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//===--- TypeCheckExpr.cpp - Type Checking for Expressions ----------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements semantic analysis for expressions, analyzing an
// expression tree in post-order, bottom-up, from leaves up to the root.
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Initializer.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceFile.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
using namespace swift;
// Expression Semantic Analysis Routines
static void substituteInputSugarArgumentType(Type argTy, CanType resultTy,
Type &resultSugarTy,
bool &uniqueSugarTy) {
// If we already failed finding a unique sugar, bail out.
if (!uniqueSugarTy)
if (TupleType *argTupleTy = argTy->getAs<TupleType>()) {
// Recursively walk tuple arguments.
for (auto &field : argTupleTy->getElements()) {
substituteInputSugarArgumentType(field.getType(), resultTy,
resultSugarTy, uniqueSugarTy);
if (!uniqueSugarTy)
if (argTy->getCanonicalType() != resultTy) {
// If the argument is a metatype of what we're looking for, propagate that.
if (auto MTT = argTy->getAs<MetatypeType>())
argTy = MTT->getInstanceType();
if (argTy->getCanonicalType() != resultTy)
// If this type is parenthesized, remove the parens. We don't want to
// propagate parens from arguments to the result type.
argTy = argTy->getWithoutParens();
// If this is the first match against the sugar type we found, use it.
if (!resultSugarTy) {
resultSugarTy = argTy;
// Make sure this argument's sugar is consistent with the sugar we
// already found.
if (argTy.getPointer() == resultSugarTy.getPointer())
uniqueSugarTy = false;
/// If we can propagate type sugar from input arguments types to the result of
/// an apply, do so.
Expr *TypeChecker::substituteInputSugarTypeForResult(ApplyExpr *E) {
if (!E->getType() || E->getType()->hasError())
return E;
Type resultTy = E->getFn()->getType()->castTo<FunctionType>()->getResult();
/// Check to see if you have "x+y" (where x and y are type aliases) that match
// the canonical result type. If so, propagate the sugar.
Type resultSugarTy; // null if no sugar found, set when sugar found
bool uniqueSugarTy = true; // true if a unique sugar mapping found
resultSugarTy, uniqueSugarTy);
if (resultSugarTy && uniqueSugarTy && E->getType()->isCanonical()) {
return E;
// Otherwise check to see if this is a ConstructorRefExpr on a TypeExpr with
// sugar on it. If so, propagate the sugar to the curried result function
// type.
if (isa<ConstructorRefCallExpr>(E) && isa<TypeExpr>(E->getArg())) {
auto resultSugar = cast<TypeExpr>(E->getArg())->getInstanceType();
// The result of this apply is "(args) -> T" where T is the type being
// constructed. Apply the sugar onto it.
if (auto FT = E->getType()->getAs<FunctionType>())
if (FT->getResult()->isEqual(resultSugar) && !resultSugar->isCanonical()){
auto NFT = FunctionType::get(FT->getParams(), resultSugar,
return E;
// Otherwise, if the callee function had sugar on the result type, but it got
// dropped, make sure to propagate it along.
if (!resultTy->isCanonical() && E->getType()->isCanonical() &&
resultTy->isEqual(E->getType())) {
return E;
return E;
static PrecedenceGroupDecl *lookupPrecedenceGroupForOperator(DeclContext *DC,
Identifier name,
SourceLoc loc) {
SourceFile *SF = DC->getParentSourceFile();
bool isCascading = DC->isCascadingContextForLookup(true);
if (auto op = SF->lookupInfixOperator(name, isCascading, loc)) {
return op->getPrecedenceGroup();
} else {
DC->getASTContext().Diags.diagnose(loc, diag::unknown_binop);
return nullptr;
PrecedenceGroupDecl *
TypeChecker::lookupPrecedenceGroupForInfixOperator(DeclContext *DC, Expr *E) {
/// Look up the builtin precedence group with the given name.
auto getBuiltinPrecedenceGroup = [](DeclContext *DC, Identifier name,
SourceLoc loc) {
auto group = TypeChecker::lookupPrecedenceGroup(DC, name, loc);
if (!group) {
loc, diag::missing_builtin_precedence_group, name);
return group;
auto &Context = DC->getASTContext();
if (auto ifExpr = dyn_cast<IfExpr>(E)) {
// Ternary has fixed precedence.
