blob: d8ec6e56c588f5dd4b0e3ab8cb96da4b6be91314 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify -primary-file %s %S/Inputs/struct_differentiable_other_module.swift
import _Differentiation
// Verify that a type `T` conforms to `AdditiveArithmetic`.
func assertConformsToAdditiveArithmetic<T>(_: T.Type)
where T: AdditiveArithmetic {}
struct Empty: Differentiable {}
func testEmpty() {
struct EmptyWithConcreteNonmutatingMoveAlong: Differentiable {
typealias TangentVector = Empty.TangentVector
var zeroTangentVectorInitializer: () -> TangentVector { { .init() } }
func move(along _: TangentVector) {}
static func proof_that_i_have_nonmutating_move_along() {
let empty = Self()
empty.move(along: .init())
protocol DifferentiableWithNonmutatingMoveAlong: Differentiable {}
extension DifferentiableWithNonmutatingMoveAlong {
func move(along _: TangentVector) {}
struct EmptyWithInheritedNonmutatingMoveAlong: DifferentiableWithNonmutatingMoveAlong {
typealias TangentVector = Empty.TangentVector
var zeroTangentVectorInitializer: () -> TangentVector { { .init() } }
static func proof_that_i_have_nonmutating_move_along() {
let empty = Self()
empty.move(along: .init())
class EmptyClass: Differentiable {}
func testEmptyClass() {
// Test interaction with `AdditiveArithmetic` derived conformances.
// Previously, this crashed due to duplicate memberwise initializer synthesis.
struct EmptyAdditiveArithmetic: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {}
// Test structs with `let` stored properties.
// Derived conformances fail because `mutating func move` requires all stored
// properties to be mutable.
struct ImmutableStoredProperties: Differentiable {
var okay: Float
// expected-warning @+1 {{stored property 'nondiff' has no derivative because 'Int' does not conform to 'Differentiable'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}} {{3-3=@noDerivative }}
let nondiff: Int
// expected-warning @+1 {{synthesis of the 'Differentiable.move(along:)' requirement for 'ImmutableStoredProperties' requires all stored properties not marked with `@noDerivative` to be mutable or have a non-mutating 'move(along:)'; use 'var' instead, or add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}} {{3-3=@noDerivative }}
let diff: Float
let nonmutatingMoveAlongStruct: EmptyWithConcreteNonmutatingMoveAlong
let inheritedNonmutatingMoveAlongStruct: EmptyWithInheritedNonmutatingMoveAlong
let diffClass: EmptyClass // No error on class-bound `let` with a non-mutating `move(along:)`.
func testImmutableStoredProperties() {
_ = ImmutableStoredProperties.TangentVector(
okay: 1,
nonmutatingMoveAlongStruct: Empty.TangentVector(),
inheritedNonmutatingMoveAlongStruct: Empty.TangentVector(),
diffClass: EmptyClass.TangentVector())
struct MutableStoredPropertiesWithInitialValue: Differentiable {
var x = Float(1)
var y = Double(1)
// Test struct with both an empty constructor and memberwise initializer.
struct AllMixedStoredPropertiesHaveInitialValue: Differentiable {
// expected-warning @+1 {{synthesis of the 'Differentiable.move(along:)' requirement for 'AllMixedStoredPropertiesHaveInitialValue' requires all stored properties not marked with `@noDerivative` to be mutable or have a non-mutating 'move(along:)'; use 'var' instead, or add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}} {{3-3=@noDerivative }}
let x = Float(1)
var y = Float(1)
// Memberwise initializer should be `init(y:)` since `x` is immutable.
static func testMemberwiseInitializer() {
_ = AllMixedStoredPropertiesHaveInitialValue(y: 1)
struct HasCustomConstructor: Differentiable {
var x = Float(1)
var y = Float(1)
// Custom constructor should not affect synthesis.
init(x: Float, y: Float, z: Bool) {}
struct Simple: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var w: Float
var b: Float
func testSimple() {
var simple = Simple(w: 1, b: 1)
simple.move(along: simple)
// Test type with mixed members.
struct Mixed: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var simple: Simple
var float: Float
func testMixed(_ simple: Simple) {
var mixed = Mixed(simple: simple, float: 1)
mixed.move(along: mixed)
// Test type with manual definition of vector space types to `Self`.
struct VectorSpacesEqualSelf: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var w: Float
var b: Float
typealias TangentVector = VectorSpacesEqualSelf
// Test generic type with vector space types to `Self`.
struct GenericVectorSpacesEqualSelf<T>: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable
where T: Differentiable, T == T.TangentVector {
var w: T
var b: T
func testGenericVectorSpacesEqualSelf() {
var genericSame = GenericVectorSpacesEqualSelf<Double>(w: 1, b: 1)
genericSame.move(along: genericSame)
// Test nested type.
struct Nested: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var simple: Simple
var mixed: Mixed
var generic: GenericVectorSpacesEqualSelf<Double>
func testNested(
_ simple: Simple, _ mixed: Mixed,
_ genericSame: GenericVectorSpacesEqualSelf<Double>
) {
var nested = Nested(simple: simple, mixed: mixed, generic: genericSame)
nested.move(along: nested)
// Test type that does not conform to `AdditiveArithmetic` but whose members do.
