blob: 3b40639b754580ad991dc02145ff95a9a474fbf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -enable-sil-verify-all %s -sil-combine -sil-combine-disable-alloc-stack-opts | %FileCheck %s
import Swift
import Builtin
// Declarations //
sil @unknown : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil @generic_callee_in : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@in T, @in U) -> ()
sil @generic_callee_inguaranteed : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@in_guaranteed T, @in_guaranteed U) -> ()
sil @callee : $@convention(thin) (Double, @in_guaranteed Int) -> ()
sil @noreturn_func : $@convention(thin) () -> Never
protocol Error {}
protocol SwiftP {
func foo()
class Klass {}
protocol FakeProtocol {
func requirement()
// Tests for SILCombinerApply. //
// Make sure that we handle partial_apply captured arguments correctly.
// We use custom types here to make it easier to pattern match with FileCheck.
struct S1 { var x: Builtin.NativeObject }
struct S2 { var x: Builtin.NativeObject }
struct S3 { var x: Builtin.NativeObject }
struct S4 { var x: Builtin.NativeObject }
struct S5 { var x: Builtin.NativeObject }
struct S6 { var x: Builtin.NativeObject }
struct S7 { var x: Builtin.NativeObject }
struct S8 { var x: Builtin.NativeObject }
sil @sil_combine_partial_apply_callee : $@convention(thin) (@in S1, @in S2, @in_guaranteed S3, @in_guaranteed S4, @inout S5, S6, @owned S7, @guaranteed S8) -> ()
// *NOTE PLEASE READ*. If this test case looks funny to you, it is b/c partial
// apply is funny. Specifically, even though a partial apply has the conventions
// of the function on it, arguments to the partial apply (that will be passed
// off to the function) must /always/ be passed in at +1. This is because the
// partial apply is building up a boxed aggregate to send off to the closed over
// function. Of course when you call the function, the proper conventions will
// be used.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @sil_combine_dead_partial_apply : $@convention(thin) (@in S2, @in S4, @inout S5, S6, @owned S7, @guaranteed S8) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[IN_ARG:%.*]] : $*S2, [[INGUARANTEED_ARG:%.*]] : $*S4, [[INOUT_ARG:%.*]] : $*S5, [[UNOWNED_ARG:%.*]] : $S6, [[OWNED_ARG:%.*]] : $S7, [[GUARANTEED_ARG:%.*]] : $S8):
// CHECK: function_ref unknown
// CHECK: [[UNKNOWN_FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @unknown
// CHECK-NEXT: [[IN_ADDRESS:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[INGUARANTEED_ADDRESS:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S3
// CHECK: [[IN_ADDRESS_1:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S1
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[IN_ADDRESS]] to [initialization] [[IN_ADDRESS_1]]
// CHECK: [[IN_ARG_1:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S2
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[IN_ARG]] to [initialization] [[IN_ARG_1]]
// CHECK: [[INGUARANTEED_ADDRESS_1:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S3
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[INGUARANTEED_ADDRESS]] to [initialization] [[INGUARANTEED_ADDRESS_1]]
// CHECK: [[INGUARANTEED_ARG_1:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S4
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[INGUARANTEED_ARG]] to [initialization] [[INGUARANTEED_ARG_1]]
// Then make sure that the destroys are placed after the destroy_value of the
// partial_apply (which is after this apply)...
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[IN_ADDRESS_1]]
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[IN_ARG_1]]
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[INGUARANTEED_ARG_1]]
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[INGUARANTEED_ARG_1]]
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[IN_ARG_1]]
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[IN_ADDRESS_1]]
// CHECK-NEXT: release_value [[UNOWNED_ARG]]
// CHECK-NEXT: release_value [[OWNED_ARG]]
// CHECK-NEXT: release_value [[GUARANTEED_ARG]]
// ... but before the function epilog.
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[IN_ADDRESS]]
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple
// CHECK-NEXT: return
// CHECK-NEXT: } // end sil function 'sil_combine_dead_partial_apply'
sil @sil_combine_dead_partial_apply : $@convention(thin) (@in S2, @in S4, @inout S5, S6, @owned S7, @guaranteed S8) -> () {
bb0(%1 : $*S2, %2 : $*S4, %4 : $*S5, %5 : $S6, %6 : $S7, %7 : $S8):
%8 = function_ref @unknown : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%9 = function_ref @sil_combine_partial_apply_callee : $@convention(thin) (@in S1, @in S2, @in_guaranteed S3, @in_guaranteed S4, @inout S5, S6, @owned S7, @guaranteed S8) -> ()
// This is for the @in alloc_stack case.
%10 = alloc_stack $S1
// This is for the @in_guaranteed alloc_stack case.
%11 = alloc_stack $S3
// Marker of space in between the alloc_stack and the partial_apply
apply %8() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
// Now call the partial apply. We use the "unknown" function call after the
// partial apply to ensure that we are truly placing releases at the partial
// applies release rather than right afterwards.
