blob: 9fae81748b23c353f0b5845eaa0e652b92a88498 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-sil -verify -Xllvm -debug-only=differentiation 2>&1 %s | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: asserts
import _Differentiation
// Check that `@noDerivative` struct projections have "NONE" activity.
struct HasNoDerivativeProperty: Differentiable {
var x: Float
@noDerivative var y: Float
func testNoDerivativeStructProjection(_ s: HasNoDerivativeProperty) -> Float {
var tmp = s
tmp.y = tmp.x
return tmp.x
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testNoDerivativeStructProjection{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0):
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $HasNoDerivativeProperty
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %2 = alloc_stack $HasNoDerivativeProperty, var, name "tmp"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*HasNoDerivativeProperty
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %5 = struct_element_addr %4 : $*HasNoDerivativeProperty, #HasNoDerivativeProperty.x
// CHECK: [VARIED] %6 = load [trivial] %5 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %8 = begin_access [modify] [static] %2 : $*HasNoDerivativeProperty
// CHECK: [NONE] %9 = struct_element_addr %8 : $*HasNoDerivativeProperty, #HasNoDerivativeProperty.y
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*HasNoDerivativeProperty
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %13 = struct_element_addr %12 : $*HasNoDerivativeProperty, #HasNoDerivativeProperty.x
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %14 = load [trivial] %13 : $*Float
// Check that non-differentiable `tuple_element_addr` projections are non-varied.
@differentiable(where T : Differentiable)
func testNondifferentiableTupleElementAddr<T>(_ x: T) -> T {
var tuple = (1, 1, (x, 1), 1)
tuple.0 = 1
tuple.2.0 = x
tuple.3 = 1
return tuple.2.0
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testNondifferentiableTupleElementAddr{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0):
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %3 = alloc_stack $(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), var, name "tuple"
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %4 = tuple_element_addr %3 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), 0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %5 = tuple_element_addr %3 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = tuple_element_addr %3 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), 2
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %7 = tuple_element_addr %3 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), 3
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %18 = tuple_element_addr %6 : $*(T, Int), 0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %19 = tuple_element_addr %6 : $*(T, Int), 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %35 = begin_access [modify] [static] %3 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %36 = tuple_element_addr %35 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), 0
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %41 = begin_access [modify] [static] %3 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %42 = tuple_element_addr %41 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), 2
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %43 = tuple_element_addr %42 : $*(T, Int), 0
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %51 = begin_access [modify] [static] %3 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %52 = tuple_element_addr %51 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), 3
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %55 = begin_access [read] [static] %3 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %56 = tuple_element_addr %55 : $*(Int, Int, (T, Int), Int), 2
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %57 = tuple_element_addr %56 : $*(T, Int), 0
// TF-781: check active local address + nested conditionals.
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func TF_781(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
var result = y
if true {
if true {
result = result * x // check activity of `result` and this `apply`
return result
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}TF_781{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = alloc_stack $Float, var, name "result"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %19 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %20 = load [trivial] %19 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %23 = apply %22(%20, %0, %18) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %24 = begin_access [modify] [static] %4 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %31 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %32 = load [trivial] %31 : $*Float
// TF-954: check nested conditionals and addresses.
