tok::unknown &&
CurrentTokIt->getRange().str().startswith("\"\"\"")) {
StringLiteralRange = CurrentTokIt->getRange();
/// When visiting an expression, returns true if it's a stement level
/// expression.
bool isStatementListItem() {
if (auto *S = Parent.getAsStmt()) {
if (auto *RS = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(S))
return RS->isImplicit();
return isa<BraceStmt>(S);
if (auto *E = Parent.getAsExpr()) {
return isa<ClosureExpr>(E);
return false;
/// Checks whether the given range is an indent context of the target location.
/// \return \c Start < \c TargetLocation <= \c End.
bool isTargetContext(SourceLoc Start, SourceLoc End) const {
// Start < Target <= End
return SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Start, TargetLocation) &&
(End.isInvalid() ||
Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, End)));
/// Checks whether the given range is an indent context of the target location.
/// \return \c Range.Start < \c TargetLocation <= \c Range.End.
bool isTargetContext(SourceRange Range) const {
return isTargetContext(Range.Start, Range.End);
/// Checks whether the given range overlaps the target location.
/// \return \c Start <= \c TargetLocation <= \c End
bool overlapsTarget(SourceLoc Start, SourceLoc End) const {
return !SM.isBeforeInBuffer(TargetLocation, Start) &&
(End.isInvalid() ||
Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(SM, End)));
/// Checks whether the given range overlaps the target location.
/// \return \c Range.Start <= \c TargetLocation <= \c Range.End
bool overlapsTarget(SourceRange Range) const {
return overlapsTarget(Range.Start, Range.End);
/// Checks whether the given range contains the target location.
/// \return \c Start < \c TargetLocation < \c End
bool containsTarget(SourceLoc Start, SourceLoc End) const {
return SM.isBeforeInBuffer(Start, TargetLocation) &&
(End.isInvalid() || SM.isBeforeInBuffer(TargetLocation, End));
/// Checks whether the given range contains the target location.
/// \return \c Range.Start < \c TargetLocation < \c Range.End
bool containsTarget(SourceRange Range) const {
return containsTarget(Range.Start, Range.End);
#pragma mark Declaration indent contexts
getIndentContextFrom(Decl *D, Optional<TrailingInfo> TrailingTarget) {
if (auto *AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = AFD->getStartLoc();
// If this is a getter without a 'get' loc, the context loc is the start
// of its storage.
if (auto *AD = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(AFD)) {
if (AD->isGetter() && AD->getAccessorKeywordLoc().isInvalid()) {
auto *ASD = AD->getStorage();
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(ASD)) {
ContextLoc = VD->getStartLoc();
} else if (auto *SD = dyn_cast_or_null<SubscriptDecl>(ASD)) {
ContextLoc = SD->getStartLoc();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(AFD->getBody(), ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(AFD->getParameters(), ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(AFD->getParsedGenericParams(), ContextLoc, D))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(AFD->getTrailingWhereClause(), ContextLoc, D))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, false};
if (auto *NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = NTD->getStartLoc();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromInherits(NTD->getInherited(), ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromBraces(NTD->getBraces(), ContextLoc, NTD))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(NTD->getParsedGenericParams(), ContextLoc, D))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(NTD->getTrailingWhereClause(), ContextLoc, D))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, false};
if (auto *ED = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = ED->getStartLoc();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromInherits(ED->getInherited(), ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromBraces(ED->getBraces(), ContextLoc, ED))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(ED->getTrailingWhereClause(), ContextLoc, D))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, false};
if (auto *ECD = dyn_cast<EnumCaseDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc CaseLoc = ECD->getLoc();
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, CaseLoc, CaseLoc);
for (auto *Elem: ECD->getElements()) {
if (Elem->isImplicit())
SourceRange ElemRange = Elem->getSourceRange();
Aligner.updateAlignment(ElemRange, Elem);
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
if (auto *EED = dyn_cast<EnumElementDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = EED->getStartLoc();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(EED->getParameterList()))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, EED)
if (auto *SD = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = SD->getStartLoc();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromBraces(SD->getBracesRange(), ContextLoc, SD))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(SD->getIndices(), ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(SD->getParsedGenericParams(), ContextLoc, D))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(SD->getTrailingWhereClause(), ContextLoc, D))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, false};
if (auto *PGD = dyn_cast<PrecedenceGroupDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = PGD->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc L = PGD->getLBraceLoc(), R = PGD->getRBraceLoc();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromBraces(L, R, ContextLoc, PGD))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {PGD->getStartLoc(), false};
if (auto *PBD = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = PBD->getStartLoc(), IntroducerLoc = PBD->getLoc();
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, IntroducerLoc);
// Don't column align PBD entries if any entry spans from the same line as
// the IntroducerLoc (var/let) to another line. E.g.
