blob: d593786a3afa07ed398d4b26cae0b940f52e56dd [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -enable-experimental-static-assert -emit-sil %s -verify
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -enable-experimental-static-assert -emit-sil %s -verify
// REQUIRES: asserts
// Basic function calls and control flow
func isOne(_ x: Int) -> Bool {
return x == 1
func test_assertionSuccess() {
#assert(isOne(1), "1 is not 1")
func test_assertionFailure() {
#assert(isOne(2)) // expected-error{{assertion failed}}
#assert(isOne(2), "2 is not 1") // expected-error{{2 is not 1}}
func test_nonConstant() {
#assert(isOne(Int(readLine()!)!)) // expected-error{{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note@-1 {{encountered call to 'isOne(_:)' where the 1st argument is not a constant}}
#assert(isOne(Int(readLine()!)!), "input is not 1") // expected-error{{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note@-1 {{encountered call to 'isOne(_:)' where the 1st argument is not a constant}}
func loops1(a: Int) -> Int {
var x = 42
while x <= 42 {
x += a
} // expected-note {{found loop here}}
return x
func loops2(a: Int) -> Int {
var x = 42
for i in 0 ... a {
x += i
return x
func infiniteLoop() -> Int {
// expected-note @+2 {{condition always evaluates to true}}
// expected-note @+1 {{found loop here}}
while true {}
// expected-warning @+1 {{will never be executed}}
return 1
func test_loops() {
// expected-error @+2 {{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note @+1 {{control-flow loop found during evaluation}}
#assert(loops1(a: 20000) > 42)
// expected-error @+2 {{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note @+1 {{encountered operation not supported by the evaluator}}
#assert(loops2(a: 20000) > 42)
// expected-error @+2 {{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note @+1 {{control-flow loop found during evaluation}}
#assert(infiniteLoop() == 1)
func conditional(_ x: Int) -> Int {
if x < 0 {
return 0
} else {
return x
func test_conditional() {
#assert(conditional(-5) == 0)
#assert(conditional(5) == 5)
// expected-error @+1 {{assertion failed}}
#assert(conditional(-5) == 1)
// expected-error @+1 {{assertion failed}}
#assert(conditional(5) == 1)
// Top-level evaluation
func test_topLevelEvaluation(topLevelArgument: Int) {
let topLevelConst = 1
#assert(topLevelConst == 1)
// The #assert successfully sees the value of this `var` even though it is
// mutable because DiagnosticConstantPropagation propagates its value.
var topLevelVar = 1 // expected-warning {{never mutated}}
#assert(topLevelVar == 1)
// expected-note @+1 {{cannot evaluate top-level value as constant here}}
var topLevelVarConditionallyMutated = 1
if topLevelVarConditionallyMutated < 0 {
topLevelVarConditionallyMutated += 1
// expected-error @+1 {{#assert condition not constant}}
#assert(topLevelVarConditionallyMutated == 1)
// expected-error @+1 {{#assert condition not constant}}
#assert(topLevelArgument == 1)
// expected-note@-1 {{cannot evaluate expression as constant here}}
// Integers
func test_trapsAndOverflows() {
// The error message below is generated by the traditional constant folder.
// The interpreter responsible for #assert does not generate an overflow
// error because the traditional constant folder replaces the condition with
// a constant before the #assert interpreter sees it.
// expected-error @+1 {{arithmetic operation '124 + 92' (on type 'Int8') results in an overflow}}
#assert((124 as Int8) + 92 < 42)
// One error message below is generated by the traditional constant folder.
// The interpreter responsible for #assert does generate an additional error
// message.
// expected-error @+2 {{integer literal '123231' overflows when stored into 'Int8'}}
// expected-error @+1 {{#assert condition not constant}}
#assert(Int8(123231) > 42)
// expected-note @-1 {{integer overflow detected}}
// The error message below is generated by the traditional constant folder.
// The interpreter responsible for #assert does not generate an overflow
// error because the traditional constant folder replaces the condition with
// a constant before the #assert interpreter sees it.
