blob: def763b6bb0b16fea01c7cc4887c0631a2ebe838 [file] [log] [blame]
// <rdar://problem/15358345> Check that we always use PIC relocations on all
// platforms.
// SR-12194
// XFAIL: OS=linux-android, CPU=aarch64
// UNSUPPORTED: OS=linux-gnu
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -module-name main -S -o - | %FileCheck -check-prefix=%target-cpu -check-prefix=%target-cpu-%target-sdk-name %s
var global: Int = 0
public func use_global() -> Int {
return global
// x86_64-LABEL: {{_?}}$s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// x86_64: movq {{_?}}{{[(]?}}$s4main6globalSivp{{[)]?}}(%rip), %rax
// i386-LABEL: {{_?}}$s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// i386: [[PIC_BLOCK:^L.*\$pb]]:{{$}}
// i386: popl [[PIC_REG:%[a-z]+]]
// i386: movl {{_?}}$s4main6globalSivp-[[PIC_BLOCK]]([[PIC_REG]]), {{%[a-z]+}}
// armv7-LABEL: {{_?}}$s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// Check for the runtime memory enforcement call. The global address may be
// materialized in a different register prior to that call.
// armv7: bl {{_?}}swift_beginAccess
// armv7-iphoneos: movw [[R_ADR:r.*]], :lower16:(_$s4main6globalSivp-([[PIC_0:L.*]]+4))
// armv7-iphoneos: movt [[R_ADR]], :upper16:(_$s4main6globalSivp-([[PIC_0]]+4))
// armv7-iphoneos: [[PIC_0]]:{{$}}
// armv7-iphoneos: ldr [[R_ADR]], {{\[}}[[R_ADR]]{{\]}}
// armv7-android: ldr [[R_ADR:r.*]], .LCPI[[PIC_0:[0-9]_[0-9]]]
// armv7-android: .LPC[[PIC_0]]:{{$}}
// armv7-android: add [[R_ADR]], pc
// armv7-android: bl {{_?}}swift_endAccess
// armv7-android: .LCPI[[PIC_0]]:{{$}}
// armv7-android: .long ($s4main6globalSivp)-(.LPC[[PIC_0]]+8)
// armv7-linux: ldr [[R_ADR:r.*]], .LCPI[[PIC_0:[0-9]_[0-9]]]
// armv7-linux: .LPC[[PIC_0]]:{{$}}
// armv7-linux: add [[R_ADR]], pc
// armv7-linux: bl {{_?}}swift_endAccess
// armv7-linux: .LCPI[[PIC_0]]:{{$}}
// armv7-linux: .long ($s4main6globalSivp)-(.LPC[[PIC_0]]+8)
// armv7s-LABEL: {{_?}}$s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// armv7s: bl _swift_beginAccess
// armv7s: movw [[R_ADR:r.*]], :lower16:(_$s4main6globalSivp-([[PIC_0:L.*]]+4))
// armv7s: movt [[R_ADR]], :upper16:(_$s4main6globalSivp-([[PIC_0]]+4))
// armv7s: [[PIC_0]]:{{$}}
// armv7s: add [[R_ADR]], pc
// armv7s: ldr [[R_ADR]], {{\[}}[[R_ADR]]{{\]}}
// armv7k-LABEL: {{_?}}$s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// armv7k: bl _swift_beginAccess
// armv7k: movw [[R_ADR:r.*]], :lower16:(_$s4main6globalSivp-([[PIC_0:L.*]]+4))
// armv7k: movt [[R_ADR]], :upper16:(_$s4main6globalSivp-([[PIC_0]]+4))
// armv7k: [[PIC_0]]:{{$}}
// armv7k: add [[R_ADR]], pc
// armv7k: ldr [[R_ADR]], {{\[}}[[R_ADR]]{{\]}}
// arm64-LABEL: {{_?}}$s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// arm64: adrp [[REG3:x[0-9]+]], _$s4main6globalSivp@PAGE
// arm64: adrp [[REG1:x[0-9]+]], _$s4main6globalSivp@PAGE
// arm64: add [[REG1]], [[REG1]], _$s4main6globalSivp@PAGEOFF
// arm64: str [[REG3]], [sp, #16]
// arm64: bl _swift_beginAccess
// arm64: ldr [[REG4:x[0-9]+]], [sp, #16]
// arm64: ldr [[REG2:x[0-9]+]], {{\[}}[[REG4]], _$s4main6globalSivp@PAGEOFF
// arm64: str [[REG2]], [sp]
// arm64: bl _swift_endAccess
// arm64: ldr x0, [sp]
// aarch64-LABEL: $s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// aarch64: bl swift_beginAccess
// aarch64-windows: adrp [[REG1:x[0-9]+]], ($s4main6globalSivp@PAGE)
// aarch64-linux: adrp [[REG1:x[0-9]+]], ($s4main6globalSivp)
// aarch64-android: adrp [[REG1:x[0-9]+]], ($s4main6globalSivp)
// aarch64: add [[REG1]], [[REG1]], :lo12:($s4main6globalSivp)
// aarch64: ldr [[REG2:x[0-9]+]], {{\[}}[[REG1]]{{\]}}
// aarch64: str [[REG2]], [sp]
// aarch64: bl swift_endAccess
// aarch64: ldr x0, [sp]
// arm64e-LABEL: _$s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// arm64e: adrp [[REG1:x[0-9]+]], _$s4main6globalSivp@PAGE
// arm64e: add [[REG1]], [[REG1]], _$s4main6globalSivp@PAGEOFF
// arm64e: bl _swift_beginAccess
// arm64e: ldr {{x[0-9]+}}, {{\[}}[[REG1]]{{\]}}
// powerpc64le-LABEL: {{_?}}$s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// powerpc64le: bl swift_beginAccess
// powerpc64le: addi 3, 3, ($s4main6globalSivp)@toc@l
// s390x-LABEL: $s4main10use_globalSiyF:
// s390x: lgrl %[[REG1:r[0-9]+]], ($s4main6globalSivp)