blob: 85ce73edb5213792cc122660ebcf3873a53a5b3c [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import SwiftShims
/// Equivalent to `NSSet.allObjects`, but does not leave objects on the
/// autorelease pool.
internal func _stdlib_NSSet_allObjects(_ object: AnyObject) -> _BridgingBuffer {
let nss = unsafeBitCast(object, to: _NSSet.self)
let count = nss.count
let storage = _BridgingBuffer(count)
return storage
extension _NativeSet { // Bridging
internal __consuming func bridged() -> AnyObject {
// We can zero-cost bridge if our keys are verbatim
// or if we're the empty singleton.
// Temporary var for SOME type safety.
let nsSet: _NSSetCore
if _storage === __RawSetStorage.empty || count == 0 {
nsSet = __RawSetStorage.empty
} else if _isBridgedVerbatimToObjectiveC(Element.self) {
nsSet = unsafeDowncast(_storage, to: _SetStorage<Element>.self)
} else {
nsSet = _SwiftDeferredNSSet(self)
// Cast from "minimal NSSet" to "NSSet"
// Note that if you actually ask Swift for this cast, it will fail.
// Never trust a shadow protocol!
return nsSet
/// An NSEnumerator that works with any _NativeSet of verbatim bridgeable
/// elements. Used by the various NSSet impls.
final internal class _SwiftSetNSEnumerator<Element: Hashable>
: __SwiftNativeNSEnumerator, _NSEnumerator {
@nonobjc internal var base: _NativeSet<Element>
@nonobjc internal var bridgedElements: __BridgingHashBuffer?
@nonobjc internal var nextBucket: _NativeSet<Element>.Bucket
@nonobjc internal var endBucket: _NativeSet<Element>.Bucket
internal override required init() {
_internalInvariantFailure("don't call this designated initializer")
internal init(_ base: __owned _NativeSet<Element>) {
self.base = base
self.bridgedElements = nil
self.nextBucket = base.hashTable.startBucket
self.endBucket = base.hashTable.endBucket
internal init(_ deferred: __owned _SwiftDeferredNSSet<Element>) {
self.base = deferred.native
self.bridgedElements = deferred.bridgeElements()
self.nextBucket = base.hashTable.startBucket
self.endBucket = base.hashTable.endBucket
private func bridgedElement(at bucket: _HashTable.Bucket) -> AnyObject {
if let bridgedElements = self.bridgedElements {
return bridgedElements[bucket]
return _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(base.uncheckedElement(at: bucket))
// NSEnumerator implementation.
// Do not call any of these methods from the standard library!
internal func nextObject() -> AnyObject? {
if nextBucket == endBucket {
return nil
let bucket = nextBucket
nextBucket = base.hashTable.occupiedBucket(after: nextBucket)
return self.bridgedElement(at: bucket)
internal func countByEnumerating(
with state: UnsafeMutablePointer<_SwiftNSFastEnumerationState>,
objects: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>,
count: Int
) -> Int {
var theState = state.pointee
if theState.state == 0 {
theState.state = 1 // Arbitrary non-zero value.
theState.itemsPtr = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer(objects)
theState.mutationsPtr = _fastEnumerationStorageMutationsPtr
if nextBucket == endBucket {
state.pointee = theState
return 0
// Return only a single element so that code can start iterating via fast
// enumeration, terminate it, and continue via NSEnumerator.
let unmanagedObjects = _UnmanagedAnyObjectArray(objects)
unmanagedObjects[0] = self.bridgedElement(at: nextBucket)
nextBucket = base.hashTable.occupiedBucket(after: nextBucket)
state.pointee = theState
return 1
/// This class exists for Objective-C bridging. It holds a reference to a
/// _NativeSet, and can be upcast to NSSelf when bridging is necessary. This is
/// the fallback implementation for situations where toll-free bridging isn't
/// possible. On first access, a _NativeSet of AnyObject will be constructed
/// containing all the bridged elements.
final internal class _SwiftDeferredNSSet<Element: Hashable>
: __SwiftNativeNSSet, _NSSetCore {
// This stored property must be stored at offset zero. We perform atomic
// operations on it.
