blob: dda1da0aa20b291e76f7bcbf07c002c9b3127f54 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import Swift
import StdlibUnittest
let suite = TestSuite("Diffing")
// This availability test has to be this awkward because of
// rdar://problem/48450376 - Availability checks don't apply to top-level code
if #available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *) {
suite.test("Diffing empty collections") {
let a = [Int]()
let b = [Int]()
let diff = b.difference(from: a)
expectEqual(diff, a.difference(from: a))
suite.test("Basic diffing algorithm validators") {
let expectedChanges: [(
source: [String],
target: [String],
changes: [CollectionDifference<String>.Change],
line: UInt
)] = [
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [],
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 5, element: "Lights", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel", "Gelt",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.insert(offset: 3, element: "Gelt", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Presents", "Tree", "Lights",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 6, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 4),
.insert(offset: 4, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 6)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Lights", "Presents", "Tree",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 4, element: "Tree", associatedWith: 6),
.insert(offset: 6, element: "Tree", associatedWith: 4)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel", "Presents",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 6, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 3),
.insert(offset: 3, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 6)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 6, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 8),
.insert(offset: 8, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 6)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 2, element: "Dreidel", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 1, element: "Menorah", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 0, element: "Hannukah", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.insert(offset: 7, element: "New Years", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 8, element: "Champagne", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["New Years", "Champagne",
"Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 8, element: "Champagne", associatedWith: 1),
.remove(offset: 7, element: "New Years", associatedWith: 0),
.insert(offset: 0, element: "New Years", associatedWith: 7),
.insert(offset: 1, element: "Champagne", associatedWith: 8)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne",
"Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 2, element: "Dreidel", associatedWith: 8),
.remove(offset: 1, element: "Menorah", associatedWith: 7),
.remove(offset: 0, element: "Hannukah", associatedWith: 6),
.insert(offset: 6, element: "Hannukah", associatedWith: 0),
.insert(offset: 7, element: "Menorah", associatedWith: 1),
.insert(offset: 8, element: "Dreidel", associatedWith: 2)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel", "Presents",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 3, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 3),
.remove(offset: 2, element: "Dreidel", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 1, element: "Menorah", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 0, element: "Hannukah", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 3, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 3)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Lights"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 5, element: "Lights", associatedWith: 8),
.insert(offset: 6, element: "New Years", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 7, element: "Champagne", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 8, element: "Lights", associatedWith: 5)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 8, element: "Champagne", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel", "Presents",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel", "Presents",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
changes: [],
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel", "Presents",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 7, element: "Presents", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 3, element: "Presents", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel", "Presents",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
changes: [
.insert(offset: 3, element: "Presents", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 7, element: "Presents", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel", "Presents",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah", "Dreidel",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne", "Presents"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 3, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 6),
.insert(offset: 6, element: "Presents", associatedWith: 3)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne",
"Hannukah", "Dreidel"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne",
"Hannukah", "Dreidel"],
changes: [],
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne",
"Hannukah", "Dreidel"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 9, element: "Dreidel", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 8, element: "Hannukah", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne"],
["Hannukah", "Menorah",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne",
"Hannukah", "Dreidel"],
changes: [
.insert(offset: 8, element: "Hannukah", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 9, element: "Dreidel", associatedWith: nil)
line: #line),
["Hannukah", "Menorah",
"Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"New Years", "Champagne",
"Hannukah", "Dreidel"],
["Xmas", "Tree", "Lights", "Presents",
"Hannukah", "Menorah",
"New Years", "Champagne",
"Hannukah", "Dreidel"],
changes: [
.remove(offset: 1, element: "Menorah", associatedWith: 5),
.remove(offset: 0, element: "Hannukah", associatedWith: 4),
