blob: c7845a96a813d15f4a67b634843e179459f2831c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -enable-sil-verify-all %s -cse | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Builtin
import Swift
import Foundation
@objc(XX) protocol XX {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @cse_objc_protocol
// CHECK: objc_protocol #XX : $Protocol
// CHECK-NOT: objc_protocol
// CHECK: tuple (%0 : $Protocol, %0 : $Protocol)
// CHECK: return
sil @cse_objc_protocol : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned (Protocol, Protocol) {
%0 = objc_protocol #XX : $Protocol
%1 = objc_protocol #XX : $Protocol
%2 = tuple (%0: $Protocol, %1: $Protocol)
return %2 : $(Protocol, Protocol)
@objc protocol Walkable {
func walk()
class Bar : NSObject, Walkable {
override init()
func walk()
func trytowalk(f: Walkable)
// test.Bar.init (test.Bar.Type)() -> test.Bar
sil hidden @_TFC4test3BarcfMS0_FT_S0_ : $@convention(method) (@owned Bar) -> @owned Bar {
bb0(%0 : $Bar):
%1 = alloc_stack $Bar, let, name "sf" // users: %2, %6, %9, %10
store %0 to %1 : $*Bar // id: %2
%3 = upcast %0 : $Bar to $NSObject // user: %7
%4 = objc_super_method %0 : $Bar, #NSObject.init!initializer.foreign : (NSObject.Type) -> () -> NSObject, $@convention(objc_method) (@owned NSObject) -> @owned NSObject // user: %7
%7 = apply %4(%3) : $@convention(objc_method) (@owned NSObject) -> @owned NSObject // user: %8
%8 = unchecked_ref_cast %7 : $NSObject to $Bar // users: %9, %11
store %8 to %1 : $*Bar // id: %9
dealloc_stack %1 : $*Bar // id: %10
return %8 : $Bar // id: %11
// test.Bar.__allocating_init (test.Bar.Type)() -> test.Bar
sil hidden @_TFC4test3BarCfMS0_FT_S0_ : $@convention(thin) (@thick Bar.Type) -> @owned Bar {
bb0(%0 : $@thick Bar.Type):
%1 = alloc_ref [objc] $Bar // user: %3
// function_ref test.Bar.init (test.Bar.Type)() -> test.Bar
%2 = function_ref @_TFC4test3BarcfMS0_FT_S0_ : $@convention(method) (@owned Bar) -> @owned Bar // user: %3
%3 = apply %2(%1) : $@convention(method) (@owned Bar) -> @owned Bar // user: %4
return %3 : $Bar // id: %4
// @objc test.Bar.init (test.Bar.Type)() -> test.Bar
sil hidden @_TToFC4test3BarcfMS0_FT_S0_ : $@convention(objc_method) (@owned Bar) -> @owned Bar {
bb0(%0 : $Bar):
// function_ref test.Bar.init (test.Bar.Type)() -> test.Bar
%1 = function_ref @_TFC4test3BarcfMS0_FT_S0_ : $@convention(method) (@owned Bar) -> @owned Bar // user: %2
%2 = apply %1(%0) : $@convention(method) (@owned Bar) -> @owned Bar // user: %3
return %2 : $Bar // id: %3
// test.Bar.walk (test.Bar)() -> ()
sil hidden @_TFC4test3Bar4walkfS0_FT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Bar) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Bar):
debug_value %0 : $Bar, let, name "self" // id: %1
%2 = tuple () // user: %3
return %2 : $() // id: %3
// @objc test.Bar.walk (test.Bar)() -> ()
sil hidden @_TToFC4test3Bar4walkfS0_FT_T_ : $@convention(objc_method) (Bar) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Bar):
strong_retain %0 : $Bar // id: %1
// function_ref test.Bar.walk (test.Bar)() -> ()
%2 = function_ref @_TFC4test3Bar4walkfS0_FT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Bar) -> () // user: %3
%3 = apply %2(%0) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Bar) -> () // user: %5
strong_release %0 : $Bar // id: %4
return %3 : $() // id: %5
// test.Bar.__deallocating_deinit
sil hidden @_TFC4test3BarD : $@convention(method) (@owned Bar) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Bar):
debug_value %0 : $Bar, let, name "self" // id: %1
%2 = objc_super_method %0 : $Bar, #NSObject.deinit!deallocator.foreign : (NSObject) -> () -> (), $@convention(objc_method) (NSObject) -> () // user: %4
%3 = upcast %0 : $Bar to $NSObject // user: %4
%4 = apply %2(%3) : $@convention(objc_method) (NSObject) -> ()
%5 = tuple () // user: %6
return %5 : $() // id: %6
// CHECK-LABEL: _TF4test9trytowalkFPS_8Walkable_T_
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Walkable):
// CHECK-NEXT: {{%.*}} = open_existential_ref
// CHECK-NEXT: {{%.*}} = objc_method
// CHECK-NEXT: {{%.*}} = apply
// CHECK-NEXT: {{%.*}} = objc_method
// CHECK-NEXT: {{%.*}} = apply
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release