// Do not access this property directly.
private var _bridgedElements_DoNotUse: AnyObject?
/// The unbridged elements.
internal var native: _NativeSet<Element>
internal init(_ native: __owned _NativeSet<Element>) {
_internalInvariant(native.count > 0)
self.native = native
/// Returns the pointer to the stored property, which contains bridged
/// Set elements.
private var _bridgedElementsPtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?> {
return _getUnsafePointerToStoredProperties(self)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Optional<AnyObject>.self)
/// The buffer for bridged Set elements, if present.
private var _bridgedElements: __BridgingHashBuffer? {
guard let ref = _stdlib_atomicLoadARCRef(object: _bridgedElementsPtr) else {
return nil
return unsafeDowncast(ref, to: __BridgingHashBuffer.self)
/// Attach a buffer for bridged Set elements.
private func _initializeBridgedElements(_ storage: __BridgingHashBuffer) {
object: _bridgedElementsPtr,
desired: storage)
internal func bridgeElements() -> __BridgingHashBuffer {
if let bridgedElements = _bridgedElements { return bridgedElements }
// Allocate and initialize heap storage for bridged objects.
let bridged = __BridgingHashBuffer.allocate(
owner: native._storage,
hashTable: native.hashTable)
for bucket in native.hashTable {
let object = _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(
native.uncheckedElement(at: bucket))
bridged.initialize(at: bucket, to: object)
// Atomically put the bridged elements in place.
return _bridgedElements!
internal required init(objects: UnsafePointer<AnyObject?>, count: Int) {
_internalInvariantFailure("don't call this designated initializer")
internal func copy(with zone: _SwiftNSZone?) -> AnyObject {
// Instances of this class should be visible outside of standard library as
// having `NSSet` type, which is immutable.
return self
internal func member(_ object: AnyObject) -> AnyObject? {
guard let element = _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(object, Element.self)
else { return nil }
let (bucket, found) = native.find(element)
guard found else { return nil }
let bridged = bridgeElements()
return bridged[bucket]
internal func objectEnumerator() -> _NSEnumerator {
return _SwiftSetNSEnumerator<Element>(self)
internal var count: Int {
return native.count
internal func countByEnumerating(
with state: UnsafeMutablePointer<_SwiftNSFastEnumerationState>,
objects: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>?,
count: Int
) -> Int {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
let hashTable = native.hashTable
var theState = state.pointee
if theState.state == 0 {
theState.state = 1 // Arbitrary non-zero value.
theState.itemsPtr = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer(objects)
theState.mutationsPtr = _fastEnumerationStorageMutationsPtr
theState.extra.0 = CUnsignedLong(hashTable.startBucket.offset)
// Test 'objects' rather than 'count' because (a) this is very rare anyway,
// and (b) the optimizer should then be able to optimize away the
// unwrapping check below.
if _slowPath(objects == nil) {
return 0
let unmanagedObjects = _UnmanagedAnyObjectArray(objects!)
var bucket = _HashTable.Bucket(offset: Int(theState.extra.0))
let endBucket = hashTable.endBucket
_precondition(bucket == endBucket || hashTable.isOccupied(bucket),
"Invalid fast enumeration state")
// Only need to bridge once, so we can hoist it out of the loop.
let bridgedElements = bridgeElements()
var stored = 0
for i in 0..<count {
if bucket == endBucket { break }
unmanagedObjects[i] = bridgedElements[bucket]
stored += 1
bucket = hashTable.occupiedBucket(after: bucket)
theState.extra.0 = CUnsignedLong(bucket.offset)
state.pointee = theState
return stored
// NOTE: older overlays called this struct _CocoaSet. The two
// must coexist without conflicting ObjC class names from the nested
// classes, so it was renamed. The old names must not be used in the new
// runtime.