func TF_954(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var outer = x
outerIf: if true {
var inner = outer
inner = inner * x // check activity of this `apply`
if false {
break outerIf
outer = inner
return outer
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}TF_954{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %2 = alloc_stack $Float, var, name "outer"
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %10 = alloc_stack $Float, var, name "inner"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %11 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %14 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %15 = begin_access [read] [static] %10 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %16 = load [trivial] %15 : $*Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.* infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: %18 = function_ref @$sSf1moiyS2f_SftFZ : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %19 = apply %18(%16, %0, %14) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %20 = begin_access [modify] [static] %10 : $*Float
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %31 = begin_access [read] [static] %10 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %32 = load [trivial] %31 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %34 = begin_access [modify] [static] %2 : $*Float
// CHECK: bb5:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %40 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %41 = load [trivial] %40 : $*Float
// Branching cast instructions
func checked_cast_branch(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// expected-warning @+1 {{'is' test is always true}}
if Int.self is Any.Type {
return x + x
return x * x
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}checked_cast_branch{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [NONE] %2 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] %3 = metatype $@thick Int.Type
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [NONE] %5 = argument of bb1 : $@thick Any.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] %6 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [NONE] %8 = argument of bb2 : $@thick Int.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] %9 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, 0
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: [NONE] %11 = argument of bb3 : $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: [NONE] %12 = metatype $@thin Bool.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Bool.init(_builtinBooleanLiteral:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %14 = apply %13(%11, %12) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.Int1, @thin Bool.Type) -> Bool
// CHECK: [NONE] %15 = struct_extract %14 : $Bool, #Bool._value
// CHECK: bb4:
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %17 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.+ infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %19 = apply %18(%0, %0, %17) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: bb5:
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %21 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.* infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %23 = apply %22(%0, %0, %21) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @${{.*}}checked_cast_branch{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) (Float) -> Float {
// CHECK: checked_cast_br %3 : $@thick Int.Type to Any.Type, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: }
func checked_cast_addr_nonactive_result<T: Differentiable>(_ x: T) -> T {
if let _ = x as? Float {
// Do nothing with `y: Float?` value.
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}checked_cast_addr_nonactive_result{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [VARIED] %3 = alloc_stack $T
// CHECK: [VARIED] %5 = alloc_stack $Float
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [VARIED] %7 = load [trivial] %5 : $*Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] %8 = enum $Optional<Float>, #Optional.some!enumelt, %7 : $Float
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [NONE] %11 = enum $Optional<Float>, #Optional.none!enumelt
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: [VARIED] %14 = argument of bb3 : $Optional<Float>
// CHECK: bb4:
// CHECK: bb5:
// CHECK: [VARIED] %18 = argument of bb5 : $Float
// CHECK: bb6:
// CHECK: [NONE] %22 = tuple ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @${{.*}}checked_cast_addr_nonactive_result{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) <T where T : Differentiable> (@in_guaranteed T) -> @out T {
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always T in %3 : $*T to Float in %5 : $*Float, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: }
// expected-error @+1 {{function is not differentiable}}
// expected-note @+1 {{when differentiating this function definition}}
func checked_cast_addr_active_result<T: Differentiable>(x: T) -> T {
// expected-note @+1 {{expression is not differentiable}}
if let y = x as? Float {
// Use `y: Float?` value in an active way.
return y as! T
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}checked_cast_addr_active_result{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %3 = alloc_stack $T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %5 = alloc_stack $Float
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %7 = load [trivial] %5 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %8 = enum $Optional<Float>, #Optional.some!enumelt, %7 : $Float
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %11 = enum $Optional<Float>, #Optional.none!enumelt
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %14 = argument of bb3 : $Optional<Float>
// CHECK: bb4:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %16 = argument of bb4 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %19 = alloc_stack $Float
// CHECK: bb5:
// CHECK: bb6:
// CHECK: [NONE] %27 = tuple ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @${{.*}}checked_cast_addr_active_result{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) <T where T : Differentiable> (@in_guaranteed T) -> @out T {
// CHECK: checked_cast_addr_br take_always T in %3 : $*T to Float in %5 : $*Float, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: }
// Array literal differentiation
// Check `array.uninitialized_intrinsic` applications.
func testArrayUninitializedIntrinsic(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> [Float] {
return [x, y]
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testArrayUninitializedIntrinsic{{.*}} at parameter indices (0, 1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = apply %5<Float>(%4) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%7**, %8) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%7, **%8**) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = pointer_to_address %8 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] %11 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = index_addr %9 : $*Float, %11 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %15 = apply %14<Float>(%7) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0>
@differentiable(where T: Differentiable)
func testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicGeneric<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> [T] {
return [x, y]
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicGeneric{{.*}} at parameter indices (0, 1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = apply %5<T>(%4) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%7**, %8) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<T>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%7, **%8**) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<T>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = pointer_to_address %8 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*T
// CHECK: [VARIED] %11 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = index_addr %9 : $*T, %11 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %15 = apply %14<T>(%7) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0>
// TF-952: Test array literal initialized from an address (e.g. `var`).
func testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicAddress(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> [Float] {
var result = x
result = result * y
return [result, result]
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicAddress{{.*}} at parameter indices (0, 1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = alloc_stack $Float, var, name "result"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %7 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %8 = load [trivial] %7 : $*Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.* infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %11 = apply %10(%8, %1, %6) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = begin_access [modify] [static] %4 : $*Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %15 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %17 = apply %16<Float>(%15) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%18**, %19) = destructure_tuple %17 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%18, **%19**) = destructure_tuple %17 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %20 = pointer_to_address %19 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %21 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] %24 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %25 = index_addr %20 : $*Float, %24 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %26 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %30 = apply %29<Float>(%18) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0>
// TF-952: Test array literal initialized with `apply` direct results.
func testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicFunctionResult(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> [Float] {
return [x * y, x * y]
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicFunctionResult{{.*}} at parameter indices (0, 1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = apply %5<Float>(%4) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%7**, %8) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%7, **%8**) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = pointer_to_address %8 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.* infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = apply %11(%0, %1, %10) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] %14 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %15 = index_addr %9 : $*Float, %14 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %16 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.* infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %18 = apply %17(%0, %1, %16) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %21 = apply %20<Float>(%7) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0>
// TF-975: Test nested array literals.
func testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicNested(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> [Float] {
let array = [x, y]
return [array[0], array[1]]
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicNested{{.*}} at parameter indices (0, 1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = apply %5<Float>(%4) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%7**, %8) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%7, **%8**) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = pointer_to_address %8 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] %11 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = index_addr %9 : $*Float, %11 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] [[ARRAY:%.*]] = apply %14<Float>(%7) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0>
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %17 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %19 = apply %18<Float>(%17) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%20**, %21) = destructure_tuple %19 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%20, **%21**) = destructure_tuple %19 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %22 = pointer_to_address %21 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %23 = integer_literal $Builtin.IntLiteral, 0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %24 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Int.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %26 = apply %25(%23, %24) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Array.subscript.getter
// CHECK: [NONE] %28 = apply %27<Float>(%22, %26, %15) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (Int, @guaranteed Array<τ_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: [VARIED] %29 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %30 = index_addr %22 : $*Float, %29 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %31 = integer_literal $Builtin.IntLiteral, 1
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %32 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Int.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %34 = apply %33(%31, %32) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Array.subscript.getter
// CHECK: [NONE] %36 = apply %35<Float>(%30, %34, %15) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (Int, @guaranteed Array<τ_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %38 = apply %37<Float>(%20) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0>
// TF-978: Test array literal initialized with `apply` indirect results.
struct Wrapper<T: Differentiable>: Differentiable {
var value: T
func testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicApplyIndirectResult<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T) -> [Wrapper<T>] {
return [Wrapper(value: x), Wrapper(value: y)]
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testArrayUninitializedIntrinsicApplyIndirectResult{{.*}} at parameter indices (0, 1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = apply %5<Wrapper<T>>(%4) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%7**, %8) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<Wrapper<T>>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%7, **%8**) = destructure_tuple %6 : $(Array<Wrapper<T>>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = pointer_to_address %8 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Wrapper<T>
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %10 = metatype $@thin Wrapper<T>.Type
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %11 = alloc_stack $T
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Wrapper.init(value:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %14 = apply %13<T>(%9, %11, %10) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Differentiable> (@in τ_0_0, @thin Wrapper<τ_0_0>.Type) -> @out Wrapper<τ_0_0>
// CHECK: [VARIED] %16 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %17 = index_addr %9 : $*Wrapper<T>, %16 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %18 = metatype $@thin Wrapper<T>.Type
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %19 = alloc_stack $T
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Wrapper.init(value:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %22 = apply %21<T>(%17, %19, %18) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Differentiable> (@in τ_0_0, @thin Wrapper<τ_0_0>.Type) -> @out Wrapper<τ_0_0>
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %25 = apply %24<Wrapper<T>>(%7) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0>
// `inout` argument differentiation
struct Mut: Differentiable {}
extension Mut {
@differentiable(wrt: x)
mutating func mutatingMethod(_ x: Mut) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}3MutV14mutatingMethodyyACF at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [VARIED] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Mut
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %1 = argument of bb0 : $*Mut
// TODO(TF-985): Find workaround to avoid marking non-wrt `inout` argument as
// active.