return getBuiltinPrecedenceGroup(DC, Context.Id_TernaryPrecedence,
if (auto assignExpr = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(E)) {
// Assignment has fixed precedence.
return getBuiltinPrecedenceGroup(DC, Context.Id_AssignmentPrecedence,
if (auto castExpr = dyn_cast<ExplicitCastExpr>(E)) {
// 'as' and 'is' casts have fixed precedence.
return getBuiltinPrecedenceGroup(DC, Context.Id_CastingPrecedence,
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E)) {
Identifier name = DRE->getDecl()->getBaseName().getIdentifier();
return lookupPrecedenceGroupForOperator(DC, name, DRE->getLoc());
if (auto *OO = dyn_cast<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(E)) {
Identifier name = OO->getDecls()[0]->getBaseName().getIdentifier();
return lookupPrecedenceGroupForOperator(DC, name, OO->getLoc());
if (auto arrowExpr = dyn_cast<ArrowExpr>(E)) {
return getBuiltinPrecedenceGroup(DC,
// An already-folded binary operator comes up for non-primary use cases
// of this function.
if (auto binaryExpr = dyn_cast<BinaryExpr>(E)) {
return lookupPrecedenceGroupForInfixOperator(DC, binaryExpr->getFn());
if (auto *DSCE = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(E)) {
return lookupPrecedenceGroupForInfixOperator(DC, DSCE->getFn());
if (auto *MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(E)) {
Identifier name = MRE->getDecl().getDecl()->getBaseName().getIdentifier();
return lookupPrecedenceGroupForOperator(DC, name, MRE->getLoc());
// If E is already an ErrorExpr, then we've diagnosed it as invalid already,
// otherwise emit an error.
if (!isa<ErrorExpr>(E))
Context.Diags.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::unknown_binop);
return nullptr;
/// Find LHS as if we append binary operator to existing pre-folded expresion.
/// Returns found expression, or \c nullptr if the operator is not applicable.
/// For example, given '(== R (* A B))':
/// 'findLHS(DC, expr, "+")' returns '(* A B)'.
/// 'findLHS(DC, expr, "<<")' returns 'B'.
/// 'findLHS(DC, expr, '==')' returns nullptr.
Expr *TypeChecker::findLHS(DeclContext *DC, Expr *E, Identifier name) {
auto right = lookupPrecedenceGroupForOperator(DC, name, E->getEndLoc());
if (!right)
return nullptr;
while (true) {
// Look through implicit conversions.
if (auto ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(E)) {
E = ICE->getSyntacticSubExpr();
if (auto ACE = dyn_cast<AutoClosureExpr>(E)) {
E = ACE->getSingleExpressionBody();
auto left = lookupPrecedenceGroupForInfixOperator(DC, E);
if (!left)
// LHS is not binary expression.
return E;
switch (Context.associateInfixOperators(left, right)) {
case swift::Associativity::None:
return nullptr;
case swift::Associativity::Left:
return E;
case swift::Associativity::Right:
// Find the RHS of the current binary expr.
if (auto *assignExpr = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(E)) {
E = assignExpr->getSrc();
} else if (auto *ifExpr = dyn_cast<IfExpr>(E)) {
E = ifExpr->getElseExpr();
} else if (auto *binaryExpr = dyn_cast<BinaryExpr>(E)) {
auto *Args = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(binaryExpr->getArg());
if (!Args || Args->getNumElements() != 2)
return nullptr;
E = Args->getElement(1);
} else {
// E.g. 'fn() as Int << 2'.
// In this case '<<' has higher precedence than 'as', but the LHS should
// be 'fn() as Int' instead of 'Int'.
return E;
// The way we compute isEndOfSequence relies on the assumption that
// the sequence-folding algorithm never recurses with a prefix of the
// entire sequence.
static Expr *makeBinOp(TypeChecker &TC, Expr *Op, Expr *LHS, Expr *RHS,
PrecedenceGroupDecl *opPrecedence,
bool isEndOfSequence) {
if (!LHS || !RHS)
return nullptr;
// If the left-hand-side is a 'try', hoist it up.
auto *tryEval = dyn_cast<AnyTryExpr>(LHS);
if (tryEval) {
LHS = tryEval->getSubExpr();
// If this is an assignment operator, and the left operand is an optional
// evaluation, pull the operator into the chain.
