blob: ac3d7a7a94aad20ee289cf849f36a7555fef8270 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
func takeIntToInt(_ f: (Int) -> Int) { }
func takeIntIntToInt(_ f: (Int, Int) -> Int) { }
// Simple closures with anonymous arguments
func simple() {
takeIntToInt({$0 + 1})
takeIntIntToInt({$0 + $1 + 1})
// Anonymous arguments with inference
func myMap<T, U>(_ array: [T], _ f: (T) -> U) -> [U] {}
func testMap(_ array: [Int]) {
var farray = myMap(array, { Float($0) })
var _ : Float = farray[0]
let farray2 = myMap(array, { (x : Int) in Float(x) })
farray = farray2
_ = farray
// Nested single-expression closures -- <rdar://problem/20931915>
class NestedSingleExpr {
private var b: Bool = false
private func callClosure(_ callback: () -> Void) {}
func call() {
callClosure { [weak self] in
self?.callClosure {
self?.b = true
// Autoclosure nested inside single-expr closure should get discriminator
// <rdar://problem/22441425> Swift compiler "INTERNAL ERROR: this diagnostic should not be produced"
struct Expectation<T> {}
func expect<T>(_ expression: @autoclosure () -> T) -> Expectation<T> {
return Expectation<T>()
func describe(_ closure: () -> ()) {}
func f() { describe { _ = expect("what") } }
struct Blob {}
func withBlob(block: (Blob) -> ()) {}
protocol Binding {}
extension Int: Binding {}
extension Double: Binding {}
extension String: Binding {}
extension Blob: Binding {}
struct Stmt {
func bind(_ values: Binding?...) -> Stmt {
return self
func bind(_ values: [Binding?]) -> Stmt {
return self
func bind(_ values: [String: Binding?]) -> Stmt {
return self
let stmt = Stmt()
withBlob { stmt.bind(1, 2.0, "3", $0) }
withBlob { stmt.bind([1, 2.0, "3", $0]) }
withBlob { stmt.bind(["1": 1, "2": 2.0, "3": "3", "4": $0]) }
// <rdar://problem/19840785>
// We shouldn't crash on the call to 'a.dispatch' below.
class A {
func dispatch(_ f : () -> Void) {
class C {
var prop = 0
var a = A()
func act() {
a.dispatch({() -> Void in
self.prop // expected-warning {{expression of type 'Int' is unused}}
// Never-returning expressions
func haltAndCatchFire() -> Never { while true { } }
let backupPlan: () -> Int = { haltAndCatchFire() }
func missionCritical(storage: () -> String) {}
missionCritical(storage: { haltAndCatchFire() })
// <>
enum E { }
func takesAnotherUninhabitedType(e: () -> E) {}
takesAnotherUninhabitedType { haltAndCatchFire() }