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func nonActiveInoutArg(_ nonactive: inout Mut, _ x: Mut) {
nonactive = x
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}17nonActiveInoutArgyyAA3MutVz_ADtF at parameter indices (1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Mut.mutatingMethod(_:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %6 = apply %5(%1, %4) : $@convention(method) (Mut, @inout Mut) -> ()
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %8 = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Mut
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func activeInoutArgMutatingMethod(_ x: Mut) -> Mut {
var result = x
return result
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}28activeInoutArgMutatingMethodyAA3MutVADF at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %2 = alloc_stack $Mut, var, name "result"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %5 = load [trivial] %4 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %7 = begin_access [modify] [static] %2 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Mut.mutatingMethod(_:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %9 = apply %8(%5, %7) : $@convention(method) (Mut, @inout Mut) -> ()
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %11 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = load [trivial] %11 : $*Mut
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func activeInoutArgMutatingMethodVar(_ nonactive: inout Mut, _ x: Mut) {
var result = nonactive
nonactive = result
// CHECK_LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}31activeInoutArgMutatingMethodVaryyAA3MutVz_ADtF at (parameters=(1) results=(0))
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = alloc_stack $Mut, var, name "result"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %5 = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %8 = begin_access [modify] [static] %4 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Mut.mutatingMethod(_:)
// CHECK: %9 = function_ref @${{.*}}3MutV14mutatingMethodyyACF : $@convention(method) (Mut, @inout Mut) -> ()
// CHECK: [NONE] %10 = apply %9(%1, %8) : $@convention(method) (Mut, @inout Mut) -> ()
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %13 = load [trivial] %12 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %15 = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [NONE] %19 = tuple ()
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func activeInoutArgMutatingMethodTuple(_ nonactive: inout Mut, _ x: Mut) {
var result = (nonactive, x)
nonactive = result.0
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}33activeInoutArgMutatingMethodTupleyyAA3MutVz_ADtF at parameter indices (1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = alloc_stack $(Mut, Mut), var, name "result"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %5 = tuple_element_addr %4 : $*(Mut, Mut), 0
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = tuple_element_addr %4 : $*(Mut, Mut), 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %7 = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %11 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*(Mut, Mut)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %12 = tuple_element_addr %11 : $*(Mut, Mut), 0
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %13 = load [trivial] %12 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %15 = begin_access [modify] [static] %4 : $*(Mut, Mut)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %16 = tuple_element_addr %15 : $*(Mut, Mut), 0
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Mut.mutatingMethod(_:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %18 = apply %17(%13, %16) : $@convention(method) (Mut, @inout Mut) -> ()
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %20 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*(Mut, Mut)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %21 = tuple_element_addr %20 : $*(Mut, Mut), 0
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %22 = load [trivial] %21 : $*Mut
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %24 = begin_access [modify] [static] %0 : $*Mut
// Check `inout` arguments.
func activeInoutArg(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var result = x
result += x
return result
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}activeInoutArg{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %2 = alloc_stack $Float, var, name "result"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %5 = begin_access [modify] [static] %2 : $*Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.+= infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %7 = apply %6(%5, %0, %4) : $@convention(method) (@inout Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> ()
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %10 = load [trivial] %9 : $*Float
func activeInoutArgNonactiveInitialResult(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var result: Float = 1
result += x
return result
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}activeInoutArgNonactiveInitialResult{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %2 = alloc_stack $Float, var, name "result"
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Float.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %6 = apply %5(%3, %4) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %8 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = begin_access [modify] [static] %2 : $*Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.+= infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %11 = apply %10(%9, %0, %8) : $@convention(method) (@inout Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> ()
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %13 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %14 = load [trivial] %13 : $*Float
// Throwing function differentiation (`try_apply`)
// TF-433: Test `try_apply`.
func rethrowing(_ x: () throws -> Void) rethrows -> Void {}
func testTryApply(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return x
// TF-433: differentiation diagnoses `try_apply` before activity info is printed.
