blob: 8ff5b9e42374d860ce06b094e6b27dbca86cc94b [file] [log] [blame]
@_exported import ObjectiveC // Clang module
// The iOS/arm64 target uses _Bool for Objective C's BOOL. We include
// x86_64 here as well because the iOS simulator also uses _Bool.
#if ((os(iOS) || os(tvOS)) && (arch(arm64) || arch(x86_64))) || os(watchOS)
public struct ObjCBool : BooleanType {
private var value : Bool
public init(_ value: Bool) {
self.value = value
/// \brief Allow use in a Boolean context.
public var boolValue: Bool {
return value
public struct ObjCBool : BooleanType {
private var value : UInt8
public init(_ value: Bool) {
self.value = value ? 1 : 0
public init(_ value: UInt8) {
self.value = value
/// \brief Allow use in a Boolean context.
public var boolValue: Bool {
if value == 0 { return false }
return true
extension ObjCBool : BooleanLiteralConvertible {
public init(booleanLiteral: Bool) {
public struct Selector : StringLiteralConvertible {
private var ptr : COpaquePointer
public init(_ value: String) {
self.init(stringLiteral: value)
public init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String) {
self.init(stringLiteral: value)
public init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String) {
self.init(stringLiteral: value)
public init (stringLiteral value: String) {
self = sel_registerName(value)
public struct NSZone: NilLiteralConvertible {
public var pointer : COpaquePointer
@_transparent public
init(nilLiteral: ()) {
pointer = COpaquePointer() // expected-warning {{deprecated}}
internal func _convertBoolToObjCBool(x: Bool) -> ObjCBool {
return ObjCBool(x)
internal func _convertObjCBoolToBool(x: ObjCBool) -> Bool {
return Bool(x)
public func ~=(x: NSObject, y: NSObject) -> Bool {
return true
extension NSObject : Equatable, Hashable {
public var hashValue: Int {
return hash
public func == (lhs: NSObject, rhs: NSObject) -> Bool {
return lhs.isEqual(rhs)