blob: d1f54f9674fc2d9425126e1c71f2a223be41cbe7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -Xllvm -tf-dump-intermediates -O -emit-sil -verify %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -Xllvm -tf-dump-intermediates -O -emit-sil -verify %s | %FileCheck %s
import TensorFlow
public func testTensor(a: Tensor<Float>, b: Tensor<Float>) {
// expected-warning @-1 {{'a' implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
var x = a
x += x // expected-note {{value used here}}
x -= x // expected-warning {{value implicitly copied to the host, use .toHost() to make transfer explicit}}
print(x) // expected-note {{value used here}}
var y = b.toDevice()
y += y
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}testTensor{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}testTensor{{.*}} : $@callee_owned (TensorHandle<Float>, TensorHandle<Float>) -> TensorHandle<Float> {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>):
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = metatype $@thick Float.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = string_literal utf8 "/device:CPU:0"
// CHECK-NEXT: %4 = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %2 : $@thick Float.Type, %3 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: %5 = metatype $@thick Float.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: %6 = string_literal utf8 "/device:CPU:0"
// CHECK-NEXT: %7 = builtin "__tfop_Sub,$in,$in,T,device"(%4 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %4 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %5 : $@thick Float.Type, %6 : $Builtin.RawPointer) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_tfc.SendToHost,$in,tensorId,device"<TensorHandle<Float>>(
// CHECK-NEXT: metatype $@thick Float.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: string_literal utf8 "/device:CPU:0"
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(%1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: return [[RESULT]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Host Result: {{.*}}testTensor{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil shared @{{.*}}testTensor{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Tensor<Float>, @guaranteed Tensor<Float>) -> () {
// Graph lowering should succeed, producing a serialized program of 10+ bytes.
// CHECK: string_literal bytes
// CHECK-NEXT: integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, {{[1-9][0-9]+}}
// CHECK-NOT: = apply
// We're passing two TensorHandle's in.
// CHECK: [[ALLOC:%.*]] = alloc_stack $(OpaquePointer, OpaquePointer)
// CHECK: ref_element_addr
// CHECK: begin_access [read] [static] [[ALLOC]] : $*(OpaquePointer, OpaquePointer)
// CHECK: [[STARTFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_StartTensorComputation
// CHECK-NEXT: [[PROGRAM:%.*]] = apply [[STARTFN:%.*]](
// CHECK: [[FINISHFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_FinishTensorComputation
public func testScalar(f: Float) { // expected-warning {{'f' implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
var x = Tensor<Float>(f) // expected-note {{value used here}}
x += x
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}testScalar{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}testScalar{{.*}} : $@callee_owned (TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32>) -> TensorHandle<Float> {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32>):
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = unchecked_ref_cast %0 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32> to $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = float_literal $Builtin.FPIEEE32, 0x3F800000 // 1
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1
// CHECK: [[CONST:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Const,dtype$dtype,value$tensor,device"(%3 : $Builtin.Int32, %2 : $Builtin.FPIEEE32, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32>
// CHECK-NEXT: [[CAST:%.*]] = unchecked_ref_cast [[CONST]] : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32> to $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: [[ADD1:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(%1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, [[CAST]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: [[ADD2:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"([[ADD1]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, [[ADD1:%.*]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: return [[ADD2]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Host Result: {{.*}}testScalar{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil @{{.*}}testScalar{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) (Float) -> () {
// Graph lowering succeeds on this function
// CHECK: string_literal bytes "{{.....}}
// CHECK-NEXT: integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, {{[1-9]}}
// StartTensorComputation is called with one input tensor
// CHECK: [[TENSORS:%.*]] = struct $UnsafePointer<OpaquePointer> ({{%.*}} : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK-NEXT: [[TENSOR_COUNT:%.*]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[TENSOR_COUNT_STRUCT:%.*]] = struct $Int ([[TENSOR_COUNT]] : $Builtin.Int64)
// CHECK: [[STARTFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_StartTensorComputation
// CHECK-NEXT: [[PROGRAM:%.*]] = apply [[STARTFN]]({{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, [[TENSORS]], [[TENSOR_COUNT_STRUCT]]
// CHECK: [[FINISHFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_FinishTensorComputation
public func testExitBranch1(i: Int) {
var x = Tensor<Float>(1.0)
if i == 0 {
fatalError() // Should terminate the tensor program.
x += x
// The tensor program should have no branch.