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testTryApply{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref closure #1 in testTryApply(_:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %3 = convert_function %2 : $@convention(thin) () -> () to $@convention(thin) @noescape () -> ()
// CHECK: [NONE] %4 = thin_to_thick_function %3 : $@convention(thin) @noescape () -> () to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> ()
// CHECK: [NONE] %5 = convert_function %4 : $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> () to $@noescape @callee_guaranteed () -> @error Error
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref rethrowing(_:)
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [NONE] %8 = argument of bb1 : $()
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [NONE] %10 = argument of bb2 : $Error
// Coroutine differentiation (`begin_apply`)
struct HasCoroutineAccessors: Differentiable {
var stored: Float
var computed: Float {
// `_read` is a coroutine: `(Self) -> () -> ()`.
_read { yield stored }
// `_modify` is a coroutine: `(inout Self) -> () -> ()`.
_modify { yield &stored }
// expected-error @+1 {{function is not differentiable}}
// expected-note @+1 {{when differentiating this function definition}}
func testAccessorCoroutines(_ x: HasCoroutineAccessors) -> HasCoroutineAccessors {
var x = x
// expected-note @+1 {{differentiation of coroutine calls is not yet supported}}
x.computed = x.computed
return x
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testAccessorCoroutines{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $HasCoroutineAccessors
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %2 = alloc_stack $HasCoroutineAccessors, var, name "x"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*HasCoroutineAccessors
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %5 = load [trivial] %4 : $*HasCoroutineAccessors
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%7**, %8) = begin_apply %6(%5) : $@yield_once @convention(method) (HasCoroutineAccessors) -> @yields Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%7, **%8**) = begin_apply %6(%5) : $@yield_once @convention(method) (HasCoroutineAccessors) -> @yields Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = alloc_stack $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %11 = load [trivial] %9 : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %14 = begin_access [modify] [static] %2 : $*HasCoroutineAccessors
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref HasCoroutineAccessors.computed.modify
// CHECK: %15 = function_ref @${{.*}}21HasCoroutineAccessorsV8computedSfvM : $@yield_once @convention(method) (@inout HasCoroutineAccessors) -> @yields @inout Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%16**, %17) = begin_apply %15(%14) : $@yield_once @convention(method) (@inout HasCoroutineAccessors) -> @yields @inout Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%16, **%17**) = begin_apply %15(%14) : $@yield_once @convention(method) (@inout HasCoroutineAccessors) -> @yields @inout Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %22 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*HasCoroutineAccessors
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %23 = load [trivial] %22 : $*HasCoroutineAccessors
// TF-1078: Test `begin_apply` active `inout` argument.
// `Array.subscript.modify` is the applied coroutine.
// expected-error @+1 {{function is not differentiable}}
// expected-note @+1 {{when differentiating this function definition}}
func testBeginApplyActiveInoutArgument(array: [Float], x: Float) -> Float {
var array = array
// Array subscript assignment below calls `Array.subscript.modify`.
// expected-note @+1 {{differentiation of coroutine calls is not yet supported}}
array[0] = x
return array[0]
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testBeginApplyActiveInoutArgument{{.*}} at parameter indices (0, 1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Array<Float>
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %4 = alloc_stack $Array<Float>, var, name "array"
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %5 = copy_value %0 : $Array<Float>
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %7 = integer_literal $Builtin.IntLiteral, 0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %8 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Int.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %10 = apply %9(%7, %8) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %11 = begin_access [modify] [static] %4 : $*Array<Float>
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Array.subscript.modify
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%13**, %14) = begin_apply %12<Float>(%10, %11) : $@yield_once @convention(method) <τ_0_0> (Int, @inout Array<τ_0_0>) -> @yields @inout τ_0_0
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%13, **%14**) = begin_apply %12<Float>(%10, %11) : $@yield_once @convention(method) <τ_0_0> (Int, @inout Array<τ_0_0>) -> @yields @inout τ_0_0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %18 = integer_literal $Builtin.IntLiteral, 0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %19 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Int.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %21 = apply %20(%18, %19) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %22 = begin_access [read] [static] %4 : $*Array<Float>
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %23 = load_borrow %22 : $*Array<Float>
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %24 = alloc_stack $Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Array.subscript.getter
// CHECK: [NONE] %26 = apply %25<Float>(%24, %21, %23) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (Int, @guaranteed Array<τ_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %27 = load [trivial] %24 : $*Float
// TF-1115: Test `begin_apply` active `inout` argument with non-active initial result.