%102 = partial_apply %9(%10, %1, %11, %2, %4, %5, %6, %7) : $@convention(thin) (@in S1, @in S2, @in_guaranteed S3, @in_guaranteed S4, @inout S5, S6, @owned S7, @guaranteed S8) -> ()
// Marker of space in between partial_apply and the release of %102.
apply %8() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
strong_release %102 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
apply %8() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
// Epilog.
// Cleanup the stack locations.
dealloc_stack %11 : $*S3
dealloc_stack %10 : $*S1
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
sil @sil_combine_partial_apply_callee_2 : $@convention(thin) (@in S1) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @sil_combine_dead_partial_apply_non_overlapping_lifetime : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK-NEXT: function_ref unknown
// CHECK-NEXT: [[UNKNOWN_FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @unknown : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: br bb1
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [[ORIGINAL_ALLOC_STACK:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S1
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr [take] [[ORIGINAL_ALLOC_STACK]] to [initialization] [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
// CHECK-NEXT: cond_br undef, bb2, bb3
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK-NEXT: br bb4
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK-NEXT: br bb4
// CHECK: bb4:
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'sil_combine_dead_partial_apply_non_overlapping_lifetime'
sil @sil_combine_dead_partial_apply_non_overlapping_lifetime : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%3 = function_ref @unknown : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
br bb1
%0 = alloc_stack $S1
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%1 = function_ref @sil_combine_partial_apply_callee_2 : $@convention(thin) (@in S1) -> ()
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%2 = partial_apply %1(%0) : $@convention(thin) (@in S1) -> ()
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
dealloc_stack %0 : $*S1
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
cond_br undef, bb2, bb3
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
strong_release %2 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
br bb4
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
strong_release %2 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
br bb4
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%9999 = tuple()
apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
return %9999 : $()
sil @try_apply_func : $@convention(thin) () -> (Builtin.Int32, @error Error)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @sil_combine_dead_partial_apply_try_apply : $@convention(thin) () -> ((), @error Error) {
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK-NEXT: [[ORIGINAL_ALLOC_STACK:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK:%.*]] = alloc_stack $S1
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[NEW_ALLOC_STACK]]
// CHECK: bb5(
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple
// CHECK-NEXT: return
// CHECK: bb6(
// CHECK-NEXT: builtin "willThrow"
// CHECK-NEXT: throw
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'sil_combine_dead_partial_apply_try_apply'
sil @sil_combine_dead_partial_apply_try_apply : $@convention(thin) () -> ((), @error Error) {
br bb1
%0 = alloc_stack $S1
%1 = function_ref @sil_combine_partial_apply_callee_2 : $@convention(thin) (@in S1) -> ()
%2 = partial_apply %1(%0) : $@convention(thin) (@in S1) -> ()
dealloc_stack %0 : $*S1
cond_br undef, bb2, bb3
strong_release %2 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
%99991 = tuple()
br bb4
strong_release %2 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
%99992 = tuple()
br bb4
%3 = function_ref @try_apply_func : $@convention(thin) () -> (Builtin.Int32, @error Error)
try_apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> (Builtin.Int32, @error Error), normal bb5, error bb6
bb5(%4 : $Builtin.Int32):
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
bb6(%5 : $Error):
%6 = builtin "willThrow"(%5 : $Error) : $()
throw %5 : $Error
// Make sure that we do not optimize this case. If we do optimize this case,
// given the current algorithm which puts alloc_stack at the beginning/end of
// the function, we will have a fatal error.
