blob: bb9688bda0f1bfb67dcc516f780150bea5f36f35 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend-typecheck -verify %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend-typecheck -enable-testing -verify %s
import _Differentiation
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test top-level functions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
func linearFunc(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return x
@transpose(of: linearFunc, wrt: 0)
func linearFuncTranspose(x: Float) -> Float {
return x
func twoParams(_ x: Float, _ y: Double) -> Double {
return Double(x) + y
@transpose(of: twoParams, wrt: 0)
func twoParamsT1(_ y: Double, _ t: Double) -> Float {
return Float(t + y)
@transpose(of: twoParams, wrt: 1)
func twoParamsT2(_ x: Float, _ t: Double) -> Double {
return Double(x) + t
@transpose(of: twoParams, wrt: (0, 1))
func twoParamsT3(_ t: Double) -> (Float, Double) {
return (Float(t), t)
func threeParams(_ x: Float, _ y: Double, _ z: Float) -> Double {
return Double(x) + y
@transpose(of: threeParams, wrt: 0)
func threeParamsT1(_ y: Double, _ z: Float, _ t: Double) -> Float {
return Float(t + y) + z
@transpose(of: threeParams, wrt: 1)
func threeParamsT2(_ x: Float, _ z: Float, _ t: Double) -> Double {
return Double(x + z) + t
@transpose(of: threeParams, wrt: 2)
func threeParamsT3(_ x: Float, _ y: Double, _ t: Double) -> Float {
return Float(y + t) + x
@transpose(of: threeParams, wrt: (0, 1))
func threeParamsT4(_ z: Float, _ t: Double) -> (Float, Double) {
return (z + Float(t), Double(z) + t)
@transpose(of: threeParams, wrt: (0, 2))
func threeParamsT5(_ y: Double, _ t: Double) -> (Float, Float) {
let ret = Float(y + t)
return (ret, ret)
@transpose(of: threeParams, wrt: (0, 1, 2))
func threeParamsT5(_ t: Double) -> (Float, Double, Float) {
let ret = Float(t)
return (ret, t, ret)
// Generics
func generic<T: Differentiable>(x: T) -> T where T == T.TangentVector {
return x
@transpose(of: generic, wrt: 0)
func genericT<T: Differentiable>(x: T) -> T where T == T.TangentVector {
return x
func genericThreeParam<
T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint,
U: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint,
V: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
t: T, u: U, v: V
) -> T where T == T.TangentVector,
U == U.TangentVector,
V == V.TangentVector {
return t
@transpose(of: genericThreeParam, wrt: 1)
func genericThreeParamT2<
T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint,
U: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint,
V: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
t: T, v: V, s: T
) -> U where T == T.TangentVector,
U == U.TangentVector,
V == V.TangentVector {
return U(1)
@transpose(of: genericThreeParam, wrt: (0, 1, 2))
func genericThreeParamT2<
T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint,
U: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint,
V: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
t: T
) -> (T, U, V) where T == T.TangentVector,
U == U.TangentVector,
V == V.TangentVector {
return (T(1), U(1), V(1))
func genericOneParamFloatOneParam<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
t: T, f: Float
) -> T where T == T.TangentVector {
return T(f)
@transpose(of: genericOneParamFloatOneParam, wrt: 0)
func genericOneParamFloatOneParamT1<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
f: Float, t: T
) -> T where T == T.TangentVector {
return t
@transpose(of: genericOneParamFloatOneParam, wrt: 1)
func genericOneParamFloatOneParamT1<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
t1: T, t2: T
) -> Float where T == T.TangentVector {
return 1
@transpose(of: genericOneParamFloatOneParam, wrt: (0, 1))
func genericOneParamFloatOneParamT1<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
t: T
) -> (T, Float) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (T(1), 1)
func withInt(x: Float, y: Int) -> Float {
if y >= 0 {
return x
} else {
return x
@transpose(of: withInt, wrt: 0)
func withIntT(x: Int, t: Float) -> Float {
return t
func missingDiffSelfRequirement<T: AdditiveArithmetic>(x: T) -> T {
return x
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot transpose with respect to original result 'T' that does not conform to 'Differentiable' and satisfy 'T == T.TangentVector'}}