// expected-error @+1 {{function is not differentiable}}
// expected-note @+1 {{when differentiating this function definition}}
func testBeginApplyActiveButInitiallyNonactiveInoutArgument(x: Float) -> Float {
// `var array` is initially non-active.
var array: [Float] = [0]
// Array subscript assignment below calls `Array.subscript.modify`.
// expected-note @+1 {{differentiation of coroutine calls is not yet supported}}
array[0] = x
return array[0]
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testBeginApplyActiveButInitiallyNonactiveInoutArgument{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %2 = alloc_stack $Array<Float>, var, name "array"
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %5 = apply %4<Float>(%3) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] (**%6**, %7) = destructure_tuple %5 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [NONE] (%6, **%7**) = destructure_tuple %5 : $(Array<Float>, Builtin.RawPointer)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %8 = pointer_to_address %7 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %9 = integer_literal $Builtin.IntLiteral, 0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %10 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Float.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %12 = apply %11(%9, %10) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %15 = apply %14<Float>(%6) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0>
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %17 = integer_literal $Builtin.IntLiteral, 0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %18 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Int.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %20 = apply %19(%17, %18) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %21 = begin_access [modify] [static] %2 : $*Array<Float>
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Array.subscript.modify
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%23**, %24) = begin_apply %22<Float>(%20, %21) : $@yield_once @convention(method) <τ_0_0> (Int, @inout Array<τ_0_0>) -> @yields @inout τ_0_0
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%23, **%24**) = begin_apply %22<Float>(%20, %21) : $@yield_once @convention(method) <τ_0_0> (Int, @inout Array<τ_0_0>) -> @yields @inout τ_0_0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %28 = integer_literal $Builtin.IntLiteral, 0
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %29 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Int.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %31 = apply %30(%28, %29) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %32 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Array<Float>
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %33 = load_borrow %32 : $*Array<Float>
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %34 = alloc_stack $Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Array.subscript.getter
// CHECK: [NONE] %36 = apply %35<Float>(%34, %31, %33) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (Int, @guaranteed Array<τ_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %37 = load [trivial] %34 : $*Float
// Class differentiation
class C: Differentiable {
var float: Float
init(_ float: Float) {
self.float = float
func method(_ x: Float) -> Float {
x * float
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}1CC6methodyS2fF at parameter indices (0, 1) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $C
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %4 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [VARIED] %5 = class_method %1 : $C, #C.float!getter : (C) -> () -> Float, $@convention(method) (@guaranteed C) -> Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = apply %5(%1) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed C) -> Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.* infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: %7 = function_ref @$sSf1moiyS2f_SftFZ : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %8 = apply %7(%0, %6, %4) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// TF-1176: Test class property `modify` accessor.
func testClassModifyAccessor(_ c: inout C) {
c.float *= c.float
// FIXME(TF-1176): Some values are incorrectly not marked as active: `%16`, etc.
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testClassModifyAccessor{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*C
// CHECK: [NONE] %2 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %3 = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*C
// CHECK: [VARIED] %4 = load [copy] %3 : $*C
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = begin_access [read] [static] %0 : $*C
// CHECK: [VARIED] %7 = load [copy] %6 : $*C
// CHECK: [VARIED] %9 = class_method %7 : $C, #C.float!getter : (C) -> () -> Float, $@convention(method) (@guaranteed C) -> Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] %10 = apply %9(%7) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed C) -> Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] %12 = class_method %4 : $C, #C.float!modify : (C) -> () -> (), $@yield_once @convention(method) (@guaranteed C) -> @yields @inout Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] (**%13**, %14) = begin_apply %12(%4) : $@yield_once @convention(method) (@guaranteed C) -> @yields @inout Float
// CHECK: [VARIED] (%13, **%14**) = begin_apply %12(%4) : $@yield_once @convention(method) (@guaranteed C) -> @yields @inout Float
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.*= infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %16 = apply %15(%13, %10, %2) : $@convention(method) (@inout Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> ()
// Enum differentiation
// expected-error @+1 {{function is not differentiable}}
// expected-note @+1 {{when differentiating this function definition}}
func testActiveOptional(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var maybe: Float? = 10
// expected-note @+1 {{expression is not differentiable}}
maybe = x
return maybe!