// CHECK-NEXT: {{%.*}} = tuple
// CHECK-NEXT: return
// test.trytowalk (test.Walkable) -> ()
sil hidden @_TF4test9trytowalkFPS_8Walkable_T_ : $@convention(thin) (@owned Walkable) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Walkable):
%2 = open_existential_ref %0 : $Walkable to $@opened("7813D5BE-4C48-11E5-BD72-AC87A3294C0A") Walkable // users: %3, %4
%3 = objc_method %2 : $@opened("7813D5BE-4C48-11E5-BD72-AC87A3294C0A") Walkable, #Walkable.walk!foreign, $@convention(objc_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Walkable> (τ_0_0) -> () // user: %4
%4 = apply %3<@opened("7813D5BE-4C48-11E5-BD72-AC87A3294C0A") Walkable>(%2) : $@convention(objc_method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : Walkable> _0_0) -> ()
%5 = objc_method %2 : $@opened("7813D5BE-4C48-11E5-BD72-AC87A3294C0A") Walkable, #Walkable.walk!foreign, $@convention(objc_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Walkable> (τ_0_0) -> () // user: %6
%6 = apply %5<@opened("7813D5BE-4C48-11E5-BD72-AC87A3294C0A") Walkable>(%2) : $@convention(objc_method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : Walkable> _0_0) -> ()
strong_release %0 : $Walkable // id: %8
%9 = tuple () // user: %10
return %9 : $() // id: %10
// Check that the open_existential_ref is CSEed not only in instructions, but also in the types
// of BB arguments. The type of BB2 argument should use the same opened existential as the
// one opened in the entry block.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @cse_open_existential_in_bbarg : $@convention(thin) (@owned AnyObject) -> ()
// CHECK: open_existential_ref %0 : $AnyObject to $[[OPENED:@opened\(.*\) AnyObject]]
// CHECK: bb1(%{{[0-9]*}} : $@convention(objc_method) ([[OPENED]]) -> @autoreleased Optional<NSString>):
// CHECK-NOT: open_existential_ref
// CHECK: bb3(%{{[0-9]*}} : $@convention(objc_method) ([[OPENED]]) -> @autoreleased Optional<NSString>):
// CHECK-NOT: open_existential_ref
// CHECK: return
sil @cse_open_existential_in_bbarg : $@convention(thin) (@owned AnyObject) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $AnyObject):
%1 = open_existential_ref %0 : $AnyObject to $@opened("CCEAC0E2-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject
dynamic_method_br %1 : $@opened("CCEAC0E2-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject, #NSProxy.description!getter.foreign, bb1, bb2
bb1(%3 : $@convention(objc_method) (@opened("CCEAC0E2-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject) -> @autoreleased Optional<NSString>):
strong_retain %1 : $@opened("CCEAC0E2-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject
%5 = partial_apply %3(%1) : $@convention(objc_method) (@opened("CCEAC0E2-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject) -> @autoreleased Optional<NSString>
%6 = apply %5() : $@callee_owned () -> @owned Optional<NSString>
%7 = open_existential_ref %0 : $AnyObject to $@opened("CCEDAF1E-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject
dynamic_method_br %7 : $@opened("CCEDAF1E-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject, #NSProxy.description!getter.foreign, bb3, bb4
br bb5
bb3(%9 : $@convention(objc_method) (@opened("CCEDAF1E-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject) -> @autoreleased Optional<NSString>):
strong_retain %7 : $@opened("CCEDAF1E-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject
%10 = partial_apply %9(%7) : $@convention(objc_method) (@opened("CCEDAF1E-4BB2-11E6-86F8-B8E856428C60") AnyObject) -> @autoreleased Optional<NSString>
%11 = apply %10() : $@callee_owned () -> @owned Optional<NSString>
br bb5
br bb5
strong_release %0 : $AnyObject
%13 = tuple ()
return %13 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @cse_value_metatype
// CHECK: value_metatype $@objc_metatype
// CHECK: objc_metatype_to_object
// CHECK-NOT: value_metatype $@objc_metatype
// CHECK: strong_release
// CHECK: return
sil @cse_value_metatype : $@convention(thin) <T where T : AnyObject> (@owned T) -> @owned (AnyObject, AnyObject) {
bb0(%0 : $T):
%2 = value_metatype $@objc_metatype T.Type, %0 : $T
%4 = objc_metatype_to_object %2 : $@objc_metatype T.Type to $AnyObject
%5 = value_metatype $@objc_metatype T.Type, %0 : $T
