blob: 30fe07b37cb80928e5fd011dc47bfabf2c9ce2b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %gyb -D_runtime=%target-runtime %s -o %t/main.swift
// RUN: %line-directive %t/main.swift -- %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify %t/main.swift
func test_StringSubscriptByInt(
x: String,
i: Int,
r1: Range<Int>,
r2: ClosedRange<Int>
) {
_ = x[i] // expected-error {{'subscript(_:)' is unavailable: cannot subscript String with an Int, use a String.Index instead.}} {{none}}
_ = x[r1] // expected-error {{'subscript(_:)' is unavailable: cannot subscript String with an integer range, use a String.Index range instead.}} {{none}}
_ = x[r2] // expected-error {{'subscript(_:)' is unavailable: cannot subscript String with an integer range, use a String.Index range instead.}} {{none}}
func test_UTF8View(s: String.UTF8View, i: String.UTF8View.Index, d: Int) {
_ = s.index(after: i) // OK
_ = s.index(before: i) // OK
_ = s.index(i, offsetBy: d) // OK
_ = s.index(i, offsetBy: d, limitedBy: i) // OK
_ = s.distance(from: i, to: i) // OK
func test_UTF16View(s: String.UTF16View, i: String.UTF16View.Index, d: Int) {
_ = s.index(after: i) // OK
_ = s.index(before: i) // OK
_ = s.index(i, offsetBy: d) // OK
_ = s.index(i, offsetBy: d, limitedBy: i) // OK
_ = s.distance(from: i, to: i) // OK
func test_UnicodeScalarView(s: String.UnicodeScalarView, i: String.UnicodeScalarView.Index, d: Int) {
_ = s.index(after: i) // OK
_ = s.index(before: i) // OK
_ = s.index(i, offsetBy: d) // OK
_ = s.index(i, offsetBy: d, limitedBy: i) // OK
_ = s.distance(from: i, to: i) // OK
func test_CharacterView(s: String, i: String.Index, d: Int) {
_ = s.index(after: i) // OK
_ = s.index(before: i) // OK
_ = s.index(i, offsetBy: d) // OK
_ = s.index(i, offsetBy: d, limitedBy: i) // OK
_ = s.distance(from: i, to: i) // OK