blob: c04c3cf716ab84f672c77d393b11136229933e8d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
var ControlFlowTests = TestSuite("ControlFlow")
ControlFlowTests.test("Conditionals") {
func cond1(_ x: Float) -> Float {
if x > 0 {
return x * x
return x + x
expectEqual(8, gradient(at: 4, in: cond1))
expectEqual(2, gradient(at: -10, in: cond1))
func cond2(_ x: Float) -> Float {
let y: Float
if x > 0 {
y = x * x
} else if x == -1337 {
y = 0
} else {
y = x + x
return y
expectEqual(8, gradient(at: 4, in: cond2))
expectEqual(2, gradient(at: -10, in: cond2))
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: -1337, in: cond2))
func cond2_var(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var y: Float = x
if x > 0 {
y = y * x
} else if x == -1337 {
y = x // Dummy assignment; shouldn't affect computation.
y = x // Dummy assignment; shouldn't affect computation.
y = 0
} else {
y = x + y
return y
expectEqual(8, gradient(at: 4, in: cond2_var))
expectEqual(2, gradient(at: -10, in: cond2_var))
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: -1337, in: cond2_var))
func cond3(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
if x > 0 {
return x * y
return y - x
expectEqual((5, 4), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: cond3))
expectEqual((-1, 1), gradient(at: -3, -2, in: cond3))
func cond_tuple(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Convoluted function returning `x + x`.
let y: (Float, Float) = (x, x)
if x > 0 {
return y.0 + y.1
return y.0 + y.0 - y.1 + y.0
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: cond_tuple))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: cond_tuple))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: cond_tuple))
func cond_tuple2(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Convoluted function returning `x + x`.
let y: (Float, Float) = (x, x)
let y0 = y.0
if x > 0 {
let y1 = y.1
return y0 + y1
let y0_double = y0 + y.0
let y1 = y.1
return y0_double - y1 + y.0
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: cond_tuple2))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: cond_tuple2))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: cond_tuple2))
func cond_tuple_var(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Convoluted function returning `x + x`.
var y: (Float, Float) = (x, x)
var z: (Float, Float) = (x + x, x - x)
if x > 0 {
var w = (x, x)
y.0 = w.1
y.1 = w.0
z.0 = z.0 - y.0
z.1 = z.1 + y.0
} else {
z = (x, x)
return y.0 + y.1 - z.0 + z.1
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: cond_tuple_var))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: cond_tuple_var))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: cond_tuple_var))
func cond_nestedtuple_var(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Convoluted function returning `x + x`.
var y: (Float, Float) = (x + x, x - x)
var z: ((Float, Float), Float) = (y, x)
if x > 0 {
var w = (x, x)
y.0 = w.1
y.1 = w.0
z.0.0 = z.0.0 - y.0
z.0.1 = z.0.1 + y.0
} else {
z = ((y.0 - x, y.1 + x), x)
return y.0 + y.1 - z.0.0 + z.0.1
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: cond_nestedtuple_var))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: cond_nestedtuple_var))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: cond_nestedtuple_var))
struct FloatPair : Differentiable {
var first, second: Float
init(_ first: Float, _ second: Float) {
self.first = first
self.second = second
struct Pair<T : Differentiable, U : Differentiable> : Differentiable {
var first: T
var second: U
init(_ first: T, _ second: U) {
self.first = first
self.second = second
func cond_struct(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Convoluted function returning `x + x`.
let y = FloatPair(x, x)
if x > 0 {
return y.first + y.second
return y.first + y.first - y.second + y.first
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: cond_struct))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: cond_struct))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: cond_struct))
func cond_struct2(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Convoluted function returning `x + x`.
let y = FloatPair(x, x)
let y0 = y.first
if x > 0 {
let y1 = y.second
return y0 + y1
let y0_double = y0 + y.first
let y1 = y.second
return y0_double - y1 + y.first
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: cond_struct2))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: cond_struct2))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: cond_struct2))
func cond_struct_var(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Convoluted function returning `x + x`.