%7 = objc_metatype_to_object %5 : $@objc_metatype T.Type to $AnyObject
strong_release %0 : $T
%9 = tuple (%4: $AnyObject, %7: $AnyObject)
return %9 : $(AnyObject, AnyObject)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @cse_existential_metatype
// CHECK: existential_metatype $@objc_metatype
// CHECK: objc_existential_metatype_to_object
// CHECK-NOT: existential_metatype $@objc_metatype
// CHECK: strong_release
// CHECK: return
sil @cse_existential_metatype : $@convention(thin) (@owned XX) -> @owned (AnyObject, AnyObject) {
bb0(%0 : $XX):
%2 = existential_metatype $@objc_metatype XX.Type, %0 : $XX
%4 = objc_existential_metatype_to_object %2 : $@objc_metatype XX.Type to $AnyObject
%5 = existential_metatype $@objc_metatype XX.Type, %0 : $XX
%6 = objc_existential_metatype_to_object %5 : $@objc_metatype XX.Type to $AnyObject
strong_release %0 : $XX
%7 = tuple (%4: $AnyObject, %6: $AnyObject)
return %7 : $(AnyObject, AnyObject)
class B {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @nocse_existential_metatype_addr
// CHECK: store
// CHECK: existential_metatype $@thick Any.Type
// CHECK: store
// CHECK: existential_metatype $@thick Any.Type
// CHECK: return
sil @nocse_existential_metatype_addr : $@convention(thin) (@owned B, @owned B) -> (@thick Any.Type, @thick Any.Type) {
bb0(%0 : $B, %1 : $B):
%2 = alloc_stack $Any
%3 = init_existential_addr %2 : $*Any, $B
store %0 to %3 : $*B
%5 = existential_metatype $@thick Any.Type, %2 : $*Any
store %1 to %3 : $*B
%7 = existential_metatype $@thick Any.Type, %2 : $*Any
strong_release %1 : $B
strong_release %0 : $B
%99 = tuple (%5 : $@thick Any.Type, %7 : $@thick Any.Type)
dealloc_stack %2 : $*Any
return %99 : $(@thick Any.Type, @thick Any.Type)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @cse_objc_metatype_to_object
// CHECK: value_metatype $@objc_metatype
// CHECK: objc_metatype_to_object
// CHECK-NOT: value_metatype $@objc_metatype
// CHECK-NOT: objc_metatype_to_object
// CHECK: strong_release
// CHECK: return
sil @cse_objc_metatype_to_object : $@convention(thin) <T where T : AnyObject> (@owned T) -> @owned (AnyObject, AnyObject) {
bb0(%0 : $T):
%2 = value_metatype $@objc_metatype T.Type, %0 : $T
%4 = objc_metatype_to_object %2 : $@objc_metatype T.Type to $AnyObject
%5 = value_metatype $@objc_metatype T.Type, %0 : $T
%7 = objc_metatype_to_object %5 : $@objc_metatype T.Type to $AnyObject
strong_release %0 : $T
%9 = tuple (%4: $AnyObject, %7: $AnyObject)
return %9 : $(AnyObject, AnyObject)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @cse_objc_existential_metatype_to_object
// CHECK: existential_metatype $@objc_metatype
// CHECK: objc_existential_metatype_to_object
// CHECK-NOT: existential_metatype $@objc_metatype
// CHECK-NOT: objc_existential_metatype_to_object
// CHECK: strong_release
// CHECK: return
sil @cse_objc_existential_metatype_to_object : $@convention(thin) (@owned XX) -> @owned (AnyObject, AnyObject) {
bb0(%0 : $XX):
%2 = existential_metatype $@objc_metatype XX.Type, %0 : $XX
%4 = objc_existential_metatype_to_object %2 : $@objc_metatype XX.Type to $AnyObject
%5 = existential_metatype $@objc_metatype XX.Type, %0 : $XX
%6 = objc_existential_metatype_to_object %5 : $@objc_metatype XX.Type to $AnyObject
strong_release %0 : $XX
%7 = tuple (%4: $AnyObject, %6: $AnyObject)
return %7 : $(AnyObject, AnyObject)
class XXX {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @cse_objc_to_thick_metatype
// CHECK: objc_to_thick_metatype
// CHECK-NOT: objc_to_thick_metatype
// CHECK: tuple
// CHECK: return
sil @cse_objc_to_thick_metatype : $@convention(thin) (@objc_metatype XXX.Type) -> (@thick XXX.Type, @thick XXX.Type) {
bb0(%0 : $@objc_metatype XXX.Type):
%1 = objc_to_thick_metatype %0 : $@objc_metatype XXX.Type to $@thick XXX.Type
%2 = objc_to_thick_metatype %0 : $@objc_metatype XXX.Type to $@thick XXX.Type
%3 = tuple (%1: $@thick XXX.Type, %2: $@thick XXX.Type)
return %3: $(@thick XXX.Type, @thick XXX.Type)
sil_vtable Bar {
#Bar.init!initializer: @_TFC4test3BarcfMS0_FT_S0_ // test.Bar.init (test.Bar.Type)() -> test.Bar
#Bar.walk: @_TFC4test3Bar4walkfS0_FT_T_ // test.Bar.walk (test.Bar)() -> ()
#Bar.deinit!deallocator: @_TFC4test3BarD // test.Bar.__deallocating_deinit