blob: 7d046aeec693ef4fb3dfb6358dac923f6649e92b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %{python} %utils/ < %s > %t/opaque_result_type.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -enable-implicit-dynamic -disable-availability-checking -emit-ir %t/opaque_result_type.swift | %FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=CHECK-NODEBUG %t/opaque_result_type.swift
public protocol O {
func bar()
public protocol O2 {
func baz()
protocol P {
associatedtype A: O
func poo() -> A
protocol Q: AnyObject {
associatedtype B: O, O2
func qoo() -> B
extension Int: O, O2 {
public func bar() {}
public func baz() {}
extension String: P {
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$sSS18opaque_result_typeE3pooQryFQOMQ" = {{.*}}constant <{ {{.*}} }> <{
// -- header: opaque type context (0x4), generic (0x80), unique (0x40), two entries (0x2_0000)
// CHECK-SAME: <i32 0x2_00c4>,
// -- parent context: module, or anon context for function
// CHECK-SAME: @"$s18opaque_result_typeMXM"
// -- mangled underlying type
// CHECK-SAME: @"symbolic Si"
// -- conformance to O
// CHECK-SAME: @"get_witness_table Si18opaque_result_type1OHpyHC
func poo() -> some O {
return 0
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$sSS18opaque_result_typeE4propQrvpQOMQ" = {{.*}}constant
public var prop: some O {
return 0
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$sSS18opaque_result_typeEQrycipQOMQ" = {{.*}}constant
public subscript() -> some O {
return 0
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s18opaque_result_type10globalPropQrvpQOMQ" = {{.*}}constant
public var globalProp: some O {
return 0
public class C: P, Q {
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s18opaque_result_type1CC3pooQryFQOMQ" = {{.*}} constant <{ {{.*}} }> <{
// -- header: opaque type context (0x4), generic (0x80), unique (0x40), two entries (0x2_0000)
// CHECK-SAME: <i32 0x2_00c4>
// -- parent context: module, or anon context for function
// CHECK-SAME: @"$s18opaque_result_typeMXM"
// -- mangled underlying type
// CHECK-SAME: @"symbolic Si"
// -- conformance to O
// CHECK-SAME: @"get_witness_table Si18opaque_result_type1OHpyHC
func poo() -> some O {
return 0
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s18opaque_result_type1CC3qooQryFQOMQ" = {{.*}} constant <{ {{.*}} }> <{
// -- header: opaque type context (0x4), generic (0x80), unique (0x40), three entries (0x3_0000)
// CHECK-SAME: <i32 0x3_00c4>
// -- parent context: module, or anon context for function
// CHECK-SAME: @"$s18opaque_result_typeMXM"
// -- mangled underlying type
// CHECK-SAME: @"symbolic Si"
// -- conformance to O
// CHECK-SAME: @"get_witness_table Si18opaque_result_type1OHpyHC
// -- conformance to O2
// CHECK-SAME: @"get_witness_table Si18opaque_result_type2O2HpyHC
func qoo() -> some O & O2 {
return 0
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s18opaque_result_type3foo1xQrSS_tFQOMQ" = {{.*}} constant <{ {{.*}} }> <{
// -- header: opaque type context (0x4), generic (0x80), unique (0x40), two entries (0x2_0000)
// CHECK-SAME: <i32 0x2_00c4>
// -- parent context: module, or anon context for function
// CHECK-SAME: @"$s18opaque_result_typeMXM"
// -- mangled underlying type
// CHECK-SAME: @"symbolic SS"
// -- conformance to P