internal struct __CocoaSet {
internal let object: AnyObject
internal init(_ object: __owned AnyObject) {
self.object = object
extension __CocoaSet {
internal func member(for index: Index) -> AnyObject {
return index.element
internal func member(for element: AnyObject) -> AnyObject? {
let nss = unsafeBitCast(object, to: _NSSet.self)
return nss.member(element)
extension __CocoaSet {
internal func isEqual(to other: __CocoaSet) -> Bool {
return _stdlib_NSObject_isEqual(self.object, other.object)
extension __CocoaSet: _SetBuffer {
internal typealias Element = AnyObject
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Should be inlinable
internal var startIndex: Index {
get {
let allKeys = _stdlib_NSSet_allObjects(self.object)
return Index(Index.Storage(self, allKeys), offset: 0)
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Should be inlinable
internal var endIndex: Index {
get {
let allKeys = _stdlib_NSSet_allObjects(self.object)
return Index(Index.Storage(self, allKeys), offset: allKeys.count)
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Should be inlinable
internal func index(after index: Index) -> Index {
var result = index
result._offset += 1
return result
internal func validate(_ index: Index) {
_precondition( === self.object,
"Invalid index")
_precondition(index._offset <,
"Attempt to access endIndex")
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Should be inlinable
internal func formIndex(after index: inout Index, isUnique: Bool) {
index._offset += 1
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Should be inlinable
internal func index(for element: AnyObject) -> Index? {
// Fast path that does not involve creating an array of all keys. In case
// the key is present, this lookup is a penalty for the slow path, but the
// potential savings are significant: we could skip a memory allocation and
// a linear search.
if !contains(element) {
return nil
let allKeys = _stdlib_NSSet_allObjects(object)
for i in 0..<allKeys.count {
if _stdlib_NSObject_isEqual(element, allKeys[i]) {
return Index(Index.Storage(self, allKeys), offset: i)
"An NSSet member wasn't listed amongst its enumerated contents")
internal var count: Int {
let nss = unsafeBitCast(object, to: _NSSet.self)
return nss.count
internal func contains(_ element: AnyObject) -> Bool {
let nss = unsafeBitCast(object, to: _NSSet.self)
return nss.member(element) != nil
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Make inlinable
internal func element(at i: Index) -> AnyObject {
let element: AnyObject? = i.element
_internalInvariant(element != nil, "Item not found in underlying NSSet")
return element!
extension __CocoaSet {
internal struct Index {
internal var _storage: Builtin.BridgeObject
internal var _offset: Int
internal var storage: Storage {
get {
let storage = _bridgeObject(toNative: _storage)
return unsafeDowncast(storage, to: Storage.self)
internal init(_ storage: __owned Storage, offset: Int) {
self._storage = _bridgeObject(fromNative: storage)
self._offset = offset
extension __CocoaSet.Index {
// FIXME(cocoa-index): Try using an NSEnumerator to speed this up.
internal class Storage {
// Assumption: we rely on NSDictionary.getObjects when being
// repeatedly called on the same NSDictionary, returning items in the same
// order every time.
// Similarly, the same assumption holds for NSSet.allObjects.
/// A reference to the NSSet, which owns members in `allObjects`,
/// or `allKeys`, for NSSet and NSDictionary respectively.
internal let base: __CocoaSet
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: try to remove the cocoa reference, but
// make sure that we have a safety check for accessing `allKeys`. Maybe
// move both into the dictionary/set itself.
/// An unowned array of keys.
