blob: b6e5f081ddbd2df6c015cdbe0e06cc8b7df86e46 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -parse-stdlib %s -disable-access-control -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -enable-objc-interop | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-sil -Onone -parse-stdlib %s -disable-access-control -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -enable-objc-interop | %FileCheck -check-prefix=CANONICAL %s
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-sil -O -parse-stdlib %s -disable-access-control -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -enable-objc-interop | %FileCheck -check-prefix=OPT %s
import Swift
// Eventually element will be unconstrained, but for testing this builtin, we
// should use it this way.
public struct UnsafeValue<Element: AnyObject> {
internal unowned(unsafe) var _value: Element
// Create a new unmanaged value that owns the underlying value. This unmanaged
// value must after use be deinitialized by calling the function deinitialize()
// This will insert a retain that the optimizer can not remove!
public init(copying newValue: __shared Element) {
_value = newValue
// Create a new unmanaged value that unsafely produces a new
// unmanaged value without introducing any rr traffic.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [transparent] [serialized] [ossa] @$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV14unsafelyAssignACyxGxh_tcfC : $@convention(method) <Element where Element : AnyObject> (@guaranteed Element, @thin UnsafeValue<Element>.Type) -> UnsafeValue<Element> {
// CHECK: bb0([[INPUT_ELEMENT:%.*]] : @guaranteed $Element,
// CHECK: [[BOX:%.*]] = alloc_box
// CHECK: [[UNINIT_BOX:%.*]] = mark_uninitialized [rootself] [[BOX]]
// CHECK: [[PROJECT_UNINIT_BOX:%.*]] = project_box [[UNINIT_BOX]]
// CHECK: [[COPY_INPUT_ELEMENT:%.*]] = copy_value [[INPUT_ELEMENT]]
// CHECK: [[ACCESS:%.*]] = begin_access [modify] [unknown] [[PROJECT_UNINIT_BOX]]
// CHECK: [[STRUCT_ACCESS:%.*]] = struct_element_addr [[ACCESS]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[COPY_INPUT_ELEMENT]]
// CHECK: end_access [[ACCESS]]
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = load [trivial] [[PROJECT_UNINIT_BOX]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[UNINIT_BOX]]
// CHECK: return [[RESULT]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV14unsafelyAssignACyxGxh_tcfC'
// CANONICAL-LABEL: sil [transparent] [serialized] @$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV14unsafelyAssignACyxGxh_tcfC : $@convention(method) <Element where Element : AnyObject> (@guaranteed Element, @thin UnsafeValue<Element>.Type) -> UnsafeValue<Element> {
// CANONICAL: bb0([[INPUT_ELEMENT:%.*]] : $Element,
// CANONICAL-NEXT: debug_value
// CANONICAL-NEXT: strong_retain [[INPUT_ELEMENT]]
// CANONICAL-NEXT: strong_release [[INPUT_ELEMENT]]
// CANONICAL-NEXT: [[RESULT:%.*]] = struct $UnsafeValue<Element> ([[UNMANAGED_ELEMENT]] : $@sil_unmanaged Element)
// CANONICAL: } // end sil function '$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV14unsafelyAssignACyxGxh_tcfC'
// OPT-LABEL: sil [transparent] @$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV14unsafelyAssignACyxGxh_tcfC : $@convention(method) <Element where Element : AnyObject> (@guaranteed Element, @thin UnsafeValue<Element>.Type) -> UnsafeValue<Element> {
// OPT: bb0([[INPUT_ELEMENT:%.*]] : $Element,
// OPT-NEXT: debug_value
// OPT-NEXT: [[UNMANAGED_ELEMENT:%.*]] = ref_to_unmanaged [[INPUT_ELEMENT]]
// OPT-NEXT: [[RESULT:%.*]] = struct $UnsafeValue<Element> ([[UNMANAGED_ELEMENT]] : $@sil_unmanaged Element)
// OPT-NEXT: return [[RESULT]]
// OPT: } // end sil function '$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV14unsafelyAssignACyxGxh_tcfC'
