blob: 0e94e527474bc525ef25eddb5e6ad14996a63f06 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Check that all combinations of key paths produce the expected result type
// and choose the expected overloads.
import Swift
func expect<T>(_: inout T, is: T.Type) {}
func wellTypedAppends<T, U, V>(readOnlyLeft: KeyPath<T, U>,
writableLeft: WritableKeyPath<T, U>,
referenceLeft: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, U>,
readOnlyRight: KeyPath<U, V>,
writableRight: WritableKeyPath<U, V>,
referenceRight: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<U, V>){
var a = readOnlyLeft.appending(path: readOnlyRight)
expect(&a, is: KeyPath<T, V>.self)
var b = readOnlyLeft.appending(path: writableRight)
expect(&b, is: KeyPath<T, V>.self)
var c = readOnlyLeft.appending(path: referenceRight)
expect(&c, is: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, V>.self)
var d = writableLeft.appending(path: readOnlyRight)
expect(&d, is: KeyPath<T, V>.self)
var e = writableLeft.appending(path: writableRight)
expect(&e, is: WritableKeyPath<T, V>.self)
var f = writableLeft.appending(path: referenceRight)
expect(&f, is: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, V>.self)
var g = referenceLeft.appending(path: readOnlyRight)
expect(&g, is: KeyPath<T, V>.self)
var h = referenceLeft.appending(path: writableRight)
expect(&h, is: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, V>.self)
var i = referenceLeft.appending(path: referenceRight)
expect(&i, is: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, V>.self)
func mismatchedAppends<T, U, V>(readOnlyLeft: KeyPath<T, U>,
writableLeft: WritableKeyPath<T, U>,
referenceLeft: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, U>,
readOnlyRight: KeyPath<U, V>,
writableRight: WritableKeyPath<U, V>,
referenceRight: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<U, V>){
_ = readOnlyRight.appending(path: readOnlyLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'KeyPath<T, U>' to expected argument type 'KeyPath<V, U>'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Root' ('T' and 'V') are expected to be equal}}
_ = readOnlyRight.appending(path: writableLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'KeyPath<T, U>' to expected argument type 'KeyPath<V, U>'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Root' ('T' and 'V') are expected to be equal}}
_ = readOnlyRight.appending(path: referenceLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{no exact matches in call to instance method 'appending'}}
_ = writableRight.appending(path: readOnlyLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{instance method 'appending(path:)' requires that 'KeyPath<U, V>' inherit from 'KeyPath<U, T>'}}
_ = writableRight.appending(path: writableLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'WritableKeyPath<T, U>' to expected argument type 'WritableKeyPath<V, U>'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Root' ('T' and 'V') are expected to be equal}}
_ = writableRight.appending(path: referenceLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{no exact matches in call to instance method 'appending'}}
_ = referenceRight.appending(path: readOnlyLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{instance method 'appending(path:)' requires that 'KeyPath<U, V>' inherit from 'KeyPath<U, T>'}}
_ = referenceRight.appending(path: writableLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'WritableKeyPath<T, U>' to expected argument type 'WritableKeyPath<V, U>'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Root' ('T' and 'V') are expected to be equal}}
_ = referenceRight.appending(path: referenceLeft)
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'WritableKeyPath<T, U>' to expected argument type 'WritableKeyPath<V, U>'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{arguments to generic parameter 'Root' ('T' and 'V') are expected to be equal}}
func partialAppends<T, U, V>(partial: PartialKeyPath<T>,
concrete: KeyPath<U, V>,
reference: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<U, V>,
any: AnyKeyPath) {
var a = any.appending(path: any)
expect(&a, is: Optional<AnyKeyPath>.self)
var b = any.appending(path: partial)
expect(&b, is: Optional<AnyKeyPath>.self)
var c = any.appending(path: concrete)
expect(&c, is: Optional<AnyKeyPath>.self)
var d = any.appending(path: reference)
expect(&d, is: Optional<AnyKeyPath>.self)
var e = partial.appending(path: any)
expect(&e, is: Optional<PartialKeyPath<T>>.self)
var f = partial.appending(path: partial)
expect(&f, is: Optional<PartialKeyPath<T>>.self)
var g = partial.appending(path: concrete)
expect(&g, is: Optional<KeyPath<T, V>>.self)
var h = partial.appending(path: reference)
expect(&h, is: Optional<ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, V>>.self)
var i = concrete.appending(path: any)
expect(&i, is: Optional<PartialKeyPath<U>>.self)
var j = concrete.appending(path: partial)
expect(&j, is: Optional<PartialKeyPath<U>>.self)
var m = reference.appending(path: any)
expect(&m, is: Optional<PartialKeyPath<U>>.self)
var n = reference.appending(path: partial)
expect(&n, is: Optional<PartialKeyPath<U>>.self)