// let foo = someItem
// .getValue(), // Column-alignment looks ok here, but...
// bar = otherItem
// .getValue()
// getAThing()
// .andDoStuffWithIt()
// let foo = someItem
// .getValue() // looks over-indented here, which is more common...
// getOtherThing()
// .andDoStuffWithIt()
// getAThing()
// .andDoStuffWithIt()
// let foo = someItem
// .getValue() // so break column alignment in this case...
// doOtherThing()
// let foo = someItem.getValue(),
// bar = otherItem.getValue() // but not in this case.
// Using this rule, rather than handling single and multi-entry PBDs
// differently, ensures that the as-typed-out indentation matches the
// re-indented indentation for multi-entry PBDs.
Aligner.BreakAlignmentIfSpanning = true;
for (auto I: range(PBD->getNumPatternEntries())) {
SourceRange EntryRange = PBD->getEqualLoc(I);
VarDecl *SingleVar = nullptr;
if (auto *E = PBD->getOriginalInit(I))
widenOrSet(EntryRange, E->getSourceRange());
if (auto *P = PBD->getPattern(I)) {
widenOrSet(EntryRange, P->getSourceRange());
if ((SingleVar = P->getSingleVar()))
widenOrSet(EntryRange, SingleVar->getBracesRange());
Aligner.updateAlignment(EntryRange, PBD);
// If the var has explicit accessors, the braces are an indent context.
if (SingleVar && hasExplicitAccessors(SingleVar)) {
SourceRange Braces = SingleVar->getBracesRange();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromBraces(Braces, EntryRange.Start, PBD)) {
return Ctx;
// The pattern entry as whole is also an indent context.
if (isTargetContext(EntryRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, EntryRange, PBD)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
// None of the below declarations can claim trailing targets.
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
if (auto *TAD = dyn_cast<TypeAliasDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = TAD->getStartLoc();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(TAD->getParsedGenericParams(), ContextLoc,
D)) {
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(TAD->getTrailingWhereClause(), ContextLoc,
D)) {
return Ctx;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, !OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, D)};
if (auto *ATD = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = ATD->getStartLoc();
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromInherits(ATD->getInherited(),
ContextLoc)) {
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(ATD->getTrailingWhereClause(),
ContextLoc, D)) {
return Ctx;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, !OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, D)};
if (auto *PDD = dyn_cast<PoundDiagnosticDecl>(D)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = PDD->getStartLoc();
// FIXME: add paren source locations to the AST Node.
if (auto *SLE = PDD->getMessage()) {
SourceRange MessageRange = SLE->getSourceRange();
if (MessageRange.isValid() && overlapsTarget(MessageRange))
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, true};
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, !OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, D)};
if (auto *ICD = dyn_cast<IfConfigDecl>(D)) {
for (auto &Clause: ICD->getClauses()) {
if (Clause.Loc == TargetLocation)
if (auto *Cond = Clause.Cond) {
SourceRange CondRange = Cond->getSourceRange();
if (CondRange.isValid() && overlapsTarget(CondRange))
return IndentContext {Clause.Loc, true};
return IndentContext { ICD->getStartLoc(), false };
switch (D->getKind()) {
case DeclKind::InfixOperator:
case DeclKind::PostfixOperator:
case DeclKind::PrefixOperator:
case DeclKind::Import:
case DeclKind::Param:
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, D)
return None;
getIndentContextFromWhereClause(ArrayRef<RequirementRepr> Requirements,
SourceRange Range, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
Decl *WalkableParent) {
if (Range.isInvalid())
return None;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, Range.Start);
for (auto &Req: Requirements) {
SourceRange ReqRange = Req.getSourceRange();
if (ReqRange.isInvalid())
Aligner.updateAlignment(ReqRange, WalkableParent);
if (isTargetContext(ReqRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ReqRange, WalkableParent)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
getIndentContextFrom(TrailingWhereClause *TWC, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
Decl *WalkableParent) {
if (!TWC)
return None;
return getIndentContextFromWhereClause(TWC->getRequirements(),
ContextLoc, WalkableParent);
getIndentContextFrom(GenericParamList *GP, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
Decl *WalkableParent) {
if (!GP)
return None;
SourceLoc L = GP->getLAngleLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfTokenTextMatches(SM, GP->getRAngleLoc(), ">");
if (L.isValid() && overlapsTarget(L, R)) {
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
for (auto *P: GP->getParams()) {
SourceRange ParamRange = P->getSourceRange();
Aligner.updateAlignment(ParamRange, WalkableParent);
if (isTargetContext(ParamRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, P)
if (auto Ctx = Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride))
return Ctx;
return None;
getIndentContextFrom(ParameterList *PL, SourceLoc ContextLoc = SourceLoc()) {
if (!PL)
return None;
SourceRange Range = PL->getSourceRange();
if (Range.isInvalid() || locIsKind(SM, Range.Start, tok::l_brace))
return None;
SourceLoc L = getLocIfKind(SM, PL->getLParenLoc(), tok::l_paren);
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, PL->getRParenLoc(), tok::r_paren);
if (ContextLoc.isInvalid())
ContextLoc = Range.Start;
if (L.isValid()) {
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
for (auto *PD: *PL)
Aligner.updateAlignment(PD->getSourceRange(), PD);
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
// There are no parens at this point, so if there are no parameters either,
// this shouldn't be a context (it's an implicit parameter list).
