blob: 860e574d2be712e8b11b360dbc8cb4e185ba989b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// Would fail due to unavailability of swift_autoDiffCreateLinearMapContext.
// UNSUPPORTED: use_os_stdlib
import StdlibUnittest
import _Differentiation
var ArrayAutoDiffTests = TestSuite("ArrayAutoDiff")
typealias FloatArrayTan = Array<Float>.TangentVector
extension Array.DifferentiableView {
/// A subscript that always fatal errors.
/// The differentiation transform should never emit calls to this.
subscript(alwaysFatalError: Int) -> Element {
fatalError("wrong subscript")
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ArrayIdentity") {
func arrayIdentity(_ x: [Float]) -> [Float] {
return x
let backprop = pullback(at: [5, 6, 7, 8], in: arrayIdentity)
FloatArrayTan([1, 2, 3, 4]),
backprop(FloatArrayTan([1, 2, 3, 4])))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ArraySubscript") {
func sumFirstThree(_ array: [Float]) -> Float {
return array[0] + array[1] + array[2]
FloatArrayTan([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]),
gradient(at: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], in: sumFirstThree))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ArrayLiteral") {
do {
func twoElementLiteral(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> [Float] {
return [x, y]
let pb = pullback(at: 1, 1, in: twoElementLiteral)
expectEqual((1, 2), pb(FloatArrayTan([Float(1), Float(2)])))
do {
// TF-952: Test array literal initialized from an address (e.g. `var`).
func twoElementLiteralAddress(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> [Float] {
var result = x
result = result * y
return [result, result]
let pb = pullback(at: 3, 4, in: twoElementLiteralAddress)
expectEqual((8, 6), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
do {
// TF-952: Test array literal initialized with function call results.
func twoElementLiteralFunctionResult(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> [Float] {
return [x * y, x * y]
let pb = pullback(at: 3, 4, in: twoElementLiteralFunctionResult)
expectEqual((8, 6), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
do {
// TF-975: Test multiple array literals.
func twoElementLiterals(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> [Float] {
let array = [x * y, x * y]
return [array[0], array[1]]
let pb = pullback(at: 3, 4, in: twoElementLiterals)
expectEqual((8, 6), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ArrayLiteralIndirect") {
do {
func twoElementLiteralIndirect<T: Differentiable>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> [T] {
return [x, y]
let pb = pullback(at: Float(1), 1, in: { twoElementLiteralIndirect($0, $1) })
expectEqual((1, 2), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 2])))
do {
func twoElementLiteralIndirectVar<T: Differentiable>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> [T] {
var result: [T] = []
result = result + [x]
result = result + [y]
return result
let pb = pullback(at: Float(1), 1, in: { twoElementLiteralIndirectVar($0, $1) })
expectEqual((1, 2), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 2])))
struct Struct<T> {
var x, y: T
extension Struct: Differentiable where T: Differentiable {}
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ArrayLiteralStruct") {
typealias TV = Struct<Float>.TangentVector
let s = Struct<Float>(x: 3, y: 4)
do {
func structElementLiteral<T>(_ s: Struct<T>) -> [T] {
return [s.x, s.y]
func structGeneric<T>(_ s: Struct<T>) -> T {
return structElementLiteral(s)[0]
func structConcrete1(_ s: Struct<Float>) -> Float {
return structElementLiteral(s)[0] * structElementLiteral(s)[1]
func structConcrete2(_ s: Struct<Float>) -> Float {
let array = structElementLiteral(s)
return array[0] * array[1]
expectEqual(TV(x: 1, y: 0), gradient(at: s, in: { s in structGeneric(s) }))
expectEqual(TV(x: 4, y: 3), gradient(at: s, in: structConcrete1))
expectEqual(TV(x: 4, y: 3), gradient(at: s, in: structConcrete2))
do {
func structElementAddressLiteral<T>(_ s: Struct<T>) -> [T] {
var s2 = Struct<T>(x: s.x, y: s.y)
return [s2.x, s2.y]
func structGeneric<T>(_ s: Struct<T>) -> T {
return structElementAddressLiteral(s)[0]
func structConcrete1(_ s: Struct<Float>) -> Float {
return structElementAddressLiteral(s)[0] *
func structConcrete2(_ s: Struct<Float>) -> Float {
let array = structElementAddressLiteral(s)
return array[0] * array[1]
expectEqual(TV(x: 1, y: 0), gradient(at: s, in: { s in structGeneric(s) }))
expectEqual(TV(x: 4, y: 3), gradient(at: s, in: structConcrete1))
expectEqual(TV(x: 4, y: 3), gradient(at: s, in: structConcrete2))
do {
func structElementAddressLiteral2<T>(_ s: Struct<T>) -> [T] {
var s2 = Struct<T>(x: s.x, y: s.y)
let array = [s2.x, s2.y]
return [array[0], array[1]]
func structGeneric<T>(_ s: Struct<T>) -> T {
return structElementAddressLiteral2(s)[0]
func structConcrete1(_ s: Struct<Float>) -> Float {
return structElementAddressLiteral2(s)[0] *
func structConcrete2(_ s: Struct<Float>) -> Float {
let array = structElementAddressLiteral2(s)
return array[0] * array[1]
expectEqual(TV(x: 1, y: 0), gradient(at: s, in: { s in structGeneric(s) }))
expectEqual(TV(x: 4, y: 3), gradient(at: s, in: structConcrete1))
expectEqual(TV(x: 4, y: 3), gradient(at: s, in: structConcrete2))
// TF-978: Test array literal initialized with `apply` indirect results.