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testActiveOptional{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %2 = alloc_stack $Optional<Float>, var, name "maybe"
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %3 = integer_literal $Builtin.IntLiteral, 10
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %4 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref Float.init(_builtinIntegerLiteral:)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %6 = apply %5(%3, %4) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.IntLiteral, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %7 = enum $Optional<Float>, #Optional.some!enumelt, %6 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = enum $Optional<Float>, #Optional.some!enumelt, %0 : $Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %10 = begin_access [modify] [static] %2 : $*Optional<Float>
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %13 = begin_access [read] [static] %2 : $*Optional<Float>
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %14 = load [trivial] %13 : $*Optional<Float>
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref _diagnoseUnexpectedNilOptional(_filenameStart:_filenameLength:_filenameIsASCII:_line:_isImplicitUnwrap:)
// CHECK: [NONE] %24 = apply %23(%17, %18, %19, %20, %22) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1) -> ()
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %26 = argument of bb2 : $Float
enum DirectEnum: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
case case0
case case1(Float)
case case2(Float, Float)
typealias TangentVector = Self
static var zero: Self { fatalError() }
static func +(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self { fatalError() }
static func -(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self { fatalError() }
// expected-error @+1 {{function is not differentiable}}
@differentiable(wrt: e)
// expected-note @+2 {{when differentiating this function definition}}
// expected-note @+1 {{differentiating enum values is not yet supported}}
func testActiveEnumValue(_ e: DirectEnum, _ x: Float) -> Float {
switch e {
case .case0: return x
case let .case1(y1): return y1
case let .case2(y1, y2): return y1 + y2
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testActiveEnumValue{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $DirectEnum
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %1 = argument of bb0 : $Float
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = argument of bb2 : $Float
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %9 = argument of bb3 : $(Float, Float)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (**%10**, %11) = destructure_tuple %9 : $(Float, Float)
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] (%10, **%11**) = destructure_tuple %9 : $(Float, Float)
// CHECK: [USEFUL] %14 = metatype $@thin Float.Type
// CHECK: [NONE] // function_ref static Float.+ infix(_:_:)
// CHECK: %15 = function_ref @$sSf1poiyS2f_SftFZ : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %16 = apply %15(%10, %11, %14) : $@convention(method) (Float, Float, @thin Float.Type) -> Float
// CHECK: bb4:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %18 = argument of bb4 : $Float
enum IndirectEnum<T: Differentiable>: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
case case1(T)
case case2(Float, T)
typealias TangentVector = Self
static func ==(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Bool { fatalError() }
static var zero: Self { fatalError() }
static func +(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self { fatalError() }
static func -(_ lhs: Self, _ rhs: Self) -> Self { fatalError() }
// expected-error @+1 {{function is not differentiable}}
@differentiable(wrt: e)
// expected-note @+2 {{when differentiating this function definition}}
// expected-note @+1 {{differentiating enum values is not yet supported}}
func testActiveEnumAddr<T>(_ e: IndirectEnum<T>) -> T {
switch e {
case let .case1(y1): return y1
case let .case2(_, y2): return y2
// CHECK-LABEL: [AD] Activity info for ${{.*}}testActiveEnumAddr{{.*}} at parameter indices (0) and result indices (0)
// CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %0 = argument of bb0 : $*T
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %1 = argument of bb0 : $*IndirectEnum<T>
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %3 = alloc_stack $IndirectEnum<T>
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %6 = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr %3 : $*IndirectEnum<T>, #IndirectEnum.case1!enumelt
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] %7 = alloc_stack $T, let, name "y1"
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] {{.*}} = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr {{.*}} : $*IndirectEnum<T>, #IndirectEnum.case2!enumelt
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] {{.*}} = tuple_element_addr {{.*}} : $*(Float, T), 0
// CHECK: [VARIED] {{.*}} = load [trivial] {{.*}} : $*Float
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] {{.*}} = tuple_element_addr {{.*}} : $*(Float, T), 1
// CHECK: [ACTIVE] {{.*}} = alloc_stack $T, let, name "y2"
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: [NONE] {{.*}} = tuple ()