if (!PL->size())
return None;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, Range.Start);
for (auto *PD: *PL)
Aligner.updateAlignment(PD->getSourceRange(), PD);
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
template <typename T>
getIndentContextFromBraces(SourceLoc Open, SourceLoc Close, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
T* WalkableParent) {
SourceLoc L = getLocIfKind(SM, Open, tok::l_brace);
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, Close, tok::r_brace);
if (L.isInvalid() || !overlapsTarget(L, R))
return None;
return IndentContext {
containsTarget(L, R) &&
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, SourceRange(Open, Close), WalkableParent,
template <typename T>
getIndentContextFromBraces(SourceRange Braces, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
T* WalkableParent) {
return getIndentContextFromBraces(Braces.Start, Braces.End, ContextLoc,
getIndentContextFromInherits(ArrayRef<TypeLoc> Inherits,
SourceLoc ContextLoc) {
if (Inherits.empty())
return None;
SourceLoc StartLoc = Inherits.front().getSourceRange().Start;
if (StartLoc.isInvalid())
return None;
// FIXME: Add the colon location to the AST.
auto ColonLoc = getLastTokenOfKindInOpenRange(SM, tok::colon, ContextLoc,
assert(ColonLoc.hasValue() && "inherits list without leading colon?");
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, ColonLoc->getLoc());
for (auto TL: Inherits)
Aligner.updateAlignment(TL.getSourceRange(), TL.getTypeRepr());
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
#pragma mark Statement indent contexts
getIndentContextFrom(Stmt *S, Optional<TrailingInfo> TrailingTarget) {
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(S))
return getIndentContextFrom(BS);
if (auto *SS = dyn_cast<SwitchStmt>(S)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = SS->getSwitchLoc();
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(ContextLoc, TargetLocation))
return None;
if (auto *E = SS->getSubjectExpr()) {
SourceRange Range = E->getSourceRange();
widenOrSet(Range, ContextLoc);
if (isTargetContext(Range)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, Range, E)
SourceLoc L = SS->getLBraceLoc(), R = SS->getRBraceLoc();
if (FmtOptions.IndentSwitchCase) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromBraces(L, R, ContextLoc, SS))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, false};
auto *CS = dyn_cast<CaseStmt>(S);
if (CS && CS->getParentKind() == CaseParentKind::Switch) {
SourceLoc CaseLoc = CS->getLoc();
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(CaseLoc, TargetLocation))
return None;
SourceRange LabelItemsRange = CS->getLabelItemsRange();
SourceLoc ColonLoc = getLocIfKind(SM, LabelItemsRange.End, tok::colon);
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromCaseItems(CS, true))
return Ctx;
if (ColonLoc.isValid() && isTargetContext(ColonLoc, SourceLoc()) &&
(!TrailingTarget || TrailingTarget->isEmpty())) {
SourceRange ColonToEnd = SourceRange(ColonLoc, CS->getEndLoc());
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ColonToEnd, CS)
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {CaseLoc, false};
if (auto *DS = dyn_cast<DoStmt>(S)) {
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(DS->getDoLoc(), TargetLocation))
return None;
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(DS->getBody())) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(BS, DS->getStartLoc()))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {DS->getStartLoc(), false};
if (CS && CS->getParentKind() == CaseParentKind::DoCatch) {
SourceLoc CatchLoc = CS->getLoc();
SourceLoc L;
auto *BS = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(CS->getBody());
if (BS) L = getLocIfKind(SM, BS->getLBraceLoc(), tok::l_brace);
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromCaseItems(CS, false))
return Ctx;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(BS, CS->getStartLoc()))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {CatchLoc, false};
if (auto *IS = dyn_cast<IfStmt>(S)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = IS->getIfLoc();
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(ContextLoc, TargetLocation))
return None;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(IS->getCond(), ContextLoc, IS))
return Ctx;
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast_or_null<BraceStmt>(IS->getThenStmt())) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(BS, IS->getStartLoc()))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, false};
if (auto *GS = dyn_cast<GuardStmt>(S)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = GS->getGuardLoc();
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(ContextLoc, TargetLocation))
return None;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(GS->getCond(), ContextLoc, GS))
