blob: 149797d822c1f5c0f074db5511a6f6c559efa765 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -dump-ast %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s
func doSomething<T>(_ t: T) {}
// CHECK: func_decl "outerGeneric(t:x:)"<T> interface type='<τ_0_0> (t: τ_0_0, x: AnyObject) -> ()'
func outerGeneric<T>(t: T, x: AnyObject) {
// Simple case -- closure captures outer generic parameter
// CHECK: closure_expr type='() -> ()' {{.*}} discriminator=0 captures=(<generic> t) single-expression
_ = { doSomething(t) }
// Special case -- closure does not capture outer generic parameters
// CHECK: closure_expr type='() -> ()' {{.*}} discriminator=1 captures=(x) single-expression
_ = { doSomething(x) }
// Special case -- closure captures outer generic parameter, but it does not
// appear as the type of any expression
// CHECK: closure_expr type='() -> ()' {{.*}} discriminator=2 captures=(<generic> x)
_ = { if x is T {} }
// Nested generic functions always capture outer generic parameters, even if
// they're not mentioned in the function body
// CHECK: func_decl "innerGeneric(u:)"<U> interface type='<τ_0_0, τ_1_0> (u: τ_1_0) -> ()' {{.*}} captures=(<generic> )
func innerGeneric<U>(u: U) {}
// Make sure we look through typealiases
typealias TT = (a: T, b: T)
// CHECK: func_decl "localFunction(tt:)" interface type='<τ_0_0> (tt: (a: τ_0_0, b: τ_0_0)) -> ()' {{.*}} captures=(<generic> )
func localFunction(tt: TT) {}
// CHECK: closure_expr type='(TT) -> ()' {{.*}} captures=(<generic> )
let _: (TT) -> () = { _ in }