// expected-error @+2 {{arithmetic operation '124 + 8' (on type 'Int8') results in an overflow}}
// expected-error @+1 {{assertion failed}}
#assert(Int8(124) + 8 > 42)
// Calling this stops the traditional mandatory constant folder from folding
// the arithmetic before ConstExpr.cpp gets it.
func identity(_ x: Int) -> Int {
return x
func test_integerArithmetic() {
#assert(identity(1) + 1 == 2)
#assert(identity(1) - 1 == 0)
#assert(identity(2) * 2 == 4)
#assert(identity(10) / 10 == 1)
#assert(identity(10) % 7 == 3)
#assert(identity(1) < 2)
#assert(identity(1) <= 1)
#assert(identity(2) > 1)
#assert(identity(1) >= 1)
// Custom structs and tuples
struct CustomStruct {
let x: (Int, Int)
let y: Int
func test_CustomStruct() {
let cs = CustomStruct(x: (1, 2), y: 3)
#assert(cs.x.0 == 1)
#assert(cs.x.1 == 2)
#assert(cs.y == 3)
// Mutation
struct InnerStruct {
var a, b: Int
struct MutableStruct {
var x: InnerStruct
var y: Int
func addOne(to target: inout Int) {
target += 1
func callInout() -> Bool {
var myMs = MutableStruct(x: InnerStruct(a: 1, b: 2), y: 3)
addOne(to: &myMs.x.a)
addOne(to: &myMs.y)
return (myMs.x.a + myMs.x.b + myMs.y) == 8
func replaceAggregate() -> Bool {
var myMs = MutableStruct(x: InnerStruct(a: 1, b: 2), y: 3)
myMs.x = InnerStruct(a: 10, b: 20)
return myMs.x.a == 10 && myMs.x.b == 20 && myMs.y == 3
func shouldNotAlias() -> Bool {
var x = 1
var y = x
x += 1
y += 2
return x == 2 && y == 3
func invokeMutationTests() {
// Evaluating generic functions
func genericAdd<T: Numeric>(_ a: T, _ b: T) -> T {
return a + b
func test_genericAdd() {
#assert(genericAdd(1, 1) == 2)
func test_tupleAsGeneric() {
func identity<T>(_ t: T) -> T {
return t
#assert(identity((1, 2)) == (1, 2))
// Reduced testcase propagating substitutions around.
protocol SubstitutionsP {
init<T: SubstitutionsP>(something: T)
func get() -> Int
struct SubstitutionsX : SubstitutionsP {
var state : Int
init<T: SubstitutionsP>(something: T) {
state = something.get()
func get() -> Int {
func getState() -> Int {
return state
struct SubstitutionsY : SubstitutionsP {
init() {}
init<T: SubstitutionsP>(something: T) {
func get() -> Int {
return 123
func substitutionsF<T: SubstitutionsP>(_: T.Type) -> T {
return T(something: SubstitutionsY())
func testProto() {
#assert(substitutionsF(SubstitutionsX.self).getState() == 123)
// Structs with generics
// Test 1
struct S<X, Y> {
func method<Z>(_ z: Z) -> Int {
return 0
func callerOfSMethod<U, V, W>(_ s: S<U, V>, _ w: W) -> Int {
return s.method(w)
func toplevel() {
let s = S<Int, Float>()
#assert(callerOfSMethod(s, -1) == 0)
// Test 2: test a struct method returning its generic argument.
struct S2<X> {
func method<Z>(_ z: Z) -> Z {
return z
func callerOfS2Method<U, V>(_ s: S2<U>, _ v: V) -> V {
return s.method(v)
func testStructMethodReturningGenericParam() {
let s = S2<Float>()
#assert(callerOfS2Method(s, -1) == -1)
// Test that the order in which the generic parameters are declared doesn't
// affect the interpreter.
protocol Proto {
func amethod<U>(_ u: U) -> Int
func callMethod<U, T: Proto>(_ a: T, _ u: U) -> Int {
return a.amethod(u)
// Test 1
struct Sp : Proto {
func amethod<U>(_ u: U) -> Int {
return 0
func testProtocolMethod() {
let s = Sp()
#assert(callMethod(s, 10) == 0)
// Test 2
struct GenericS<P>: Proto {
func amethod<U>(_ u: U) -> Int {
return 12
func testProtocolMethodForGenericStructs() {
let s = GenericS<Int>()
#assert(callMethod(s, 10) == 12)
// Test 3 (with generic fields)
struct GenericS2<P: Equatable>: Proto {
var fld1: P
var fld2: P
init(_ p: P, _ q: P) {
fld1 = p
fld2 = q
func amethod<U>(_ u: U) -> Int {
if (fld1 == fld2) {
return 15
return 0
func testProtocolMethodForStructsWithGenericFields() {
let s = GenericS2<Int>(1, 1)
#assert(callMethod(s, 10) == 15)
// Structs with generics and protocols with associated types.
protocol ProtoWithAssocType {
associatedtype U
func amethod(_ u: U) -> U
struct St<X, Y> : ProtoWithAssocType {
typealias U = X
func amethod(_ x: X) -> X {
return x
func callerOfStMethod<P, Q>(_ s: St<P, Q>, _ p: P) -> P {
return s.amethod(p)
func testProtoWithAssocTypes() {
let s = St<Int, Float>()
#assert(callerOfStMethod(s, 11) == 11)
// Test 2: test a protocol method returning its generic argument.
protocol ProtoWithGenericMethod {
func amethod<U>(_ u: U) -> U
struct SProtoWithGenericMethod<X> : ProtoWithGenericMethod {
func amethod<Z>(_ z: Z) -> Z {
return z
func callerOfGenericProtoMethod<S: ProtoWithGenericMethod, V>(_ s: S,
_ v: V) -> V {
return s.amethod(v)
func testProtoWithGenericMethod() {
let s = SProtoWithGenericMethod<Float>()
#assert(callerOfGenericProtoMethod(s, -1) == -1)
// Converting a struct instance to protocol instance is not supported yet.
