blob: 083b6810c2f3000d2e12c60bc0c47794006fe2c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
internal let _cocoaASCIIEncoding:UInt = 1 /* NSASCIIStringEncoding */
internal let _cocoaUTF8Encoding:UInt = 4 /* NSUTF8StringEncoding */
// ObjC interfaces.
extension _AbstractStringStorage {
internal func _getCharacters(
_ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>, _ aRange: _SwiftNSRange
) {
_precondition(aRange.location >= 0 && aRange.length >= 0,
"Range out of bounds")
_precondition(aRange.location + aRange.length <= Int(count),
"Range out of bounds")
let range = Range(
_uncheckedBounds: (aRange.location, aRange.location+aRange.length))
let str = asString
into: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: buffer, count: range.count),
range: range)
internal func _getCString(
_ outputPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, _ maxLength: Int, _ encoding: UInt
) -> Int8 {
switch (encoding, isASCII) {
case (_cocoaASCIIEncoding, true),
(_cocoaUTF8Encoding, _):
guard maxLength >= count + 1 else { return 0 }
outputPtr.initialize(from: start, count: count)
outputPtr[count] = 0
return 1
return _cocoaGetCStringTrampoline(self, outputPtr, maxLength, encoding)
internal func _cString(encoding: UInt) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? {
switch (encoding, isASCII) {
case (_cocoaASCIIEncoding, true),
(_cocoaUTF8Encoding, _):
return start
return _cocoaCStringUsingEncodingTrampoline(self, encoding)
internal func _nativeIsEqual<T:_AbstractStringStorage>(
_ nativeOther: T
) -> Int8 {
if count != nativeOther.count {
return 0
return (start == nativeOther.start ||
(memcmp(start, nativeOther.start, count) == 0)) ? 1 : 0
internal func _isEqual(_ other: AnyObject?) -> Int8 {
guard let other = other else {
return 0
if self === other {
return 1
// Handle the case where both strings were bridged from Swift.
// We can't use String.== because it doesn't match NSString semantics.
let knownOther = _KnownCocoaString(other)
switch knownOther {
case .storage:
return _nativeIsEqual(
_unsafeUncheckedDowncast(other, to: __StringStorage.self))
case .shared:
return _nativeIsEqual(
_unsafeUncheckedDowncast(other, to: __SharedStringStorage.self))
// We're allowed to crash, but for compatibility reasons NSCFString allows
// non-strings here.
if !_isNSString(other) {
return 0
// At this point we've proven that it is a non-Swift NSString
let otherUTF16Length = _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetLength(other)
// CFString will only give us ASCII bytes here, but that's fine.
// We already handled non-ASCII UTF8 strings earlier since they're Swift.
if let asciiEqual = withCocoaASCIIPointer(other, work: { (ascii) -> Bool in
// UTF16 length == UTF8 length iff ASCII
if otherUTF16Length == self.count {
return (start == ascii || (memcmp(start, ascii, self.count) == 0))
return false
}) {
return asciiEqual ? 1 : 0
if self.UTF16Length != otherUTF16Length {
return 0
The abstract implementation of -isEqualToString: falls back to -compare:
immediately, so when we run out of fast options to try, do the same.
We can likely be more clever here if need be
return _cocoaStringCompare(self, other) == 0 ? 1 : 0
extension __StringStorage {
final internal var UTF16Length: Int {
@_effects(readonly) @inline(__always) get {
return asString.utf16.count // UTF16View special-cases ASCII for us.
final internal var hash: UInt {
@_effects(readonly) get {
if isASCII {
return _cocoaHashASCIIBytes(start, length: count)
return _cocoaHashString(self)
final internal func character(at offset: Int) -> UInt16 {
let str = asString
return str.utf16[str._toUTF16Index(offset)]
final internal func getCharacters(
_ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>, range aRange: _SwiftNSRange
) {
_getCharacters(buffer, aRange)
final internal func _fastCStringContents(
_ requiresNulTermination: Int8
) -> UnsafePointer<CChar>? {
if isASCII {
return start._asCChar
return nil
final internal func _utf8String() -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? {
return start
final internal func cString(encoding: UInt) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? {
return _cString(encoding: encoding)
final internal func getCString(
_ outputPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, maxLength: Int, encoding: UInt
) -> Int8 {
return _getCString(outputPtr, maxLength, encoding)
final internal var fastestEncoding: UInt {
@_effects(readonly) get {
if isASCII {
return _cocoaASCIIEncoding
return _cocoaUTF8Encoding
final internal func isEqualToString(to other: AnyObject?) -> Int8 {
return _isEqual(other)
final internal func isEqual(to other: AnyObject?) -> Int8 {
return _isEqual(other)
final internal func copy(with zone: _SwiftNSZone?) -> AnyObject {
// While __StringStorage instances aren't immutable in general,
// mutations may only occur when instances are uniquely referenced.
// Therefore, it is safe to return self here; any outstanding Objective-C
// reference will make the instance non-unique.
return self
extension __SharedStringStorage {
final internal var UTF16Length: Int {
@_effects(readonly) get {
return asString.utf16.count // UTF16View special-cases ASCII for us.
final internal var hash: UInt {
@_effects(readonly) get {
if isASCII {
return _cocoaHashASCIIBytes(start, length: count)
return _cocoaHashString(self)
final internal func character(at offset: Int) -> UInt16 {
let str = asString
return str.utf16[str._toUTF16Index(offset)]
final internal func getCharacters(
_ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>, range aRange: _SwiftNSRange
) {
_getCharacters(buffer, aRange)
final internal var fastestEncoding: UInt {
@_effects(readonly) get {
if isASCII {
return _cocoaASCIIEncoding
return _cocoaUTF8Encoding
final internal func _fastCStringContents(
_ requiresNulTermination: Int8
) -> UnsafePointer<CChar>? {
if isASCII {
return start._asCChar
return nil
final internal func _utf8String() -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? {
return start
final internal func cString(encoding: UInt) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? {
return _cString(encoding: encoding)
final internal func getCString(
_ outputPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>, maxLength: Int, encoding: UInt
) -> Int8 {
return _getCString(outputPtr, maxLength, encoding)
final internal func isEqualToString(to other: AnyObject?) -> Int8 {
return _isEqual(other)
final internal func isEqual(to other: AnyObject?) -> Int8 {
return _isEqual(other)
final internal func copy(with zone: _SwiftNSZone?) -> AnyObject {
// While __StringStorage instances aren't immutable in general,
// mutations may only occur when instances are uniquely referenced.
// Therefore, it is safe to return self here; any outstanding Objective-C
// reference will make the instance non-unique.
return self
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)