blob: fe9f45372645b485d9e644ab6f09464eb6455245 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -enable-sil-verify-all %s -object-outliner | %FileCheck %s
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
class Base { }
class Obj : Base {
@_hasStorage var value: Int64
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_global private @outline_global_simpleTv_ : $Obj = {
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = struct $Int64 (%0 : $Builtin.Int64)
// CHECK-NEXT: %initval = object $Obj (%1 : $Int64)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_global private @outline_global_tailelemsTv_ : $Obj = {
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = struct $Int64 (%0 : $Builtin.Int64)
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 2
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = struct $Int64 (%2 : $Builtin.Int64)
// CHECK-NEXT: %4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
// CHECK-NEXT: %5 = struct $Int64 (%4 : $Builtin.Int64)
// CHECK-NEXT: %initval = object $Obj (%5 : $Int64, [tail_elems] %3 : $Int64, %1 : $Int64)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @outline_global_simple
// CHECK: [[G:%[0-9]+]] = global_value @outline_global_simpleTv_ : $Obj
// CHECK: strong_retain [[G]] : $Obj
// CHECK-NOT: store
// CHECK: strong_release [[G]] : $Obj
// CHECK: return
sil @outline_global_simple : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 0
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%10 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %10 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @outline_global_with_upcast
// CHECK: [[G:%[0-9]+]] = global_value @outline_global_with_upcastTv_ : $Obj
// CHECK: strong_retain [[G]] : $Obj
// CHECK: [[C:%[0-9]+]] = upcast [[G]] : $Obj to $Base
// CHECK-NOT: store
// CHECK: strong_release [[C]] : $Base
// CHECK: return
sil @outline_global_with_upcast : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 0
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%8 = upcast %7 : $Obj to $Base
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%10 = end_cow_mutation %8 : $Base
strong_release %10 : $Base
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @outline_global_tailelems
// CHECK: [[G:%[0-9]+]] = global_value @outline_global_tailelemsTv_ : $Obj
// CHECK: strong_retain [[G]] : $Obj
// CHECK-NOT: store
// CHECK: strong_release [[G]] : $Obj
// CHECK: return
sil @outline_global_tailelems : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 2
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%5 = struct $Int64 (%2 : $Builtin.Int64)
%6 = struct $Int64 (%3 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%15 = ref_tail_addr %7 : $Obj, $Int64
store %5 to %15 : $*Int64
%19 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
%20 = index_addr %15 : $*Int64, %19 : $Builtin.Word
store %6 to %20 : $*Int64
%21 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %21 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @handle_deallocation
// CHECK: global_value
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_retain
// CHECK-NEXT: ref_element_addr
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple
// CHECK-NEXT: return
sil @handle_deallocation : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 0
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
%4 = struct $Int64 (%3 : $Builtin.Int64)
%5 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%6 = ref_element_addr %5 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %6 : $*Int64
%10 = end_cow_mutation %5 : $Obj
set_deallocating %10 : $Obj
dealloc_ref %10 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_outline_without_tail_elems
// CHECK: alloc_ref
// CHECK: store
// CHECK: return
sil @dont_outline_without_tail_elems : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%10 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %10 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_outline_global_double_store
// CHECK: alloc_ref
// CHECK: store
// CHECK: return
sil @dont_outline_global_double_store : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 0
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%10 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %10 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_outline_global_missing_store
// CHECK: alloc_ref
// CHECK: return
sil @dont_outline_global_missing_store : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 0
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
%10 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %10 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_outline_objc_allocation
// CHECK: alloc_ref
// CHECK: return
sil @dont_outline_objc_allocation : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
// A hack, because Obj is not really an ObjC class. But for the test it should be ok.
%7 = alloc_ref [objc] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%10 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %10 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
sil @take_pointer : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_outline_global_unknown_addr_use
// CHECK: alloc_ref
// CHECK: return
sil @dont_outline_global_unknown_addr_use : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 0
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%10 = address_to_pointer %9 : $*Int64 to $Builtin.RawPointer
%f = function_ref @take_pointer : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer) -> ()
%a = apply %f(%10) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer) -> ()
%12 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %12 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_outline_global_escaping_obj
// CHECK: alloc_ref
// CHECK: return
sil @dont_outline_global_escaping_obj : $@convention(thin) (@inout Obj) -> () {
bb0(%0: $*Obj):
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 0
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %2 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
store %7 to %0 : $*Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_outline_global_missing_tailelem_store
// CHECK: alloc_ref
// CHECK: return
sil @dont_outline_global_missing_tailelem_store : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 2
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%5 = struct $Int64 (%2 : $Builtin.Int64)
%6 = struct $Int64 (%3 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%15 = ref_tail_addr %7 : $Obj, $Int64
store %5 to %15 : $*Int64
%16 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %16 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @dont_outline_global_double_tailelem_store
// CHECK: alloc_ref
// CHECK: return
sil @dont_outline_global_double_tailelem_store : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 2
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3
%4 = struct $Int64 (%1 : $Builtin.Int64)
%5 = struct $Int64 (%2 : $Builtin.Int64)
%6 = struct $Int64 (%3 : $Builtin.Int64)
%7 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Int64 * %0 : $Builtin.Word] $Obj
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $Obj, #Obj.value
store %4 to %9 : $*Int64
%15 = ref_tail_addr %7 : $Obj, $Int64
store %5 to %15 : $*Int64
store %5 to %15 : $*Int64
%19 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
%20 = index_addr %15 : $*Int64, %19 : $Builtin.Word
store %6 to %20 : $*Int64
%21 = end_cow_mutation %7 : $Obj
strong_release %21 : $Obj
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()