blob: 41cd1f755a2ecaedaf4ba4133abfcca81cbbe676 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt %s -aa-kind=basic-aa -mem-behavior-dump -enable-mem-behavior-dump-all -o /dev/null | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: asserts
import Builtin
import Swift
class C {
@_hasStorage @_hasInitialValue final let prop: Builtin.Int32 { get }
class Parent {
@_hasStorage var child: C { get set }
// Check the memory behavior of a read-only load relative to an
// unknown instruction with side effects.
// CHECK-LABEL: @testLetSideEffects
// The store does not affect the let-load (ref_element_addr).
// CHECK: PAIR #25.
// CHECK-NEXT: %6 = begin_access [modify] [static] %1 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %10 = ref_element_addr %9 : $C, #C.prop
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=0
// Any unknown instructions with side effects does affect the let-load.
// CHECK: PAIR #83.
// CHECK-NEXT: end_borrow %{{.*}} : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: ref_element_addr %{{.*}} : $C, #C.prop
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #103.
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value %0 : $Parent
// CHECK-NEXT: ref_element_addr %{{.*}} : $C, #C.prop
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=1
sil [ossa] @testLetSideEffects : $@convention(thin) (@owned Parent, @inout Builtin.Int32) -> Builtin.Int32 {
bb0(%0 : @owned $Parent, %1 : $*Builtin.Int32):
%borrow1 = begin_borrow %0 : $Parent
%childAdr = ref_element_addr %borrow1 : $Parent, #Parent.child
%child = load_borrow %childAdr : $*C
%three = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 3
%access = begin_access [modify] [static] %1 : $*Builtin.Int32
store %three to [trivial] %access : $*Builtin.Int32
end_access %access : $*Builtin.Int32
%borrow2 = begin_borrow %child : $C
%propAdr = ref_element_addr %borrow2 : $C, #C.prop
%val = load [trivial] %propAdr : $*Builtin.Int32
end_borrow %borrow2 : $C
end_borrow %child : $C
end_borrow %borrow1 : $Parent
destroy_value %0 : $Parent
return %val : $Builtin.Int32
// Check the memory behavior of access markers.
// CHECK-LABEL: @testReadWriteAccess
// CHECK: PAIR #0.
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #1.
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: load [trivial] %{{.*}} : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #3.
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #8.
// CHECK-NEXT: end_access %{{.*}} : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #9.
// CHECK-NEXT: end_access %{{.*}} : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #12.
// CHECK-NEXT: end_access %{{.*}} : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #13.
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #14.
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #22.
// CHECK-NEXT: end_access %{{.*}} : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #23.
// CHECK-NEXT: end_access %{{.*}} : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #26.
// CHECK-NEXT: end_access %{{.*}} : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: %{{.*}} = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=1
sil [ossa] @testReadWriteAccess : $@convention(thin) (@inout Builtin.Int32) -> Builtin.Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $*Builtin.Int32):
%read = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
%val = load [trivial] %read : $*Builtin.Int32
end_access %read : $*Builtin.Int32
%three = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 3
%write = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Builtin.Int32
store %three to [trivial] %write : $*Builtin.Int32
end_access %write : $*Builtin.Int32
return %val : $Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-LABEL: @testLoadTake
// CHECK: PAIR #0.
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = load [take] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #1.
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = load [take] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=0
sil [ossa] @testLoadTake : $@convention(thin) (@in C, @in_guaranteed C) -> @owned C {
bb0(%0 : $*C, %1 : $*C):
%2 = load [take] %0 : $*C
return %2 : $C
// ===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===
// Test the effect of a [deinit] access on a global 'let'
// Test <rdar://60046018> Assert: (v->getType().isAddress()), getAccessedAddress
sil_global hidden [let] @globalC : $C
// CHECK-LABEL: @testDeinitInstVsNonAddressValue
// CHECK: PAIR #5.
// CHECK-NEXT: load %{{.*}} : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: begin_access [deinit] [static] %{{.*}} : $*Builtin.Int32
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #16.
// CHECK-NEXT: %6 = begin_access [deinit] [static] %5 : $*Builtin.Int32 // user: %7
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = load %1 : $*C // user: %3
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
sil hidden @testDeinitInstVsNonAddressValue : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed C) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $C):
%1 = global_addr @globalC : $*C
%2 = load %1 : $*C
%3 = ref_element_addr %2 : $C, #C.prop
%4 = load %3 : $*Builtin.Int32
%5 = ref_element_addr %0 : $C, #C.prop
%6 = begin_access [deinit] [static] %5 : $*Builtin.Int32
end_access %6 : $*Builtin.Int32
%8 = tuple ()
return %8 : $()
// ===-----------------------------------------------------------------------===
// Test that isLetAccess does not assert on nested access markers with
// interprosed projections.
struct Int64Wrapper {
var val : Int64
// CHECK-LABEL: @testNestedAccessWithInterposedProjection
// CHECK: PAIR #2.
// CHECK: %1 = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Int64Wrapper // users: %7, %2
// CHECK: %3 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Int64 // users: %6, %4
// CHECK: r=0,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #3.
sil @testNestedAccessWithInterposedProjection : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int64Wrapper) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*Int64Wrapper):
%1 = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Int64Wrapper
%2 = struct_element_addr %1 : $*Int64Wrapper, #Int64Wrapper.val
%3 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Int64
%4 = struct_element_addr %3 : $*Int64, #Int64._value
%5 = load %4 : $*Builtin.Int64
end_access %3 : $*Int64
end_access %1 : $*Int64Wrapper
%8 = tuple ()
return %8 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_copy_addr_initialize
// CHECK: PAIR #0.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #1.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #2.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=0
sil @test_copy_addr_initialize : $@convention(thin) (@inout C, @inout C) -> @out C {
bb0(%0 : $*C, %1 : $*C, %2: $*C):
copy_addr %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*C
%6 = tuple ()
return %6 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_copy_addr_assign
// CHECK: PAIR #0.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr %1 to %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #1.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr %1 to %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #2.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr %1 to %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=1
sil @test_copy_addr_assign : $@convention(thin) (@inout C, @inout C, @inout C) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*C, %1 : $*C, %2: $*C):
copy_addr %1 to %0 : $*C
%6 = tuple ()
return %6 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_copy_addr_take
// CHECK: PAIR #0.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr [take] %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #1.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr [take] %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=1
// CHECK: PAIR #2.
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr [take] %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=0
sil @test_copy_addr_take : $@convention(thin) (@in C, @inout C) -> @out C {
bb0(%0 : $*C, %1 : $*C, %2: $*C):
copy_addr [take] %1 to [initialization] %0 : $*C
%6 = tuple ()
return %6 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_destroy_value
// CHECK: PAIR #0.
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = load [copy] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #2.
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value %1 : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #3.
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value %1 : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = load [copy] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=1,w=1
sil [ossa] @test_destroy_value : $@convention(thin) (@in C) -> () {
bb0 (%0 : $*C):
%1 = load [copy] %0 : $*C
destroy_value %1 : $C
destroy_addr %0 : $*C
%2 = tuple()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_copy_value
// CHECK: PAIR #3.
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = copy_value %1 : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=0
// CHECK: PAIR #4.
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = copy_value %1 : $C
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = load [copy] %0 : $*C
// CHECK-NEXT: r=0,w=0
sil [ossa] @test_copy_value : $@convention(thin) (@in C) -> () {
bb0 (%0 : $*C):
%1 = load [copy] %0 : $*C
%2 = copy_value %1 : $C
destroy_value %1 : $C
destroy_value %2 : $C
destroy_addr %0 : $*C
%3 = tuple()
return %3 : $()