blob: 39fdfc64ac5fb5c90d817e3e09b0527f18ecb2c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import StdlibUnittest
import Foundation
var NSSetAPI = TestSuite("NSSetAPI")
NSSetAPI.test("Sequence") {
let result = NSSet()
private func compareAnythingAtAll(_ x: Any, y: Any)
-> ExpectedComparisonResult {
let xDescription = "\(x)"
let yDescription = "\(y)"
switch (xDescription < yDescription, xDescription == yDescription) {
case (true, _): return .lt
case (_, true): return .eq
default: return .gt
NSSetAPI.test("initWithObjects") {
let result = NSSet(objects: 1, "two")
// using the descriptions of 1 and "two" are fine for these tests.
expectEqualsUnordered([1, "two"] as [Any], result, compare: compareAnythingAtAll)
NSSetAPI.test("ExpressibleByArrayLiteral") {
let result: NSSet = [1, "two"]
expectEqualsUnordered([1, "two"] as [Any], result, compare: compareAnythingAtAll)
NSSetAPI.test("CustomStringConvertible") {
let result = String(describing: NSSet(objects:"a", "b", "c", "42"))
let expect = "{(\n b,\n 42,\n c,\n a\n)}"
expectEqual(expect, result)
NSSetAPI.test("AnyHashable containing NSSet") {
let values: [NSSet] = [
NSSet(objects: 1, 2, 3),
NSSet(objects: 1, 2, 3),
let anyHashables =
expectEqual(Set<AnyHashable>.self, type(of: anyHashables[0].base))
expectEqual(Set<AnyHashable>.self, type(of: anyHashables[1].base))
expectEqual(Set<AnyHashable>.self, type(of: anyHashables[2].base))
expectNotEqual(anyHashables[0], anyHashables[1])
expectEqual(anyHashables[1], anyHashables[2])
NSSetAPI.test("AnyHashable containing NSSet that contains an NSSet") {
let anyHashable = AnyHashable(NSSet(objects: NSSet(objects: 1,2,3)))
expectEqual(Set<AnyHashable>.self, type(of: anyHashable.base))
if let firstNested
= expectNotNil((anyHashable.base as! Set<AnyHashable>).first!) {
expectEqual(Set<AnyHashable>.self, type(of: firstNested.base))
NSSetAPI.test("Incorrectly constructed Set for backwards compatibility") {
let array:NSArray = [NSObject()] as NSArray
let wrongSet = Set<NSObject>(_immutableCocoaSet: array)
var NSOrderedSetAPI = TestSuite("NSOrderedSetAPI")
NSOrderedSetAPI.test("Sequence") {
let result = NSOrderedSet()
NSOrderedSetAPI.test("initWithObjects") {
let result = NSOrderedSet(objects: 1, "two")
expectEqualsUnordered([1, "two"] as [Any], result, compare: compareAnythingAtAll)
NSOrderedSetAPI.test("ExpressibleByArrayLiteral") {
let result: NSOrderedSet = [1, "two"]
expectEqualsUnordered([1, "two"] as [Any], result, compare: compareAnythingAtAll)
NSOrderedSetAPI.test("CustomStringConvertible") {
let result = String(describing: NSOrderedSet(objects:"a", "b", "c", "42"))
let expect = "{(\n a,\n b,\n c,\n 42\n)}"
expectEqual(expect, result)
NSSetAPI.test("copy construction") {
let expected: Set = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
let x = NSSet(set: expected as NSSet)
expectEqual(expected, x as! Set)
let y = NSMutableSet(set: expected as NSSet)
expectEqual(expected, y as NSSet as! Set)
var NSIndexSetAPI = TestSuite("NSIndexSetAPI")
NSIndexSetAPI.test("Sequence") {
let result = NSIndexSet()
let _ = expectSequenceType(result)
let s = NSIndexSet(indexesIn: NSMakeRange(1, 1))
var iter = s.makeIterator()
// FIXME: Compiler doesn't accept these terms.
// expectEqual(Optional<Int>.some(1),
// expectEqual(Optional<Int>.none,
let empty = NSIndexSet(indexesIn: NSMakeRange(1, 0))
var emptyGen = empty.makeIterator()