blob: 7da3ce2abacba4c8c4c35505f56ae8af67f24bdf [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %{python} %utils/ < %s > %t/property_descriptor.sil
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir %t/property_descriptor.sil | %FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK-%target-ptrsize --check-prefix=CHECK %t/property_descriptor.sil
sil_stage canonical
import Swift
public struct ExternalGeneric<T: Comparable> {
@_hasStorage public var ro: T { get }
@_hasStorage public var rw: T { get set }
public var computedRO: T { get }
public var computedRW: T { get set }
public subscript<U: Hashable>(_: U) -> T { get set }
public var computedWithTrivialDescriptor: Int { get }
public struct External {
@_hasStorage public var ro: Int { get }
@_hasStorage public var rw: Int { get set }
public var computedRO: Int { get }
public var computedRW: Int { get set }
public subscript(_: String) -> Int { get set }
public var computedWithTrivialDescriptor: Int { get }
public struct ExternalReabstractions<T> {
@_hasStorage public var ro: T { get }
@_hasStorage public var reabstracted: () -> () { get set }
// -- struct property, offset resolved from field offset vector in metadata
// CHECK-64: @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericV2roxvpMV" =
// CHECK-32: @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericV2roxvpMV" =
// CHECK-SAME: <{ <i32 0x01ff_fffe>,
sil_property <T: Comparable> (
stored_property : $T)
// CHECK-64: @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericV2rwxvpMV" =
// CHECK-32: @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericV2rwxvpMV" =
// CHECK-SAME: <{ <i32 0x01ff_fffe>,
sil_property <T: Comparable> (
stored_property : $T)
// CHECK: @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericV10computedROxvpMV" =
// -- 0x0108_0000 - computed, readonly, has arguments, identified by indirect
// CHECK-SAME: <{ <i32 0x0208_0002>,
// CHECK-SAME: @{{got.|"\\01__imp__?}}id_computed
// CHECK-SAME: [[GET_COMPUTEDRO:@keypath_get[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth)?}}
// CHECK-SAME: [[GET_ARG_LAYOUT_COMPUTEDRO:@keypath_get_arg_layout[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth)?}}
// -- default witness table
// CHECK-SAME: i32 0
// CHECK-SAME: [[ARG_INIT_COMPUTEDRO:@keypath_arg_init[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth.*)?}}
sil_property #ExternalGeneric.computedRO <T: Comparable> (
gettable_property $T,
id @id_computed : $@convention(thin) () -> (),
getter @get_computed_generic : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable> (@in_guaranteed ExternalGeneric<T>) -> @out T)
// CHECK: @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericV10computedRWxvpMV" =
// -- 0x01c8_0000 - computed, settable, mutating, has arguments, indirect id
// CHECK-SAME: <{ <i32 0x02c8_0002>,
// CHECK-SAME: @{{got.|"\\01__imp__?}}id_computed
// CHECK-SAME: [[GET_COMPUTEDRW:@keypath_get[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth)?}}
// CHECK-SAME: [[SET_COMPUTEDRW:@keypath_set[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth)?}}
// CHECK-SAME: [[GET_ARG_LAYOUT_COMPUTEDRW:@keypath_get_arg_layout[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth)?}}
// CHECK-SAME: i32 0
// CHECK-SAME: [[ARG_INIT_COMPUTEDRW:@keypath_arg_init[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth.*)?}}
sil_property #ExternalGeneric.computedRW <T: Comparable> (
settable_property $T,
id @id_computed : $@convention(thin) () -> (),
getter @get_computed_generic : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable> (@in_guaranteed ExternalGeneric<T>) -> @out T,
setter @set_computed_generic : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable> (@in_guaranteed T, @inout ExternalGeneric<T>) -> ())
// CHECK: @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericVyxqd__cSHRd__luipMV" =
// -- 0x01c8_0000 - computed, settable, mutating, has arguments, indirect id
// CHECK-SAME: <{ <i32 0x02c8_0002>,
// CHECK-SAME: @{{got.|"\\01__imp__?}}id_computed
// CHECK-SAME: [[GET_SUBSCRIPT:@keypath_get[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth)?}}
// CHECK-SAME: [[SET_SUBSCRIPT:@keypath_set[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth)?}}
// CHECK-SAME: [[GET_ARG_LAYOUT_SUBSCRIPT:@keypath_get_arg_layout[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth)?}}
// CHECK-SAME: i32 0