do {
func applyIndirectResult<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> [Struct<T>] {
return [Struct(x: x, y: y), Struct(x: x, y: y)]
let pb = pullback(at: Float(3), 4, in: { applyIndirectResult($0, $1) })
let v = TV(x: 1, y: 1)
expectEqual((2, 2), pb(.init([v, v])))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ArrayLiteralTuple") {
do {
func tupleElementGeneric<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> [T] {
var tuple = (x, y)
return [tuple.0, tuple.1]
let pb = pullback(at: Float(3), 4, in: { tupleElementGeneric($0, $1) })
// FIXME(TF-977): Fix incorrect derivative for array literal with
// `tuple_element_addr` elements.
// expectEqual((1, 1), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
expectEqual((0, 2), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ArrayLiteralNested") {
do {
func nested0(
_ x: Float, _ y: Float, _ bool: Bool = true
) -> [Float] {
let result = [[[[x, y]]]]
return result[0][0][0]
let pb = pullback(at: 3, 4, in: { nested0($0, $1) })
expectEqual((1, 1), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1, 1, 1])))
do {
func nested1(
_ x: Float, _ y: Float, _ bool: Bool = true
) -> [Float] {
var result = [[x, y], [x, y]]
return result[0] + result[1]
let pb = pullback(at: 3, 4, in: { nested1($0, $1) })
expectEqual((2, 2), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1, 1, 1])))
do {
// Convoluted function computing `[x + y]`.
func nested2(
_ x: Float, _ y: Float, _ bool: Bool = true
) -> [Float] {
var result = [[], [x]]
result = result + []
result = result + [[]]
result = result + [[y]]
var nested = [result, [], result]
return nested[0][1] + result[3]
let (value, pb) = valueWithPullback(at: 3, 4, in: { nested2($0, $1) })
expectEqual([3, 4], value)
expectEqual((1, 1), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ArrayLiteralControlFlow") {
do {
// TF-922: Test array literal and control flow.
func controlFlow(
_ x: Float, _ y: Float, _ bool: Bool = true
) -> [Float] {
var result = [x * y, x * y]
let result2 = bool ? result : result
var result3 = bool ? (bool ? result2 : result) : result2
return result3
let pb = pullback(at: 3, 4, in: { controlFlow($0, $1) })
expectEqual((8, 6), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
do {
// TF-922: Test array literal and control flow.
func controlFlowAddress(
_ x: Float, _ y: Float, _ bool: Bool = true
) -> [Float] {
var product = x * y // initial value is an address
var result = [product, product]
let result2 = bool ? result : result
var result3 = bool ? (bool ? result2 : result) : result2
return result3
let pb = pullback(at: 3, 4, in: { controlFlowAddress($0, $1) })
expectEqual((8, 6), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
do {
// TF-922: Test array literal and control flow.
func controlFlowGeneric<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T, _ bool: Bool = true) -> [T] {
var result = [x, y] // initial values are addresses
let result2 = bool ? result : result
var result3 = bool ? (bool ? result2 : result) : result2
return result3
let pb = pullback(at: Float(3), 4, in: { controlFlowGeneric($0, $1) })
expectEqual((1, 1), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
do {
// Test nested array literal and control flow.
