blob: f5ad1f0b6ff35f9b057712afb3400dc04520a302 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -reconstruct-type -source-filename %s | %FileCheck %s -implicit-check-not="FAILURE"
// This test doesn't test a whole lot now that the more general (but buggy)
// getDeclFromMangledSymbolName() has been replaced with getTypeDeclForMangling().
// However we're still printing and reconstructing types for all the expressions
// we see here, even though there are no check lines.
// More comprehensive tests for getType{,Decl}ForMangling() are found in
// test/TypeDecoder/.
struct Mystruct1 {
// CHECK: decl: struct Mystruct1
func s1f1() -> Int { return 0 }
var intField = 3
struct MyStruct2 {
// CHECK: decl: struct MyStruct2
init() {}
init(x: Int) {}
init(x: Int, y: Int) {}
class Myclass1 {
// CHECK: decl: class Myclass1
var intField = 4
func f1() {
var s1ins = Mystruct1() // Implicit ctor
_ = Mystruct1(intField: 1) // Implicit ctor
s1ins.intField = 34
// CHECK: type: Mystruct1
// CHECK: type: Int
var c1ins = Myclass1()
// CHECK: type: Myclass1
c1ins.intField = 3
// CHECK: type: Int
// CHECK: type: Mystruct1
// CHECK: type: (Mystruct1) -> () -> Int
if let ifletf1 = Int?(1) {
class Myclass2 {
// CHECK: decl: class Myclass2
func f1() {
var arr1 = [1, 2]
// CHECK: type: [Int]
// CHECK: type: (inout Array<Int>) -> (__owned Int) -> ()
var arr2 : [Mystruct1]
// CHECK: type: [Mystruct1]
// CHECK: type: (inout Array<Mystruct1>) -> (__owned Mystruct1) -> ()
var arr3 : [Myclass1]
// CHECK: type: [Myclass1]
// CHECK: type: (inout Array<Myclass1>) -> (__owned Myclass1) -> ()
_ = Myclass2.init()
// CHECK: decl: enum MyEnum
enum MyEnum {
case ravioli
case pasta
func method() -> Int { return 0 }
func compare(_ other: MyEnum) -> Int {
return 0
mutating func mutatingMethod() {}
func f2() {
// CHECK: type: (MyEnum.Type) -> MyEnum
var e = MyEnum.pasta
// CHECK: type: (MyEnum) -> () -> Int
// CHECK: (MyEnum) -> (MyEnum) -> Int
// CHECK: (inout MyEnum) -> () -> ()
struct MyGenStruct1<T, U: ExpressibleByStringLiteral, V: Sequence> {
// CHECK: decl: struct MyGenStruct1<T, U, V> where U : ExpressibleByStringLiteral, V : Sequence
let x: T
let y: U
let z: V
func test000() {
_ = x
// CHECK: type: T
_ = y
// CHECK: type: U
_ = z
// CHECK: type: V
func takesT(_ t: T) {
let genstruct1 = MyGenStruct1<Int, String, [Float]>(x: 1, y: "", z: [1.0])
func test001() {
_ = genstruct1
// CHECK: type: MyGenStruct1<Int, String, [Float]>
var genstruct2: MyGenStruct1<Int, String, [Int: Int]>
_ = genstruct2
// CHECK: type: MyGenStruct1<Int, String, [Int : Int]>
_ = genstruct2.x
// CHECK: type: Int
_ = genstruct2.y
// CHECK: type: String
_ = genstruct2.z
// CHECK: type: [Int : Int]
// CHECK: decl: protocol P1
protocol P1 {}
func foo1(p: P1) {
// CHECK: type: (P1) -> ()
foo1(p: p)
// CHECK: decl: protocol P2
protocol P2 {}
func foo2(p: P1 & P2) {
foo2(p: p)
func foo3(p: P1 & AnyObject) {
foo3(p: p)
func foo4(p: P1 & P2 & Myclass1) {
foo4(p: p)
func genericFunction<T : AnyObject>(t: T) {
genericFunction(t: t)
func takesInOut(fn: (inout Int) -> ()) {}
struct Outer {
struct Inner {
let x: Int
struct GenericInner<T> {
let t: T
struct GenericOuter<T> {
struct Inner {
let t: T
let x: Int
struct GenericInner<U> {
let t: T
let u: U
func takesGeneric(_ t: Outer.GenericInner<Int>) {
func takesGeneric(_ t: GenericOuter<Int>.Inner) {
func takesGeneric(_ t: GenericOuter<Int>.GenericInner<String>) {
func hasLocalDecls() {
func localFunction() {}
// CHECK: decl: struct LocalType for 'LocalType' usr=s:14swift_ide_test13hasLocalDeclsyyF0E4TypeL_V
struct LocalType {
func localMethod() {}
subscript(x: Int) -> Int { get {} set {} }
// CHECK: decl: class LocalClass for 'LocalClass' usr=s:14swift_ide_test13hasLocalDeclsyyF0E5ClassL_C
class LocalClass {
deinit {}
// CHECK: decl: typealias LocalAlias = LocalType for 'LocalAlias' usr=s:14swift_ide_test13hasLocalDeclsyyF0E5AliasL_a
typealias LocalAlias = LocalType
fileprivate struct VeryPrivateData {}
fileprivate func privateFunction(_ d: VeryPrivateData) {}
struct HasSubscript {
subscript(_ t: Int) -> Int {
get {
return t
set {}
struct HasGenericSubscript<T> {
subscript<U>(_ t: T) -> U {
get {
return t as! U
set {}
func patatino<T: Comparable>(_ vers1: T, _ vers2: T) -> Bool {
return vers1 < vers2;
@available(OSX 10.9, *)
@_originallyDefinedIn(module: "OtherModule", OSX 10.13)
public struct MovedHere {
public func foo() {}