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}testExitBranch1{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}testExitBranch1{{.*}} : $@callee_owned () -> TensorHandle<Float> {
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = float_literal $Builtin.FPIEEE32, 0x3F800000 // 1
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1
// CHECK: %3 = builtin "__tfop_Const,dtype$dtype,value$tensor,device"(%1 : $Builtin.Int32, %0 : $Builtin.FPIEEE32, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32>
// CHECK-NEXT: %4 = unchecked_ref_cast %3 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32> to $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: %7 = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(%4 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %4 : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: return %7 : $TensorHandle<Float>
// The host program should kill the tensor program if the early exit happens,
// and finish it on the normal path.
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Host Result: {{.*}}testExitBranch1{{.*}}
// CHECK: [[STARTFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_StartTensorComputation
// CHECK-NEXT: [[PROGRAM:%.*]] = apply [[STARTFN]](
// CHECK: cond_br
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [[TERMFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_TerminateTensorComputation
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[TERMFN]]([[PROGRAM]]) : $@convention(thin) (@owned _TensorComputation) -> ()
// CHECK: unreachable
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [[FINISHFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_FinishTensorComputation
public func testExitBranch2(i: Int) {
var x = Tensor<Float>(1.0)
// expected-warning @+1 {{implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
if i == 0 { // expected-error {{Length for attr 'Tout' of 0 must be at least minimum 1}}
x += x // expected-warning {{value implicitly copied to the host}}
print(x) // expected-note {{value used here}}
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}testExitBranch2{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}testExitBranch2{{.*}} : $@callee_owned (TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>):
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Const
// CHECK: cond_br {{.*}}, bb2, bb1
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_tfc.SendToHost
// CHECK-NEXT: br bb2
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple ()
// CHECK-NEXT: return
// }
// This program results in a boolean parameter being passed in.
public func test_bool_param(cond: Bool, // expected-warning {{'cond' implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
x: Tensor<Float>, y: Tensor<Float>) {
var a = x.toDevice()
let b = y.toDevice()
if cond { // expected-note {{value used here}}
a -= b
a += b
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}test_bool_param{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}test_bool_param{{.*}} : $@callee_owned (TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>, TensorHandle<Float>, TensorHandle<Float>) -> TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %2 : $TensorHandle<Float>):
// CHECK: %3 = builtin "tf_tensor_to_i1"(%0 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>) : $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: cond_br %3, bb2, bb1
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Host Result: {{.*}}test_bool_param{{.*}}
// CHECK: = function_ref @_swift_tfc_CreateCTensorHandle : $@convention(thin)
// CHECK-NEXT: = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 10
// CHECK-NEXT: = struct $UInt32 ({{.*}} : $Builtin.Int32)
// CHECK-NEXT: = struct $TF_DataType ({{.*}} : $UInt32)
// CHECK-NEXT: = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: store
// CHECK-NEXT: = begin_access [read] [static]
// CHECK-NEXT: = apply {{.*}}<Builtin.Int1>({{.*}}, {{.*}}) : $@convention(thin)
// CHECK-NEXT: end_access
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack
public func test_bool_param2(cond: Bool, // expected-warning {{'cond' implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
x: Tensor<Float>, y: Tensor<Float>) {
var a = x.toDevice()
let b = y.toDevice()
a += b
if cond { // expected-note {{value used here}}
a -= b
a += b
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}test_bool_param2{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}test_bool_param2{{.*}}
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %2 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>):
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: [[BOOL:%.*]] = builtin "tf_tensor_to_i1"(%2 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>) : $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: cond_br [[BOOL]]
// ...