@transpose(of: missingDiffSelfRequirement, wrt: 0)
func missingDiffSelfRequirementT<T: AdditiveArithmetic>(x: T) -> T {
return x
func missingSelfRequirement<T: Differentiable>(x: T)
-> T where T.TangentVector == T {
return x
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot transpose with respect to original result 'T' that does not conform to 'Differentiable' and satisfy 'T == T.TangentVector'}}
@transpose(of: missingSelfRequirement, wrt: 0)
func missingSelfRequirementT<T: Differentiable>(x: T) -> T {
return x
// expected-note @+1 {{candidate global function does not have type equal to or less constrained than '<T where T : Differentiable, T == T.TangentVector> (T) -> T'}}
func differentGenericConstraint<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(x: T)
-> T where T == T.TangentVector {
return x
// expected-error @+1 {{referenced declaration 'differentGenericConstraint' could not be resolved}}
@transpose(of: differentGenericConstraint, wrt: 0)
func differentGenericConstraintT<T: Differentiable>(x: T)
-> T where T == T.TangentVector {
return x
func transposingInt(x: Float, y: Int) -> Float {
if y >= 0 {
return x
} else {
return x
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot transpose with respect to original parameter 'Int' that does not conform to 'Differentiable' and satisfy 'Int == Int.TangentVector'}}
@transpose(of: transposingInt, wrt: 1)
func transposingIntT1(x: Float, t: Float) -> Int {
return Int(x)
@transpose(of: transposingInt, wrt: 0)
func tangentNotLast(y: Int, t: Float) -> Float {
return t
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test methods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// // Method no parameters.
extension Float {
func getDouble() -> Double {
return Double(self)
@transpose(of: Float.getDouble, wrt: self)
static func structTranspose(v: Double) -> Float {
return Float(v)
// Method with one parameter.
extension Float {
func adding(_ double: Double) -> Float {
return self + Float(double)
@transpose(of: Float.adding, wrt: 0)
func addingT1(t: Float) -> Double {
return Double(self + t)
@transpose(of: Float.adding, wrt: self)
static func addingT2(_ double: Double, t: Float) -> Float {
return Float(double) + t
@transpose(of: Float.adding, wrt: (self, 0))
static func addingT3(t: Float) -> (Float, Double) {
return (t, Double(t))
// Different self type/result type.
extension Int {
func myAdding(_ double: Double) -> Float {
return Float(double)
@transpose(of: Int.myAdding, wrt: 0)
func addingT3(t: Float) -> Double {
return Double(t)
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot transpose with respect to original parameter 'Int' that does not conform to 'Differentiable' and satisfy 'Int == Int.TangentVector'}}
@transpose(of: Int.myAdding, wrt: (self, 0))
static func addingT3(v: Float) -> (Int, Double) {
return (Int(v), Double(v))
// Static methods.
struct A : Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
typealias TangentVector = A
var x: Double
static prefix func -(a: A) -> A {
return A(x: -a.x)
@transpose(of: -, wrt: 0)
static func transposeNegate(t: A) -> A {
return A(x: -t.x)
static prefix func +(a: A) -> A {
return a
// TODO(TF-1065): Consider disallowing qualified operator names.
@transpose(of: A.+, wrt: 0)
static func transposeIdQualified(t: A) -> A {
return t
extension Float {
static func myMultiply(lhs: Float, rhs: Float) -> Float {
return lhs * rhs
@transpose(of: Float.myMultiply, wrt: 0)
@transpose(of: Float.myMultiply, wrt: 1)
static func myMultiplyT(param: Float, v: Float) -> Float {
return param + v
static func threeParamsStatic(_ x: Float, _ y: Double, _ z: Float) -> Double {
return Double(x + z) + y
@transpose(of: Float.threeParamsStatic, wrt: (0, 1, 2))
static func threeParamsT12(v: Double) -> (x: Float, y: Double, z: Float) {
return (Float(v), v, Float(v))
@transpose(of: Float.threeParamsStatic, wrt: (0, 2))
static func threeParamsT12(_ y: Double, v: Double) -> (x: Float, z: Float) {
let ret = Float(y + v)
return (ret, ret)
@transpose(of: Float.threeParamsStatic, wrt: 1)
static func threeParamsT12(_ x: Float, _ z: Float, v: Double) -> Double {
return v + Double(x + z)
// Method with 3 parameters.