// This requires handling init_existential_addr instruction. Once they are
// supported, the following static assert must pass. For now, a workaround is
// to use generic parameters with protocol constraints in the interpretable
// code fragments.
protocol ProtoSimple {
func amethod() -> Int
func callProtoSimpleMethod(_ p: ProtoSimple) -> Int {
return p.amethod()
struct SPsimp : ProtoSimple {
func amethod() -> Int {
return 0
func testStructPassedAsProtocols() {
let s = SPsimp()
#assert(callProtoSimpleMethod(s) == 0) // expected-error {{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note@-1 {{encountered call to 'callProtoSimpleMethod(_:)' where the 1st argument is not a constant}}
// Strings
struct ContainsString {
let x: Int
let str: String
// Test string initialization
func stringInitEmptyTopLevel() {
let c = ContainsString(x: 1, str: "")
#assert(c.x == 1)
func stringInitNonEmptyTopLevel() {
let c = ContainsString(x: 1, str: "hello world")
#assert(c.x == 1)
// Test string equality (==)
func emptyString() -> String {
return ""
func asciiString() -> String {
return "test string"
func dollarSign() -> String {
return "dollar sign: \u{24}"
func flag() -> String {
return "flag: \u{1F1FA}\u{1F1F8}"
func compareWithIdenticalStrings() {
#assert(emptyString() == "")
#assert(asciiString() == "test string")
#assert(dollarSign() == "dollar sign: $")
#assert(flag() == "flag: 🇺🇸")
func compareWithUnequalStrings() {
#assert(emptyString() == "Nonempty") // expected-error {{assertion failed}}
#assert(asciiString() == "") // expected-error {{assertion failed}}
#assert(dollarSign() == flag()) // expected-error {{assertion failed}}
#assert(flag() == "flag: \u{1F496}") // expected-error {{assertion failed}}
// Test string appends (+=)
// String.+= when used at the top-level of #assert cannot be folded as the
// interpreter cannot extract the relevant instructions to interpret.
// (This is because append is a mutating function and there will be more than
// one writer to the string.) Nonetheless, flow-sensitive uses of String.+=
// will be interpretable.
func testStringAppendTopLevel() {
var a = "a"
a += "b"
#assert(a == "ab") // expected-error {{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note@-1 {{operation with invalid operands encountered during evaluation}}
// Note: the operands to the equals operation are invalid as the variable
// `a` is uninitialized when the call is made. This is due to imprecision
// in the top-level evaluation mode.
func appendedAsciiString() -> String {
var str = "test "
str += "string"
return str
func appendedDollarSign() -> String {
var d = "dollar sign: "
d += "\u{24}"
return d
func appendedFlag() -> String {
var flag = "\u{1F1FA}"
flag += "\u{1F1F8}"
return flag
func testStringAppend() {
#assert(appendedAsciiString() == asciiString())
#assert(appendedDollarSign() == dollarSign())
#assert(appendedFlag() == "🇺🇸")
#assert(appendedAsciiString() == "") // expected-error {{assertion failed}}
#assert(appendedDollarSign() == "") // expected-error {{assertion failed}}
#assert(appendedFlag() == "") // expected-error {{assertion failed}}
func conditionalAppend(_ b: Bool, _ str1: String, _ str2: String) -> String {
let suffix = "One"
var result = ""
if b {
result = str1
result += suffix
} else {
result = str2
result += suffix
return result
func testConditionalAppend() {
let first = "first"
let second = "second"
#assert(conditionalAppend(true, first, second) == "firstOne")
#assert(conditionalAppend(false, first, second) == "secondOne")
struct ContainsMutableString {
let x: Int
var str: String
func appendOfStructProperty() -> ContainsMutableString {
var c = ContainsMutableString(x: 0, str: "broken")
c.str += " arrow"
return c
func testAppendOfStructProperty() {
#assert(appendOfStructProperty().str == "broken arrow")
// Enums and optionals.
