blob: 20265cd943a313d8a066986227ff6529a487769c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
class C : Hashable {
var x = 0
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
func == (x: C, y: C) -> Bool { return true }
class D : C {}
// Unrelated to the classes above.
class U : Hashable {
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {}
func == (x: U, y: U) -> Bool { return true }
// Test dictionary forced downcasts
var dictCC = Dictionary<C, C>()
var dictCD = dictCC as! Dictionary<C, D>
var dictDC = dictCC as! Dictionary<D, C>
var dictDD = dictCC as! Dictionary<D, D>
// Test dictionary conditional downcasts
if let _ = dictCC as? Dictionary<C, D> { }
if let _ = dictCC as? Dictionary<D, C> { }
if let _ = dictCC as? Dictionary<D, D> { }
// Test dictionary downcasts to unrelated types.
dictCC as Dictionary<D, U> // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '[C : C]' to type 'Dictionary<D, U>' in coercion}}
// expected-note@-1 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Key' ('C' and 'D') are expected to be equal}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Value' ('C' and 'U') are expected to be equal}}
dictCC as Dictionary<U, D> // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '[C : C]' to type 'Dictionary<U, D>' in coercion}}
// expected-note@-1 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Key' ('C' and 'U') are expected to be equal}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Value' ('C' and 'D') are expected to be equal}}
dictCC as Dictionary<U, U> // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type '[C : C]' to type 'Dictionary<U, U>' in coercion}}
// expected-note@-1 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Key' ('C' and 'U') are expected to be equal}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Value' ('C' and 'U') are expected to be equal}}
// Test dictionary conditional downcasts to unrelated types
if let _ = dictCC as? Dictionary<D, U> { } // expected-warning{{cast from '[C : C]' to unrelated type 'Dictionary<D, U>' always fails}}
if let _ = dictCC as? Dictionary<U, D> { } // expected-warning{{cast from '[C : C]' to unrelated type 'Dictionary<U, D>' always fails}}
if let _ = dictCC as? Dictionary<U, U> { } // expected-warning{{cast from '[C : C]' to unrelated type 'Dictionary<U, U>' always fails}}