blob: f5e297ed898a7af71ebda5d167b5ca610ae2338a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This tool dumps imported Swift APIs to help validate changes in the
# projection of (Objective-)C APIs into Swift, which is a function of the
# (Objective-)C APIs, any API notes added on top of those APIs, and the
# Clang importer itself. One can execute it to dump the API of a given
# module within a particular SDK, e.g., UIKit from the iOS SDK as seen in
# Swift 3 compatibility mode:
# /path/to/bin/dir/ -swift-version 3 -o output-dir \
# -m UIKit -s iphoneos
# The "-m" argument can be omitted, in which case the script will collect
# all of the frameworks in the named SDK(s) and dump their APIs.
# One can supply multiple SDKs, written as a list. For example, to
# dump the API for all frameworks across macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS,
# in Swift 4, use:
# /path/to/bin/dir/ -swift-version 4 -o output-dir \
# -s macosx iphoneos watchos appletvos
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
'macosx': 'x86_64-apple-macosx10.11',
'iphoneos': 'arm64-apple-ios9.0',
'iphonesimulator': 'x86_64-apple-ios9.0',
'watchos': 'armv7k-apple-watchos2.0',
'watchos.simulator': 'i386-apple-watchos2.0',
'appletvos': 'arm64-apple-tvos9',
'appletvos.simulator': 'x86_64-apple-tvos9',
def create_parser():
script_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
script_path = os.path.abspath(script_path)
default_swift_ide_test = '%s/swift-ide-test' % (script_path)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Dumps imported Swift APIs for a module or SDK",
usage='%(prog)s -s iphoneos')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--module', help='The module name.')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', type=int,
help='The number of parallel jobs to execute')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--sdk', nargs='+',
required=True, help="The SDKs to use.")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', help="The target triple to use.")
parser.add_argument('-i', '--swift-ide-test',
help="The swift-ide-test executable.")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-dir', default=os.getcwd(),
help='Directory to which the output will be emitted.')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
help='Suppress printing of status messages.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help='Print extra information.')
parser.add_argument('-F', '--framework-dir', action='append',
help='Add additional framework directories')
parser.add_argument('-iframework', '--system-framework-dir',
help='Add additional system framework directories')
parser.add_argument('-I', '--include-dir', action='append',
help='Add additional include directories')
parser.add_argument('--enable-infer-import-as-member', action='store_true',
help='Infer when a global could be imported as a ' +
parser.add_argument('-swift-version', type=int, metavar='N',
help='the Swift version to use')
return parser
def output_command_result_to_file(command_args, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as output_file:, stdout=output_file)
def run_command(args):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
exitcode = proc.returncode
return (exitcode, out, err)
# Collect the set of submodules for the given module.
def collect_submodules(common_args, module):
# Execute swift-ide-test to print the interface.
my_args = ['-module-print-submodules', '-module-to-print=%s' % (module)]
(exitcode, out, _) = run_command(common_args + my_args)
if exitcode != 0:
'error: submodule collection failed for module %s with error %d' %
(module, exitcode))
return ()
# Find all of the submodule imports.
import_matcher = re.compile(r'.*import\s+%s\.([A-Za-z_0-9.]+)' % (module))
submodules = set()
for line in out.splitlines():
match = import_matcher.match(line)
if match:
return sorted(list(submodules))
# Print out the command we're about to execute
def print_command(cmd, outfile=""):
retstr = " ".join(cmd)
if outfile != "":
retstr += " > " + outfile
# Dump the API for the given module.
def dump_module_api((cmd, extra_dump_args, output_dir, module, quiet,
# Collect the submodules
submodules = collect_submodules(cmd, module)
# Dump the top-level module
if verbose:
print("mkdir -p %s/%s" % (output_dir, module))['mkdir', '-p', ('%s/%s' % (output_dir, module))])
output_file = '%s/%s/%s.swift' % (output_dir, module, module)
if not quiet:
print('Writing %s...' % output_file)
top_level_cmd = cmd + extra_dump_args + ['-module-to-print=%s' % (module)]
if verbose:
print_command(top_level_cmd, output_file)
output_command_result_to_file(top_level_cmd, output_file)