// CHECK: }
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Host Result: {{.*}}test_bool_param2{{.*}}
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Bool, %1 : $Tensor<Float>, %2 : $Tensor<Float>):
// CHECK: [[BOOLVAL:%.*]] = struct_extract %0 : $Bool, #Bool._value
// CHECK: function_ref @_swift_tfc_CreateCTensorHandle
// CHECK: [[BOOLADDR:%.*]] = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[BOOLVAL]] to [[BOOLADDR]] : $*Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: [[STARTFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_StartTensorComputation
// CHECK-NEXT: [[PROGRAM:%.*]] = apply [[STARTFN:%.*]](
// CHECK: cond_br [[BOOLVAL]],
public func test_while1(maxCount: Int, // expected-warning {{'maxCount' implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
arg1: Tensor<Float>, arg2: Tensor<Float>) {
var a = arg1.toDevice()
let b = arg2.toDevice()
a += b
var count = 0
// expected-warning @+1 {{implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
while count < maxCount { // expected-note {{value used here}}
a -= b
count += 1
a += b
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}test_while1{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}test_while1{{.*}}
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %2 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>, %3 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int64>):
// CHECK-NEXT: integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 0
// CHECK-NEXT: integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 9
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Const,dtype$dtype,value$tensor,device"(
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: builtin "tf_tensor_to_i1"(
// CHECK-NEXT: cond_br {{.*}}, bb2, bb1
// CHECK: bb3([[A:%.*]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, [[COUNT:%.*]] : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int64>):
// CHECK: [[NEXTA:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Sub,$in,$in,T,device"([[A]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: [[NEXTCOUNT:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,device"([[COUNT]] : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int64>,
// CHECK: [[CONDT:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Less,$in,$in,device"([[NEXTCOUNT]] : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int64>,
// CHECK-NEXT: [[COND:%.*]] = builtin "tf_tensor_to_i1"([[CONDT]] : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int1>) : $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: cond_br [[COND]], bb5, bb4
// CHECK: bb5:
// CHECK-NEXT: br bb3([[NEXTA]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, [[NEXTCOUNT]] : $TensorHandle<Builtin.Int64>)
// CHECK-LABEL: --- XLA CFG Canonicalize: {{.*}}test_while1{{.*}}
// CHECK-NEXT: [sequence
// CHECK-NEXT: {condition Header: bb0
// CHECK-NEXT: [sequence
// CHECK-NEXT: <while Preheader: bb2, Header: bb3, exit: bb4
// CHECK-NEXT: block bb5>
// CHECK-NEXT: block bb4]
// CHECK-NEXT: block bb1}
// CHECK-NEXT: block bb6]
// This should turn into a single tensor program with no sends to the
// accelerator. Until we get shape inference though, we won't be able to
// disprove away the optional check, so we'll need to send a bit back to the
// host.
public func scalar_manipulation(a : Float) -> Tensor<Float> {
// expected-warning @-1 {{'a' implicitly copied to the accelerator, use .toDevice() to make transfer explicit}}
// expected-note @+1 {{value used here}}
let x = Tensor<Float>(a) + Tensor<Float>(1.0) // expected-warning {{value implicitly copied to the host}}
let y = x.scalar! + 2.0 // expected-note {{value used here}}
// expected-warning @-1 {{value implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
let z = Tensor<Float>(y)
return z+z
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}scalar_manipulation{{.*}}
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}scalar_manipulation{{.*}} : $@callee_owned (TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32>) -> TensorHandle<Float> {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32>):
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = unchecked_ref_cast %0 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32> to $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = float_literal $Builtin.FPIEEE32, 0x3F800000 // 1
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1
// CHECK: %5 = builtin "__tfop_Const,dtype$dtype,value$tensor,device"(%3 : $Builtin.Int32, %2 : $Builtin.FPIEEE32, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32>
// CHECK-NEXT: %6 = unchecked_ref_cast %5 : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32> to $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: %9 = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(%1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %6 : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_tfc.SendToHost
// CHECK-NEXT: float_literal $Builtin.FPIEEE32, 0x40000000
// CHECK-NEXT: integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 1
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Const,dtype$dtype,value$tensor,device"(
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_tfc.RecvFromHost
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,device"(
// CHECK-NEXT: unchecked_ref_cast {{.*}} : $TensorHandle<Builtin.FPIEEE32> to $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(
// CHECK-NEXT: return
public func testCast(x: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Int32> {
// expected-warning @-1 {{'x' implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
return Tensor<Int32>(x+x) // expected-note {{value used here}}
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}testCast
// CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}testCast{{.*}} : $@callee_owned (TensorHandle<Float>) -> TensorHandle<Int32> {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>):
// CHECK: %3 = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: %5 = metatype $@thick Int32.Type
// CHECK: %7 = builtin "__tfop_Cast,$in,SrcT,DstT,device"(%3 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %4 : $@thick Float.Type, %5 : $@thick Int32.Type, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Int32>
// CHECK: return %7 : $TensorHandle<Int32>
// expected-warning @+1 2 {{implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
public func testInputListArguments(a: TensorHandle<Float>, b: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
// Pack takes an input list, not multiple inputs. Here we're checking that
// we can pass in an array of Tensor's and an array of TensorHandle's.
