blob: d99eb3587b61d07d6e49b0e915749cfcde3fed53 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2015 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
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// MARK: Diff application to RangeReplaceableCollection
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
extension CollectionDifference {
fileprivate func _fastEnumeratedApply(
_ consume: (Change) throws -> Void
) rethrows {
let totalRemoves = removals.count
let totalInserts = insertions.count
var enumeratedRemoves = 0
var enumeratedInserts = 0
while enumeratedRemoves < totalRemoves || enumeratedInserts < totalInserts {
let change: Change
if enumeratedRemoves < removals.count && enumeratedInserts < insertions.count {
let removeOffset = removals[enumeratedRemoves]._offset
let insertOffset = insertions[enumeratedInserts]._offset
if removeOffset - enumeratedRemoves <= insertOffset - enumeratedInserts {
change = removals[enumeratedRemoves]
} else {
change = insertions[enumeratedInserts]
} else if enumeratedRemoves < totalRemoves {
change = removals[enumeratedRemoves]
} else if enumeratedInserts < totalInserts {
change = insertions[enumeratedInserts]
} else {
// Not reached, loop should have exited.
try consume(change)
switch change {
case .remove(_, _, _):
enumeratedRemoves += 1
case .insert(_, _, _):
enumeratedInserts += 1
// Error type allows the use of throw to unroll state on application failure
private enum _ApplicationError : Error { case failed }
extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Applies the given difference to this collection.
/// - Parameter difference: The difference to be applied.
/// - Returns: An instance representing the state of the receiver with the
/// difference applied, or `nil` if the difference is incompatible with
/// the receiver's state.
/// - Complexity: O(*n* + *c*), where *n* is `self.count` and *c* is the
/// number of changes contained by the parameter.
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
public func applying(_ difference: CollectionDifference<Element>) -> Self? {
func append(
into target: inout Self,
contentsOf source: Self,
from index: inout Self.Index, count: Int
) throws {
let start = index
if !source.formIndex(&index, offsetBy: count, limitedBy: source.endIndex) {
throw _ApplicationError.failed
target.append(contentsOf: source[start..<index])
var result = Self()
do {
var enumeratedRemoves = 0
var enumeratedInserts = 0
var enumeratedOriginals = 0
var currentIndex = self.startIndex
try difference._fastEnumeratedApply { change in
switch change {
case .remove(offset: let offset, element: _, associatedWith: _):
let origCount = offset - enumeratedOriginals
try append(into: &result, contentsOf: self, from: &currentIndex, count: origCount)
if currentIndex == self.endIndex {
// Removing nonexistent element off the end of the collection
throw _ApplicationError.failed
enumeratedOriginals += origCount + 1 // Removal consumes an original element
currentIndex = self.index(after: currentIndex)
enumeratedRemoves += 1
case .insert(offset: let offset, element: let element, associatedWith: _):
let origCount = (offset + enumeratedRemoves - enumeratedInserts) - enumeratedOriginals
try append(into: &result, contentsOf: self, from: &currentIndex, count: origCount)
enumeratedOriginals += origCount
enumeratedInserts += 1
_internalInvariant(enumeratedOriginals <= self.count)
if currentIndex < self.endIndex {
result.append(contentsOf: self[currentIndex...])
_internalInvariant(result.count == self.count + enumeratedInserts - enumeratedRemoves)
} catch {
return nil
return result
// MARK: Definition of API
extension BidirectionalCollection {
/// Returns the difference needed to produce this collection's ordered
/// elements from the given collection, using the given predicate as an
/// equivalence test.
/// This function does not infer element moves. If you need to infer moves,
/// call the `inferringMoves()` method on the resulting difference.
/// - Parameters:
/// - other: The base state.
/// - areEquivalent: A closure that returns a Boolean value indicating
/// whether two elements are equivalent.
/// - Returns: The difference needed to produce the reciever's state from
/// the parameter's state.
/// - Complexity: Worst case performance is O(*n* * *m*), where *n* is the
/// count of this collection and *m* is `other.count`. You can expect
/// faster execution when the collections share many common elements.
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
public func difference<C: BidirectionalCollection>(
from other: C,
by areEquivalent: (C.Element, Element) -> Bool
) -> CollectionDifference<Element>
where C.Element == Self.Element {
return _myers(from: other, to: self, using: areEquivalent)
extension BidirectionalCollection where Element: Equatable {
/// Returns the difference needed to produce this collection's ordered
/// elements from the given collection.
/// This function does not infer element moves. If you need to infer moves,
/// call the `inferringMoves()` method on the resulting difference.
/// - Parameters:
/// - other: The base state.
/// - Returns: The difference needed to produce this collection's ordered
/// elements from the given collection.
/// - Complexity: Worst case performance is O(*n* * *m*), where *n* is the
/// count of this collection and *m* is `other.count`. You can expect
/// faster execution when the collections share many common elements, or
/// if `Element` conforms to `Hashable`.