return Ctx;
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast_or_null<BraceStmt>(GS->getBody())) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(BS, GS->getStartLoc()))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {GS->getGuardLoc(), false};
if (auto *RWS = dyn_cast<RepeatWhileStmt>(S)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = RWS->getRepeatLoc();
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(ContextLoc, TargetLocation))
return None;
if (auto *E = RWS->getCond()) {
if (overlapsTarget(E->getSourceRange()))
return IndentContext {RWS->getRepeatLoc(), true};
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast_or_null<BraceStmt>(RWS->getBody())) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(BS, ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {RWS->getRepeatLoc(), false};
if (auto *WS = dyn_cast<WhileStmt>(S)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = WS->getWhileLoc();
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(ContextLoc, TargetLocation))
return None;
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(WS->getCond(), ContextLoc, WS))
return Ctx;
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast_or_null<BraceStmt>(WS->getBody())) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(BS, ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, false};
if (auto *FS = dyn_cast<ForEachStmt>(S)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = FS->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc ForLoc = FS->getForLoc();
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(ForLoc, TargetLocation))
return None;
if (auto *P = FS->getPattern()) {
SourceRange Range = P->getSourceRange();
if (Range.isValid() && overlapsTarget(Range))
return IndentContext {ForLoc, !OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, P)};
if (auto *E = FS->getSequence()) {
SourceRange Range = FS->getInLoc();
widenOrSet(Range, E->getSourceRange());
if (Range.isValid() && isTargetContext(Range)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, E)
if (auto *WE = FS->getWhere()) {
SourceLoc WhereLoc = FS->getWhereLoc();
SourceRange Range = WE->getSourceRange();
if (Range.isValid() && overlapsTarget(Range))
return IndentContext {WhereLoc, !OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, WE)};
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast_or_null<BraceStmt>(FS->getBody())) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(BS, FS->getStartLoc()))
return Ctx;
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, false};
// None of the below statements ever claim trailing targets.
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
if (auto *RS = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(S)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = RS->getReturnLoc();
SourceRange Range = RS->getSourceRange();
Expr *Result = RS->getResult();
return IndentContext {
Result && !OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, Range, Result)
if (auto *DCS = dyn_cast<DoCatchStmt>(S)) {
if (!SM.isBeforeInBuffer(DCS->getDoLoc(), TargetLocation))
return None;
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(DCS->getBody())) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(BS))
return Ctx;
return IndentContext {DCS->getStartLoc(), false};
return None;
getIndentContextFrom(BraceStmt *BS, SourceLoc ContextLoc = SourceLoc()) {
if (!BS)
return None;
SourceLoc L = getLocIfKind(SM, BS->getLBraceLoc(), tok::l_brace);
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, BS->getRBraceLoc(), tok::r_brace);
if (L.isInvalid() || !overlapsTarget(L, R))
return None;
if (ContextLoc.isInvalid()) {
ContextLoc = L;
} else {
bool shouldIndent = containsTarget(L, R) &&
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, BS, RangeKind::Open);
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, shouldIndent};
template <typename T>
getIndentContextFrom(PoundAvailableInfo *A, T *WalkableParent) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = A->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc L = A->getLParenLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, A->getRParenLoc(), tok::r_paren);
if (L.isInvalid() || !overlapsTarget(L, R))
return None;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
for (auto *Spec: A->getQueries()) {
SourceRange Range = Spec->getSourceRange();
if (Range.isValid()) {
Aligner.updateAlignment(Range, WalkableParent);
if (isTargetContext(Range)) {
return IndentContext {Range.Start, true};
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
template <typename T>
getIndentContextFrom(const StmtCondition &Condition, SourceLoc ContextLoc,
T *WalkableParent) {
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, ContextLoc);
for (auto &Elem: Condition) {
// Skip implicit condition created when there are no explicit ones.