// CHECK-SAME: @"get_witness_table SS18opaque_result_type1PHpyHC
func foo(x: String) -> some P {
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s18opaque_result_type3bar1yQrAA1CC_tFQOMQ" = {{.*}} constant <{ {{.*}} }> <{
// -- header: opaque type context (0x4), generic (0x80), unique (0x40), two entries (0x2_0000)
// CHECK-SAME: <i32 0x2_00c4>
// -- parent context: module, or anon context for function
// CHECK-SAME: @"$s18opaque_result_typeMXM"
// -- mangled underlying type
// CHECK-SAME: @"symbolic _____ 18opaque_result_type1CC"
// -- conformance to Q
// CHECK-SAME: @"get_witness_table 18opaque_result_type1CCAA1QHPyHC
func bar(y: C) -> some Q {
return y
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s18opaque_result_type3baz1zQrx_tAA1PRzAA1QRzlFQOMQ" = {{.*}} constant <{ {{.*}} }> <{
// -- header: opaque type context (0x4), generic (0x80), unique (0x40), three entries (0x3_0000)
// CHECK-SAME: <i32 0x3_00c4>
// -- parent context: anon context for function
// CHECK-SAME: @"$s18opaque_result_type3baz1zQrx_tAA1PRzAA1QRzlFMXX"
// -- mangled underlying type
// CHECK-SAME: @"symbolic x"
// -- conformance to P
// CHECK-SAME: @"get_witness_table 18opaque_result_type1PRzAA1QRzlxAaB
// -- conformance to Q
// CHECK-SAME: @"get_witness_table 18opaque_result_type1PRzAA1QRzlxAaC
func baz<T: P & Q>(z: T) -> some P & Q {
return z
// Ensure the local type's opaque descriptor gets emitted.
// CHECK-LABEL: @"$s18opaque_result_type11localOpaqueQryF0D0L_QryFQOMQ" =
func localOpaque() -> some P {
func local() -> some P {
return "local"
return local()
public func useFoo(x: String, y: C) {
let p = foo(x: x)
let pa = p.poo()
let q = bar(y: y)
let qb = q.qoo()
let pq = baz(z: y)
let pqa = pq.poo()
let pqb = pq.qoo()
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @"$s18opaque_result_type6useFoo1x1yySS_AA1CCtF"
// CHECK: [[OPAQUE:%.*]] = call {{.*}} @"$s18opaque_result_type3baz1zQrx_tAA1PRzAA1QRzlFQOMg"
// CHECK: [[CONFORMANCE:%.*]] = call swiftcc i8** @swift_getOpaqueTypeConformance(i8* {{.*}}, %swift.type_descriptor* [[OPAQUE]], [[WORD:i32|i64]] 1)
// CHECK: [[TYPE:%.*]] = call {{.*}} @__swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName{{.*}}({{.*}} @"$s18opaque_result_type3baz1zQrx_tAA1PRzAA1QRzlFQOyAA1CCQo_MD")
// CHECK: call swiftcc i8** @swift_getAssociatedConformanceWitness(i8** [[CONFORMANCE]], %swift.type* [[TYPE]]
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @"$sSS18opaque_result_type1PAA1AAaBP_AA1OPWT"
// CHECK: [[OPAQUE:%.*]] = call {{.*}} @"$sSS18opaque_result_typeE3pooQryFQOMg"
// CHECK: call swiftcc i8** @swift_getOpaqueTypeConformance(i8* {{.*}}, %swift.type_descriptor* [[OPAQUE]], [[WORD]] 1)
// rdar://problem/49585457
protocol R {
associatedtype A: R
func getA() -> A
struct Wrapper<T: R>: R {
var wrapped: T
func getA() -> some R {
return wrapped.getA()
struct X<T: R, U: R>: R {
var t: T
var u: U
func getA() -> some R {
return Wrapper(wrapped: u)
var globalOProp: some O = 0
public struct OpaqueProps {
static var staticOProp: some O = 0
var instanceOProp: some O = 0
// Make sure we don't recurse indefinitely on recursive enums.
public enum RecursiveEnum {
case a(Int)
case b(String)
indirect case c(RecursiveEnum)
public enum EnumWithTupleWithOpaqueField {
case a(Int)
case b((OpaqueProps, String))