blob: 6e6dc0c1cef06420fb820ced673b2b40154c56b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -typecheck -verify %s -swift-version 4 -enable-source-import -I %S/Inputs
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -skip-deinit=false -print-ast-typechecked -source-filename %s -prefer-type-repr=false -print-implicit-attrs=true -explode-pattern-binding-decls=true -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -swift-version 4 -enable-source-import -I %S/Inputs | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
class ObjCSubclass : NSObject {
func foo() { } // expected-note{{add '@objc' to expose this instance method to Objective-C}}
class DynamicMembers {
@objc dynamic func foo() { }
@objc dynamic var bar: NSObject? = nil
func test(sc: ObjCSubclass, dm: DynamicMembers) {
_ = #selector( // expected-error{{argument of '#selector' refers to instance method 'foo()' that is not exposed to Objective-C}}
_ = #selector(getter:
_ = #keyPath(
struct PlainStruct { }
class BadInSwift4 {
@IBInspectable var badIBInspectable: PlainStruct?
// expected-error@-1{{property cannot be marked @IBInspectable because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@GKInspectable var badGKInspectable: PlainStruct?
// expected-error@-1{{property cannot be marked @GKInspectable because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// CHECK-LABEL: class InitsInheritObjCAttrBase
class InitsInheritObjCAttrBase: NSObject {
override init() {}
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc convenience init(foo: Int)
@objc convenience init(foo: Int) { self.init() }
} // CHECK: {{^[}]$}}
// CHECK-LABEL: extension InitsInheritObjCAttrBase
extension InitsInheritObjCAttrBase {
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc convenience dynamic init(bar: Int)
@objc convenience init(bar: Int) { self.init() }
} // CHECK: {{^[}]$}}
// CHECK-LABEL: class ConvenienceInitsInheritObjCAttrSub
class ConvenienceInitsInheritObjCAttrSub: InitsInheritObjCAttrBase {
init(somethingElse: ()) { super.init() }
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc convenience init(foo: Int)
convenience init(foo: Int) { self.init(somethingElse: ()) }
// FIXME: The '@objc' is relied upon, but the 'dynamic' probably shouldn't be!
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc convenience dynamic init(bar: Int)
convenience init(bar: Int) { self.init(somethingElse: ()) }
// CHECK: {{^}} convenience init(unrelated: Int)
convenience init(unrelated: Int) { self.init(somethingElse: ()) }
} // CHECK: {{^[}]$}}
// CHECK-LABEL: class DesignatedInitsInheritObjCAttrSub
class DesignatedInitsInheritObjCAttrSub: InitsInheritObjCAttrBase {
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc init(foo: Int)
init(foo: Int) { super.init() }
// FIXME: The '@objc' is relied upon, but the 'dynamic' probably shouldn't be!
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc dynamic init(bar: Int)
init(bar: Int) { super.init() }
// CHECK: {{^}} init(unrelated: Int)
init(unrelated: Int) { super.init() }
} // CHECK: {{^[}]$}}