sil @sil_combine_dead_partial_apply_with_opened_existential : $@convention(thin) () -> ((), @error Error) {
%0b = alloc_stack $SwiftP
%1 = open_existential_addr mutable_access %0b : $*SwiftP to $*@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP
%2 = witness_method $@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP,, %1 : $*@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP : $@convention(witness_method: SwiftP) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : SwiftP> (@in_guaranteed Ï„_0_0) -> ()
%0c = alloc_stack $@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP
%3 = partial_apply %2<@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP>(%0c) : $@convention(witness_method: SwiftP) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : SwiftP> (@in_guaranteed Ï„_0_0) -> ()
dealloc_stack %0c : $*@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP
strong_release %3 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
dealloc_stack %0b : $*SwiftP
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_generic_partial_apply_apply_in :
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG0:%.*]] : $*T, [[ARG1:%.*]] : $*T):
// CHECK: [[STACK:%.*]] = alloc_stack $T
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[ARG1]] to [initialization] [[STACK]]
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [[STACK3:%.*]] = alloc_stack $T
// CHECK: copy_addr [[STACK]] to [initialization] [[STACK3]]
// CHECK: apply {{%.*}}<T, T>([[ARG0]], [[STACK3]])
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK3]]
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[STACK]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'test_generic_partial_apply_apply_in'
sil @test_generic_partial_apply_apply_in : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T, @in T) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T):
%f1 = function_ref @generic_callee_in : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@in T, @in U) -> ()
%pa = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] %f1<T, T>(%1) : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@in T, @in U) -> ()
br bb1
%a1 = apply %pa(%0) : $@callee_guaranteed (@in T) -> ()
cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
strong_release %pa : $@callee_guaranteed (@in T) -> ()
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// Now check that we handle the in_guaranteed case.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_generic_partial_apply_apply_inguaranteed : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T, @in T) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG0:%.*]] : $*T, [[ARG1:%.*]] : $*T):
// CHECK: [[STACK:%.*]] = alloc_stack $T
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[ARG1]] to [initialization] [[STACK]]
// CHECK: apply {{%.*}}<T, T>([[ARG0]], [[STACK]])
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[STACK]]
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[ARG0]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'test_generic_partial_apply_apply_inguaranteed'
sil @test_generic_partial_apply_apply_inguaranteed : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T, @in T) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T):
%f1 = function_ref @generic_callee_inguaranteed : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@in_guaranteed T, @in_guaranteed U) -> ()
%pa = partial_apply %f1<T, T>(%1) : $@convention(thin) <T, U> (@in_guaranteed T, @in_guaranteed U) -> ()
%a1 = apply %pa(%0) : $@callee_owned (@in_guaranteed T) -> ()
destroy_addr %0 : $*T
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @sil_combine_applied_partialapply_to_apply_with_dependent_type : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed SwiftP) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}}):
// CHECK: [[EX:%.*]] = open_existential_addr
// CHECK: [[METHOD:%.*]] = witness_method
// CHECK: [[STACK1:%.*]] = alloc_stack $@opened
// CHECK: copy_addr [[EX]] to [initialization] [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: [[STACK2:%.*]] = alloc_stack $@opened
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[STACK1]] to [initialization] [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: apply [[METHOD]]<@opened{{.*}}>([[STACK2]])
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'sil_combine_applied_partialapply_to_apply_with_dependent_type'
sil @sil_combine_applied_partialapply_to_apply_with_dependent_type : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed SwiftP) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*SwiftP):
%1 = open_existential_addr immutable_access %0 : $*SwiftP to $*@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP
%2 = witness_method $@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP,, %1 : $*@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP : $@convention(witness_method: SwiftP) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : SwiftP> (@in_guaranteed Ï„_0_0) -> ()
%0c = alloc_stack $@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP
copy_addr %1 to [initialization] %0c : $*@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP
%3 = partial_apply %2<@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP>(%0c) : $@convention(witness_method: SwiftP) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : SwiftP> (@in_guaranteed Ï„_0_0) -> ()
dealloc_stack %0c : $*@opened("3305E696-5685-11E5-9393-B8E856428C60") SwiftP
%4 = apply %3() : $@callee_owned () -> ()
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
protocol MutatingProto {
mutating func mutatingMethod()
struct MStruct : MutatingProto {
var somevar: Builtin.Int32
mutating func mutatingMethod()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_replace_copied_self_in_mutating_method_call
sil @dont_replace_copied_self_in_mutating_method_call : $@convention(thin) (MStruct) -> (@out MutatingProto) {
bb0(%0 : $*MutatingProto, %1 : $MStruct):
%2 = alloc_stack $MutatingProto
%4 = init_existential_addr %2 : $*MutatingProto, $MStruct
store %1 to %4 : $*MStruct
