blob: 4950686e63b272eea2e41e53998c1790e7d58353 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil %s -o /dev/null -verify
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil %s -o /dev/null -verify
func a() { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
func b(_ x : Int) { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
if x != 0 {
} else {
func c(_ x : Int) {
if x != 0 {
func d(_ x : Int) { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
var x = x
if x != 0 {
x += 1
return d(x)
// Doesn't warn on mutually recursive functions
func e() { f() }
func f() { e() }
func g() { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
while true { // expected-note {{condition always evaluates to true}}
g() // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
func h(_ x : Int) {
while (x < 5) {
func i(_ x : Int) { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
var x = x
while (x < 5) {
x -= 1
func j() -> Int { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
return 5 + j()
func k() -> Any { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
return type(of: k())
@_silgen_name("exit") func exit(_: Int32) -> Never
func l() {
guard Bool.random() else {
exit(0) // no warning; calling 'exit' terminates the program
func m() { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
guard Bool.random() else {
fatalError() // we _do_ warn here, because fatalError is a programtermination_point
enum MyNever {}
func blackHole() -> MyNever { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
func terminateMe() -> MyNever {
terminateMe() // no warning; terminateMe is a programtermination_point
func n() -> MyNever {
if Bool.random() {
blackHole() // no warning; blackHole() will terminate the program
func o() -> MyNever {
if Bool.random() {
blackHole() // no warning; blackHole() will terminate the program
func mayHaveSideEffects() {}
func p() { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
if Bool.random() {
mayHaveSideEffects() // presence of side-effects doesn't alter the check for the programtermination_point apply
class S {
convenience init(a: Int) { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
self.init(a: a)
init(a: Int?) {}
static func a() { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
return a()
func b() { // No warning - has a known override.
var i = 0
repeat {
i += 1
} while (i > 5)
var bar: String = "hi!"
class T: S {
// No warning, calls super
override func b() {
var i = 0
repeat {
i += 1
} while (i > 5)
override var bar: String {
get {
set { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}} = newValue
func == (l: S?, r: S?) -> Bool { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
if l == nil && r == nil { return true }
guard let l = l, let r = r else { return false }
return l === r
public func == <Element>(lhs: Array<Element>, rhs: Array<Element>) -> Bool { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
return lhs == rhs
func factorial(_ n : UInt) -> UInt { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
return (n != 0) ? factorial(n - 1) * n : factorial(1)
func tr(_ key: String) -> String { // expected-warning {{all paths through this function will call itself}}
return tr(key) ?? key // expected-warning {{left side of nil coalescing operator '??' has non-optional type}}
class Node {
var parent: Node?
var rootNode: RootNode {
return parent!.rootNode // No warning - has an override.
class RootNode: Node {
override var rootNode: RootNode { return self }