blob: 525ec6520d750609fdac900ff32342338d685e2e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend-typecheck -parse-stdlib %s
// SR-12559: `@derivative` attribute type-checking crash.
// This program is not valid, but the compiler should not crash nonetheless.
// Reproducible only with `-parse-stdlib`.
// The crash occurs because it is not sufficient for attribute type-checking to
// check for `Differentiable` conformances. We must also check for invalid
// associated types:
// (lldb) p valueResultConf.dump()
// (normal_conformance type=AnyDerivative protocol=Differentiable
// (assoc_type req=TangentVector type=<<error type>>))
import _Differentiation
struct AnyDerivative: Differentiable {
init<T>(_ base: T) {}
@derivative(of: init)
static func _vjpInit<T: Differentiable>(
_ base: T
) -> (value: AnyDerivative, pullback: (AnyDerivative) -> T.TangentVector) {
typealias TangentVector = AnyDerivative
// Assertion failed: (resultTan && "Original result has no tangent space?"), function getAutoDiffDerivativeFunctionLinearMapType, file /Users/danielzheng/swift-merge/swift/lib/AST/Type.cpp, line 5190.