blob: 975584445bcb3db3c4b3021cbd839cc485e353b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %build-clang-importer-objc-overlays
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk-nosource) -I %t -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -print-module -source-filename %s -module-to-print=Newtype -skip-unavailable -access-filter-public > %t.printed.A.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=PRINT -strict-whitespace < %t.printed.A.txt
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -sdk %clang-importer-sdk -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules -I %t
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
// PRINT-LABEL: struct ErrorDomain : _ObjectiveCBridgeable, Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: var rawValue: String { get }
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = String
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias _ObjectiveCType = NSString
// PRINT-NEXT: extension ErrorDomain {
// PRINT-NEXT: func process()
// PRINT-NEXT: static let one: ErrorDomain
// PRINT-NEXT: static let errTwo: ErrorDomain
// PRINT-NEXT: static let three: ErrorDomain
// PRINT-NEXT: static let fourErrorDomain: ErrorDomain
// PRINT-NEXT: static let stillAMember: ErrorDomain
// PRINT-NEXT: struct Food {
// PRINT-NEXT: init()
// PRINT-NEXT: extension Food {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let err: ErrorDomain
// PRINT-NEXT: struct ClosedEnum : _ObjectiveCBridgeable, Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: var rawValue: String { get }
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = String
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias _ObjectiveCType = NSString
// PRINT-NEXT: extension ClosedEnum {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let firstClosedEntryEnum: ClosedEnum
// PRINT-NEXT: static let secondEntry: ClosedEnum
// PRINT-NEXT: static let thirdEntry: ClosedEnum
// PRINT-NEXT: struct IUONewtype : _ObjectiveCBridgeable, Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: var rawValue: String { get }
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = String
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias _ObjectiveCType = NSString
// PRINT-NEXT: struct MyFloat : Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: Float)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: Float)
// PRINT-NEXT: let rawValue: Float
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = Float
// PRINT-NEXT: extension MyFloat {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let globalFloat: MyFloat{{$}}
// PRINT-NEXT: static let PI: MyFloat{{$}}
// PRINT-NEXT: static let version: MyFloat{{$}}
// PRINT-LABEL: struct MyInt : Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: Int32)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: Int32)
// PRINT-NEXT: let rawValue: Int32
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = Int32
// PRINT-NEXT: extension MyInt {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let zero: MyInt{{$}}
// PRINT-NEXT: static let one: MyInt{{$}}
// PRINT-NEXT: let kRawInt: Int32
// PRINT-NEXT: func takesMyInt(_: MyInt)
// PRINT-LABEL: extension NSURLResourceKey {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let isRegularFileKey: NSURLResourceKey
// PRINT-NEXT: static let isDirectoryKey: NSURLResourceKey
// PRINT-NEXT: static let localizedNameKey: NSURLResourceKey
// PRINT-NEXT: extension NSNotification.Name {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let Foo: NSNotification.Name
// PRINT-NEXT: static let bar: NSNotification.Name
// PRINT-NEXT: static let NSWibble: NSNotification.Name
// PRINT-NEXT: let kNotification: String
// PRINT-NEXT: let Notification: String
// PRINT-NEXT: let swiftNamedNotification: String
// PRINT-LABEL: struct CFNewType : Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: CFString)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: CFString)
// PRINT-NEXT: let rawValue: CFString
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = CFString
// PRINT-NEXT: extension CFNewType {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let MyCFNewTypeValue: CFNewType
// PRINT-NEXT: static let MyCFNewTypeValueUnauditedButConst: CFNewType
// PRINT-NEXT: static var MyCFNewTypeValueUnaudited: Unmanaged<CFString>
// PRINT-NEXT: func FooAudited() -> CFNewType
// PRINT-NEXT: func FooUnaudited() -> Unmanaged<CFString>
// PRINT-LABEL: struct MyABINewType : Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: CFString)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: CFString)
// PRINT-NEXT: let rawValue: CFString
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = CFString
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias MyABIOldType = CFString
// PRINT-NEXT: extension MyABINewType {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let global: MyABINewType!
// PRINT-NEXT: let kMyABIOldTypeGlobal: MyABIOldType!
// PRINT-NEXT: func getMyABINewType() -> MyABINewType!
// PRINT-NEXT: func getMyABIOldType() -> MyABIOldType!
// PRINT-NEXT: func takeMyABINewType(_: MyABINewType!)
// PRINT-NEXT: func takeMyABIOldType(_: MyABIOldType!)
// PRINT-NEXT: func takeMyABINewTypeNonNull(_: MyABINewType)
// PRINT-NEXT: func takeMyABIOldTypeNonNull(_: MyABIOldType)
// PRINT-LABEL: struct MyABINewTypeNS : _ObjectiveCBridgeable, Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: var rawValue: String { get }
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = String
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias _ObjectiveCType = NSString
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias MyABIOldTypeNS = NSString
// PRINT-NEXT: func getMyABINewTypeNS() -> MyABINewTypeNS!
// PRINT-NEXT: func getMyABIOldTypeNS() -> String!