OptionalEvaluationExpr *optEval = nullptr;
if (opPrecedence && opPrecedence->isAssignment()) {
if ((optEval = dyn_cast<OptionalEvaluationExpr>(LHS))) {
LHS = optEval->getSubExpr();
// If the right operand is a try, it's an error unless the operator
// is an assignment or conditional operator and there's nothing to
// the right that didn't parse as part of the right operand.
// Generally, nothing to the right will fail to parse as part of the
// right operand because there are no standard operators that have
// lower precedence than assignment operators or the conditional
// operator.
// We allow the right operand of the conditional operator to begin
// with 'try' for consistency with the middle operand. This allows:
// x ? try foo() : try bar()
// but not:
// x ? try foo() : try bar() $#! 1
// assuming $#! is some crazy operator with lower precedence
// than the conditional operator.
if (isa<AnyTryExpr>(RHS)) {
// If you change this, also change TRY_KIND_SELECT in diagnostics.
enum class TryKindForDiagnostics : unsigned {
TryKindForDiagnostics tryKind;
switch (RHS->getKind()) {
case ExprKind::Try:
tryKind = TryKindForDiagnostics::Try;
case ExprKind::ForceTry:
tryKind = TryKindForDiagnostics::ForceTry;
case ExprKind::OptionalTry:
tryKind = TryKindForDiagnostics::OptionalTry;
llvm_unreachable("unknown try-like expression");
if (isa<IfExpr>(Op) ||
(opPrecedence && opPrecedence->isAssignment())) {
if (!isEndOfSequence) {
if (isa<IfExpr>(Op)) {
TC.diagnose(RHS->getStartLoc(), diag::try_if_rhs_noncovering,
} else {
TC.diagnose(RHS->getStartLoc(), diag::try_assign_rhs_noncovering,
} else {
TC.diagnose(RHS->getStartLoc(), diag::try_rhs,
// Fold the result into the optional evaluation or try.
auto makeResultExpr = [&](Expr *result) -> Expr * {
if (optEval) {
result = optEval;
if (tryEval) {
result = tryEval;
return result;
if (auto *ifExpr = dyn_cast<IfExpr>(Op)) {
// Resolve the ternary expression.
assert(!ifExpr->isFolded() && "already folded if expr in sequence?!");
return makeResultExpr(ifExpr);
if (auto *assign = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(Op)) {
// Resolve the assignment expression.
assert(!assign->isFolded() && "already folded assign expr in sequence?!");
return makeResultExpr(assign);
if (auto *as = dyn_cast<ExplicitCastExpr>(Op)) {
// Resolve the 'as' or 'is' expression.
assert(!as->isFolded() && "already folded 'as' expr in sequence?!");
assert(RHS == as && "'as' with non-type RHS?!");
return makeResultExpr(as);
if (auto *arrow = dyn_cast<ArrowExpr>(Op)) {
// Resolve the '->' expression.
assert(!arrow->isFolded() && "already folded '->' expr in sequence?!");
return makeResultExpr(arrow);
// Build the argument to the operation.
Expr *ArgElts[] = { LHS, RHS };
auto ArgElts2 = TC.Context.AllocateCopy(MutableArrayRef<Expr*>(ArgElts));
TupleExpr *Arg = TupleExpr::create(TC.Context,
ArgElts2, { }, { }, SourceLoc(),
// Build the operation.
return makeResultExpr(new (TC.Context) BinaryExpr(Op, Arg, Op->isImplicit()));
namespace {
class PrecedenceBound {
llvm::PointerIntPair<PrecedenceGroupDecl*,1,bool> GroupAndIsStrict;
PrecedenceBound() {}
PrecedenceBound(PrecedenceGroupDecl *decl, bool isStrict)
: GroupAndIsStrict(decl, isStrict) {}
bool shouldConsider(TypeChecker &TC, PrecedenceGroupDecl *group) {
auto storedGroup = GroupAndIsStrict.getPointer();
if (!storedGroup) return true;
if (!group) return false;
if (storedGroup == group) return !GroupAndIsStrict.getInt();
return TC.Context.associateInfixOperators(group, storedGroup)
!= Associativity::Right;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// foldSequence - Take a sequence of expressions and fold a prefix of
/// it into a tree of BinaryExprs using precedence parsing.
static Expr *foldSequence(TypeChecker &TC, DeclContext *DC,
Expr *LHS,
ArrayRef<Expr*> &S,
PrecedenceBound precedenceBound) {
// Invariant: S is even-sized.