Expr *BoolExpr = Elem.getBooleanOrNull();
if (BoolExpr && BoolExpr->isImplicit())
SourceRange ElemRange = Elem.getSourceRange();
Aligner.updateAlignment(ElemRange, WalkableParent);
if (Elem.getKind() == StmtConditionElement::CK_Availability) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(Elem.getAvailability(),
WalkableParent)) {
return Ctx;
if (ElemRange.isValid() && isTargetContext(ElemRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ElemRange, WalkableParent)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
SourceRange getConditionRange(const StmtCondition &Condition) {
if (Condition.empty())
return SourceRange();
SourceRange Bounds = SourceRange(Condition.front().getStartLoc(),
if (auto Next = getTokenAfter(SM, Bounds.End)) {
if (Next->getKind() == tok::comma)
return Bounds;
getIndentContextFromCaseItems(CaseStmt *CS, bool ElementExpected) {
SourceLoc IntroducerLoc = CS->getLoc();
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, IntroducerLoc, IntroducerLoc,
for (auto &Elem: CS->getCaseLabelItems()) {
// Skip the implicit 'error' pattern for empty catch CaseStmts.
if ((!Elem.getPattern() || Elem.getPattern()->isImplicit()) &&
SourceRange ElemRange = Elem.getSourceRange();
Aligner.updateAlignment(ElemRange, CS);
if (isTargetContext(ElemRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ElemRange, CS)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
#pragma mark Expression indent contexts
getIndentContextFrom(Expr *E, Optional<TrailingInfo> TrailingTarget) {
// All handled expressions may claim a trailing target.
if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(E)) {
if (TrailingTarget && TE->hasTrailingClosure())
return None;
return getIndentContextFrom(TE);
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(E)) {
if (TrailingTarget && PE->hasTrailingClosure())
return None;
return getIndentContextFrom(PE);
if (auto *DE = dyn_cast<DictionaryExpr>(E)) {
SourceLoc L = DE->getLBracketLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, DE->getRBracketLoc(), tok::r_square);
if (L.isInvalid() || !overlapsTarget(L, R))
return None;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, L, L, R, true);
for (Expr *Elem: DE->getElements()) {
auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(Elem);
Aligner.updateAlignment(TE->getSourceRange(), TE);
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromDictionaryElem(TE)) {
return Ctx;
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<ArrayExpr>(E)) {
SourceLoc L = AE->getLBracketLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, AE->getRBracketLoc(), tok::r_square);
if (L.isInvalid() || !overlapsTarget(L, R))
return None;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, L, L, R, true);
for (auto *Elem: AE->getElements()) {
SourceRange ElemRange = Elem->getSourceRange();
Aligner.updateAlignment(ElemRange, Elem);
if (isTargetContext(ElemRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ElemRange, Elem)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
if (auto *USE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedSpecializeExpr>(E)) {
SourceLoc L = USE->getLAngleLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfTokenTextMatches(SM, USE->getRAngleLoc(), ">");
if (L.isInvalid() || !overlapsTarget(L, R))
return None;
SourceLoc ContextLoc = getContextLocForArgs(SM, USE);
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
for (auto *T : USE->getUnresolvedParams()) {
Aligner.updateAlignment(T->getSourceRange(), T);
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
if (auto *CLE = dyn_cast<CaptureListExpr>(E))
return getIndentContextFrom(CLE);
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E))
return getIndentContextFrom(CE);
if (isa<CallExpr>(E) || isa<SubscriptExpr>(E)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = getContextLocForArgs(SM, E);
Expr *Arg;
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E)) {
Arg = CE->getArg();
} else {
Arg = cast<SubscriptExpr>(E)->getIndex();
auto getIndentContextFromTrailingClosure =
[&](Expr *arg) -> Optional<IndentContext> {
if (auto CE = findTrailingClosureFromArgument(arg)) {
SourceRange Range = CE->getSourceRange();
if (Range.isValid() && (TrailingTarget || overlapsTarget(Range))) {
if (auto CLE = dyn_cast<CaptureListExpr>(arg))
return getIndentContextFrom(CLE, ContextLoc);
return getIndentContextFrom(CE, ContextLoc);
return None;
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast_or_null<ParenExpr>(Arg)) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(PE, ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (PE->hasTrailingClosure()) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFromTrailingClosure(PE->getSubExpr()))
return Ctx;
} else if (auto *TE = dyn_cast_or_null<TupleExpr>(Arg)) {
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(TE, ContextLoc))
return Ctx;
if (TE->hasAnyTrailingClosures()) {
Expr *Unlabeled = TE->getTrailingElements().front();
SourceRange ClosuresRange(Unlabeled->getStartLoc(), TE->getEndLoc());
if (overlapsTarget(ClosuresRange) || TrailingTarget) {
SourceRange ContextToEnd(ContextLoc, ClosuresRange.End);
ContextLoc = CtxOverride.propagateContext(SM, ContextLoc,
if (!TrailingTarget) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ContextToEnd, E)
return None;
getIndentContextFrom(CaptureListExpr *CL,
SourceLoc ContextLoc = SourceLoc()) {
ClosureExpr *CE = CL->getClosureBody();
BraceStmt *BS = CE->getBody();
if (!CE || !BS)
return None;
if (ContextLoc.isValid()) {
} else {
return getIndentContextFrom(CE, ContextLoc, CL);
getIndentContextFrom(ClosureExpr *CE, SourceLoc ContextLoc = SourceLoc(),
CaptureListExpr *ParentCapture = nullptr) {
BraceStmt *BS = CE->getBody();
if (!BS)
return None;
SourceLoc L = BS->getLBraceLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, BS->getRBraceLoc(), tok::r_brace);
if (ContextLoc.isValid()) {
if (isTargetContext(L, R))
ContextLoc = CtxOverride.propagateContext(SM, ContextLoc,
L, R);
// Handle the capture list.
