blob: f5bb629372a82538c8696a334918f52d559e57c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -emit-module-path=%t/OtherModule.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/definite_init_cross_module/OtherModule.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil -verify -verify-ignore-unknown -I %t -swift-version 4 %s > /dev/null -enable-objc-interop -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -import-objc-header %S/Inputs/definite_init_cross_module/BridgingHeader.h
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -emit-module-path=%t/OtherModule.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/definite_init_cross_module/OtherModule.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil -verify -verify-ignore-unknown -I %t -swift-version 4 %s > /dev/null -enable-objc-interop -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -import-objc-header %S/Inputs/definite_init_cross_module/BridgingHeader.h
import OtherModule
extension Point {
init(xx: Double, yy: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'Point' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self.y = yy
init(xx: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'Point' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
} // expected-error {{return from initializer without initializing all stored properties}}
init(xxx: Double, yyy: Double) {
// This is OK
self.init(x: xxx, y: yyy)
init(other: Point) {
// This is OK
self = other
init(other: Point, x: Double) {
// This is OK
self = other
self.x = x
init(other: Point, xx: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'Point' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self = other
init(other: Point, x: Double, cond: Bool) {
// This is OK
self = other
if cond { self.x = x }
init(other: Point, xx: Double, cond: Bool) {
if cond { self = other }
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'Point' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." on all paths because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self.y = 0
extension ImmutablePoint {
init(xx: Double, yy: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'ImmutablePoint' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self.y = yy
init(xxx: Double, yyy: Double) {
// This is OK
self.init(x: xxx, y: yyy)
init(other: ImmutablePoint) {
// This is OK
self = other
init(other: ImmutablePoint, x: Double) {
self = other
self.x = x // expected-error {{immutable value 'self.x' may only be initialized once}}
init(other: ImmutablePoint, xx: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'ImmutablePoint' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self = other // expected-error {{immutable value 'self.x' may only be initialized once}}
init(other: ImmutablePoint, x: Double, cond: Bool) {
// This is OK
self = other
if cond { self.x = x } // expected-error {{immutable value 'self.x' may only be initialized once}}
init(other: ImmutablePoint, xx: Double, cond: Bool) {
if cond { self = other }
self.x = xx // expected-error {{immutable value 'self.x' may only be initialized once}}
self.y = 0 // expected-error {{immutable value 'self.y' may only be initialized once}}
extension GenericPoint {
init(xx: T, yy: T) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericPoint<T>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self.y = yy
init(xxx: T, yyy: T) {
// This is OK
self.init(x: xxx, y: yyy)
init(other: GenericPoint<T>) {
// This is OK
self = other
init(other: GenericPoint<T>, x: T) {
// This is OK
self = other
self.x = x
init(other: GenericPoint<T>, xx: T) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericPoint<T>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self = other
init(other: GenericPoint<T>, x: T, cond: Bool) {
// This is OK
self = other
if cond { self.x = x }
init(other: GenericPoint<T>, xx: T, cond: Bool) {
if cond { self = other }
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericPoint<T>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." on all paths because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self.y = xx
extension GenericPoint where T == Double {
init(xx: Double, yy: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericPoint<Double>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self.y = yy
init(xxx: Double, yyy: Double) {
// This is OK
self.init(x: xxx, y: yyy)
init(other: GenericPoint<Double>) {
// This is OK
self = other
init(other: GenericPoint<Double>, x: Double) {
// This is OK
self = other
self.x = x
init(other: GenericPoint<Double>, xx: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericPoint<Double>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self = other
init(other: GenericPoint<Double>, x: Double, cond: Bool) {
// This is OK
self = other
if cond { self.x = x }
init(other: GenericPoint<Double>, xx: Double, cond: Bool) {
if cond { self = other }
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericPoint<Double>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." on all paths because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self.y = 0
typealias MyGenericPoint<Q> = GenericPoint<Q>
extension MyGenericPoint {
// FIXME: Should preserve type sugar.
init(myX: T, myY: T) {
self.x = myX // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericPoint<T>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
self.y = myY
extension CPoint {
init(xx: Double, yy: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'CPoint' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because the struct was imported from C}} expected-note {{use "self.init()" to initialize the struct with zero values}} {{5-5=self.init()\n}}
self.y = yy
init(xxx: Double, yyy: Double) {
// This is OK
self.init(x: xxx, y: yyy)
init(other: CPoint) {
// This is OK
self = other
init(other: CPoint, x: Double) {
// This is OK
self = other
self.x = x
init(other: CPoint, xx: Double) {
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'CPoint' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because the struct was imported from C}} expected-note {{use "self.init()" to initialize the struct with zero values}} {{5-5=self.init()\n}}
self = other
init(other: CPoint, x: Double, cond: Bool) {
// This is OK
self = other
if cond { self.x = x }
init(other: CPoint, xx: Double, cond: Bool) {
if cond { self = other }
self.x = xx // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'CPoint' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." on all paths because the struct was imported from C}}
self.y = 0
extension NonnullWrapper {
init(p: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
self.ptr = p // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'NonnullWrapper' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because the struct was imported from C}}
// No suggestion for "self.init()" because this struct does not support a
// zeroing initializer.
extension PrivatePoint {
init(xxx: Double, yyy: Double) {
// This is OK
self.init(x: xxx, y: yyy)
init(other: PrivatePoint) {
// This is OK
self = other
init(other: PrivatePoint, cond: Bool) {
if cond { self = other }
} // expected-error {{return from initializer without initializing all stored properties}}
// Ideally we wouldn't mention the names of non-public stored properties
// across module boundaries, but this will go away in Swift 5 mode anyway.
init() {
} // expected-error {{return from initializer without initializing all stored properties}}
extension Empty {
init(x: Double) {
// This is OK
init(other: Empty) {
// This is okay
self = other
init(other: Empty, cond: Bool) {
if cond { self = other }
} // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'Empty' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." on all paths because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
init(xx: Double) {
} // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'Empty' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
extension GenericEmpty {
init(x: Double) {
// This is OK
init(other: GenericEmpty<T>) {
// This is okay
self = other
init(other: GenericEmpty<T>, cond: Bool) {
if cond { self = other }
} // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericEmpty<T>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." on all paths because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}
init(xx: Double) {
} // expected-warning {{initializer for struct 'GenericEmpty<T>' must use "self.init(...)" or "self = ..." because it is not in module 'OtherModule'}}