var y = FloatPair(x, x)
var z = FloatPair(x + x, x - x)
if x > 0 {
var w = y
y.first = w.second
y.second = w.first
z.first = z.first - y.first
z.second = z.second + y.first
} else {
z = FloatPair(x, x)
return y.first + y.second - z.first + z.second
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: cond_struct_var))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: cond_struct_var))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: cond_struct_var))
func cond_nestedstruct_var(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Convoluted function returning `x + x`.
var y = FloatPair(x + x, x - x)
var z = Pair(y, x)
if x > 0 {
var w = FloatPair(x, x)
y.first = w.second
y.second = w.first
z.first.first = z.first.first - y.first
z.first.second = z.first.second + y.first
} else {
z = Pair(FloatPair(y.first - x, y.second + x), x)
return y.first + y.second - z.first.first + z.first.second
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: cond_nestedstruct_var))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: cond_nestedstruct_var))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: cond_nestedstruct_var))
func guard1(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
guard x > 0 else {
return x * x
return y * y
expectEqual((0, 10), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: guard1))
expectEqual((-6, 0), gradient(at: -3, -2, in: guard1))
func guard2(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
guard x > 0 else {
if y > 0 {
return x * y
} else if x == -1337 {
return x * x
return 0
return y * y
expectEqual((0, 10), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: guard2))
expectEqual((5, -1337), gradient(at: -1337, 5, in: guard2))
expectEqual((-2674, 0), gradient(at: -1337, -5, in: guard2))
expectEqual((2, -3), gradient(at: -3, 2, in: guard2))
func guard2_var(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
var z = y
guard x > 0 else {
if y > 0 {
z = z * x
} else if x == -1337 {
z = x
z = z * z
} else {
z = 0
return z
return z * y
expectEqual((0, 10), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: guard2_var))
expectEqual((5, -1337), gradient(at: -1337, 5, in: guard2_var))
expectEqual((-2674, 0), gradient(at: -1337, -5, in: guard2_var))
expectEqual((2, -3), gradient(at: -3, 2, in: guard2_var))
func guard3(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
guard x > 0 else {
return y * y
expectEqual((0, 10), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: guard3))
expectCrash {
_ = gradient(at: -3, -2, in: guard3)
func cond_empty(_ x: Float) -> Float {
if x > 0 {
// Create empty trampoline blocks.
return x * x
expectEqual(4, gradient(at: 2, in: cond_empty))
expectEqual(-6, gradient(at: -3, in: cond_empty))
func cond_generic<T : Differentiable & FloatingPoint>(
_ x: T, _ y: T
) -> T {
if x > 0 {
return x
return y
expectEqual((1, 0), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: { x, y in cond_generic(x, y) }))
expectEqual((0, 1), gradient(at: -4, 5, in: { x, y in cond_generic(x, y) }))
ControlFlowTests.test("NestedConditionals") {
func nested1(_ x: Float) -> Float {
if x > 0 {
if x > 10 {
return x * x + x
} else {
return x * x
return x * -x
expectEqual(23, gradient(at: 11, in: nested1))
expectEqual(8, gradient(at: 4, in: nested1))
expectEqual(20, gradient(at: -10, in: nested1))
func nested2(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
if x > 0 {
if y > 10 {
return x * y
} else {
return x + y
return -y
expectEqual((20, 4), gradient(at: 4, 20, in: nested2))
expectEqual((1, 1), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: nested2))
expectEqual((0, -1), gradient(at: -3, -2, in: nested2))
func nested3(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
if x > 0 {
if y > 10 {
let z = x * y
if z > 100 {
return x + z
} else if y == 20 {
return z + z
} else {
return x + y
return -y
expectEqual((40, 8), gradient(at: 4, 20, in: nested3))
expectEqual((0, -1), gradient(at: 4, 21, in: nested3))
expectEqual((1, 1), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: nested3))
expectEqual((0, -1), gradient(at: -3, -2, in: nested3))
func nested3_var(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
var w = y
if x > 0 {
if y > 10 {
var z = x * w
if z > 100 {
z = x + z
return z
} else if y == 20 {
z = z + z
return z
} else {
w = x + w
return w
w = -w
return w
expectEqual((40, 8), gradient(at: 4, 20, in: nested3))
expectEqual((0, -1), gradient(at: 4, 21, in: nested3))
expectEqual((1, 1), gradient(at: 4, 5, in: nested3))
expectEqual((0, -1), gradient(at: -3, -2, in: nested3))
ControlFlowTests.test("Recursion") {
func factorial(_ x: Float) -> Float {
if x == 1 {
return 1
return x * factorial(x - 1)
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: 1, in: factorial))
expectEqual(1, gradient(at: 2, in: factorial))
expectEqual(5, gradient(at: 3, in: factorial))
expectEqual(26, gradient(at: 4, in: factorial))
expectEqual(154, gradient(at: 5, in: factorial))
func factorial_var1(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var y: Float = x
if x == 1 {
y = 1
} else {
y = x
y = y * factorial_var1(y - 1)
return y
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: 1, in: factorial_var1))
expectEqual(1, gradient(at: 2, in: factorial_var1))
expectEqual(5, gradient(at: 3, in: factorial_var1))
expectEqual(26, gradient(at: 4, in: factorial_var1))
expectEqual(154, gradient(at: 5, in: factorial_var1))
func factorial_var2(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Next line is the only difference with `factorial_var1`.