// CHECK-SAME: [[ARG_INIT_SUBSCRIPT:@keypath_arg_init[.0-9]*]]{{(\.ptrauth.*)?}}
sil_property #ExternalGeneric.subscript <T: Comparable><U: Hashable> (
settable_property $T,
id @id_computed : $@convention(thin) () -> (),
getter @get_computed_generic_subscript : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable><U: Hashable> (@in_guaranteed ExternalGeneric<T>, UnsafeRawPointer) -> @out T,
setter @set_computed_generic_subscript : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable><U: Hashable> (@in_guaranteed T, @inout ExternalGeneric<T>, UnsafeRawPointer) -> ())
// CHECK: @"$s19property_descriptor8ExternalV2roSivpMV" =
// CHECK-64: @"$s19property_descriptor8ExternalV2rwSivpMV" =
// CHECK-32: @"$s19property_descriptor8ExternalV2rwSivpMV" =
sil_property (stored_property : $Int)
sil_property (stored_property : $Int)
sil_property #External.computedRO (
gettable_property $Int,
id @id_computed : $@convention(thin) () -> (),
getter @get_computed : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed External) -> @out Int)
sil_property #External.computedRW (
settable_property $Int,
id @id_computed : $@convention(thin) () -> (),
getter @get_computed : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed External) -> @out Int,
setter @set_computed : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Int, @inout External) -> ())
sil_property #External.subscript (
settable_property $Int,
id @id_computed : $@convention(thin) () -> (),
getter @get_computed_subscript : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed External, UnsafeRawPointer) -> @out Int,
setter @set_computed_subscript : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Int, @inout External, UnsafeRawPointer) -> ())
sil_property <T> (
stored_property : $T)
sil_property #ExternalReabstractions.reabstracted <T> (
settable_property $() -> (),
id ##ExternalReabstractions.reabstracted,
getter @get_reabstracted : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in_guaranteed ExternalReabstractions<T>) -> @out @callee_guaranteed @substituted <U> () -> @out U for <()>,
setter @set_reabstracted : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in_guaranteed @callee_guaranteed @substituted <U> () -> @out U for <()>, @inout ExternalReabstractions<T>) -> ())
// All trivial descriptors should share a definition by aliasing to the common
// definition
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericV29computedWithTrivialDescriptorSivpMV" =
// CHECK-SAME: { i32 } zeroinitializer, align 4
sil_property #ExternalGeneric.computedWithTrivialDescriptor <T: Comparable> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s19property_descriptor8ExternalV29computedWithTrivialDescriptorSivpMV" =
// CHECK-SAME: alias {{.*}} @"$s19property_descriptor15ExternalGenericV29computedWithTrivialDescriptorSivpMV"
sil_property #External.computedWithTrivialDescriptor ()
sil @id_computed : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil @get_computed : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed External) -> @out Int
sil @set_computed : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Int, @inout External) -> ()
sil @get_computed_subscript : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed External, UnsafeRawPointer) -> @out Int
sil @set_computed_subscript : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed Int, @inout External, UnsafeRawPointer) -> ()
sil @get_computed_generic : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable> (@in_guaranteed ExternalGeneric<T>) -> @out T
sil @set_computed_generic : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable> (@in_guaranteed T, @inout ExternalGeneric<T>) -> ()
sil @get_computed_generic_subscript : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable><U: Hashable> (@in_guaranteed ExternalGeneric<T>, UnsafeRawPointer) -> @out T
sil @set_computed_generic_subscript : $@convention(thin) <T: Comparable><U: Hashable> (@in_guaranteed T, @inout ExternalGeneric<T>, UnsafeRawPointer) -> ()
sil @get_reabstracted : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in_guaranteed ExternalReabstractions<T>) -> @out @callee_guaranteed @substituted <U> () -> @out U for <()>
sil @set_reabstracted : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in_guaranteed @callee_guaranteed @substituted <U> () -> @out U for <()>, @inout ExternalReabstractions<T>) -> ()