func controlFlowNestedLiteral(
_ x: Float, _ y: Float, _ bool: Bool = true
) -> [Float] {
var result: [[Float]] = []
var result2 = bool ? result + [[x]] : result + [[x]]
var result3 = bool ? (bool ? result2 + [[y]] : result2 + [[y]]) : result2 + [[y]]
return result3[0] + [result3[1][0]]
let pb = pullback(at: 3, 4, in: { controlFlowNestedLiteral($0, $1) })
expectEqual((1, 1), pb(FloatArrayTan([1, 1])))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("ExpressibleByArrayLiteralIndirect") {
struct Indirect<T: Differentiable>: Differentiable & ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
var x: T
typealias ArrayLiteralElement = T
init(arrayLiteral: T...) {
assert(arrayLiteral.count > 1)
self.x = arrayLiteral[0]
func testArrayUninitializedIntrinsic<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> Indirect<T> {
return [x, y]
let (gradX, gradY) = pullback(at: Float(1), Float(1), in: {
x, y in testArrayUninitializedIntrinsic(x, y)
})(Indirect<Float>.TangentVector(x: 1))
expectEqual(1, gradX)
expectEqual(0, gradY)
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("Array.+") {
func sumFirstThreeConcatenating(_ a: [Float], _ b: [Float]) -> Float {
let c = a + b
return c[0] + c[1] + c[2]
(.init([1, 1]), .init([1, 0])),
gradient(at: [0, 0], [0, 0], in: sumFirstThreeConcatenating))
(.init([1, 1, 1, 0]), .init([0, 0])),
gradient(at: [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0], in: sumFirstThreeConcatenating))
(.init([]), .init([1, 1, 1, 0])),
gradient(at: [], [0, 0, 0, 0], in: sumFirstThreeConcatenating))
func identity(_ array: [Float]) -> [Float] {
var results: [Float] = []
for i in withoutDerivative(at: array.indices) {
results = results + [array[i]]
return results
let v = FloatArrayTan([4, -5, 6])
expectEqual(v, pullback(at: [1, 2, 3], in: identity)(v))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("Array.+=") {
func sumFirstThreeConcatenating(_ a: [Float], _ b: [Float]) -> Float {
var c = a
c += b
return c[0] + c[1] + c[2]
(.init([1, 1]), .init([1, 0])),
gradient(at: [0, 0], [0, 0], in: sumFirstThreeConcatenating))
(.init([1, 1, 1, 0]), .init([0, 0])),
gradient(at: [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0], in: sumFirstThreeConcatenating))
(.init([]), .init([1, 1, 1, 0])),
gradient(at: [], [0, 0, 0, 0], in: sumFirstThreeConcatenating))
func identity(_ array: [Float]) -> [Float] {
var results: [Float] = []
for i in withoutDerivative(at: array.indices) {
results += [array[i]]
return results
let v = FloatArrayTan([4, -5, 6])
expectEqual(v, pullback(at: [1, 2, 3], in: identity)(v))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("Array.append") {
func appending(_ array: [Float], _ element: Float) -> [Float] {
var result = array
return result
do {
let v = FloatArrayTan([1, 2, 3, 4])
expectEqual((.init([1, 2, 3]), 4),
pullback(at: [0, 0, 0], 0, in: appending)(v))
func identity(_ array: [Float]) -> [Float] {
var results: [Float] = []
for i in withoutDerivative(at: array.indices) {
return results
do {
let v = FloatArrayTan([4, -5, 6])
expectEqual(v, pullback(at: [1, 2, 3], in: identity)(v))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("Array.init(repeating:count:)") {
func repeating(_ x: Float) -> [Float] {
Array(repeating: x, count: 10)
expectEqual(Float(10), gradient(at: .zero) { x in
repeating(x).differentiableReduce(0, {$0 + $1})
expectEqual(Float(20), pullback(at: .zero, in: { x in
repeating(x).differentiableReduce(0, {$0 + $1})
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("Array.DifferentiableView.init") {
func constructView(_ x: [Float]) -> Array<Float>.DifferentiableView {
return Array<Float>.DifferentiableView(x)
let backprop = pullback(at: [5, 6, 7, 8], in: constructView)
FloatArrayTan([1, 2, 3, 4]),
backprop(FloatArrayTan([1, 2, 3, 4])))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("Array.DifferentiableView.base") {
func accessBase(_ x: Array<Float>.DifferentiableView) -> [Float] {
return x.base
let backprop = pullback(
at: Array<Float>.DifferentiableView([5, 6, 7, 8]),
in: accessBase)
FloatArrayTan([1, 2, 3, 4]),
backprop(FloatArrayTan([1, 2, 3, 4])))
ArrayAutoDiffTests.test("Array.zeroTangentVector") {
let count = 10
let array: [Float] = Array((0..<count).map(Float.init))
expectEqual(array.zeroTangentVector.base, Array(repeating: 0, count: count))