var y: Float = 1
if x == 1 {
y = 1
} else {
y = x
y = y * factorial_var2(y - 1)
return y
// FIXME: Fix zero gradients (related to activity analysis).
// See `factorial_var1` for the working version.
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: 1, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(1, gradient(at: 2, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(5, gradient(at: 3, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(26, gradient(at: 4, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(154, gradient(at: 5, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: 1, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: 2, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: 3, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: 4, in: factorial_var2))
expectEqual(0, gradient(at: 5, in: factorial_var2))
func product(_ x: Float, count: Int) -> Float {
precondition(count > 0)
if count == 1 {
return x
return x * product(x, count: count - 1)
expectEqual(300, gradient(at: 10, in: { x in product(x, count: 3) }))
expectEqual(-20, gradient(at: -10, in: { x in product(x, count: 2) }))
expectEqual(1, gradient(at: 100, in: { x in product(x, count: 1) }))
ControlFlowTests.test("Enums") {
enum Enum {
case a(Float)
case b(Float, Float)
func enum_notactive1(_ x: Float) -> Float {
switch self {
case let .a(a): return x * a
case let .b(b1, b2): return x * b1 * b2
func enum_notactive1(_ e: Enum, _ x: Float) -> Float {
switch e {
case let .a(a): return x * a
case let .b(b1, b2): return x * b1 * b2
expectEqual(10, gradient(at: 2, in: { x in enum_notactive1(.a(10), x) }))
expectEqual(10, gradient(at: 2, in: { x in Enum.a(10).enum_notactive1(x) }))
expectEqual(20, gradient(at: 2, in: { x in enum_notactive1(.b(4, 5), x) }))
expectEqual(20, gradient(at: 2, in: { x in Enum.b(4, 5).enum_notactive1(x) }))
func enum_notactive2(_ e: Enum, _ x: Float) -> Float {
var y = x
if x > 0 {
var z = y + y
switch e {
case .a: z = z - y
case .b: y = y + x
var w = y
if case .a = e {
w = w + z
return w
} else if case .b = e {
return y + y
return x + y
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: { x in enum_notactive2(.a(10), x) }))
expectEqual((20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 10, in: { x in enum_notactive2(.b(4, 5), x) }))
expectEqual((-20, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -10, in: { x in enum_notactive2(.a(10), x) }))
expectEqual((-2674, 2), valueWithGradient(at: -1337, in: { x in enum_notactive2(.b(4, 5), x) }))
func optional_notactive1(_ optional: Float?, _ x: Float) -> Float {
if let y = optional {
return x * y
return x + x
expectEqual(2, gradient(at: 2, in: { x in optional_notactive1(nil, x) }))
expectEqual(10, gradient(at: 2, in: { x in optional_notactive1(10, x) }))
struct Dense : Differentiable {
var w1: Float
@noDerivative var w2: Float?