internal var allKeys: _BridgingBuffer
internal init(
_ base: __owned __CocoaSet,
_ allKeys: __owned _BridgingBuffer
) {
self.base = base
self.allKeys = allKeys
extension __CocoaSet.Index {
internal var handleBitPattern: UInt {
get {
return unsafeBitCast(storage, to: UInt.self)
extension __CocoaSet.Index {
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Make inlinable
internal var element: AnyObject {
get {
_precondition(_offset < storage.allKeys.count,
"Attempting to access Set elements using an invalid index")
return storage.allKeys[_offset]
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Make inlinable
internal var age: Int32 {
get {
return _HashTable.age(for: storage.base.object)
extension __CocoaSet.Index: Equatable {
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Make inlinable
internal static func == (lhs: __CocoaSet.Index, rhs: __CocoaSet.Index) -> Bool {
_precondition( ===,
"Comparing indexes from different sets")
return lhs._offset == rhs._offset
extension __CocoaSet.Index: Comparable {
@usableFromInline // FIXME(cocoa-index): Make inlinable
internal static func < (lhs: __CocoaSet.Index, rhs: __CocoaSet.Index) -> Bool {
_precondition( ===,
"Comparing indexes from different sets")
return lhs._offset < rhs._offset
extension __CocoaSet: Sequence {
final internal class Iterator {
// Cocoa Set iterator has to be a class, otherwise we cannot
// guarantee that the fast enumeration struct is pinned to a certain memory
// location.
// This stored property should be stored at offset zero. There's code below
// relying on this.
internal var _fastEnumerationState: _SwiftNSFastEnumerationState =
// This stored property should be stored right after
// `_fastEnumerationState`. There's code below relying on this.
internal var _fastEnumerationStackBuf = _CocoaFastEnumerationStackBuf()
internal let base: __CocoaSet
internal var _fastEnumerationStatePtr:
UnsafeMutablePointer<_SwiftNSFastEnumerationState> {
return _getUnsafePointerToStoredProperties(self).assumingMemoryBound(
to: _SwiftNSFastEnumerationState.self)
internal var _fastEnumerationStackBufPtr:
UnsafeMutablePointer<_CocoaFastEnumerationStackBuf> {
return UnsafeMutableRawPointer(_fastEnumerationStatePtr + 1)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: _CocoaFastEnumerationStackBuf.self)
// These members have to be word-sized integers, they cannot be limited to
// Int8 just because our storage holds 16 elements: fast enumeration is
// allowed to return inner pointers to the container, which can be much
// larger.
internal var itemIndex: Int = 0
internal var itemCount: Int = 0
internal init(_ base: __owned __CocoaSet) {
self.base = base
internal __consuming func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self)
extension __CocoaSet.Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
internal typealias Element = AnyObject
internal func next() -> Element? {
if itemIndex < 0 {
return nil
let base = self.base
if itemIndex == itemCount {
let stackBufCount = _fastEnumerationStackBuf.count
// We can't use `withUnsafeMutablePointer` here to get pointers to
// properties, because doing so might introduce a writeback storage, but
// fast enumeration relies on the pointer identity of the enumeration
// state struct.
itemCount = base.object.countByEnumerating(
with: _fastEnumerationStatePtr,
objects: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(_fastEnumerationStackBufPtr)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: AnyObject.self),
count: stackBufCount)
if itemCount == 0 {
itemIndex = -1
return nil
itemIndex = 0
let itemsPtrUP =
.assumingMemoryBound(to: AnyObject.self)
let itemsPtr = _UnmanagedAnyObjectArray(itemsPtrUP)
let key: AnyObject = itemsPtr[itemIndex]
itemIndex += 1
return key
//===--- Bridging ---------------------------------------------------------===//
extension Set {
public __consuming func _bridgeToObjectiveCImpl() -> AnyObject {
guard _variant.isNative else {
return _variant.asCocoa.object
return _variant.asNative.bridged()
/// Returns the native Dictionary hidden inside this NSDictionary;
/// returns nil otherwise.
public static func _bridgeFromObjectiveCAdoptingNativeStorageOf(
_ s: __owned AnyObject
) -> Set<Element>? {
// Try all three NSSet impls that we currently provide.
if let deferred = s as? _SwiftDeferredNSSet<Element> {
return Set(_native: deferred.native)
if let nativeStorage = s as? _SetStorage<Element> {
return Set(_native: _NativeSet(nativeStorage))
if s === __RawSetStorage.empty {
return Set()
// FIXME: what if `s` is native storage, but for different key/value type?
return nil
#endif // _runtime(_ObjC)