blob: 4060edc500b668c76e4ed0ab27174eedab3346c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -parse-as-library -module-name Swift -parse-stdlib %s
// This test checks specific codegen related to converting curry thunks to
// canonical representations when we are emitting guaranteed normal
// arguments. Eventually it will be merged into the normal SILGen tests.
// Declarations //
precedencegroup AssignmentPrecedence {
assignment: true
enum Optional<T> {
case none
case some(T)
func _diagnoseUnexpectedNilOptional(_filenameStart: Builtin.RawPointer,
_filenameLength: Builtin.Word,
_filenameIsASCII: Builtin.Int1,
_line: Builtin.Word) {
// This would usually contain an assert, but we don't need one since we are
// just emitting SILGen.
class Klass {
init() {}
typealias AnyObject = Builtin.AnyObject
protocol ProtocolInitNoArg {
protocol ClassProtocolInitNoArg : class {
protocol ProtocolInitAddressOnly {
associatedtype SubType : ProtocolInitNoArg
init(t: SubType)
init(t2: AddrOnlyStructInitGeneric<Klass>)
init(t3: AddrOnlyStructInitGeneric<SubType>)
protocol ProtocolInitClassProtocol {
associatedtype SubType : ClassProtocolInitNoArg
init(t: SubType)
protocol ProtocolInitLoadable {
init(t: Klass)
protocol ClassProtocolInitAddressOnly : class {
associatedtype SubType : ProtocolInitNoArg
init(t: SubType)
protocol ClassProtocolInitClassProtocol : class {
associatedtype SubType : ClassProtocolInitNoArg
init(t: SubType)
protocol ClassProtocolInitLoadable : class {
init(t: Klass)
class LoadableClassInitLoadable {
init(_ k: Klass) {}
struct LoadableStructInitLoadable {
var k: Klass
init(_ newK: Klass) {
k = newK
struct AddrOnlyStructInitGeneric<T> {
var k: T
init(_ newK: T) {
k = newK
// Tests //
// There used to be FileCheck tests here. Now that curry thunks are built
// in CSApply, there's no point writing them out in great detail again.
// Let's just make sure we don't hit any assertions or SIL verifier
// failures.
func testAddrOnlyStructInitGenericConcrete() {
let x = AddrOnlyStructInitGeneric<Klass>.init
let y = x(Klass())
func testAddrOnlyStructInitGenericAddrOnly<T : ProtocolInitAddressOnly>(t: T) {
let x = AddrOnlyStructInitGeneric<T.SubType>.init
let y = x(T.SubType())
func testGenericInitClass<T : ProtocolInitLoadable>(t: T) {
let x = T.init
let y = x(Klass())