extension Float {
func threeParams(_ x: Float, _ y: Double, _ z: Float) -> Double {
return Double(self + x + z) + y
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: 0)
func threeParamsT1(_ y: Double, _ z: Float, t: Double) -> Float {
return self + Float(t + y) + z
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: 1)
func threeParamsT2(_ x: Float, _ z: Float, t: Double) -> Double {
return t + Double(x + z + self)
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: 2)
func threeParamsT3(_ x: Float, _ y: Double, t: Double) -> Float {
return x + Float(y + t) + self
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (0, 1))
func threeParamsT4(_ z: Float, t: Double) -> (x: Float, y: Double) {
return (Float(t) + z + self, t + Double(z + self))
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (0, 2))
func threeParamsT5(_ y: Double, t: Double) -> (x: Float, z: Float) {
let ret = Float(y + t) + self
return (ret, ret)
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (0, 1, 2))
func threeParamsT6(t: Double) -> (x: Float, y: Double, z: Float) {
return (Float(t) + self, t + Double(self), Float(t) + self)
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: self)
static func threeParamsT6(_ x: Float, _ y: Double, _ z: Float, t: Double) -> Float {
return x + z + Float(y + t)
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (self, 0))
static func threeParamsT7(_ y: Double, _ z: Float, t: Double) -> (self: Float, x: Float) {
let ret = Float(y + t) + z
return (ret, ret)
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (self, 1))
static func threeParamsT7(_ x: Float, _ z: Float, t: Double) -> (self: Float, y: Double) {
return (x + z + Float(t), t + Double(x + z))
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (self, 2))
static func threeParamsT9(_ x: Float, _ y: Double, t: Double) -> (self: Float, z: Float) {
let ret = Float(y + t) + x
return (ret, ret)
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (self, 0, 1))
static func threeParamsT10(_ z: Float, t: Double) -> (self: Float, x: Float, y: Double) {
let ret = Float(t) + z
return (ret, ret, Double(ret))
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (self, 0, 2))
static func threeParamsT11(_ y: Double, t: Double) -> (self: Float, x: Float, z: Float) {
let ret = Float(t + y)
return (ret, ret, ret)
@transpose(of: Float.threeParams, wrt: (self, 0, 1, 2))
static func threeParamsT12(t: Double) -> (self: Float, x: Float, y: Double, z: Float) {
return (Float(t), Float(t), t, Float(t))
// Nested struct
struct level1 {
struct level2: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
static var zero: Self { Self() }
static func + (_: Self, _: Self) -> Self { Self() }
static func - (_: Self, _: Self) -> Self { Self() }
typealias TangentVector = Self
mutating func move(along: TangentVector) {}
func foo(x: Float) -> Float {
return x
struct level2_nondiff {
func foo(x: Float) -> Float {
return x
extension level1.level2 {
@transpose(of: foo, wrt: 0)
func trans(t: Float) -> Float {
return t
@transpose(of: foo, wrt: (self, 0))
static func trans(t: Float) -> (self: level1.level2, x: Float) {
return (level1.level2(), t)
extension level1.level2_nondiff {
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot transpose with respect to original parameter 'level1.level2_nondiff' that does not conform to 'Differentiable' and satisfy 'level1.level2_nondiff == level1.level2_nondiff.TangentVector'}}
@transpose(of:, wrt: (self, 0))
static func trans(t: Float) -> (self: level1.level2_nondiff, x: Float) {
return (level1.level2_nondiff(), t)
// Generics
extension Float {
func genericOneParamFloatOneParam<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
x: T, y: Float
) -> Float where T == T.TangentVector {
return y + Float(x)
@transpose(of: Float.genericOneParamFloatOneParam, wrt: 0)
func genericOneParamFloatOneParamT1<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
y: Float, t: Float
) -> T where T == T.TangentVector {
return T(y + t)
@transpose(of: Float.genericOneParamFloatOneParam, wrt: (0, 1))
func genericOneParamFloatOneParamT2<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
t: Float
) -> (x: T, y: Float) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (T(t), t)
@transpose(of: Float.genericOneParamFloatOneParam, wrt: (self, 1))
static func genericOneParamFloatOneParamT1<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
x: T,
t: Float
) -> (self: Float, y: Float) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (Float(x) + t, Float(x) + t)
@transpose(of: Float.genericOneParamFloatOneParam, wrt: (self, 0, 1))
static func genericOneParamFloatOneParamT1<T: Differentiable & BinaryFloatingPoint>(
t: Float
) -> (self: Float, x: T, y: Float) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (t, T(t), t)
// Test non-`func` original declarations.