let x: Tensor<Float> = #tfop("Pack", [a, a, a]) // expected-note {{value used here}}
let y: Tensor<Float> = #tfop("Pack", [b, b, b]) // expected-note {{value used here}}
return (x+y).toHost()
CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}testInputListArguments
CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}testInputListArguments{{.*}} : $@callee_owned (TensorHandle<Float>, TensorHandle<Float>) -> TensorHandle<Float> {
CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>):
CHECK: %2 = metatype $@thin TensorHandle<Float>.Type
CHECK: [[PACK1:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Pack,$in,$inelt,$inelt,$inelt,device"(%2 : $@thin TensorHandle<Float>.Type, %0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
CHECK: [[TYPE:%.*]] = metatype $@thin Tensor<Float>.Type
CHECK: [[PACK2:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Pack,$in,$inelt,$inelt,$inelt,device"([[TYPE]] : $@thin Tensor<Float>.Type, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
CHECK: [[RET:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Add,$in,$in,T,device"([[PACK1]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, [[PACK2]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
CHECK: return [[RET]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
// This should produce exactly one live out value in the call to
// _swift_tfc_FinishTensorComputation.
public func liveOutTest(
a: Tensor<Float>, // expected-warning {{'a' implicitly copied to the accelerator, use .toDevice() to make transfer explicit}}
b: Tensor<Float>, // expected-warning {{'b' implicitly copied to the accelerator, use .toDevice() to make transfer explicit}}
c: Tensor<Float> // expected-warning {{'c' implicitly copied to the accelerator, use .toDevice() to make transfer explicit}}
) -> Tensor<Float> {
return a+b+c // expected-note 3 {{value used here}}
CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}liveOutTest
CHECK: sil private @{{.*}}liveOutTest{{.*}} : $@callee_owned (TensorHandle<Float>, TensorHandle<Float>, TensorHandle<Float>) -> TensorHandle<Float> {
CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %1 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %2 : $TensorHandle<Float>):
CHECK: return {{.*}} : $TensorHandle<Float>
CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Host Result: {{.*}}liveOutTest{{.*}}
CHECK: @{{.*}}liveOutTest{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Tensor<Float>, @guaranteed Tensor<Float>, @guaranteed Tensor<Float>) -> @owned Tensor<Float> {
// [[RESULTBUF:%.*]] = alloc_stack $OpaquePointer
// [[RESULTACCESS:%.*]] = begin_access [modify] [static] [[RESULTBUF]] : $*OpaquePointer
// [[RESULTPTR:%.*]] = address_to_pointer [[RESULTACCESS]] : $*OpaquePointer to $Builtin.RawPointer
// [[RESULTMP:%.*]] = struct $UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer> ([[RESULTPTR]] : $Builtin.RawPointer)
// [[FINISHFN:%.*]] = function_ref @_swift_tfc_FinishTensorComputation : $@convention(thin) (@owned _TensorComputation, UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>, Int) -> ()
// %53 = apply [[FINISHFN]]({{.*}}, [[RESULTMP]], {{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) (@owned _TensorComputation, UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>, Int) -> ()
/// This tests some operations using resources and variants.