%9 = alloc_stack $MutatingProto
copy_addr %2 to [initialization] %9 : $*MutatingProto
// CHECK: [[E:%[0-9]+]] = open_existential_addr
%11 = open_existential_addr mutable_access %9 : $*MutatingProto to $*@opened("FC5F3CFA-A7A4-11E7-911F-685B35C48C83") MutatingProto
// CHECK: [[M:%[0-9]+]] = witness_method $MStruct,
%12 = witness_method $@opened("FC5F3CFA-A7A4-11E7-911F-685B35C48C83") MutatingProto, #MutatingProto.mutatingMethod : <Self where Self : MutatingProto> (inout Self) -> () -> (), %11 : $*@opened("FC5F3CFA-A7A4-11E7-911F-685B35C48C83") MutatingProto : $@convention(witness_method: MutatingProto) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : MutatingProto> (@inout Ï„_0_0) -> ()
// CHECK: [[C:%[0-9]+]] = unchecked_addr_cast [[E]] : $*@opened("FC5F3CFA-A7A4-11E7-911F-685B35C48C83") MutatingProto to $*MStruct
// CHECK: apply [[M]]<MStruct>([[C]]) :
%13 = apply %12<@opened("FC5F3CFA-A7A4-11E7-911F-685B35C48C83") MutatingProto>(%11) : $@convention(witness_method: MutatingProto) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : MutatingProto> (@inout Ï„_0_0) -> ()
copy_addr [take] %9 to [initialization] %0 : $*MutatingProto
dealloc_stack %9 : $*MutatingProto
destroy_addr %2 : $*MutatingProto
dealloc_stack %2 : $*MutatingProto
%27 = tuple ()
return %27 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_replace_copied_self_in_mutating_method_call2
sil @dont_replace_copied_self_in_mutating_method_call2 : $@convention(thin) (@thick MutatingProto.Type) -> (@out MutatingProto) {
bb0(%0 : $*MutatingProto, %1 : $@thick MutatingProto.Type):
%alloc1 = alloc_stack $MutatingProto, let, name "p"
%openType = open_existential_metatype %1 : $@thick MutatingProto.Type to $@thick (@opened("66A6DAFC-AF78-11E7-8F3B-28CFE9213F4F") MutatingProto).Type
%initType = init_existential_addr %alloc1 : $*MutatingProto, $@opened("66A6DAFC-AF78-11E7-8F3B-28CFE9213F4F") MutatingProto
%alloc2 = alloc_stack $MutatingProto
copy_addr %alloc1 to [initialization] %alloc2 : $*MutatingProto
%oeaddr = open_existential_addr mutable_access %alloc2 : $*MutatingProto to $*@opened("6E02DCF6-AF78-11E7-8F3B-28CFE9213F4F") MutatingProto
%witmethod = witness_method $@opened("66A6DAFC-AF78-11E7-8F3B-28CFE9213F4F") MutatingProto, #MutatingProto.mutatingMethod : <Self where Self : MutatingProto> (inout Self) -> () -> (), %openType : $@thick (@opened("66A6DAFC-AF78-11E7-8F3B-28CFE9213F4F") MutatingProto).Type : $@convention(witness_method: MutatingProto) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : MutatingProto> (@inout Ï„_0_0) -> ()
// CHECK: apply {{%.*}}<@opened("6E02DCF6-AF78-11E7-8F3B-28CFE9213F4F") MutatingProto>({{%.*}}) : $@convention(witness_method: MutatingProto) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : MutatingProto> (@inout Ï„_0_0) -> () // type-defs
%apply = apply %witmethod<@opened("6E02DCF6-AF78-11E7-8F3B-28CFE9213F4F") MutatingProto>(%oeaddr) : $@convention(witness_method: MutatingProto) <Ï„_0_0 where Ï„_0_0 : MutatingProto> (@inout Ï„_0_0) -> ()
dealloc_stack %alloc2 : $*MutatingProto
dealloc_stack %alloc1 : $*MutatingProto
%27 = tuple ()
return %27 : $()
sil @helperForOptimizeApplyOfConvertFunction : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32
// Test function_ref -> thin_to_thick -> convert_function with indirect results.
// (we currently bail on it).
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @testOptimizeApplyOfConvertFunction : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32 {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*Builtin.Int32, %1 : $*Builtin.Int8):
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = function_ref @helperForOptimizeApplyOfConvertFunction : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32
// CHECK: [[TTF:%.*]] = thin_to_thick_function [[FN]] : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32 to $@noescape @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = apply [[TTF]](%0, %1) : $@noescape @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = tuple ()
// CHECK: return %{{.*}} : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: } // end sil function 'testOptimizeApplyOfConvertFunction'
sil @testOptimizeApplyOfConvertFunction : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $*Builtin.Int32, %1 : $*Builtin.Int8):
%2 = function_ref @helperForOptimizeApplyOfConvertFunction : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32
%3 = thin_to_thick_function %2 : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32 to $@callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32
%4 = convert_escape_to_noescape %3 : $@callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32 to $@noescape @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32
%18 = apply %4(%0, %1) : $@noescape @callee_owned (@in Builtin.Int8) -> @out Builtin.Int32
%29 = tuple ()
return %29 : $()
sil @actually_not_throwing: $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> (@owned Builtin.Int32, @error Error)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @remove_throwing_thin_to_not_throwing_thick_conversion
// CHECK: [[FN:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref
// CHECK: apply [nothrow] [[FN]](%0)
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'remove_throwing_thin_to_not_throwing_thick_conversion'
sil @remove_throwing_thin_to_not_throwing_thick_conversion : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> @owned Builtin.Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int32):
%2 = function_ref @actually_not_throwing : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> (@owned Builtin.Int32, @error Error)
%3 = thin_to_thick_function %2 : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> (@owned Builtin.Int32, @error Error) to $@callee_guaranteed (Builtin.Int32) -> @owned Builtin.Int32
%5 = apply %3(%0) : $@callee_guaranteed (Builtin.Int32) -> @owned Builtin.Int32
return %5 : $Builtin.Int32
sil @testCombineClosureHelper : $(Builtin.Int32) -> ()
// Test function_ref -> partial_apply -> convert_function -> apply.
