blob: 093a9641ba31853238f09d986b09349353b805e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// A wrapper around __RawSetStorage that provides most of the
/// implementation of Set.
internal struct _NativeSet<Element: Hashable> {
/// See the comments on __RawSetStorage and its subclasses to understand why we
/// store an untyped storage here.
internal var _storage: __RawSetStorage
/// Constructs an instance from the empty singleton.
internal init() {
self._storage = __RawSetStorage.empty
/// Constructs a native set adopting the given storage.
internal init(_ storage: __owned __RawSetStorage) {
self._storage = storage
internal init(capacity: Int) {
if capacity == 0 {
self._storage = __RawSetStorage.empty
} else {
self._storage = _SetStorage<Element>.allocate(capacity: capacity)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
internal init(_ cocoa: __owned __CocoaSet) {
self.init(cocoa, capacity: cocoa.count)
internal init(_ cocoa: __owned __CocoaSet, capacity: Int) {
if capacity == 0 {
self._storage = __RawSetStorage.empty
} else {
_internalInvariant(cocoa.count <= capacity)
self._storage = _SetStorage<Element>.convert(cocoa, capacity: capacity)
for element in cocoa {
let nativeElement = _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(element, Element.self)
insertNew(nativeElement, isUnique: true)
extension _NativeSet { // Primitive fields
internal typealias Bucket = _HashTable.Bucket
internal var capacity: Int {
get {
return _assumeNonNegative(_storage._capacity)
internal var hashTable: _HashTable {
@inline(__always) get {
return _storage._hashTable
internal var age: Int32 {
@inline(__always) get {
return _storage._age
// This API is unsafe and needs a `_fixLifetime` in the caller.
internal var _elements: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element> {
return _storage._rawElements.assumingMemoryBound(to: Element.self)
internal func invalidateIndices() {
_storage._age &+= 1
extension _NativeSet { // Low-level unchecked operations
internal func uncheckedElement(at bucket: Bucket) -> Element {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
return _elements[bucket.offset]
internal func uncheckedInitialize(
at bucket: Bucket,
to element: __owned Element
) {
(_elements + bucket.offset).initialize(to: element)
@_alwaysEmitIntoClient @inlinable // Introduced in 5.1
internal func uncheckedAssign(
at bucket: Bucket,
to element: __owned Element
) {
(_elements + bucket.offset).pointee = element
extension _NativeSet { // Low-level lookup operations
internal func hashValue(for element: Element) -> Int {
return element._rawHashValue(seed: _storage._seed)
internal func find(_ element: Element) -> (bucket: Bucket, found: Bool) {
return find(element, hashValue: self.hashValue(for: element))
/// Search for a given element, assuming it has the specified hash value.
/// If the element is not present in this set, return the position where it
/// could be inserted.
internal func find(
_ element: Element,
hashValue: Int
) -> (bucket: Bucket, found: Bool) {
let hashTable = self.hashTable
var bucket = hashTable.idealBucket(forHashValue: hashValue)
while hashTable._isOccupied(bucket) {
if uncheckedElement(at: bucket) == element {
return (bucket, true)
bucket = hashTable.bucket(wrappedAfter: bucket)
return (bucket, false)
extension _NativeSet { // ensureUnique
internal mutating func resize(capacity: Int) {
let capacity = Swift.max(capacity, self.capacity)
let result = _NativeSet(_SetStorage<Element>.resize(
original: _storage,
capacity: capacity,
move: true))
if count > 0 {
for bucket in hashTable {
let element = (self._elements + bucket.offset).move()
// Clear out old storage, ensuring that its deinit won't overrelease the
// elements we've just moved out.