// PRINT-NEXT: func takeMyABINewTypeNonNullNS(_: MyABINewTypeNS)
// PRINT-NEXT: func takeMyABIOldTypeNonNullNS(_: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: struct NSSomeContext {
// PRINT-NEXT: var i: Int32
// PRINT-NEXT: init()
// PRINT-NEXT: init(i: Int32)
// PRINT-NEXT: extension NSSomeContext {
// PRINT-NEXT: struct Name : _ObjectiveCBridgeable, Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: String)
// PRINT-NEXT: var rawValue: String { get }
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = String
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias _ObjectiveCType = NSString
// PRINT-NEXT: extension NSSomeContext.Name {
// PRINT-NEXT: static let myContextName: NSSomeContext.Name
// PRINT-NEXT: struct TRef : Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: OpaquePointer)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: OpaquePointer)
// PRINT-NEXT: let rawValue: OpaquePointer
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = OpaquePointer
// PRINT-NEXT: struct ConstTRef : Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: OpaquePointer)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: OpaquePointer)
// PRINT-NEXT: let rawValue: OpaquePointer
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = OpaquePointer
// PRINT-NEXT: func create_T() -> TRef
// PRINT-NEXT: func create_ConstT() -> ConstTRef
// PRINT-NEXT: func destroy_T(_: TRef!)
// PRINT-NEXT: func destroy_ConstT(_: ConstTRef!)
// PRINT-NEXT: extension TRef {
// PRINT-NEXT: func mutatePointee()
// PRINT-NEXT: mutating func mutate()
// PRINT-NEXT: extension ConstTRef {
// PRINT-NEXT: func use()
// PRINT-NEXT: struct TRefRef : Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>)
// PRINT-NEXT: let rawValue: UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>
// PRINT-NEXT: struct ConstTRefRef : Hashable, Equatable, _SwiftNewtypeWrapper, RawRepresentable {
// PRINT-NEXT: init(_ rawValue: UnsafePointer<OpaquePointer>)
// PRINT-NEXT: init(rawValue: UnsafePointer<OpaquePointer>)
// PRINT-NEXT: let rawValue: UnsafePointer<OpaquePointer>
// PRINT-NEXT: typealias RawValue = UnsafePointer<OpaquePointer>
// PRINT-NEXT: func create_TRef() -> TRefRef
// PRINT-NEXT: func create_ConstTRef() -> ConstTRefRef
// PRINT-NEXT: func destroy_TRef(_: TRefRef!)
// PRINT-NEXT: func destroy_ConstTRef(_: ConstTRefRef!)
// PRINT-NEXT: extension TRefRef {
// PRINT-NEXT: func mutatePointee()
// PRINT-NEXT: mutating func mutate()
// PRINT-NEXT: extension ConstTRefRef {
// PRINT-NEXT: func use()
import Newtype
func tests() {
let errOne =
let fooErr = Food.err
Food().process() // expected-error{{value of type 'Food' has no member 'process'}}
let thirdEnum = ClosedEnum.thirdEntry
// expected-error@-1{{value of type 'ClosedEnum' has no member 'process'}}
let _ = ErrorDomain(rawValue: thirdEnum.rawValue)
let _ = ClosedEnum(rawValue: errOne.rawValue)
let _ = NSNotification.Name.Foo
let _ =
let _ : CFNewType = CFNewType.MyCFNewTypeValue
let _ : CFNewType = CFNewType.MyCFNewTypeValueUnauditedButConst
let _ : CFNewType = CFNewType.MyCFNewTypeValueUnaudited
// expected-error@-1{{cannot convert value of type 'Unmanaged<CFString>?' to specified type 'CFNewType'}}
func acceptSwiftNewtypeWrapper<T : _SwiftNewtypeWrapper>(_ t: T) { }
func acceptEquatable<T : Equatable>(_ t: T) { }
func acceptHashable<T : Hashable>(_ t: T) { }
func acceptObjectiveCBridgeable<T : _ObjectiveCBridgeable>(_ t: T) { }
func testConformances(ed: ErrorDomain) {
func testFixit() {
let _ = NSMyContextName
// expected-error@-1{{'NSMyContextName' has been renamed to 'NSSomeContext.Name.myContextName'}} {{10-25=NSSomeContext.Name.myContextName}}
func testNonEphemeralInitParams(x: OpaquePointer) {
var x = x
_ = TRefRef(&x) // expected-warning {{inout expression creates a temporary pointer, but argument #1 should be a pointer that outlives the call to 'init(_:)'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{implicit argument conversion from 'OpaquePointer' to 'UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>' produces a pointer valid only for the duration of the call}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'withUnsafeMutablePointer' in order to explicitly convert argument to pointer valid for a defined scope}}
_ = TRefRef(rawValue: &x) // expected-warning {{inout expression creates a temporary pointer, but argument 'rawValue' should be a pointer that outlives the call to 'init(rawValue:)'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{implicit argument conversion from 'OpaquePointer' to 'UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>' produces a pointer valid only for the duration of the call}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'withUnsafeMutablePointer' in order to explicitly convert argument to pointer valid for a defined scope}}
_ = ConstTRefRef(&x) // expected-warning {{inout expression creates a temporary pointer, but argument #1 should be a pointer that outlives the call to 'init(_:)'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{implicit argument conversion from 'OpaquePointer' to 'UnsafePointer<OpaquePointer>' produces a pointer valid only for the duration of the call}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'withUnsafePointer' in order to explicitly convert argument to pointer valid for a defined scope}}
_ = ConstTRefRef(rawValue: &x) // expected-warning {{inout expression creates a temporary pointer, but argument 'rawValue' should be a pointer that outlives the call to 'init(rawValue:)'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{implicit argument conversion from 'OpaquePointer' to 'UnsafePointer<OpaquePointer>' produces a pointer valid only for the duration of the call}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'withUnsafePointer' in order to explicitly convert argument to pointer valid for a defined scope}}