// Invariant: All elements at even indices are operator references.
assert((S.size() & 1) == 0);
struct Op {
Expr *op;
PrecedenceGroupDecl *precedence;
explicit operator bool() const { return op != nullptr; }
/// Get the operator, if appropriate to this pass.
auto getNextOperator = [&]() -> Op {
Expr *op = S[0];
// If the operator's precedence is lower than the minimum, stop here.
auto opPrecedence = TypeChecker::lookupPrecedenceGroupForInfixOperator(DC, op);
if (!precedenceBound.shouldConsider(TC, opPrecedence))
return {nullptr, nullptr};
return {op, opPrecedence};
// Extract out the first operator.
Op op1 = getNextOperator();
if (!op1) return LHS;
// We will definitely be consuming at least one operator.
// Pull out the prospective RHS and slice off the first two elements.
Expr *RHS = S[1];
S = S.slice(2);
while (!S.empty()) {
assert((S.size() & 1) == 0);
assert(precedenceBound.shouldConsider(TC, op1.precedence));
// If the operator is a cast operator, the RHS can't extend past the type
// that's part of the cast production.
if (isa<ExplicitCastExpr>(op1.op)) {
LHS = makeBinOp(TC, op1.op, LHS, RHS, op1.precedence, S.empty());
op1 = getNextOperator();
if (!op1) return LHS;
RHS = S[1];
S = S.slice(2);
// Pull out the next binary operator.
Op op2{ S[0], TypeChecker::lookupPrecedenceGroupForInfixOperator(DC, S[0]) };
// If the second operator's precedence is lower than the
// precedence bound, break out of the loop.
if (!precedenceBound.shouldConsider(TC, op2.precedence)) break;
// If we're missing precedence info for either operator, treat them
// as non-associative.
Associativity associativity;
if (!op1.precedence || !op2.precedence) {
associativity = Associativity::None;
} else {
associativity =
TC.Context.associateInfixOperators(op1.precedence, op2.precedence);
// Apply left-associativity immediately by folding the first two
// operands.
if (associativity == Associativity::Left) {
LHS = makeBinOp(TC, op1.op, LHS, RHS, op1.precedence, S.empty());
op1 = op2;
RHS = S[1];
S = S.slice(2);
// If the first operator's precedence is lower than the second
// operator's precedence, recursively fold all such
// higher-precedence operators starting from this point, then
// repeat.
if (associativity == Associativity::Right &&
op1.precedence != op2.precedence) {
RHS = foldSequence(TC, DC, RHS, S,
PrecedenceBound(op1.precedence, /*strict*/ true));
// Apply right-associativity by recursively folding operators
// starting from this point, then immediately folding the LHS and RHS.
if (associativity == Associativity::Right) {
RHS = foldSequence(TC, DC, RHS, S,
PrecedenceBound(op1.precedence, /*strict*/ false));
LHS = makeBinOp(TC, op1.op, LHS, RHS, op1.precedence, S.empty());
// If we've drained the entire sequence, we're done.
if (S.empty()) return LHS;
// Otherwise, start all over with our new LHS.
return foldSequence(TC, DC, LHS, S, precedenceBound);
// If we ended up here, it's because we're either:
// - missing precedence groups,
// - have unordered precedence groups, or
// - have the same precedence group with no associativity.
assert(associativity == Associativity::None);
// Don't diagnose if we're missing a precedence group; this is
// an invalid-code situation.
if (!op1.precedence || !op2.precedence) {
// do nothing
} else if (op1.precedence == op2.precedence) {
// FIXME: QoI ranges
TC.diagnose(op1.op->getLoc(), diag::non_associative_adjacent_operators,
.highlight(SourceRange(op2.op->getLoc(), op2.op->getLoc()));
} else {
TC.diagnose(op1.op->getLoc(), diag::unordered_adjacent_operators,
op1.precedence->getName(), op2.precedence->getName())
.highlight(SourceRange(op2.op->getLoc(), op2.op->getLoc()));
// Recover by arbitrarily binding the first two.