// Thus, `Self` cannot be used as `TangentVector` or `TangentVector`.
// Vector space structs types must be synthesized.
// Note: it would be nice to emit a warning if conforming `Self` to
// `AdditiveArithmetic` is possible.
struct AllMembersAdditiveArithmetic: Differentiable {
var w: Float
var b: Float
// Test type whose properties are not all differentiable.
struct DifferentiableSubset: Differentiable {
var w: Float
var b: Float
@noDerivative var flag: Bool
@noDerivative let technicallyDifferentiable: Float = .pi
func testDifferentiableSubset() {
_ = DifferentiableSubset.TangentVector(w: 1, b: 1)
_ = DifferentiableSubset.TangentVector(w: 1, b: 1)
// Test nested type whose properties are not all differentiable.
struct NestedDifferentiableSubset: Differentiable {
var x: DifferentiableSubset
var mixed: Mixed
@noDerivative var technicallyDifferentiable: Float
// Test type that uses synthesized vector space types but provides custom
// method.
struct HasCustomMethod: Differentiable {
var simple: Simple
var mixed: Mixed
var generic: GenericVectorSpacesEqualSelf<Double>
mutating func move(along direction: TangentVector) {
print("Hello world")
simple.move(along: direction.simple)
mixed.move(along: direction.mixed)
generic.move(along: direction.generic)
// Test type with user-defined memberwise initializer.
struct TF_25: Differentiable {
public var bar: Float
public init(bar: Float) { = bar
// Test user-defined memberwise initializer.
struct TF_25_Generic<T: Differentiable>: Differentiable {
public var bar: T
public init(bar: T) { = bar
// Test initializer that is not a memberwise initializer because of stored property name vs parameter label mismatch.
struct HasCustomNonMemberwiseInitializer<T: Differentiable>: Differentiable {
var value: T
init(randomLabel value: T) { self.value = value }
// Test type with generic environment.
struct HasGenericEnvironment<Scalar: FloatingPoint & Differentiable>: Differentiable
var x: Float
// Test type with generic members that conform to `Differentiable`.
struct GenericSynthesizeAllStructs<T: Differentiable>: Differentiable {
var w: T
var b: T
// Test type in generic context.
struct A<T: Differentiable> {
struct B<U: Differentiable, V>: Differentiable {
struct InGenericContext: Differentiable {
@noDerivative var a: A
var b: B
var t: T
var u: U
// Test extension.
struct Extended {
var x: Float
extension Extended: Differentiable {}
// Test extension of generic type.
struct GenericExtended<T> {
var x: T
extension GenericExtended: Differentiable where T: Differentiable {}
// Test constrained extension of generic type.
struct GenericConstrained<T> {
var x: T
extension GenericConstrained: Differentiable
where T: Differentiable {}
struct TF_260<T: Differentiable>: Differentiable, AdditiveArithmetic {
var x: T.TangentVector
// TF-269: Test crash when differentiation properties have no getter.
// Related to access levels and associated type inference.
public protocol TF_269_Layer: Differentiable {
associatedtype Input: Differentiable
associatedtype Output: Differentiable
func applied(to input: Input) -> Output
public struct TF_269: TF_269_Layer {
public var filter: Float
public typealias Activation = @differentiable (Output) -> Output
@noDerivative public let activation: Activation
public func applied(to input: Float) -> Float {
return input
// Test errors.
// Test manually customizing vector space types.
// Thees should fail. Synthesis is semantically unsupported if vector space
// types are customized.
// expected-error @+1 {{type 'VectorSpaceTypeAlias' does not conform to protocol 'Differentiable'}}
struct VectorSpaceTypeAlias: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var w: Float
var b: Float
typealias TangentVector = Simple
// expected-error @+1 {{type 'VectorSpaceCustomStruct' does not conform to protocol 'Differentiable'}}
struct VectorSpaceCustomStruct: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var w: Float
var b: Float
struct TangentVector: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var w: Float.TangentVector
var b: Float.TangentVector
typealias TangentVector = VectorSpaceCustomStruct.TangentVector
struct StaticNoDerivative: Differentiable {
@noDerivative static var s: Bool = true
struct StaticMembersShouldNotAffectAnything: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable
static var x: Bool = true
static var y: Bool = false
struct ImplicitNoDerivative: Differentiable {
var a: Float
var b: Bool // expected-warning {{stored property 'b' has no derivative because 'Bool' does not conform to 'Differentiable'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}}
struct ImplicitNoDerivativeWithSeparateTangent: Differentiable {
var x: DifferentiableSubset
var b: Bool // expected-warning {{stored property 'b' has no derivative because 'Bool' does not conform to 'Differentiable'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}} {{3-3=@noDerivative }}
// TF-1018: verify that `@noDerivative` warnings are always silenceable, even
// when the `Differentiable` conformance context is not the nominal type
// declaration.