// Where the convert_function only affects @noescape.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @testCombineClosureNoescape : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int32):
// CHECK: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @testCombineClosureHelper : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
// CHECK: apply [[F]](%0) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: } // end sil function 'testCombineClosureNoescape'
sil @testCombineClosureNoescape : $(Builtin.Int32) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int32):
%49 = function_ref @testCombineClosureHelper : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
%50 = partial_apply %49(%0) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
%51 = convert_escape_to_noescape %50 : $@callee_owned () -> () to $@noescape @callee_owned () -> ()
apply %51() : $@noescape @callee_owned () -> ()
%empty = tuple ()
return %empty : $()
// Test function_ref -> partial_apply -> convert_function -> try_apply.
// This is not currently combined because we don't know how to reform the
// try_apply with a different type.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @testCombineClosureConvert : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int32):
// CHECK: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @testCombineClosureHelper : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply [[F]](%0) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
// CHECK: [[CVT1:%.*]] = convert_escape_to_noescape [[PA]] : $@callee_owned () -> () to $@noescape @callee_owned () -> ()
// CHECK: [[CVT2:%.*]] = convert_function [[CVT1]] : $@noescape @callee_owned () -> () to $@noescape @callee_owned () -> @error Error
// CHECK: try_apply [[CVT2]]() : $@noescape @callee_owned () -> @error Error, normal bb1, error bb2
// CHECK-LABEL: } // end sil function 'testCombineClosureConvert'
sil @testCombineClosureConvert : $(Builtin.Int32) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int32):
%49 = function_ref @testCombineClosureHelper : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
%50 = partial_apply %49(%0) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32) -> ()
%51 = convert_escape_to_noescape %50 : $@callee_owned () -> () to $@noescape @callee_owned () -> ()
%52 = convert_function %51 : $@noescape @callee_owned () -> () to $@noescape @callee_owned () -> @error Error
try_apply %52() : $@noescape @callee_owned () -> @error Error, normal bb7, error bb11
bb7(%callret : $()):
br bb99
bb11(%128 : $Error):
br bb99
%empty = tuple ()
return %empty : $()
class C {}
sil @guaranteed_closure : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_guaranteed_closure
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : $C):
// CHECK: strong_retain [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @guaranteed_closure
// CHECK: strong_retain [[ARG]]
// CHECK: [[C:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [[F]]([[ARG]])
// CHECK: apply [[F]]
// Don't release the closure context -- it is @callee_guaranteed.
// CHECK-NOT: strong_release [[C]] : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
// CHECK: strong_release [[ARG]]
// CHECK-NOT: strong_release [[C]] : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
// CHECK: return [[C]]
sil @test_guaranteed_closure : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> @owned @callee_guaranteed () -> () {
bb0(%0: $C):
strong_retain %0 : $C
%closure_fun = function_ref @guaranteed_closure : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> ()
%closure = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] %closure_fun(%0) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> ()
apply %closure() : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
return %closure : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
sil @guaranteed_closure_throws : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C, Builtin.Int32) -> @error Error
// CHECK: sil @test_guaranteed_closure_try_apply
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $C, %1 : $Builtin.Int32):
// CHECK: strong_retain %0 : $C
// CHECK: [[FUN:%.*]] = function_ref @guaranteed_closure_throws
// CHECK: [[CL:%.*]] = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [[FUN]](%1)
// CHECK: try_apply [[FUN]](%0, %1)
// CHECK: bb1({{.*}}):
// CHECK-NOT: strong_release
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb2({{.*}}):
// CHECK-NOT: strong_release
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: return [[CL]]
sil @test_guaranteed_closure_try_apply : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C, Builtin.Int32) -> @owned @callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed C) -> @error Error {
bb0(%0: $C, %1: $Builtin.Int32):
strong_retain %0 : $C
%closure_fun = function_ref @guaranteed_closure_throws : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C, Builtin.Int32) -> @error Error
%closure = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] %closure_fun(%1) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C, Builtin.Int32) -> @error Error
try_apply %closure(%0) : $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed C) -> @error Error, normal bb7, error bb11
bb7(%callret : $()):
br bb99
bb11(%128 : $Error):
br bb99
return %closure : $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed C) -> @error Error
// Make sure convert_function -> apply does the right thing with metatypes
class Base {}
class Derived {}
sil @takesMetatype : $@convention(thin) (@thick Base.Type) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @passesMetatype
// CHECK: [[METATYPE:%.*]] = metatype $@thick Derived.Type
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = function_ref @takesMetatype
// CHECK: [[CONVERTED:%.*]] = unchecked_trivial_bit_cast [[METATYPE]] : $@thick Derived.Type to $@thick Base.Type
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = apply [[FN]]([[CONVERTED]])
sil @passesMetatype : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%metatype = metatype $@thick Derived.Type
%fn = function_ref @takesMetatype : $@convention(thin) (@thick Base.Type) -> ()
%converted = convert_function %fn : $@convention(thin) (@thick Base.Type) -> () to $@convention(thin) (@thick Derived.Type) -> ()
%result = apply %converted(%metatype) : $@convention(thin) (@thick Derived.Type) -> ()
%return = tuple ()
return %return : $()
sil shared [transparent] [thunk] @genericClosure : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> @out T {
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T):
%12 = tuple ()
return %12 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @genericThinToThick : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
// CHECK: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @genericClosure : $@convention(thin) <Ï„_0_0> (@in Ï„_0_0) -> @out Ï„_0_0
// CHECK: apply [[F]]<Builtin.Int64>(%{{.*}}, %{{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) <Ï„_0_0> (@in Ï„_0_0) -> @out Ï„_0_0
// CHECK-LABEL: } // end sil function 'genericThinToThick'
sil shared @genericThinToThick : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%fn = function_ref @genericClosure : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> @out T
%thick = thin_to_thick_function %fn : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> @out T to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed <T> (@in T) -> @out T
%in = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
%out = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
%c3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
store %c3 to %in : $*Builtin.Int64