LHS = makeBinOp(TC, op1.op, LHS, RHS, op1.precedence, S.empty());
return foldSequence(TC, DC, LHS, S, precedenceBound);
// Fold LHS and RHS together and declare completion.
return makeBinOp(TC, op1.op, LHS, RHS, op1.precedence, S.empty());
bool TypeChecker::requireOptionalIntrinsics(SourceLoc loc) {
if (Context.hasOptionalIntrinsics()) return false;
diagnose(loc, diag::optional_intrinsics_not_found);
return true;
bool TypeChecker::requirePointerArgumentIntrinsics(SourceLoc loc) {
if (Context.hasPointerArgumentIntrinsics()) return false;
diagnose(loc, diag::pointer_argument_intrinsics_not_found);
return true;
bool TypeChecker::requireArrayLiteralIntrinsics(SourceLoc loc) {
if (Context.hasArrayLiteralIntrinsics()) return false;
diagnose(loc, diag::array_literal_intrinsics_not_found);
return true;
Expr *TypeChecker::buildCheckedRefExpr(VarDecl *value, DeclContext *UseDC,
DeclNameLoc loc, bool Implicit) {
auto type = getUnopenedTypeOfReference(value, Type(), UseDC);
auto semantics = value->getAccessSemanticsFromContext(UseDC,
return new (Context) DeclRefExpr(value, loc, Implicit, semantics, type);
Expr *TypeChecker::buildRefExpr(ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> Decls,
DeclContext *UseDC, DeclNameLoc NameLoc,
bool Implicit, FunctionRefKind functionRefKind) {
assert(!Decls.empty() && "Must have at least one declaration");
if (Decls.size() == 1 && !isa<ProtocolDecl>(Decls[0]->getDeclContext())) {
auto semantics = Decls[0]->getAccessSemanticsFromContext(UseDC,
return new (Context) DeclRefExpr(Decls[0], NameLoc, Implicit, semantics);
Decls = Context.AllocateCopy(Decls);
auto result = new (Context) OverloadedDeclRefExpr(Decls, NameLoc,
return result;
Expr *TypeChecker::buildAutoClosureExpr(DeclContext *DC, Expr *expr,
FunctionType *closureType) {
bool isInDefaultArgumentContext = false;
if (auto *init = dyn_cast<Initializer>(DC))
isInDefaultArgumentContext =
init->getInitializerKind() == InitializerKind::DefaultArgument;
auto info = closureType->getExtInfo();
auto newClosureType = closureType;
if (isInDefaultArgumentContext && info.isNoEscape())
newClosureType = closureType->withExtInfo(info.withNoEscape(false))
auto *closure = new (Context) AutoClosureExpr(
expr, newClosureType, AutoClosureExpr::InvalidDiscriminator, DC);
if (!newClosureType->isEqual(closureType)) {
return new (Context) FunctionConversionExpr(closure, closureType);
return closure;
static Type lookupDefaultLiteralType(TypeChecker &TC, const DeclContext *dc,
StringRef name) {
auto lookupOptions = defaultUnqualifiedLookupOptions;
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(dc))
lookupOptions |= NameLookupFlags::KnownPrivate;
auto lookup = TC.lookupUnqualified(dc->getModuleScopeContext(),
TypeDecl *TD = lookup.getSingleTypeResult();
if (!TD)
return Type();
// FIXME: Make isInvalid ask for the interface type.
if (TD->isInvalid())
return Type();
if (auto *NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(TD))
return NTD->getDeclaredType();
return cast<TypeAliasDecl>(TD)->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
static Optional<KnownProtocolKind>
getKnownProtocolKindIfAny(const ProtocolDecl *protocol) {
TypeChecker &tc = TypeChecker::createForContext(protocol->getASTContext());
if (protocol == tc.getProtocol(SourceLoc(), KnownProtocolKind::Id)) \
return KnownProtocolKind::Id;
#include "swift/AST/KnownProtocols.def"
return None;
Type TypeChecker::getDefaultType(ProtocolDecl *protocol, DeclContext *dc) {
if (auto knownProtocolKindIfAny = getKnownProtocolKindIfAny(protocol)) {
return evaluateOrDefault(
DefaultTypeRequest{knownProtocolKindIfAny.getValue(), dc}, nullptr);
return Type();
static std::pair<const char *, bool> lookupDefaultTypeInfoForKnownProtocol(
const KnownProtocolKind knownProtocolKind) {
switch (knownProtocolKind) {
performLocalLookup) \
case KnownProtocolKind::Id: \
return {typeName, performLocalLookup};
#include "swift/AST/KnownProtocols.def"
return {nullptr, false};
swift::DefaultTypeRequest::evaluate(Evaluator &evaluator,
KnownProtocolKind knownProtocolKind,
const DeclContext *dc) const {
const char *name;
bool performLocalLookup;
std::tie(name, performLocalLookup) =
if (!name)
return nullptr;
// FIXME: Creating a whole type checker just to do lookup is unnecessary.
