blob: f25b9c9150eea238992a49c8ccfa92276ca9069e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -source-filename %s -code-completion-token=MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -source-filename %s -code-completion-token=META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -source-filename %s -code-completion-token=CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_ARG | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_ARG
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -source-filename %s -code-completion-token=CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_INIT_ARG | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_ARG
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -source-filename %s -code-completion-token=CONDITIONAL_INAPPLICABLE_ARG | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CONDITIONAL_INAPPLICABLE_ARG
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -source-filename %s -code-completion-token=CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENT_TYPEALIAS | %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENT_TYPEALIAS
protocol SomeProto {
associatedtype Assoc
extension SomeProto where Assoc == String {
func protoExt_AssocEqString_None() -> Int { return 1 }
extension SomeProto where Assoc == Int {
func protoExt_AssocEqInt_None() -> Int { return 1 }
extension SomeProto where Assoc: SomeProto {
func protoExt_AssocConformsToSomeProto_None() -> Int { return 1 }
extension SomeProto {
func protoExt_None_AssocEqString<U>(_ x: U) -> Int where Assoc == String { return 1 }
func protoExt_None_AssocEqInt<U>(_ x: U) -> Int where Assoc == Int { return 1 }
func protoExt_None_AssocConformsToSomeProto<U>(_ x: U) -> Int where Assoc: SomeProto { return 1 }
struct MyStruct<T> : SomeProto {
typealias Assoc = T
init<U>(int: U) where T == Int {}
init<U>(str: U) where T == String {}
init<U: SomeProto>(withConstrainedGenericParam: U) {}
func methodWithConstrainedGenericParam<U: SomeProto>(x: U) -> Int { return 1 }
extension MyStruct where T == String {
func concreteExt_TEqString_None() -> Int { return 1 }
extension MyStruct where T == Int {
func concreteExt_TEqInt_None() -> Int { return 1 }
extension MyStruct where T: SomeProto {
func concreteExt_TConformsToSomeProto_None() -> Int { return 1 }
extension MyStruct {
func concreteExt_None_TEqString<U>(_ x: U) -> Int where T == String { return 1 }
func concreteExt_None_TEqInt<U>(_ x: U) -> Int where T == Int { return 1 }
func concreteExt_None_TConformsToSomeProto<U>(_ x: U) -> Int where T: SomeProto { return 1 }
protocol Proto_Int {}
extension Proto_Int {
func conditional_Int() -> Int { return 1 }
protocol Proto_String {}
extension Proto_String {
func conditional_String() -> Int { return 1 }
extension MyStruct: Proto_Int where T == Int{}
extension MyStruct: Proto_String where T == String {}
func foo(s: MyStruct<Int>) {
let _ = s.#^MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT^#
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT: Begin completions, 7 items
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Keyword[self]/CurrNominal: self[#MyStruct<Int>#]; name=self
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal: methodWithConstrainedGenericParam({#x: SomeProto#})[#Int#]; name=methodWithConstrainedGenericParam(x: SomeProto)
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal: concreteExt_TEqInt_None()[#Int#]; name=concreteExt_TEqInt_None()
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal: concreteExt_None_TEqInt({#(x): U#})[#Int#]; name=concreteExt_None_TEqInt(x: U)
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/Super: protoExt_AssocEqInt_None()[#Int#]; name=protoExt_AssocEqInt_None()
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/Super: protoExt_None_AssocEqInt({#(x): U#})[#Int#]; name=protoExt_None_AssocEqInt(x: U)
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/Super: conditional_Int()[#Int#]; name=conditional_Int()
// MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT: End completions
let _ = MyStruct<Int>.#^META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT^#
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT: Begin completions, 11 items
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Keyword[self]/CurrNominal: self[#MyStruct<Int>.Type#]; name=self