public func testResourceAndVariants() {
let values = Tensor<Float>([1,2,3,4,5,6])
// REGISTER_OP("TensorDataset")
// .Input("components: Toutput_types")
// .Output("handle: variant")
// .Attr("Toutput_types: list(type) >= 1")
// .Attr("output_shapes: list(shape) >= 1")
let dataset: VariantHandle =
// expected-error @+1 {{op named 'TensorDataSet' is not registered in TensorFlow}}
#tfop("TensorDataSet", values, Toutput_types: [Float.self],
output_shapes: [TensorShape(1)])
// REGISTER_OP("Iterator")
// .Output("handle: resource")
// .Attr("shared_name: string")
// .Attr("container: string")
// .Attr("output_types: list(type) >= 1")
// .Attr("output_shapes: list(shape) >= 1")
// .SetShapeFn(shape_inference::ScalarShape);
let iterator: ResourceHandle =
#tfop("Iterator", shared_name: "foo", container: "bar",
output_types: [Float.self], output_shapes: [TensorShape(1)])
// REGISTER_OP("MakeIterator")
// .Input("dataset: variant")
// .Input("iterator: resource")
// .SetShapeFn(shape_inference::NoOutputs);
() = #tfop("MakeIterator", dataset, iterator)
CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}testResourceAndVariantsyyF
CHECK: [[values:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Const,value$tensor,$elt,$elt,$elt,$elt,$elt,$elt,shape$shape,$elt,dtype,device"(
CHECK: [[dataset:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_TensorDataSet,$in,Toutput_types$array,$elt,output_shapes$shapearray,$shape,$elt,device"([[values]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
CHECK: [[iterator:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Iterator,shared_name,container,output_types$array,$elt,output_shapes$shapearray,$shape,$elt,device"({{.*}} : $Builtin.RawPointer, {{.*}} : $Builtin.RawPointer
CHECK: builtin "__tfop_MakeIterator,$in,$in,device"([[dataset]] : $VariantHandle, [[iterator]] : $ResourceHandle, {{.*}}) : $()
// b/76117368
// This function is explicit marked inline(never) so it shouldn't be inlined,
// even though it has tensor operands.
func shouldntInline(_ a: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
let b = a.toDevice()
return (b*b).toHost()
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}shouldntInline
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>):
// CHECK: %3 = builtin "__tfop_Mul,$in,$in,T,device"(%0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, %0 : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}}) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: return %3 : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-LABEL: ----
public func testNotInlined() {
let a = Tensor<Float>([1,2])+1
_ = shouldntInline(a.toHost())
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Accelerator Result: {{.*}}testNotInlined
// CHECK: = builtin "__tfop_Const,
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_Add,
// CHECK: return [[RESULT]]
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Host Result: {{.*}}testNotInlined
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = function_ref @{{.*}}shouldntInline
// CHECK: = apply [[FN]](
// b/76362738 - eliminate workaround needed in @noinline mutating method
public struct NonInlineMethodExample {
var a = Tensor<Float>(1.0)
var b = Tensor<Float>(2.0)
public mutating func mutatingMethod() { // expected-warning 2 {{value implicitly copied}}
a += b // expected-note 2 {{value used here}}
b += a
// b/77158282
// This was a miscompilation caused by us deleting all retain/release instructions
// involving a value that got moved to the accelerator. In fact, we need
// to retain these if there is a host use, because they may be retaining the value!
func noInlineUser(_ x: Tensor<Float>) {
public func testNoInlineUser() {
let x = Tensor<Float>(1)
// CHECK-LABEL: --- TFPartition Host Result: {{.*}}testNoInlineUser
// CHECK: [[X:%.*]] = alloc_ref $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: [[XS:%.*]] = struct $Tensor<Float> ([[X]] : $TensorHandle<Float>)
// CHECK: strong_retain [[SOME_T:%.*]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release [[SOME_T]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: strong_retain [[SOME_T]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = function_ref @${{.*}}noInlineUser
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[FN]]([[XS]])
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[FN]]([[XS]])
// CHECK: strong_release [[SOME_T]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: strong_release [[SOME_T]] : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK-LABEL: } // end sil function{{.*}}testNoInlineUser
// b/77437755
public func test77437755(_ hiddenSize: Float) {
let stddev = 1.0 / hiddenSize // expected-warning {{method result implicitly copied to the accelerator}}
let t1 = Tensor<Float>(shape: [5], scalars: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0])
_ = t1 * stddev // expected-note {{value used here}}
// CHECK-LABEL: ---- INPUT FUNCTION {{.*}}test77437755{{.*}} ----------
// CHECK: [[STDDEV:%.*]] = builtin "fdiv_FPIEEE32"
// CHECK: [[STDDEVT:%.*]] = builtin "__tfop_tfc.scalarToTensor,$in"([[STDDEV]] : $Builtin.FPIEEE32) : $TensorHandle<Float>
// CHECK: builtin "__tfop_Mul,$in,$in,T"({{.*}} : $TensorHandle<Float>, [[STDDEVT]] : $TensorHandle<Float>, {{.*}})