blob: be8a3d74925409948b4254d8b4a8543bba7ccc55 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out | grep 'check-prefix' > %t/prefix-option
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out | %FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK `cat %t/prefix-option` %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
// SR-9838 Disable because it blocks PR testing.
import Foundation
struct Guts {
var internalValue = 42
var value: Int {
get {
return internalValue
init(value: Int) {
internalValue = value
init() {
class Target : NSObject, NSKeyValueObservingCustomization {
// This dynamic property is observed by KVO
@objc dynamic var objcValue: String
@objc dynamic var objcValue2: String {
willSet {
willChangeValue(for: \.objcValue2)
didSet {
didChangeValue(for: \.objcValue2)
@objc dynamic var objcValue3: String
// This Swift-typed property causes vtable usage on this class.
var swiftValue: Guts
override init() {
self.swiftValue = Guts()
self.objcValue = ""
self.objcValue2 = ""
self.objcValue3 = ""
static func keyPathsAffectingValue(for key: AnyKeyPath) -> Set<AnyKeyPath> {
if (key == \Target.objcValue) {
return [\Target.objcValue2, \Target.objcValue3]
} else {
return []
static func automaticallyNotifiesObservers(for key: AnyKeyPath) -> Bool {
if key == \Target.objcValue2 || key == \Target.objcValue3 {
return false
return true
func print() {
Swift.print("swiftValue \(self.swiftValue.value), objcValue \(objcValue)")
class ObserverKVO : NSObject {
var target: Target?
var observation: NSKeyValueObservation? = nil
override init() { target = nil; super.init() }
func observeTarget(_ target: Target) { = target
observation = target.observe(\.objcValue) { (object, change) in
Swift.print("swiftValue \(object.swiftValue.value), objcValue \(object.objcValue)")
func removeTarget() {
var t2 = Target()
var o2 = ObserverKVO()
print("unobserved 2")
t2.objcValue = "one"
t2.objcValue = "two"
print("registering observer 2")
print("Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational panopticon!")
t2.objcValue = "three"
t2.objcValue = "four"
t2.swiftValue = Guts(value: 13)
t2.objcValue2 = "six" //should fire
t2.objcValue3 = "nothing" //should not fire
t2.objcValue = "five" //make sure that we don't crash or keep posting changes if you deallocate an observation after invalidating it
print("target removed")
// CHECK: registering observer 2
// CHECK-NEXT: Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational panopticon!
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 42, objcValue three
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 42, objcValue four
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 13, objcValue four
// The next 2 logs are actually a bug and shouldn't happen
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 13, objcValue four
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 13, objcValue four
// CHECK-NEXT: target removed
// Test NSKeyValueObservingCustomization issue with observing from the callbacks
// The following tests are only expected to pass when running with the
// Swift 5.1 and later libraries.
if #available(iOS 13, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) {
} else {
// Need at least one check, otherwise FileCheck will complain.
// DONT-CHECK: {{.}}
class Target2 : NSObject, NSKeyValueObservingCustomization {
@objc dynamic var name: String?
class Dummy : NSObject {
@objc dynamic var name: String?
// In both of the callbacks, observe another property with the same key path.
// We do it in both because we're not sure which callback is invoked first.
// This ensures that using KVO with key paths from one callback doesn't interfere
// with the ability to look up the key path using the other.
static func keyPathsAffectingValue(for key: AnyKeyPath) -> Set<AnyKeyPath> {
print("keyPathsAffectingValue: key == \\.name:", key == \
withExtendedLifetime(Dummy()) { (dummy) in
_ = dummy.observe(\.name) { (_, _) in }
return []
static func automaticallyNotifiesObservers(for key: AnyKeyPath) -> Bool {
print("automaticallyNotifiesObservers: key == \\.name:", key == \
withExtendedLifetime(Dummy()) { (dummy) in
_ = dummy.observe(\.name) { (_, _) in }
return true
print("registering observer for Target2")
withExtendedLifetime(Target2()) { (target) in
_ = target.observe(\.name) { (_, _) in }
print("observer removed")
// CHECK-51-LABEL: registering observer for Target2
// CHECK-51-DAG: keyPathsAffectingValue: key == \.name: true
// CHECK-51-DAG: automaticallyNotifiesObservers: key == \.name: true
// CHECK-51-NEXT: observer removed
// Test NSSortDescriptor keyPath support
// This one doesn't really match the context of "KVO KeyPaths" but it's close enough
class Sortable1 : NSObject {
@objc var name: String?
class Sortable2 : NSObject {
@objc var name: String?
print("creating NSSortDescriptor")
let descriptor = NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \, ascending: true)
_ = NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \, ascending: true)
print("keyPath == \\", descriptor.keyPath == \
// CHECK-51-LABEL: creating NSSortDescriptor
// CHECK-51-NEXT: keyPath == \ true
// Test keyPath with optional value has correct oldValue/newValue behavior
class TestClassForOptionalKeyPath : NSObject {
// Should not use NSObject? as object type
@objc dynamic var optionalObject: String?
let testObjectForOptionalKeyPath = TestClassForOptionalKeyPath()
print("observe keyPath with optional value")
let optionalKeyPathObserver = testObjectForOptionalKeyPath.observe(\.optionalObject, options: [.initial, .old, .new]) { (_, change) in
Swift.print("oldValue = \(change.oldValue as String??), newValue = \(change.newValue as String??)")
testObjectForOptionalKeyPath.optionalObject = nil
testObjectForOptionalKeyPath.optionalObject = "foo"
// CHECK-51-LABEL: observe keyPath with optional value
// CHECK-51-NEXT: oldValue = Optional(nil), newValue = Optional(nil)
// CHECK-51-NEXT: oldValue = Optional(nil), newValue = Optional(nil)
// CHECK-51-NEXT: oldValue = Optional(nil), newValue = Optional(Optional("foo"))