%call = apply %thick<Builtin.Int64>(%out, %in) : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed <T> (@in T) -> @out T
dealloc_stack %out : $*Builtin.Int64
dealloc_stack %in : $*Builtin.Int64
%999 = tuple ()
return %999 : $()
sil shared [transparent] [thunk] @indirectClosure : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64 {
bb0(%0 : $*Builtin.Int64, %1 : $*Builtin.Int64):
%val = load %1 : $*Builtin.Int64
store %val to %0 : $*Builtin.Int64
%999 = tuple ()
return %999 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @appliedEscapeToNoEscape : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @indirectClosure : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64 // user: %5
// CHECK: apply [[F]](%{{.*}}, %{{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
sil shared @appliedEscapeToNoEscape : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%fn = function_ref @indirectClosure : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
%pa = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] %fn() : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
%cvt = convert_escape_to_noescape %pa : $@callee_guaranteed (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64 to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
%out = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
%in = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
%c3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
store %c3 to %in : $*Builtin.Int64
%call = apply %cvt(%out, %in) : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
dealloc_stack %in : $*Builtin.Int64
dealloc_stack %out : $*Builtin.Int64
strong_release %pa : $@callee_guaranteed (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
%999 = tuple ()
return %999 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @applied_on_stack : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [[F:%.*]] = function_ref @indirectClosure : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
// CHECK: [[STK:%.*]] = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
// CHECK: [[STK2:%.*]] = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
// CHECK: [[I:%.*]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
// CHECK: store [[I]] to [[STK2]] : $*Builtin.Int64
// CHECK: apply [[F]]([[STK]], [[STK2]]) : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STK2]] : $*Builtin.Int64
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STK]] : $*Builtin.Int64
// CHECK: return %8 : $()
sil shared @applied_on_stack : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%fn = function_ref @indirectClosure : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
%pa = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack] %fn() : $@convention(thin) (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
%out = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
%in = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int64
%c3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
store %c3 to %in : $*Builtin.Int64
%call = apply %pa(%out, %in) : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
dealloc_stack %in : $*Builtin.Int64
dealloc_stack %out : $*Builtin.Int64
dealloc_stack %pa : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed (@in Builtin.Int64) -> @out Builtin.Int64
%999 = tuple ()
return %999 : $()
sil @guaranteed_closure_throws2 : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, @guaranteed C) -> @error Error
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_guaranteed_closure_try_apply_on_stack
// CHECK: bb0
// CHECK: strong_retain
// CHECK: try_apply
// CHECK: bb1
// CHECK: strong_release
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb2
// CHECK: strong_release
// CHECK: br bb3
sil @test_guaranteed_closure_try_apply_on_stack : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C, Builtin.Int32) -> () {
bb0(%0: $C, %1: $Builtin.Int32):
strong_retain %0 : $C
%closure_fun = function_ref @guaranteed_closure_throws2 : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, @guaranteed C) -> @error Error
%closure = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] [on_stack] %closure_fun(%0) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, @guaranteed C) -> @error Error
try_apply %closure(%1) : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed (Builtin.Int32) -> @error Error, normal bb7, error bb11
bb7(%callret : $()):
dealloc_stack %closure : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed (Builtin.Int32) -> @error Error
strong_release %0: $C
br bb99
bb11(%128 : $Error):
dealloc_stack %closure : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed (Builtin.Int32) -> @error Error
strong_release %0: $C
br bb99
%t = tuple()
return %t : $()
sil @convert_function_simplification_callee : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Klass):
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
sil @convert_function_simplification_callee_with_error : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error {
bb0(%0 : $Klass):
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @convert_function_simplification_caller : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @convert_function_simplification_callee : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> ()
// CHECK: apply [[FUNC]]({{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> ()
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @convert_function_simplification_callee_with_error : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error
// CHECK: apply [nothrow] [[FUNC]]({{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'convert_function_simplification_caller'
sil @convert_function_simplification_caller : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Klass):
%1 = function_ref @convert_function_simplification_callee : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> ()
%2 = thin_to_thick_function %1 : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> () to $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed Klass) -> ()
%3 = convert_function %2 : $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed Klass) -> () to $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error
%4 = apply [nothrow] %3(%0) : $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error
%5 = function_ref @convert_function_simplification_callee_with_error : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error
%6 = thin_to_thick_function %5 : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error to $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error
%7 = convert_function %6 : $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error to $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error
%8 = apply [nothrow] %7(%0) : $@callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed Klass) -> @error Error
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
// (apply partial_apply()) tests //
class CC1 {
class CC2 {
class CC3 {
class CC4 {
sil @closure_with_in_args : $@convention(method) (@in CC1) -> ()
sil @closure_with_inguaranteed_args : $@convention(method) (@in_guaranteed CC1) -> ()
sil @closure_with_owned_args : $@convention(method) (@owned CC1) -> ()
sil @closure_with_guaranteed_args : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed CC1) -> ()
// Test the peephole performing apply{partial_apply(x, y, z)}(a) -> apply(a, x, y, z)
// We need to check the following:
// - All arguments of a partial_apply, which are either results of a stack_alloc
// or consumed indirect arguments should be copied into temporaries. This should
// happen just before that partial_apply instruction.