# Dump each submodule.
for submodule in submodules:
output_file = '%s/%s/%s.swift' % (output_dir, module, submodule)
if not quiet:
print('Writing %s...' % output_file)
full_submodule = '%s.%s' % (module, submodule)
submodule_cmd = cmd + extra_dump_args
submodule_cmd = submodule_cmd + \
['-module-to-print=%s' % (full_submodule)]
if verbose:
print_command(submodule_cmd, output_file)
output_command_result_to_file(submodule_cmd, output_file)
def pretty_sdk_name(sdk):
if sdk.find("macosx") == 0:
return 'macOS'
if sdk.find("iphoneos") == 0:
return 'iOS'
if sdk.find("watchos") == 0:
return 'watchOS'
if sdk.find("appletvos") == 0:
return 'tvOS'
return 'unknownOS'
# Collect the set of frameworks we should dump
def collect_frameworks(sdk):
(exitcode, sdk_path, _) = run_command(
["xcrun", "--show-sdk-path", "-sdk", sdk])
if exitcode != 0:
print('error: framework collection failed to find SDK path for %s '
'with error %d' % (sdk, exitcode))
return ()
sdk_path = sdk_path.rstrip()
(exitcode, sdk_version, _) = run_command(
["xcrun", "--show-sdk-version", "-sdk", sdk])
if exitcode != 0:
print('error: framework collection failed to find SDK version for %s '
'with error %d' % (sdk, exitcode))
return ()
sdk_version = sdk_version.rstrip()
print('Collecting frameworks from %s %s at %s' %
(pretty_sdk_name(sdk), sdk_version, sdk_path))
# Collect all of the framework names
frameworks_dir = '%s/System/Library/Frameworks' % sdk_path
framework_matcher = re.compile(r'([A-Za-z_0-9.]+)\.framework')
frameworks = set()
for entry in os.listdir(frameworks_dir):
match = framework_matcher.match(entry)
if match:
framework =
if framework not in SKIPPED_FRAMEWORKS:
return (sorted(list(frameworks)), sdk_path)
def get_short_sdk_name(sdk):
matched = re.match("[a-zA-Z]+", sdk)
def create_dump_module_api_args(cmd_common, cmd_extra_args, sdk, module,
target, output_dir, quiet, verbose):
# Determine the SDK root and collect the set of frameworks.
(frameworks, sdk_root) = collect_frameworks(sdk)
# Figure out the "short" name of the SDK
short_sdk_name = get_short_sdk_name(sdk)
# Determine the default target.
if target:
sdk_target = target
sdk_target = DEFAULT_TARGET_BASED_ON_SDK[short_sdk_name]
# Determine the output idirectory
pretty_sdk = pretty_sdk_name(short_sdk_name)
sdk_output_dir = '%s/%s' % (output_dir, pretty_sdk)
# Create the sets of arguments to dump_module_api.
results = []
cmd = cmd_common + ['-sdk', sdk_root, '-target', sdk_target]
if module:
(cmd, cmd_extra_args, sdk_output_dir, module, quiet, verbose))
for framework in frameworks:
(cmd, cmd_extra_args, sdk_output_dir, framework, quiet,
return results
def main():
source_filename = 'swift-api-dump.swift'
parser = create_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
cmd_common = [
# Add -F / -iframework / -I arguments.
if args.framework_dir:
for path in args.framework_dir:
cmd_common = cmd_common + ['-F', path]
if args.system_framework_dir:
for path in args.system_framework_dir:
cmd_common = cmd_common + ['-iframework', path]
if args.include_dir:
for path in args.include_dir:
cmd_common = cmd_common + ['-I', path]
# Determine the set of extra arguments we'll use.
extra_args = ['-skip-imports']
if args.enable_infer_import_as_member:
extra_args = extra_args + ['-enable-infer-import-as-member']
if args.swift_version:
extra_args = extra_args + ['-swift-version', '%d' % args.swift_version]
# Create a .swift file we can feed into swift-ide-test['touch', source_filename])
# Construct the set of API dumps we should perform.
jobs = []
for sdk in args.sdk:
jobs = jobs + create_dump_module_api_args(
cmd_common, extra_args, sdk, args.module,, args.output_dir,
args.quiet, args.verbose)
# Execute the API dumps
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(, jobs)
# Remove the .swift file we fed into swift-ide-test['rm', '-f', source_filename])
if __name__ == '__main__':