struct ExtensionDifferentiableNoDerivative<T> {
// expected-warning @+2 {{stored property 'x' has no derivative because 'T' does not conform to 'Differentiable'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}}
// expected-warning @+1 {{stored property 'y' has no derivative because 'T' does not conform to 'Differentiable'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}}
var x, y: T
// expected-warning @+1 {{stored property 'nondiff' has no derivative because 'Bool' does not conform to 'Differentiable'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}}
var nondiff: Bool
extension ExtensionDifferentiableNoDerivative: Differentiable {}
struct ExtensionDifferentiableNoDerivativeFixed<T> {
@noDerivative var x, y: T
@noDerivative var nondiff: Bool
extension ExtensionDifferentiableNoDerivativeFixed: Differentiable {}
struct ConditionalDifferentiableNoDerivative<T> {
var x, y: T
// expected-warning @+1 {{stored property 'nondiff' has no derivative because 'Bool' does not conform to 'Differentiable'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}}
var nondiff: Bool
extension ConditionalDifferentiableNoDerivative: Differentiable
where T: Differentiable {}
struct ConditionalDifferentiableNoDerivativeFixed<T> {
var x, y: T
@noDerivative var nondiff: Bool
extension ConditionalDifferentiableNoDerivativeFixed: Differentiable
where T: Differentiable {}
// TF-265: Test invalid initializer (that uses a non-existent type).
struct InvalidInitializer: Differentiable {
init(filterShape: (Int, Int, Int, Int), blah: NonExistentType) {} // expected-error {{cannot find type 'NonExistentType' in scope}}
// Test memberwise initializer synthesis.
struct NoMemberwiseInitializerExtended<T> {
var value: T
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
extension NoMemberwiseInitializerExtended: Equatable, AdditiveArithmetic
where T: AdditiveArithmetic {}
extension NoMemberwiseInitializerExtended: Differentiable
where T: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {}
// SR-12793: Test interaction with `@differentiable` and `@derivative` type-checking.
struct SR_12793: Differentiable {
var x: Float
func method() -> Float { x }
@derivative(of: method)
func vjpMethod() -> (value: Float, pullback: (Float) -> TangentVector) { fatalError() }
// Test usage of synthesized `TangentVector` type.
// This should not produce an error: "reference to invalid associated type 'TangentVector'".
mutating func move(along direction: TangentVector) {}
// Test property wrappers.
struct ImmutableWrapper<Value> {
private var value: Value
var wrappedValue: Value { value }
struct Wrapper<Value> {
var wrappedValue: Value
class ClassWrapper<Value> {
var wrappedValue: Value
init(wrappedValue: Value) { self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue }
struct Generic<T> {}
extension Generic: Differentiable where T: Differentiable {}
struct WrappedProperties: Differentiable {
// expected-warning @+1 {{synthesis of the 'Differentiable.move(along:)' requirement for 'WrappedProperties' requires 'wrappedValue' in property wrapper 'ImmutableWrapper' to be mutable or have a non-mutating 'move(along:)'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}}
@ImmutableWrapper var immutableInt: Generic<Int>
// expected-warning @+1 {{stored property 'mutableInt' has no derivative because 'Generic<Int>' does not conform to 'Differentiable'; add an explicit '@noDerivative' attribute}}
@Wrapper var mutableInt: Generic<Int>
@Wrapper var float: Generic<Float>
@ClassWrapper var float2: Generic<Float>
// SR-13071: Test `@differentiable` wrapped property.
@differentiable @Wrapper var float3: Generic<Float>
@noDerivative @ImmutableWrapper var nondiff: Generic<Int>
static func testTangentMemberwiseInitializer() {
_ = TangentVector(float: .init(), float2: .init(), float3: .init())
// Verify that cross-file derived conformances are disallowed.
extension OtherFileNonconforming: Differentiable {}
// expected-error @-1 {{extension outside of file declaring struct 'OtherFileNonconforming' prevents automatic synthesis of 'move(along:)' for protocol 'Differentiable'}}
// expected-error @-2 {{extension outside of file declaring struct 'OtherFileNonconforming' prevents automatic synthesis of 'zeroTangentVectorInitializer' for protocol 'Differentiable'}}
extension GenericOtherFileNonconforming: Differentiable {}
// expected-error @-1 {{extension outside of file declaring generic struct 'GenericOtherFileNonconforming' prevents automatic synthesis of 'move(along:)' for protocol 'Differentiable'}}
// expected-error @-2 {{extension outside of file declaring generic struct 'GenericOtherFileNonconforming' prevents automatic synthesis of 'zeroTangentVectorInitializer' for protocol 'Differentiable'}}