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Keyword/CurrNominal: Type[#MyStruct<Int>.Type#]; name=Type
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[TypeAlias]/CurrNominal: Assoc[#T#]; name=Assoc
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[Constructor]/CurrNominal: init({#int: U#})[#MyStruct<Int>#]; name=init(int: U)
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[Constructor]/CurrNominal: init({#withConstrainedGenericParam: SomeProto#})[#MyStruct<Int>#]; name=init(withConstrainedGenericParam: SomeProto)
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal: methodWithConstrainedGenericParam({#(self): MyStruct<Int>#})[#(x: SomeProto) -> Int#]; name=methodWithConstrainedGenericParam(self: MyStruct<Int>)
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal: concreteExt_TEqInt_None({#(self): MyStruct<Int>#})[#() -> Int#]; name=concreteExt_TEqInt_None(self: MyStruct<Int>)
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal: concreteExt_None_TEqInt({#(self): MyStruct<Int>#})[#(U) -> Int#]; name=concreteExt_None_TEqInt(self: MyStruct<Int>)
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/Super: protoExt_AssocEqInt_None({#(self): MyStruct<Int>#})[#() -> Int#]; name=protoExt_AssocEqInt_None(self: MyStruct<Int>)
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/Super: protoExt_None_AssocEqInt({#(self): MyStruct<Int>#})[#(U) -> Int#]; name=protoExt_None_AssocEqInt(self: MyStruct<Int>)
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/Super: conditional_Int({#(self): MyStruct<Int>#})[#() -> Int#]; name=conditional_Int(self: MyStruct<Int>)
// META_MYSTRUCT_INT_DOT: End completions
enum Fruit { case apple }
enum Vegetable { case broccoli }
enum Meat { case chicken }
protocol EatsFruit { }
protocol EatsVegetables { }
protocol EatsMeat { }
struct Chef <Client> { }
extension Chef where Client: EatsFruit {
init(_ favorite: Fruit) {}
func cook(_ food: Fruit) { }
extension Chef where Client: EatsVegetables {
init(_ favorite: Vegetable) {}
func cook(_ food: Vegetable) { }
extension Chef where Client: EatsMeat {
init(favorite: Meat) {}
func cook(_ food: Meat) { }
func eat(_ food: Meat) {}
struct Vegetarian: EatsFruit, EatsVegetables { }
func testVegetarian(chef: Chef<Vegetarian>) {
// CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_ARG: Begin completions, 4 items
// CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_ARG-DAG: Decl[EnumElement]/ExprSpecific/TypeRelation[Identical]: apple[#Fruit#]; name=apple
// CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_ARG-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal/TypeRelation[Invalid]: hash({#(self): Fruit#})[#(into: inout Hasher) -> Void#]; name=hash(self: Fruit)
// CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_ARG-DAG: Decl[EnumElement]/ExprSpecific/TypeRelation[Identical]: broccoli[#Vegetable#]; name=broccoli
// CONDITIONAL_OVERLOAD_ARG-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal/TypeRelation[Invalid]: hash({#(self): Vegetable#})[#(into: inout Hasher) -> Void#]; name=hash(self: Vegetable)
var chefMeta: Chef<Vegetarian>.Type = Chef<Vegetarian>.self
// Note: 'eat' is from an inapplicable constrained extension. We complete as if the user intends to addess that later
// (e.g. by adding the missing 'Meat' conformance to 'Vegetarian' - clearly not the intention here - but replace 'Meat' with 'Equatable').
// CONDITIONAL_INAPPLICABLE_ARG: Begin completions, 2 items
// CONDITIONAL_INAPPLICABLE_ARG-DAG: Decl[EnumElement]/ExprSpecific/TypeRelation[Identical]: chicken[#Meat#]; name=chicken
// CONDITIONAL_INAPPLICABLE_ARG-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal/TypeRelation[Invalid]: hash({#(self): Meat#})[#(into: inout Hasher) -> Void#]; name=hash(self: Meat)
// rdar://problem/53401609
protocol MyProto {
associatedtype Index
extension MyProto where Index: Strideable, Index.Stride == Int {
func indices() {}
struct MyConcrete {}
extension MyConcrete: MyProto {
typealias Index = Int
func testHasIndex(value: MyConcrete) {
// CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENT_TYPEALIAS: Begin completions, 2 items
// CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENT_TYPEALIAS-DAG: Keyword[self]/CurrNominal: self[#MyConcrete#];
// CONDITIONAL_DEPENDENT_TYPEALIAS-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/Super: indices()[#Void#];