// expected-note @+1 {{candidate initializer does not have type equal to or less constrained than '<T where T : Differentiable, T == T.TangentVector> (Struct<T>) -> (Float) -> Struct<T>'}}
struct Struct<T> {}
extension Struct: Equatable where T: Equatable {}
extension Struct: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic
where T: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
static var zero: Self { Self() }
static func + (_: Self, _: Self) -> Self { Self() }
static func - (_: Self, _: Self) -> Self { Self() }
typealias TangentVector = Self
mutating func move(along: TangentVector) {}
// Test computed properties.
extension Struct {
var computedProperty: Struct { self }
extension Struct where T: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
@transpose(of: computedProperty, wrt: self)
static func transposeProperty(t: Self) -> Self {
// Test initializers.
extension Struct {
// expected-note @+1 {{candidate initializer does not have type equal to or less constrained than '<T where T : Differentiable, T == T.TangentVector> (Struct<T>) -> (Float) -> Struct<T>'}}
init(_ x: Float) {}
// expected-note @+1 {{candidate initializer does not have type equal to or less constrained than '<T where T : Differentiable, T == T.TangentVector> (Struct<T>) -> (Float) -> Struct<T>'}}
init(_ x: T, y: Float) {}
extension Struct where T: Differentiable, T == T.TangentVector {
@transpose(of: init, wrt: 0)
static func vjpInitX(_ x: Self) -> Float {
@transpose(of: init(_:y:), wrt: (0, 1))
static func vjpInitXY(_ x: Self) -> (T, Float) {
// Test instance transpose for static original initializer.
// TODO(TF-1015): Add improved instance/static member mismatch error.
// expected-error @+1 {{referenced declaration 'init' could not be resolved}}
@transpose(of: init, wrt: 0)
func vjpInitStaticMismatch(_ x: Self) -> Float {
// Test subscripts.
extension Struct {
subscript() -> Self {
get { self }
set {}
subscript(float float: Float) -> Self { self }
subscript<U: Differentiable>(x: U) -> Self { self }
extension Struct where T: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
@transpose(of: subscript, wrt: self)
static func vjpSubscript(t: Struct) -> Struct {
@transpose(of: subscript(float:), wrt: self)
static func vjpSubscriptLabelled(float: Float, t: Struct) -> Struct {
@transpose(of: subscript(_:), wrt: self)
static func vjpSubscriptGeneric<U: Differentiable>(x: U, t: Struct) -> Struct {
// Check that `@transpose` attribute rejects stored property original declarations.
struct StoredProperty: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
// expected-note @+1 {{candidate getter does not have expected type '(StoredProperty) -> () -> StoredProperty'}}
var stored: Float
typealias TangentVector = StoredProperty
static var zero: StoredProperty { StoredProperty(stored: 0) }
static func + (_: StoredProperty, _: StoredProperty) -> StoredProperty {
StoredProperty(stored: 0)
static func - (_: StoredProperty, _: StoredProperty) -> StoredProperty {
StoredProperty(stored: 0)
// Note: `@transpose` support for instance members is currently too limited
// to properly register a transpose for a non-`Self`-typed member.
// expected-error @+1 {{referenced declaration 'stored' could not be resolved}}
@transpose(of: stored, wrt: self)
static func vjpStored(v: Self) -> Self {
// Check that the self type of the method and the result type are the same when
// transposing WRT self. Needed to make sure they are defined within the same
// context.
extension Float {
func convertToDouble() -> Double {
// Ok
@transpose(of: convertToDouble, wrt: self)
static func t1(t: Double) -> Float {
extension Double {
// expected-error @+2 {{the transpose of an instance method must be a 'static' method in the same type when 'self' is a linearity parameter}}
// expected-note @+1 {{the transpose is declared in 'Double' but the original function is declared in 'Float'}}
@transpose(of: Float.convertToDouble, wrt: self)
static func t1(t: Double) -> Float {