TypeChecker &tc = TypeChecker::createForContext(dc->getASTContext());
Type type;
if (performLocalLookup)
type = lookupDefaultLiteralType(tc, dc, name);
if (!type)
type = lookupDefaultLiteralType(tc, tc.getStdlibModule(dc), name);
// Strip off one level of sugar; we don't actually want to print
// the name of the typealias itself anywhere.
if (type) {
if (auto boundTypeAlias = dyn_cast<TypeAliasType>(type.getPointer()))
type = boundTypeAlias->getSinglyDesugaredType();
return type;
Expr *TypeChecker::foldSequence(SequenceExpr *expr, DeclContext *dc) {
ArrayRef<Expr*> Elts = expr->getElements();
assert(Elts.size() > 1 && "inadequate number of elements in sequence");
assert((Elts.size() & 1) == 1 && "even number of elements in sequence");
Expr *LHS = Elts[0];
Elts = Elts.slice(1);
Expr *Result = ::foldSequence(*this, dc, LHS, Elts, PrecedenceBound());
return Result;
// Returns the function declaration corresponding to the given function name and
// lookup context. If the base type of the function is specified, member lookup
// is performed. Otherwise, unqualified lookup is performed.
// If the function declaration cannot be resolved, emits a diagnostic and
// returns nullptr.
FuncDecl *
DeclName funcName, SourceLoc funcNameLoc, Type baseType,
DeclContext *lookupContext,
const std::function<bool(FuncDecl *)> &isValidFuncDecl,
const std::function<void()> &overloadDiagnostic,
const std::function<void()> &ambiguousDiagnostic,
const std::function<void()> &notFunctionDiagnostic,
NameLookupOptions lookupOptions,
const Optional<std::function<bool(FuncDecl *)>> &hasValidTypeCtx,
const Optional<std::function<void()>> &invalidTypeCtxDiagnostic) {
FuncDecl *resolvedFuncDecl = nullptr;
// Perform lookup.
LookupResult results;
if (baseType) {
results = lookupMember(lookupContext, baseType, funcName);
} else {
results =
lookupUnqualified(lookupContext, funcName, funcNameLoc, lookupOptions);
// If looking up an operator within a type context, look specifically within
// the type context.
// This tries to resolve unqualified operators, like `+`.
if (funcName.isOperator() && lookupContext->isTypeContext()) {
if (auto tmp = lookupMember(lookupContext,
results = tmp;
// Initialize error flags.
bool notAFuncDecl = false;
bool wrongTypeContext = false;
bool ambiguousFuncDecl = false;
bool overloadNotFound = false;
// Filter lookup results.
for (auto choice : results) {
auto decl = choice.getValueDecl();
if (!decl) continue;
auto funcDecl = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(decl);
if (!funcDecl) {
notAFuncDecl = true;
if (hasValidTypeCtx && !(*hasValidTypeCtx)(funcDecl)) {
wrongTypeContext = true;
if (!isValidFuncDecl(funcDecl)) {
overloadNotFound = true;
if (resolvedFuncDecl) {
ambiguousFuncDecl = true;
resolvedFuncDecl = nullptr;
resolvedFuncDecl = funcDecl;
// If function declaration was resolved, return it.
if (resolvedFuncDecl) return resolvedFuncDecl;
// Otherwise, emit the appropriate diagnostic and return nullptr.
if (results.empty()) {
diagnose(funcNameLoc, diag::use_unresolved_identifier, funcName,
return nullptr;
if (ambiguousFuncDecl) {
return nullptr;
if (wrongTypeContext) {
assert(invalidTypeCtxDiagnostic &&
"Type context diagnostic should've been specified");
return nullptr;
if (overloadNotFound) {
return nullptr;
assert(notAFuncDecl && "Expected 'not a function' error");
return nullptr;