.insert(offset: 4, element: "Hannukah", associatedWith: 0),
.insert(offset: 5, element: "Menorah", associatedWith: 1)
line: #line),
for (source, target, expected, line) in expectedChanges {
let actual = target.difference(from: source).inferringMoves()
expectEqual(CollectionDifference(expected), actual, "failed test at line \(line)")
suite.test("Empty diffs have sane behaviour") {
guard let diff = CollectionDifference<String>([]) else {
expectEqual(0, diff.insertions.count)
expectEqual(0, diff.removals.count)
expectEqual(true, diff.isEmpty)
var c = 0
diff.forEach({ _ in c += 1 })
expectEqual(0, c)
suite.test("Happy path tests for the change validator") {
// Base case: one insert and one remove with legal offsets
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: nil)
// Code coverage:
// • non-first change .remove has legal associated offset
// • non-first change .insert has legal associated offset
.remove(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
.insert(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0)
suite.test("Exhaustive edge case tests for the change validator") {
// Base case: two inserts sharing the same offset
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: nil)
// Base case: two removes sharing the same offset
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: nil)
// Base case: illegal insertion offset
.insert(offset: -1, element: 0, associatedWith: nil)
// Base case: illegal remove offset
.remove(offset: -1, element: 0, associatedWith: nil)
// Base case: two inserts sharing same associated offset
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
.insert(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0)
// Base case: two removes sharing same associated offset
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
.remove(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0)
// Base case: insert with illegal associated offset
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: -1)
// Base case: remove with illegal associated offset
.remove(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: -1)
// Code coverage: non-first change has illegal offset
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: -1, element: 0, associatedWith: nil)
// Code coverage: non-first change has illegal associated offset
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: -1)
suite.test("Enumeration order is safe") {
let safelyOrderedChanges: [CollectionDifference<Int>.Change] = [
.remove(offset: 2, element: 0, associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
.insert(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
.insert(offset: 2, element: 0, associatedWith: nil),
let diff = CollectionDifference<Int>.init(safelyOrderedChanges)!
var enumerationOrderedChanges = [CollectionDifference<Int>.Change]()
diff.forEach { c in
expectEqual(enumerationOrderedChanges, safelyOrderedChanges)
suite.test("Change validator rejects bad associations") {
// .remove(1) → .insert(1)
// ↑ ↓
// .insert(0) ← .remove(0)
.remove(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
.insert(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0)
// Coverage: duplicate remove offsets both with assocs
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
// Coverage: duplicate insert assocs
.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
.insert(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 1),
// Full-coverage test for CollectionDifference.Change.==()
suite.test("Exhaustive testing for equatable conformance") {
// Differs by type:
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0)
// Differs by type in the other direction:
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0)
// Insert differs by offset
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.insert(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0)
// Insert differs by element
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.insert(offset: 0, element: 1, associatedWith: 0)
// Insert differs by association
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.insert(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1)
// Remove differs by offset
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.remove(offset: 1, element: 0, associatedWith: 0)
// Remove differs by element
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.remove(offset: 0, element: 1, associatedWith: 0)
// Remove differs by association
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 0),
CollectionDifference<Int>.Change.remove(offset: 0, element: 0, associatedWith: 1)
suite.test("Compile-time test of hashable conformance") {
let _ = Set<CollectionDifference<String>>();
suite.test("Move inference") {
let n = CollectionDifference<String>.init([
.insert(offset: 3, element: "Sike", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 4, element: "Sike", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 2, element: "Hello", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 6, element: "Hello", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 8, element: "Goodbye", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 9, element: "Sike", associatedWith: nil),
let w = CollectionDifference<String>.init([
.insert(offset: 3, element: "Sike", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 4, element: "Sike", associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: 2, element: "Hello", associatedWith: 6),
.remove(offset: 6, element: "Hello", associatedWith: 2),
.remove(offset: 8, element: "Goodbye", associatedWith: nil),
.remove(offset: 9, element: "Sike", associatedWith: nil),
expectEqual(w, n?.inferringMoves())
suite.test("Three way merge") {
let baseLines = ["Is", "it", "time", "already?"]
let theirLines = ["Hi", "there", "is", "it", "time", "already?"]
let myLines = ["Is", "it", "review", "time", "already?"]
// Create a difference from base to theirs
let diff = theirLines.difference(from: baseLines)
// Apply it to mine, if possible
guard let patchedLines = myLines.applying(diff) else {
print("Merge conflict applying patch, manual merge required")
// Reassemble the result
expectEqual(patchedLines, ["Hi", "there", "is", "it", "review", "time", "already?"])