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
public func difference<C: BidirectionalCollection>(
from other: C
) -> CollectionDifference<Element> where C.Element == Self.Element {
return difference(from: other, by: ==)
// MARK: Internal implementation
// _V is a rudimentary type made to represent the rows of the triangular matrix
// type used by the Myer's algorithm.
// This type is basically an array that only supports indexes in the set
// `stride(from: -d, through: d, by: 2)` where `d` is the depth of this row in
// the matrix `d` is always known at allocation-time, and is used to preallocate
// the structure.
private struct _V {
private var a: [Int]
private let isOdd: Bool
// The way negative indexes are implemented is by interleaving them in the empty slots between the valid positive indexes
@inline(__always) private static func transform(_ index: Int) -> Int {
// -3, -1, 1, 3 -> 3, 1, 0, 2 -> 0...3
// -2, 0, 2 -> 2, 0, 1 -> 0...2
return (index <= 0 ? -index : index &- 1)
init(maxIndex largest: Int) {
_internalInvariant(largest >= 0)
isOdd = largest % 2 == 1
a = [Int](repeating: 0, count: largest + 1)
subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
get {
_internalInvariant(isOdd == (index % 2 != 0))
return a[_V.transform(index)]
set(newValue) {
_internalInvariant(isOdd == (index % 2 != 0))
a[_V.transform(index)] = newValue
@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13, tvOS 13, watchOS 6, *)
private func _myers<C,D>(
from old: C, to new: D,
using cmp: (C.Element, D.Element) -> Bool
) -> CollectionDifference<C.Element>
C: BidirectionalCollection,
D: BidirectionalCollection,
C.Element == D.Element
// Core implementation of the algorithm described at
// Variable names match those used in the paper as closely as possible
func _descent(from a: UnsafeBufferPointer<C.Element>, to b: UnsafeBufferPointer<D.Element>) -> [_V] {
let n = a.count
let m = b.count
let max = n + m
var result = [_V]()
var v = _V(maxIndex: 1)
v[1] = 0
var x = 0
var y = 0
iterator: for d in 0...max {
let prev_v = v
v = _V(maxIndex: d)
// The code in this loop is _very_ hot—the loop bounds increases in terms
// of the iterator of the outer loop!
for k in stride(from: -d, through: d, by: 2) {
if k == -d {
x = prev_v[k &+ 1]
} else {
let km = prev_v[k &- 1]
if k != d {
let kp = prev_v[k &+ 1]
if km < kp {
x = kp
} else {
x = km &+ 1
} else {
x = km &+ 1
y = x &- k
while x < n && y < m {
if !cmp(a[x], b[y]) {
x &+= 1
y &+= 1
v[k] = x
if x >= n && y >= m {
break iterator
if x >= n && y >= m {
_internalInvariant(x >= n && y >= m)
return result
// Backtrack through the trace generated by the Myers descent to produce the changes that make up the diff
func _formChanges(
from a: UnsafeBufferPointer<C.Element>,
to b: UnsafeBufferPointer<C.Element>,
using trace: [_V]
) -> [CollectionDifference<C.Element>.Change] {
var changes = [CollectionDifference<C.Element>.Change]()
var x = a.count
var y = b.count
for d in stride(from: trace.count &- 1, to: 0, by: -1) {
let v = trace[d]
let k = x &- y
let prev_k = (k == -d || (k != d && v[k &- 1] < v[k &+ 1])) ? k &+ 1 : k &- 1
let prev_x = v[prev_k]
let prev_y = prev_x &- prev_k
while x > prev_x && y > prev_y {
// No change at this position.
x &-= 1
y &-= 1
_internalInvariant((x == prev_x && y > prev_y) || (y == prev_y && x > prev_x))
if y != prev_y {
changes.append(.insert(offset: prev_y, element: b[prev_y], associatedWith: nil))
} else {
changes.append(.remove(offset: prev_x, element: a[prev_x], associatedWith: nil))
x = prev_x
y = prev_y
return changes
/* Splatting the collections into contiguous storage has two advantages:
* 1) Subscript access is much faster
* 2) Subscript index becomes Int, matching the iterator types in the algorithm
* Combined, these effects dramatically improves performance when
* collections differ significantly, without unduly degrading runtime when
* the parameters are very similar.
* In terms of memory use, the linear cost of creating a ContiguousArray (when
* necessary) is significantly less than the worst-case n² memory use of the
* descent algorithm.
func _withContiguousStorage<C: Collection, R>(
for values: C,
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<C.Element>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
if let result = try values.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable(body) { return result }
let array = ContiguousArray(values)
return try array.withUnsafeBufferPointer(body)
return _withContiguousStorage(for: old) { a in
return _withContiguousStorage(for: new) { b in
return CollectionDifference(_formChanges(from: a, to: b, using:_descent(from: a, to: b)))!