blob: 8dfdc3afd699f03b50e0e9efe4c4ceab84d587b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -O %s -emit-ir -o /dev/null
// Check that we don't crash here.
enum E<T> {
case A
case B(T)
public protocol P {
associatedtype A
internal class Base<T: P> {
func foo() -> E<T.A> {
return .A
struct Outer<T: P> where T.A == Int {
private class Inner : Base<T> {
// This overridden function has a different ABI than the base implementation.
// The BasicCalleeAnalysis put both methods in the callee list, which let
// some optimizations crash.
override func foo() -> E<T.A> {
return .A
func getit<T: P>(_ t: T) -> Base<T> {
return Base<T>()
public func testit<T: P>(_ t: T) {
let b = getit(t)