SourceRange CL = CE->getBracketRange();
if (CL.isValid()) {
SourceLoc L = CL.Start;
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, CL.End, tok::r_square);
if (isTargetContext(L, R)) {
ContextLoc = L;
if (!ParentCapture) // empty capture list
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, containsTarget(L, R)};
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
for (auto &Entry: ParentCapture->getCaptureList()) {
if (auto *PBD = Entry.Init) {
SourceRange Range = PBD->getSourceRangeIncludingAttrs();
Aligner.updateAlignment(Range, PBD);
if (isTargetContext(Range)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, Range, PBD)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
// Handle parameter list
if (auto Ctx = getIndentContextFrom(CE->getParameters()))
return Ctx;
// Handle outer braces.
if (L.isInvalid() || !isTargetContext(L, R))
return None;
if (ContextLoc.isInvalid())
ContextLoc = L;
Expr *WalkableParent = CE;
if (ParentCapture)
WalkableParent = ParentCapture;
auto InLoc = CE->getInLoc();
if (InLoc.isValid()) {
if (containsTarget(InLoc, R)) {
SourceRange InToEnd = SourceRange(InLoc, BS->getEndLoc());
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, InToEnd, WalkableParent)
bool shouldIndent = containsTarget(L, R) &&
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, WalkableParent, RangeKind::Open);
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, shouldIndent};
getIndentContextFromDictionaryElem(TupleExpr *TE) {
SourceLoc Start = TE->getStartLoc(), End = TE->getEndLoc();
if (!TE->getNumElements() || !isTargetContext(Start, End))
return None;
Expr *Key = TE->getElement(0);
SourceLoc ColonLoc;
if (auto Next = getTokenAfter(SM, Key->getEndLoc())) {
if (Next && Next->getKind() == tok::colon)
ColonLoc = Next->getLoc();
if (ColonLoc.isValid() && isTargetContext(ColonLoc, End))
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, SourceRange(ColonLoc, End), TE)
return IndentContext {Start, !OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, Key)};
getIndentContextFrom(TupleExpr *TE, SourceLoc ContextLoc = SourceLoc()) {
if (ContextLoc.isValid())
SourceLoc L = TE->getLParenLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, TE->getRParenLoc(),
{tok::r_paren, tok::r_square});
if (L.isInvalid() || !overlapsTarget(L, R))
return None;
if (ContextLoc.isValid()) {
ContextLoc = CtxOverride.propagateContext(SM, ContextLoc,
L, R);
} else {
ContextLoc = L;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
auto NumElems = TE->getNumElements() - TE->getNumTrailingElements();
for (auto I : range(NumElems)) {
SourceRange ElemRange = TE->getElementNameLoc(I);
if (Expr *Elem = TE->getElement(I))
widenOrSet(ElemRange, Elem->getSourceRange());
Aligner.updateAlignment(ElemRange, TE);
if (isTargetContext(ElemRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ElemRange, TE)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
getIndentContextFrom(ParenExpr *PE, SourceLoc ContextLoc = SourceLoc()) {
if (ContextLoc.isValid())
SourceLoc L = PE->getLParenLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, PE->getRParenLoc(),
{tok::r_paren, tok::r_square});
if (L.isInvalid() || !overlapsTarget(L, R))
return None;
if (ContextLoc.isValid()) {
ContextLoc = CtxOverride.propagateContext(SM, ContextLoc,
L, R);
} else {
ContextLoc = L;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
if (!PE->hasTrailingClosure()) {
Expr *Elem = PE->getSubExpr();
SourceRange Range = Elem->getSourceRange();
Aligner.updateAlignment(Range, Elem);
if (isTargetContext(Range)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, Elem)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
#pragma mark TypeRepr indent contexts
getIndentContextFrom(TypeRepr *T, Optional<TrailingInfo> TrailingTarget) {
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
if (auto *GIT = dyn_cast<GenericIdentTypeRepr>(T)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = GIT->getNameLoc().getBaseNameLoc();
SourceRange Brackets = GIT->getAngleBrackets();
if (Brackets.isInvalid())
return None;
SourceLoc L = Brackets.Start;
SourceLoc R = getLocIfTokenTextMatches(SM, Brackets.End, ">");
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
for (auto *Arg: GIT->getGenericArgs())
Aligner.updateAlignment(Arg->getSourceRange(), GIT);
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
