blob: 6d31f8c6b8e54bbc9447d992c82d3a7f1d9c7f8a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse-stdlib -emit-sil -verify %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse-stdlib -emit-sil -verify %s
import Swift
struct MyInt {
var i: Builtin.Int64
func _isConcrete<T>(type: T.Type) -> Bool {
return Bool(_builtinBooleanLiteral: Builtin.isConcrete(type))
func addVectorsNoDiagnostic(lhs: Builtin.Vec4xInt32, rhs: Builtin.Vec4xInt32) -> Builtin.Vec4xInt32 {
return Builtin.generic_add(lhs, rhs)
func addVectorsEmitDiagnostic(lhs: MyInt, rhs: MyInt) -> MyInt {
return Builtin.generic_add(lhs, rhs) // expected-error {{Argument of type 'MyInt' can not be passed as an argument to a Polymorphic builtin. Polymorphic builtins can only be passed arguments that are trivial builtin typed}}
func addVectorsGeneric<T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T {
return Builtin.generic_add(lhs, rhs) // expected-error {{Argument of type 'T' can not be passed as an argument to a Polymorphic builtin. Polymorphic builtins can only be passed arguments that are trivial builtin typed}}
func calleeAddVectorsGenericTransparentGuarded<T>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T) -> T {
// This will be eliminated during constant propagation ensuring that when we
// call in callerAddVectorsGenericTransparent, we do not get an error from our
// underlying call.
if _isConcrete(T.self) {
return Builtin.generic_add(lhs, rhs)
return lhs
func callerAddVectorsGenericTransparent(_ lhs: Builtin.Vec4xInt32, _ rhs: Builtin.Vec4xInt32) -> Builtin.Vec4xInt32 {
// Since after transparent inlining, we have the correct type, we should get an error here.q
return calleeAddVectorsGenericTransparentGuarded(lhs, rhs)
func calleeAddVectorsGenericTransparentUnguarded<T>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T) -> T {
return Builtin.generic_add(lhs, rhs)
func callerAddVectorsGenericTransparentUnguardedNoError(_ lhs: Builtin.Vec4xInt32, _ rhs: Builtin.Vec4xInt32) -> Builtin.Vec4xInt32 {
return calleeAddVectorsGenericTransparentUnguarded(lhs, rhs)
func callerAddVectorsGenericTransparentUnguardedError(_ lhs: MyInt, _ rhs: MyInt) -> MyInt {
return calleeAddVectorsGenericTransparentUnguarded(lhs, rhs) // expected-error {{Argument of type 'MyInt' can not be passed as an argument to a Polymorphic builtin. Polymorphic builtins can only be passed arguments that are trivial builtin typed}}