func callAsFunction(_ input: Float) -> Float {
if let w2 = w2 {
return input * w1 * w2
return input * w1
expectEqual((Dense.TangentVector(w1: 10), 20),
Dense(w1: 4, w2: 5).gradient(at: 2, in: { dense, x in dense(x) }))
expectEqual((Dense.TangentVector(w1: 2), 4),
Dense(w1: 4, w2: nil).gradient(at: 2, in: { dense, x in dense(x) }))
indirect enum Indirect {
case e(Float, Enum)
case indirect(Indirect)
func enum_indirect_notactive1(_ indirect: Indirect, _ x: Float) -> Float {
switch indirect {
case let .e(f, e):
switch e {
case .a: return x * f * enum_notactive1(e, x)
case .b: return x * f * enum_notactive1(e, x)
case let .indirect(ind): return enum_indirect_notactive1(ind, x)
do {
let ind: Indirect = .e(10, .a(3))
expectEqual(120, gradient(at: 2, in: { x in enum_indirect_notactive1(ind, x) }))
expectEqual(120, gradient(at: 2, in: { x in enum_indirect_notactive1(.indirect(ind), x) }))
ControlFlowTests.test("Loops") {
func for_loop(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var result = x
for _ in 0..<2 {
result = result * x
return result
expectEqual((8, 12), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: for_loop))
expectEqual((27, 27), valueWithGradient(at: 3, in: for_loop))
func for_loop_nonactive_initial_value(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var result: Float = 1
for _ in 0..<2 {
result = result * x
return result
// TODO(TF-933): Fix incorrect derivatives when `var result` is not initially
// assigned to `x`.
// expectEqual((4, 4), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: for_loop_nonactive_initial_value))
// expectEqual((9, 6), valueWithGradient(at: 3, in: for_loop_nonactive_initial_value))
expectEqual((4, 2), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: for_loop_nonactive_initial_value))
expectEqual((9, 3), valueWithGradient(at: 3, in: for_loop_nonactive_initial_value))
func while_loop(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var result = x
var i = 0
while i < 2 {
result = result * x
i += 1
return result
expectEqual((8, 12), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: while_loop))
expectEqual((27, 27), valueWithGradient(at: 3, in: while_loop))
func repeat_while_loop(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var result = x
var i = 0
repeat {
result = result * x
i += 1
} while i < 2
return result
// FIXME(TF-584): Investigate incorrect (too big) gradient values
// for repeat-while loops.
// expectEqual((8, 12), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: repeat_while_loop))
// expectEqual((27, 27), valueWithGradient(at: 3, in: repeat_while_loop))
expectEqual((8, 18), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: repeat_while_loop))
expectEqual((27, 36), valueWithGradient(at: 3, in: repeat_while_loop))
func loop_continue(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var result = x
for i in 1..<10 {
if i.isMultiple(of: 2) {
result = result * x
return result
expectEqual((64, 192), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: loop_continue))
expectEqual((729, 1458), valueWithGradient(at: 3, in: loop_continue))
func loop_break(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var result = x
for i in 1..<10 {
if i.isMultiple(of: 2) {
result = result * x
return result
expectEqual((64, 192), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: loop_break))
expectEqual((729, 1458), valueWithGradient(at: 3, in: loop_break))
func nested_loop1(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var outer = x
for _ in 0..<2 {
outer = outer * x
var inner = outer
var i = 0
while i < 2 {
inner = inner + x
i += 1
outer = inner
return outer
expectEqual((20, 22), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: nested_loop1))
expectEqual((104, 66), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: nested_loop1))
func nested_loop2(_ x: Float, count: Int) -> Float {
var outer = x
outerLoop: for _ in 0..<count {
outer = outer * x
var inner = outer
var i = 0
while i < count {
inner = inner + x
i += 1
switch Int(inner.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 7)) {
case 0: break outerLoop
case 1: break
default: continue
outer = inner
return outer
expectEqual((24, 12), valueWithGradient(at: 2, in: { x in nested_loop2(x, count: 4) }))
expectEqual((16, 8), valueWithGradient(at: 4, in: { x in nested_loop2(x, count: 4) }))