_storage._count = 0
_storage = result._storage
internal mutating func copyAndResize(capacity: Int) {
let capacity = Swift.max(capacity, self.capacity)
let result = _NativeSet(_SetStorage<Element>.resize(
original: _storage,
capacity: capacity,
move: false))
if count > 0 {
for bucket in hashTable {
result._unsafeInsertNew(self.uncheckedElement(at: bucket))
_storage = result._storage
internal mutating func copy() {
let newStorage = _SetStorage<Element>.copy(original: _storage)
_internalInvariant(newStorage._scale == _storage._scale)
_internalInvariant(newStorage._age == _storage._age)
_internalInvariant(newStorage._seed == _storage._seed)
let result = _NativeSet(newStorage)
if count > 0 {
result.hashTable.copyContents(of: hashTable)
result._storage._count = self.count
for bucket in hashTable {
let element = uncheckedElement(at: bucket)
result.uncheckedInitialize(at: bucket, to: element)
_storage = result._storage
/// Ensure storage of self is uniquely held and can hold at least `capacity`
/// elements. Returns true iff contents were rehashed.
internal mutating func ensureUnique(isUnique: Bool, capacity: Int) -> Bool {
if _fastPath(capacity <= self.capacity && isUnique) {
return false
if isUnique {
resize(capacity: capacity)
return true
if capacity <= self.capacity {
return false
copyAndResize(capacity: capacity)
return true
internal mutating func reserveCapacity(_ capacity: Int, isUnique: Bool) {
_ = ensureUnique(isUnique: isUnique, capacity: capacity)
extension _NativeSet {
func validatedBucket(for index: _HashTable.Index) -> Bucket {
_precondition(hashTable.isOccupied(index.bucket) && index.age == age,
"Attempting to access Set elements using an invalid index")
return index.bucket
func validatedBucket(for index: Set<Element>.Index) -> Bucket {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
guard index._isNative else {
let cocoa = index._asCocoa
// Accept Cocoa indices as long as they contain an element that exists in
// this set, and the address of their Cocoa object generates the same age.
if cocoa.age == self.age {
let element = _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(cocoa.element, Element.self)
let (bucket, found) = find(element)
if found {
return bucket
"Attempting to access Set elements using an invalid index")
return validatedBucket(for: index._asNative)
extension _NativeSet: _SetBuffer {
internal typealias Index = Set<Element>.Index
internal var startIndex: Index {
let bucket = hashTable.startBucket
return Index(_native: _HashTable.Index(bucket: bucket, age: age))
internal var endIndex: Index {
let bucket = hashTable.endBucket
return Index(_native: _HashTable.Index(bucket: bucket, age: age))
internal func index(after index: Index) -> Index {
// Note that _asNative forces this not to work on Cocoa indices.
let bucket = validatedBucket(for: index._asNative)
let next = hashTable.occupiedBucket(after: bucket)
return Index(_native: _HashTable.Index(bucket: next, age: age))
internal func index(for element: Element) -> Index? {
if count == 0 {
// Fast path that avoids computing the hash of the key.
return nil
let (bucket, found) = find(element)
guard found else { return nil }
return Index(_native: _HashTable.Index(bucket: bucket, age: age))
internal var count: Int {
@inline(__always) get {
return _assumeNonNegative(_storage._count)
internal func contains(_ member: Element) -> Bool {
// Fast path: Don't calculate the hash if the set has no elements.
if count == 0 { return false }
return find(member).found
internal func element(at index: Index) -> Element {
let bucket = validatedBucket(for: index)
return uncheckedElement(at: bucket)
// This function has a highly visible name to make it stand out in stack traces.
_ elementType: Any.Type
) -> Never {
"Fatal error",
Duplicate elements of type '\(elementType)' were found in a Set.
This usually means either that the type violates Hashable's requirements, or
that members of such a set were mutated after insertion.
flags: _fatalErrorFlags())
extension _NativeSet { // Insertions
/// Insert a new element into uniquely held storage.
/// Storage must be uniquely referenced with adequate capacity.
/// The `element` must not be already present in the Set.
internal func _unsafeInsertNew(_ element: __owned Element) {
_internalInvariant(count + 1 <= capacity)
let hashValue = self.hashValue(for: element)
if _isDebugAssertConfiguration() {
// In debug builds, perform a full lookup and trap if we detect duplicate
// elements -- these imply that the Element type violates Hashable
// requirements. This is generally more costly than a direct insertion,
// because we'll need to compare elements in case of hash collisions.
let (bucket, found) = find(element, hashValue: hashValue)
guard !found else {
uncheckedInitialize(at: bucket, to: element)
} else {
let bucket = hashTable.insertNew(hashValue: hashValue)
uncheckedInitialize(at: bucket, to: element)
_storage._count &+= 1
/// Insert a new element into uniquely held storage.