// print(patched)
suite.test("Diff reversal demo code") {
let diff = CollectionDifference<Int>([])!
let _ = CollectionDifference<Int>({(change) -> CollectionDifference<Int>.Change in
switch change {
case .insert(offset: let o, element: let e, associatedWith: let a):
return .remove(offset: o, element: e, associatedWith: a)
case .remove(offset: let o, element: let e, associatedWith: let a):
return .insert(offset: o, element: e, associatedWith: a)
suite.test("Naive application by enumeration") {
var arr = ["Is", "it", "time", "already?"]
let theirLines = ["Hi", "there", "is", "it", "time", "already?"]
// Create a difference from base to theirs
let diff = theirLines.difference(from: arr)
for c in diff {
switch c {
case .remove(offset: let o, element: _, associatedWith: _):
arr.remove(at: o)
case .insert(offset: let o, element: let e, associatedWith: _):
arr.insert(e, at: o)
expectEqual(theirLines, arr)
suite.test("Fast applicator boundary conditions") {
let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
for removeMiddle in [false, true] {
for insertMiddle in [false, true] {
for removeLast in [false, true] {
for insertLast in [false, true] {
for removeFirst in [false, true] {
for insertFirst in [false, true] {
var b = a
// Prepare b
if removeMiddle { b.remove(at: 4) }
if insertMiddle { b.insert(10, at: 4) }
if removeLast { b.removeLast() }
if insertLast { b.append(11) }
if removeFirst { b.removeFirst() }
if insertFirst { b.insert(12, at: 0) }
// Generate diff
let diff = b.difference(from: a)
// Validate application
expectEqual(b, a.applying(diff)!)
expectEqual(a, b.applying(diff.inverse())!)
suite.test("Fast applicator error condition") {
let bear = "bear"
let bird = "bird"
let bat = "bat"
let diff = bird.difference(from: bear)
expectEqual(nil, bat.applying(diff))
suite.test("Fast applicator boundary condition remove last element") {
let base = [1, 2, 3]
expectEqual([1, 2], base.applying(CollectionDifference<Int>([.remove(offset: base.count - 1, element: 3, associatedWith: nil)])!))
suite.test("Fast applicator boundary condition append element") {
let base = [1, 2, 3]
expectEqual([1, 2, 3, 4], base.applying(CollectionDifference<Int>([.insert(offset: base.count, element: 4, associatedWith: nil)])!))
suite.test("Fast applicator error boundary condition remove at endIndex") {
let base = [1, 2, 3]
expectEqual(nil, base.applying(CollectionDifference<Int>([.remove(offset: base.count, element: 4, associatedWith: nil)])!))
suite.test("Fast applicator error boundary condition insert beyond end") {
let base = [1, 2, 3]
expectEqual(nil, base.applying(CollectionDifference<Int>([.insert(offset: base.count + 1, element: 5, associatedWith: nil)])!))
suite.test("Fast applicator boundary condition replace tail") {
let base = [1, 2, 3]
expectEqual([1, 2, 4], base.applying(CollectionDifference<Int>([
.remove(offset: base.count - 1, element: 3, associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: base.count - 1, element: 4, associatedWith: nil)
suite.test("Fast applicator error boundary condition insert beyond end after tail removal") {
let base = [1, 2, 3]
expectEqual(nil, base.applying(CollectionDifference<Int>([
.remove(offset: base.count - 1, element: 3, associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: base.count, element: 4, associatedWith: nil)
suite.test("Fast applicator error boundary condition insert beyond end after non-tail removal") {
let base = [1, 2, 3]
expectEqual(nil, base.applying(CollectionDifference<Int>([
.remove(offset: base.count - 2, element: 2, associatedWith: nil),
.insert(offset: base.count, element: 4, associatedWith: nil)
suite.test("Fast applicator fuzzer") {
func makeArray() -> [Int] {
var arr = [Int]()
for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 0..<10) {
arr.append(Int.random(in: 0..<20))
return arr
for _ in 0..<1000 {
let a = makeArray()
let b = makeArray()
let d = b.difference(from: a)
let applied = a.applying(d)
if let applied = applied {
expectEqual(b, applied)
expectEqual(a, applied.applying(d.inverse()))
if (b != applied) {
// repro:
let a = \(a)
let b = \(b)
let d = b.difference(from: a)
expectEqual(b, a.applying(d))
expectEqual(a, applied.applying(d.inverse()))