func isNil(_ x: Int?) -> Bool {
return x == nil
public enum Pet {
case bird
case cat(Int)
case dog(Int, Int)
case fish
public func weighPet(pet: Pet) -> Int {
switch pet {
case .bird: return 3
case let .cat(weight): return weight
case let .dog(w1, w2): return w1+w2
default: return 1
#assert(weighPet(pet: .bird) == 3)
#assert(weighPet(pet: .fish) == 1)
#assert(weighPet(pet: .cat(2)) == 2)
// expected-error @+1 {{assertion failed}}
#assert(weighPet(pet: .cat(2)) == 3)
#assert(weighPet(pet: .dog(9, 10)) == 19)
// Test indirect enums.
indirect enum IntExpr {
case int(_ value: Int)
case add(_ lhs: IntExpr, _ rhs: IntExpr)
case multiply(_ lhs: IntExpr, _ rhs: IntExpr)
func evaluate(intExpr: IntExpr) -> Int {
switch intExpr {
case .int(let value):
return value
case .add(let lhs, let rhs):
return evaluate(intExpr: lhs) + evaluate(intExpr: rhs)
case .multiply(let lhs, let rhs):
return evaluate(intExpr: lhs) * evaluate(intExpr: rhs)
// TODO: The constant evaluator can't handle indirect enums yet.
// expected-error @+2 {{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note @+1 {{encountered call to 'evaluate(intExpr:)' where the 1st argument is not a constant}}
#assert(evaluate(intExpr: .int(5)) == 5)
// expected-error @+2 {{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note @+1 {{encountered call to 'evaluate(intExpr:)' where the 1st argument is not a constant}}
#assert(evaluate(intExpr: .add(.int(5), .int(6))) == 11)
// expected-error @+2 {{#assert condition not constant}}
// expected-note @+1 {{encountered call to 'evaluate(intExpr:)' where the 1st argument is not a constant}}
#assert(evaluate(intExpr: .add(.multiply(.int(2), .int(2)), .int(3))) == 7)
// Test address-only enums.
protocol IntContainerProtocol {
var value: Int { get }
struct IntContainer : IntContainerProtocol {
let value: Int
enum AddressOnlyEnum<T: IntContainerProtocol> {
case double(_ value: T)
case triple(_ value: T)
func evaluate<T>(addressOnlyEnum: AddressOnlyEnum<T>) -> Int {
switch addressOnlyEnum {
case .double(let value):
return 2 * value.value
case .triple(let value):
return 3 * value.value
#assert(evaluate(addressOnlyEnum: .double(IntContainer(value: 1))) == 2)
#assert(evaluate(addressOnlyEnum: .triple(IntContainer(value: 1))) == 3)
// Arrays
// When the const-evaluator evaluates this struct, it forces evaluation of the
// `arr` value.
struct ContainsArray {
let x: Int
let arr: [Int]
func arrayInitEmptyTopLevel() {
let c = ContainsArray(x: 1, arr: Array())
#assert(c.x == 1)
func arrayInitEmptyLiteralTopLevel() {
// TODO: More work necessary for array initialization using literals to work
// at the top level.
// expected-note@+1 {{encountered call to 'ContainsArray.init(x:arr:)' where the 2nd argument is not a constant}}
let c = ContainsArray(x: 1, arr: [])
// expected-error @+1 {{#assert condition not constant}}
#assert(c.x == 1)
func arrayInitLiteral() {
// TODO: More work necessary for array initialization using literals to work
// at the top level.
// expected-note @+1 {{encountered call to 'ContainsArray.init(x:arr:)' where the 2nd argument is not a constant}}
let c = ContainsArray(x: 1, arr: [2, 3, 4])
// expected-error @+1 {{#assert condition not constant}}
#assert(c.x == 1)
func arrayInitNonConstantElementTopLevel(x: Int) {
// expected-note @+1 {{encountered call to 'ContainsArray.init(x:arr:)' where the 2nd argument is not a constant}}
let c = ContainsArray(x: 1, arr: [x])
// expected-error @+1 {{#assert condition not constant}}
#assert(c.x == 1)
func arrayInitEmptyFlowSensitive() -> ContainsArray {
return ContainsArray(x: 1, arr: Array())
func invokeArrayInitEmptyFlowSensitive() {
#assert(arrayInitEmptyFlowSensitive().x == 1)
func arrayInitEmptyLiteralFlowSensitive() -> ContainsArray {
return ContainsArray(x: 1, arr: [])
func invokeArrayInitEmptyLiteralFlowSensitive() {
#assert(arrayInitEmptyLiteralFlowSensitive().x == 1)
func arrayInitLiteralFlowSensitive() -> ContainsArray {
return ContainsArray(x: 1, arr: [2, 3, 4])
func invokeArrayInitLiteralFlowSensitive() {
#assert(arrayInitLiteralFlowSensitive().x == 1)