/// Storage must be uniquely referenced.
/// The `element` must not be already present in the Set.
internal mutating func insertNew(_ element: __owned Element, isUnique: Bool) {
_ = ensureUnique(isUnique: isUnique, capacity: count + 1)
internal func _unsafeInsertNew(_ element: __owned Element, at bucket: Bucket) {
uncheckedInitialize(at: bucket, to: element)
_storage._count += 1
internal mutating func insertNew(
_ element: __owned Element,
at bucket: Bucket,
isUnique: Bool
) {
var bucket = bucket
let rehashed = ensureUnique(isUnique: isUnique, capacity: count + 1)
if rehashed {
let (b, f) = find(element)
if f {
bucket = b
_unsafeInsertNew(element, at: bucket)
internal mutating func update(
with element: __owned Element,
isUnique: Bool
) -> Element? {
var (bucket, found) = find(element)
let rehashed = ensureUnique(
isUnique: isUnique,
capacity: count + (found ? 0 : 1))
if rehashed {
let (b, f) = find(element)
if f != found {
bucket = b
if found {
let old = (_elements + bucket.offset).move()
uncheckedInitialize(at: bucket, to: element)
return old
_unsafeInsertNew(element, at: bucket)
return nil
/// Insert an element into uniquely held storage, replacing an existing value
/// (if any). Storage must be uniquely referenced with adequate capacity.
@_alwaysEmitIntoClient @inlinable // Introduced in 5.1
internal mutating func _unsafeUpdate(
with element: __owned Element
) {
let (bucket, found) = find(element)
if found {
uncheckedAssign(at: bucket, to: element)
} else {
_precondition(count < capacity)
_unsafeInsertNew(element, at: bucket)
extension _NativeSet {
func isEqual(to other: _NativeSet) -> Bool {
if self._storage === other._storage { return true }
if self.count != other.count { return false }
for member in self {
guard other.find(member).found else { return false }
return true
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
func isEqual(to other: __CocoaSet) -> Bool {
if self.count != other.count { return false }
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
for bucket in self.hashTable {
let key = self.uncheckedElement(at: bucket)
let bridgedKey = _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(key)
guard other.contains(bridgedKey) else { return false }
return true
extension _NativeSet: _HashTableDelegate {
internal func hashValue(at bucket: Bucket) -> Int {
return hashValue(for: uncheckedElement(at: bucket))
internal func moveEntry(from source: Bucket, to target: Bucket) {
(_elements + target.offset)
.moveInitialize(from: _elements + source.offset, count: 1)
extension _NativeSet { // Deletion
internal mutating func _delete(at bucket: Bucket) {
hashTable.delete(at: bucket, with: self)
_storage._count -= 1
_internalInvariant(_storage._count >= 0)
internal mutating func uncheckedRemove(
at bucket: Bucket,
isUnique: Bool) -> Element {
let rehashed = ensureUnique(isUnique: isUnique, capacity: capacity)
let old = (_elements + bucket.offset).move()
_delete(at: bucket)
return old
internal mutating func removeAll(isUnique: Bool) {
guard isUnique else {
let scale = self._storage._scale
_storage = _SetStorage<Element>.allocate(
scale: scale,
age: nil,
seed: nil)
for bucket in hashTable {
(_elements + bucket.offset).deinitialize(count: 1)
_storage._count = 0
extension _NativeSet: Sequence {
internal struct Iterator {
// The iterator is iterating over a frozen view of the collection state, so
// it keeps its own reference to the set.
internal let base: _NativeSet
internal var iterator: _HashTable.Iterator
init(_ base: __owned _NativeSet) {
self.base = base
self.iterator = base.hashTable.makeIterator()
internal __consuming func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(self)
extension _NativeSet.Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
internal mutating func next() -> Element? {
guard let index = else { return nil }
return base.uncheckedElement(at: index)