public init(unsafelyAssign newValue: __shared Element) {
_value = newValue
// Access the underlying value at +0, guaranteeing its lifetime by base.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [transparent] [serialized] [ossa] @$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV20withGuaranteeingBase4base_qd_0_qd___qd_0_xXEtr0_lF :
// CHECK: bb0([[RESULT:%.*]] : $*Result, [[BASE:%.*]] : $*Base, [[CLOSURE:%.*]] : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed {{.*}}, [[UNSAFE_VALUE:%.*]] : $UnsafeValue<Element>):
// CHECK: [[COPY_BOX:%.*]] = alloc_box
// CHECK: [[COPY_PROJ:%.*]] = project_box [[COPY_BOX]]
// CHECK: store [[UNSAFE_VALUE]] to [trivial] [[COPY_PROJ]]
// CHECK: [[VALUE_ADDR:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [unknown] [[COPY_PROJ]]
// CHECK: [[STR_VALUE_ADDR:%.*]] = struct_element_addr [[VALUE_ADDR]]
// CHECK: [[UNMANAGED_VALUE:%.*]] = load [trivial] [[STR_VALUE_ADDR]]
// CHECK: [[UNOWNED_REF:%.*]] = unmanaged_to_ref [[UNMANAGED_VALUE]]
// CHECK: [[GUARANTEED_REF:%.*]] = unchecked_ownership_conversion [[UNOWNED_REF]]
// CHECK: [[GUARANTEED_REF_DEP_ON_BASE:%.*]] = mark_dependence [[GUARANTEED_REF]] : $Element on [[BASE]]
// CHECK: end_access [[VALUE_ADDR]]
// CHECK: end_borrow [[GUARANTEED_REF]]
// CHECK: destroy_value [[COPY_BOX]]
// CHECK: } // end sil function '$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV20withGuaranteeingBase4base_qd_0_qd___qd_0_xXEtr0_lF'
// CANONICAL-LABEL: sil [transparent] [serialized] @$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV20withGuaranteeingBase4base_qd_0_qd___qd_0_xXEtr0_lF :
// CANONICAL: bb0([[RESULT:%.*]] : $*Result, [[BASE:%.*]] : $*Base, [[CLOSURE:%.*]] : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed {{.*}}, [[UNSAFE_VALUE:%.*]] : $UnsafeValue<Element>):
// CANONICAL: [[UNMANAGED_VALUE:%.*]] = struct_extract [[UNSAFE_VALUE]]
// CANONICAL: [[UNOWNED_REF:%.*]] = unmanaged_to_ref [[UNMANAGED_VALUE]]
// CANONICAL: [[GUARANTEED_REF_DEP_ON_BASE:%.*]] = mark_dependence [[UNOWNED_REF]] : $Element on [[BASE]]
// CANONICAL: } // end sil function '$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV20withGuaranteeingBase4base_qd_0_qd___qd_0_xXEtr0_lF'
// OPT-LABEL: sil [transparent] @$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV20withGuaranteeingBase4base_qd_0_qd___qd_0_xXEtr0_lF :
// OPT: bb0([[RESULT:%.*]] : $*Result, [[BASE:%.*]] : $*Base, [[CLOSURE:%.*]] : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed {{.*}}, [[UNSAFE_VALUE:%.*]] : $UnsafeValue<Element>):
// OPT: [[UNMANAGED_VALUE:%.*]] = struct_extract [[UNSAFE_VALUE]]
// OPT: [[UNOWNED_REF:%.*]] = unmanaged_to_ref [[UNMANAGED_VALUE]]
// OPT: [[GUARANTEED_REF_DEP_ON_BASE:%.*]] = mark_dependence [[UNOWNED_REF]] : $Element on [[BASE]]
// OPT: } // end sil function '$s11unsafevalue11UnsafeValueV20withGuaranteeingBase4base_qd_0_qd___qd_0_xXEtr0_lF'
func withGuaranteeingBase<Base, Result>(base: Base, _ f: (Element) -> Result) -> Result {
// Just so we can not mark self as mutating. This is just a bitwise copy.
var tmp = self
return f(Builtin.convertUnownedUnsafeToGuaranteed(base, &tmp._value))
func assumingGuaranteeingBase<Result>(_ f: (Element) -> Result) -> Result {
// Just so we can not mark self as mutating. This is just a bitwise copy.
let fakeBase: Int? = nil
return withGuaranteeingBase(base: fakeBase, f)
// If the unmanaged value was initialized with a copy, release the underlying value.
// This will insert a release that can not be removed by the optimizer.
mutating func deinitialize() {
// Return a new strong reference to the unmanaged value.
// This will insert a retain that can not be removed by the optimizer!
public var strongRef: Element { _value }