// - Before each apply of the partial_apply, we retain values of any arguments
// which are of non-address type. This is required because they could be
// consumed (i.e. released by the callee).
// - After each apply of the partial_apply, we release values of any arguments
// which are non-consumed by the callee (e.g. @guaranteed ones)
// We do this separately for each type of argument.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_apply_of_partial_apply_in : $@convention(thin) (@in CC1) -> () {
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref
// CHECK: [[STACK1:%.*]] = alloc_stack $CC1
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] %0 to [initialization] [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [[STACK2:%.*]] = alloc_stack $CC1
// CHECK: copy_addr [[STACK1]] to [initialization] [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: apply [[FUNC]]([[STACK2]])
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'test_apply_of_partial_apply_in'
sil @test_apply_of_partial_apply_in : $@convention(thin) (@in CC1) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*CC1):
%1 = function_ref @closure_with_in_args : $@convention(method) (@in CC1) -> ()
%3 = partial_apply %1(%0) : $@convention(method) (@in CC1) -> ()
cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
strong_release %3 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
br bb3
apply %3() : $@callee_owned () -> ()
br bb3
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_apply_of_partial_apply_inguaranteed : $@convention(thin) (@in CC1) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] :
// CHECK: [[STACK1:%.*]] = alloc_stack $CC1
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[ARG]] to [initialization] [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: [[STACK2:%.*]] = alloc_stack $CC1
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] [[STACK1]] to [initialization] [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: apply {{%.*}}([[STACK2]]) : $@convention(method) (@in_guaranteed CC1) -> ()
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK2]]
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STACK1]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'test_apply_of_partial_apply_inguaranteed'
sil @test_apply_of_partial_apply_inguaranteed : $@convention(thin) (@in CC1) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*CC1):
%1 = function_ref @closure_with_inguaranteed_args : $@convention(method) (@in_guaranteed CC1) -> ()
%2 = alloc_stack $CC1
copy_addr [take] %0 to [initialization] %2 : $*CC1
%3 = partial_apply %1(%2) : $@convention(method) (@in_guaranteed CC1) -> ()
cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
strong_release %3 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
br bb3
apply %3() : $@callee_owned () -> ()
br bb3
dealloc_stack %2 : $*CC1
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_apply_of_partial_apply_owned : $@convention(thin) (@in CC1) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] :
// CHECK: [[LOAD_ARG:%.*]] = load [[ARG]]
// CHECK: cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: strong_release [[LOAD_ARG]]
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: strong_retain [[LOAD_ARG]]
// CHECK: apply {{%.*}}([[LOAD_ARG]]) : $@convention(method) (@owned CC1) -> ()
// CHECK: strong_release [[LOAD_ARG]]
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'test_apply_of_partial_apply_owned'
sil @test_apply_of_partial_apply_owned : $@convention(thin) (@in CC1) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*CC1):
%1 = function_ref @closure_with_owned_args : $@convention(method) (@owned CC1) -> ()
%2 = load %0 : $*CC1
%3 = partial_apply %1(%2) : $@convention(method) (@owned CC1) -> ()
cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
strong_release %3 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
br bb3
apply %3() : $@callee_owned () -> ()
br bb3
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_apply_of_partial_apply_guaranteed : $@convention(thin) (@in CC1) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] :
// CHECK: [[LOAD_ARG:%.*]] = load [[ARG]]
// CHECK: cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: strong_release [[LOAD_ARG]]
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: apply {{%.*}}([[LOAD_ARG]]) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed CC1) -> ()
// CHECK: strong_release [[LOAD_ARG]]
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: } // end sil function 'test_apply_of_partial_apply_guaranteed'
sil @test_apply_of_partial_apply_guaranteed : $@convention(thin) (@in CC1) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*CC1):
%1 = function_ref @closure_with_guaranteed_args : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed CC1) -> ()
%2 = load %0 : $*CC1
%3 = partial_apply %1(%2) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed CC1) -> ()
cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
strong_release %3 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
br bb3
apply %3() : $@callee_owned () -> ()
br bb3
%9999 = tuple()
return %9999 : $()
// Test if we insert the right stack/dealloc-stack when converting apply{partial_apply}.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_stack_insertion_for_partial_apply_apply
// CHECK: bb0({{.*}}):
// CHECK-NEXT: alloc_stack $Bool
// CHECK-NEXT: [[S1:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $Int
// CHECK: store %0 to [[S1]]
// CHECK: [[S2:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $Int
// CHECK: copy_addr [[S1]] to [initialization] [[S2]]
// CHECK: apply {{.*}}(%1, [[S2]])
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[S2]] : $*Int
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[S2]] : $*Int
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[S1]] : $*Int
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK-NOT: dealloc_stack
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: dealloc_stack {{.*}} : $*Bool
// CHECK: return
sil @test_stack_insertion_for_partial_apply_apply : $@convention(thin) (Int, Double) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $Double):
%s1 = alloc_stack $Bool
%s2 = alloc_stack $Int
store %0 to %s2 : $*Int
%f1 = function_ref @callee : $@convention(thin) (Double, @in_guaranteed Int) -> ()
%pa = partial_apply %f1(%s2) : $@convention(thin) (Double, @in_guaranteed Int) -> ()
dealloc_stack %s2 : $*Int
%a1 = apply %pa(%1) : $@callee_owned (Double) -> ()
cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
%f2 = function_ref @noreturn_func : $@convention(thin) () -> Never
%a2 = apply %f2() : $@convention(thin) () -> Never
dealloc_stack %s1 : $*Bool
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_existential_partial_apply_apply
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*FakeProtocol):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[OPEN:%.*]] = open_existential_addr immutable_access
// CHECK-NEXT: [[FN:%.*]] = witness_method
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[FN]]<@opened("5DD6F3D0-808A-11E6-93A0-34363BD08DA0") FakeProtocol>([[OPEN]])
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple
// CHECK-NEXT: return
sil @test_existential_partial_apply_apply : $@convention(thin) (@in FakeProtocol) -> () {
bb0(%0: $*FakeProtocol):
%o = open_existential_addr immutable_access %0 : $*FakeProtocol to $*@opened("5DD6F3D0-808A-11E6-93A0-34363BD08DA0") FakeProtocol
%f1 = witness_method $@opened("5DD6F3D0-808A-11E6-93A0-34363BD08DA0") FakeProtocol, #FakeProtocol.requirement, %o : $*@opened("5DD6F3D0-808A-11E6-93A0-34363BD08DA0") FakeProtocol : $@convention(witness_method: FakeProtocol) <T where T : FakeProtocol> (@in_guaranteed T) -> ()
%pa = partial_apply %f1<@opened("5DD6F3D0-808A-11E6-93A0-34363BD08DA0") FakeProtocol>() : $@convention(witness_method: FakeProtocol) <T where T : FakeProtocol> (@in_guaranteed T) -> ()
%a1 = apply %pa(%o) : $@callee_owned (@in_guaranteed @opened("5DD6F3D0-808A-11E6-93A0-34363BD08DA0") FakeProtocol) -> ()
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// Test `partial_apply` with a `@convention(method)` callee.
// Rewriting `partial_apply` to `thin_to_thick_function` is not okay because
// `thin_to_thick_function` supports only `@convention(thin)` operands.
sil @method : $@convention(method) (Int32) -> ()
sil @test_partial_apply_method : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned @callee_owned (Int32) -> () {
%1 = function_ref @method : $@convention(method) (Int32) -> ()
%2 = partial_apply %1() : $@convention(method) (Int32) -> ()
return %2 : $@callee_owned (Int32) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_partial_apply_method
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = function_ref @method
// CHECK-NEXT: partial_apply [[FN]]()
// CHECK-NEXT: return
sil [noinline] @$foo : $@convention(thin) (@owned { var Int64 }) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [noinline] @$testdeadpartialapply :
// CHECK-NOT: partial_apply
// CHECK-LABEL: } // end sil function '$testdeadpartialapply'
sil private [noinline] @$testdeadpartialapply : $@convention(thin) (@owned { var Int64 }) -> () {
bb0(%0 : ${ var Int64 }):
%3 = function_ref @$foo : $@convention(thin) (@owned { var Int64 }) -> ()
%5 = partial_apply [callee_guaranteed] %3(%0) : $@convention(thin) (@owned { var Int64 }) -> ()
cond_br undef, bb1, bb2
strong_retain %0 : ${ var Int64 }
strong_retain %5 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
strong_retain %0 : ${ var Int64 }
strong_retain %5 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
br bb3
strong_release %5 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
strong_release %5 : $@callee_guaranteed () -> ()
strong_release %0 : ${ var Int64 }
%rv = tuple()
return %rv : $()