if (auto *TT = dyn_cast<TupleTypeRepr>(T)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = TT->getStartLoc();
SourceRange Parens = TT->getParens();
if (Parens.isInvalid())
return None;
SourceLoc L = Parens.Start;
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, Parens.End, tok::r_paren);
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
for (auto &Elem: TT->getElements()) {
SourceRange ElemRange = Elem.NameLoc;
widenOrSet(ElemRange, Elem.UnderscoreLoc);
if (auto *T = Elem.Type)
widenOrSet(ElemRange, T->getSourceRange());
Aligner.updateAlignment(ElemRange, TT);
if (Elem.ColonLoc.isValid()) {
SourceRange FromColonToEnd = SourceRange(Elem.ColonLoc, ElemRange.End);
if (isTargetContext(FromColonToEnd)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, FromColonToEnd, TT)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<ArrayTypeRepr>(T)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = AT->getStartLoc();
SourceRange Brackets = AT->getBrackets();
if (Brackets.isInvalid())
return None;
return IndentContext {
containsTarget(Brackets.Start, Brackets.End) &&
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, AT, RangeKind::Open)
if (auto *DT = dyn_cast<DictionaryTypeRepr>(T)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = DT->getStartLoc();
SourceRange Brackets = DT->getBrackets();
if (Brackets.isInvalid())
return None;
SourceLoc KeyLoc = DT->getKey()->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc ColonLoc = DT->getColonLoc();
if (ColonLoc.isValid()) {
SourceRange ColonToEnd = SourceRange(ColonLoc, Brackets.End);
if (isTargetContext(ColonToEnd))
return IndentContext {
containsTarget(Brackets) &&
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ColonToEnd, DT)
return IndentContext {
containsTarget(Brackets) &&
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, DT, RangeKind::Open)
return None;
#pragma mark Pattern indent contexts
getIndentContextFrom(Pattern *P, Optional<TrailingInfo> TrailingTarget) {
if (TrailingTarget)
return None;
if (auto *TP = dyn_cast<TypedPattern>(P)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = TP->getStartLoc();
auto *LHS = TP->getSubPattern();
SourceLoc ColonLoc;
if (auto Next = getTokenAfter(SM, LHS->getEndLoc())) {
if (Next->getKind() == tok::colon)
ColonLoc = Next->getLoc();
if (ColonLoc.isValid()) {
SourceRange ColonToEnd = SourceRange(ColonLoc, TP->getEndLoc());
if (isTargetContext(ColonToEnd))
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ColonToEnd, TP)
return IndentContext {ContextLoc, !OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, TP)};
if (auto *PP = dyn_cast<ParenPattern>(P)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = PP->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc L = PP->getLParenLoc();
SourceLoc R = getLocIfKind(SM, PP->getRParenLoc(), tok::r_paren);
if (L.isInvalid())
return None;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
if (auto *Elem = PP->getSubPattern()) {
SourceRange ElemRange = Elem->getSourceRange();
Aligner.updateAlignment(ElemRange, Elem);
if (isTargetContext(ElemRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ElemRange, Elem)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
if (auto *TP = dyn_cast<TuplePattern>(P)) {
SourceLoc ContextLoc = TP->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc L = TP->getLParenLoc(), R = TP->getRParenLoc();
if (L.isInvalid())
return None;
ListAligner Aligner(SM, TargetLocation, ContextLoc, L, R);
for (auto &Elem: TP->getElements()) {
SourceRange ElemRange = Elem.getLabelLoc();
if (auto *P = Elem.getPattern())
widenOrSet(ElemRange, P->getSourceRange());
Aligner.updateAlignment(ElemRange, TP);
if (isTargetContext(ElemRange)) {
return IndentContext {
!OutdentChecker::hasOutdent(SM, ElemRange, TP)
return Aligner.getContextAndSetAlignment(CtxOverride);
return None;
class CodeFormatter {
CodeFormatOptions &FmtOptions;
CodeFormatter(CodeFormatOptions &Options)
:FmtOptions(Options) { }
std::pair<LineRange, std::string> indent(unsigned LineIndex,
FormatContext &FC,
StringRef Text) {
if (FC.isExact()) {
StringRef Line = swift::ide::getTextForLine(LineIndex, Text, /*Trim*/true);
StringBuilder Builder;
FC.padToExactColumn(Builder, FmtOptions);
return std::make_pair(LineRange(LineIndex, 1), Builder.str().str());
// Take the current indent position of the context, then add the number of
// indents specified.
auto LineAndColumn = FC.indentLineAndColumn();
size_t ExpandedIndent = swift::ide::getExpandedIndentForLine(LineAndColumn.first,
FmtOptions, Text);
if (FC.shouldAddIndentForLine()) {
auto Width = FmtOptions.UseTabs ? FmtOptions.TabWidth
: FmtOptions.IndentWidth;
// We don't need to add additional indentation if Width is zero.
if (Width) {
// Increment indent.
ExpandedIndent += Width * FC.numIndentLevels();
// Normalize indent to align on proper column indent width.
ExpandedIndent -= ExpandedIndent % Width;
if (FC.IsInDocCommentBlock()) {
// Inside doc comment block, the indent is one space, e.g.
// /**
// * <---Indent to align with the first star.
// */
ExpandedIndent += 1;
// Reformat the specified line with the calculated indent.
StringRef Line = swift::ide::getTextForLine(LineIndex, Text, /*Trim*/true);
std::string IndentedLine;
if (FmtOptions.UseTabs)
IndentedLine.assign(ExpandedIndent / FmtOptions.TabWidth, '\t');
IndentedLine.assign(ExpandedIndent, ' ');
// Return affected line range, which can later be more than one line.
LineRange range = LineRange(LineIndex, 1);
return std::make_pair(range, IndentedLine);
} //anonymous namespace
size_t swift::ide::getOffsetOfLine(unsigned LineIndex, StringRef Text) {
// SourceLoc start = SourceLoc(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(Text.begin()));
// FIXME: We should have a cached line map in EditableTextBuffer, for now
// we just do the slow naive thing here.
size_t LineOffset = 0;
unsigned CurrentLine = 0;
while (LineOffset < Text.size() && ++CurrentLine < LineIndex) {
LineOffset = Text.find_first_of("\r\n", LineOffset);
if (LineOffset != std::string::npos) {
if (LineOffset < Text.size() &&
Text[LineOffset - 1] == '\r' && Text[LineOffset] == '\n')
if (LineOffset == std::string::npos)
LineOffset = 0;
return LineOffset;
size_t swift::ide::getOffsetOfLine(unsigned LineIndex, StringRef Text, bool Trim) {
size_t LineOffset = swift::ide::getOffsetOfLine(LineIndex, Text);
if (!Trim)
return LineOffset;
// Skip leading whitespace.
size_t FirstNonWSOnLine = Text.find_first_not_of(" \t\v\f", LineOffset);
if (FirstNonWSOnLine != std::string::npos)
LineOffset = FirstNonWSOnLine;
return LineOffset;
llvm::StringRef swift::ide::getTextForLine(unsigned LineIndex, StringRef Text,
bool Trim) {
size_t LineOffset = getOffsetOfLine(LineIndex, Text, Trim);
size_t LineEnd = Text.find_first_of("\r\n", LineOffset);
return Text.slice(LineOffset, LineEnd);
size_t swift::ide::getExpandedIndentForLine(unsigned LineIndex,
CodeFormatOptions Options,
StringRef Text) {
size_t LineOffset = getOffsetOfLine(LineIndex, Text);
// Tab-expand all leading whitespace
size_t FirstNonWSOnLine = Text.find_first_not_of(" \t\v\f", LineOffset);
size_t Indent = 0;
while (LineOffset < Text.size() && LineOffset < FirstNonWSOnLine) {
if (Text[LineOffset++] == '\t')
Indent += Options.TabWidth;
Indent += 1;
return Indent;
std::pair<LineRange, std::string> swift::ide::reformat(LineRange Range,
CodeFormatOptions Options,
SourceManager &SM,
SourceFile &SF) {
// Sanitize 0-width tab
if (Options.UseTabs && !Options.TabWidth) {
// If IndentWidth is specified, use it as the tab width. Otherwise, use the
// default value.
Options.TabWidth = Options.IndentWidth ? Options.IndentWidth : 4;
auto SourceBufferID = SF.getBufferID().getValue();
StringRef Text = SM.getLLVMSourceMgr()
size_t Offset = getOffsetOfLine(Range.startLine(), Text, /*Trim*/true);
SourceLoc Loc = SM.getLocForBufferStart(SourceBufferID)
FormatWalker walker(SF, SM, Options);
FormatContext FC = walker.walkToLocation(Loc);
CodeFormatter CF(Options);
return CF.indent(Range.startLine(), FC, Text);